Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'NFL' is associated with 6 posts.

Was The Battle of the Sexes “Rigged’ by the Mob?

With the 50th anniver­sary of Pres­i­dent Kennedy’s assas­si­na­tion fast approach­ing, two of the orga­nized crime fig­ures who may well have been involved in that assas­si­na­tion have come back into pub­lic view in the con­text of an alleged fix­ing of the “Bat­tle of the Sex­es” ten­nis match between Bil­lie Jean King and Bob­by Rig­gs. Alleged to have run up big debts to the mob, Rig­gs was appar­ent­ly an asso­ciate of the orga­nized crime milieu. His alleged fix­ing of the match was done to pay off his gam­bling debts as well, of course, as mak­ing mon­ey for the mob.

The “Uber Bowl”: The San Francisco 49ers and SAP (Kudos to “R. Wilson”)

We’ve not­ed the links between orga­nized crime and the NFL in the past, high­light­ing the milieu of the San Fran­cis­co 49ers. It devel­ops that much of the 49ers recent suc­cess was (alleged­ly) due to their use of sports soft­ware diag­nos­tics devel­oped by Ger­man soft­ware mak­er SAP and employed by the team’s chief oper­at­ing offi­cer Paraag Marathe. One can but won­der if the con­sum­mate­ly cor­rupt world of the NFL will be used to enhance rev­enues for SAP (and who knows who, or what, else?)

FTR #638 Miscellaneous Articles and Updates

Bor­mann net­work con­trols major Ger­man cor­po­ra­tions; archive of Third Reich doc­u­ments; Rock­e­fellers push Exxon­Mo­bil to switch to renew­able ener­gy; Stan­dard Oil cor­po­rate com­plex; vio­lence in the Mus­lim world effects glob­al oil prices.

Bunge Agrees to Buy Corn Products for $4.2 Billion

by Mark Her­li­hy and Choy Leng Yeong­Bloomberg­Bunge Ltd., the world’s largest oilseed proces­sor, agreed to buy Corn Prod­ucts Inter­na­tion­al Inc. for $4.2 bil­lion in stock to add corn-based sweet­en­ers as demand increas­es for soft drinks and processed foods in Chi­na and India. Bunge will pay the equiv­a­lent of $56 for each share of Corn Prod­ucts, […]

FTR #465 The Gipper and the Underground Reich

Role of Nazi ele­ments in Rea­gan pres­i­den­cy; the col­lapse of the Sovi­et Union.

FTR #304 Illegal Procedure: Organized Crime in the NFL

The real­i­ty of the NFL con­trasts sharply with the care­ful­ly con­struct­ed, rig­or­ous­ly mar­ket­ed illu­sion.