Against the background of our discussion of the Covid-19 outbreak as what Mr. Emory has termed a “Bio-Psy-Op,” we present archival material about the development of AIDS as a biological warfare agent.
(Programs containing information on AIDS as a BW weapon include: AFA #s 16 and 39, as well as FTR #‘s 16, 19, 63, 317, 324, 557, 597, 606, 642, 644, 682, 820, 912, 1012.)
The program begins with review of an interview with Dr. Wilbert Jordan of Martin Luther King Hospital in Los Angeles (from AFA 16.) Done in December of 1984, it gives perspective on the epidemiological aspects of AIDS–information that undermines the prevailing theories at the time concerning the origins of the disease.
Noting that a disease as lethal as AIDS was at the time (before anti-virals developed to treat HIV infection), Dr. Jordan is dismissive of the notion that such a lethal ailment could have been present in either Zaire or Haiti and then retrospectively traced there after being discovered in the U.S.
The notions of Haiti and/or Zaire being the point of origin of the disease played into the anti-immigrant/xenophobic dynamic that has become prevalent in the era of Donald Trump.
Dr. Jordan concludes by hypothesizing that the disease was created in a laboratory, in all probability in the United States.
Next, the program highlights information from FTR #686, setting forth information about the National Cancer Institute’s Special Viral Cancer Research Project.
After the [official] abandonment by the U.S. of offensive biological warfare research, the Nixon administration declared a “war on cancer” in 1971. As part of the War on Cancer Nixon turned Fort Detrick (the Army’s top BW research center) over to the National Cancer Institute for its Viral Cancer Project. The Viral Cancer Project was inextricably linked with biological warfare research and may well have served as a cover for ongoing BW work. (Listeners interested in this material are encouraged to check out, among other programs, FTR #‘s 606, 682.)
For the purposes of the present discussion, it is worth noting that it was the National Cancer Institute’s VCP that was at the epicenter of AIDS research in the United States.
The VCP/NCI biological warfare connection utilized strong connections to university research facilities. The Naval Biosciences Laboratory (managed by the University of California), as well as Fort Detrick were profoundly involved with the NCI’s VCP. The Cell Culture Laboratory at the Naval Biosciences Facility provided the seed stock for the production of vast quantities of carcinogenic and immunosuppressive viruses that were generated by the National Cancer Institute.
The production of those viruses for the NCI was overseen by Drs. James Duff and Jack Gruber, both longtime veterans of Fort Detrick and its biological warfare research.
The aerial transmission of deadly pathogenic agents was a major focal point of the NCI’s VCP, apparently overlapping BW research projects. Two other key researchers for the NCI, Drs. Alfred Hellman and Mark Chatigny also had biological warfare research backgrounds, including work with aerial transmission of pathogenic agents.
Yet another component of the NCI/VCP/BW connection was the incorporation of pharmaceutical companies in the research programs. The Pfizer company produced viruses for the NCI’s VCP, including the immunosuppressive Mason-Pfizer monkey virus, like HIV, a retrovirus.
Among the most significant and alarming aspects of the NCI’s VCP program is the fact that, when Fort Detrick was converted to the Frederick Cancer Research Center, it was administered by Litton Bionetics, a biotechnology subisidiary of Litton Industries. Litton was a major defense contractor and a frequent vehicle for covert operations.
Prior to assuming stewardship of Fort Detrick for the NCI, Litton Bionetics had employed Dr. Robert Gallo (the “discoverer” of HIV).
Of paramount importance in this investigation is the fact that the NCI’s VCP program involved numerous experiments and operations designed at getting organisms to “jump species.” Prominent researchers familiar with these efforts expressed alarm and the conviction that such work should be outlawed, lest it lead to the creation of new, deadly organisms that would infect humans.
Obviously, this broadcast and the line of inquiry approached in Mr. Emory’s decades-long investigation of AIDS as a man-made disease highlight the possibility/probability/near certainty that HIV is just such an organism.
The program concludes with review of an excerpt from testimony before a House appropriations subcommittee that was drawing up the defense budget for the following year. (The hearings were in 1969.) The testimony discusses the possibility of using genetic engineering to produce a disease that would be “refractory” to the immune system. This is virtually the clinical definition of AIDS. It is worth noting that the project was funded, and just such a disease—AIDS—appeared in just the time frame posited. It is also worth noting that, in the 2002 edition of A Higher Form of Killing, this passage is omitted!!
A Higher Form of Killing; Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman; Hill and Wang [SC]; ISBN 0–8090-5471‑X; p. 241 (p. 266 in e‑book).
. . . As long ago as 1962, forty scientists were employed at the U.S. Army biological warfare laboratories on full-time genetics research. ‘Many others,’ it was said, ‘appreciate the implications of genetics for their own work.’ The implications were made more specific that genetic engineering could solve one of the major disadvantages of biological warfare, that it is limited to diseases which occur naturally somewhere in the world. ‘Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective micro-organism which could differ in certain important respects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.’ [Italics are Mr. Emory’s.] The possibility that such a ‘super germ’ may have been successfully produced in a laboratory somewhere in the world in the years since that assessment was made is one which should not be too readily cast aside. . . .
Program Highlights Include: Litton Bionetics’ work on the Mason-Pfizer monkey virus while under contract to the NCI and when it employed Dr. Robert Gallo; research emphasis on “zoonoses” (diseases that jump from animals to humans) by the joint military/civilian consortium; Gallo’s work with NCI VCP/Ft. Detrick veteran Dr. Jack Gruber in a mass viral inoculation program undertaken by Litton Bionetics; the use of the Mason-Pfizer monkey virus in the Litton Bionetics mass inoculation program.
Possibility that recent outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease and “mad cow disease” (Creutzfeld & Jakob Disease) resulted from biological warfare.
Michele Carbone on polio vaccine contaminant SV40’s role on mesothelioma.
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