Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'NPD' is associated with 31 posts.

FTR #814 The National Socialist Underground File

We’ve cov­ered the neo-Nazi group The Nation­al Social­ist Under­ground and its links to Ger­man intel­li­gence for sev­er­al years. In addi­tion to shred­ding files on the NSU, which was financed in con­sid­er­able mea­sure by Ger­many’s domes­tic intel­li­gence ser­vice and ele­ments of its mil­i­tary intel­li­gence ser­vice, files on oth­er Ger­man neo-Nazi groups have been destroyed before being prop­er­ly vet­ted by Ger­man jour­nal­is­tic and legal author­i­ties. One of the most sig­nif­i­cant aspects of the case is the fact that pow­er­ful ele­ments with­in the Ger­man gov­ern­ment are going to extra­or­di­nary lengths to eclipse the insti­tu­tion­al con­nec­tions of the group. Turk­ish media were exclud­ed from being seat­ed at the tri­al of the group, many of whose vic­tims were Turks. In addi­tion, lead­ing Ger­man media were left out of a “raf­fle” to award seat­ing at the tri­al. Attor­neys for the vic­tims’ fam­i­lies have opined that the pros­e­cu­tors have no real inter­est in pur­su­ing the case.

FTR #802 The Luxembourg Connection (What the Hell Does Dave Emory Mean by “Underground Reich?” Part 2)

This broad­cast illus­trates the deep polit­i­cal rela­tion­ships that evolved from the Third Reich’s for­mal mil­i­tary occu­pa­tion of Europe. These rela­tion­ships are inex­tri­ca­bly linked with the remark­able and dead­ly Bor­mann cap­i­tal net­work that forms the basis of much of Mr. Emory’s ana­lyt­i­cal par­a­digm. Tak­en in con­cert, they help to illus­trate what Mr. Emory means by “Under­ground Reich.” Angela Merkel’s selec­tion of aus­ter­i­ty advo­cate Jean-Claude Junck­er as Pres­i­dent of the Euro­pean Union Com­mis­sion will see a long-time Ger­man ally and son of a Wehrma­cht com­bat­ant ascend to the pin­na­cle of EU gov­er­nor­ship. The con­nec­tions dom­i­nat­ing the back­ground and char­ac­ter of the Ger­manophile Junck­er track back to the Nazi occu­pa­tion of Lux­em­bourg dur­ing World War II and car­tel con­nec­tions that facil­i­tat­ed the Third Reich’s amoe­ba-like absorp­tion of the Euro­pean econ­o­my. Dur­ing the Nazi occu­pa­tion, Lux­em­bourg’s econ­o­my was fold­ed into “Europa Ger­man­i­ca,” with Gus­tav Koenigs, Chair­man of the Bush-Fam­i­ly linked Ham­burg-Ameri­ka Line and Sec­re­tary of State of the Third Reich over­see­ing the steel car­tel ARBED and much of Lux­em­bourg’s oth­er busi­ness. After the war, Lux­em­bourg con­tin­ued to be a pri­ma­ry ele­ment of the Bor­mann cap­i­tal net­work.

FTR #799 Miscellaneous Articles and Updates

The future of health care in soci­eties sub­ject­ed to the doc­trine of “Aus­te­ria” may be seen with the appoint­ment of doc­tri­naire neo-Nazi Makis “The Ham­mer” Voridis as Health Min­is­ter of Greece. Fas­cism is surg­ing in a Europe sub­ject­ed to Ger­man-man­dat­ed aus­ter­i­ty, as evi­denced by the recent EU Par­lia­men­tary elec­tions. Much of the pro­gram high­lights fas­cism march­ing under the decep­tive ban­ner of “free­dom” and/or lib­er­tar­i­an­ism. Bit­coin con­tin­ues its march toward monop­oly, with the mys­te­ri­ous Ghash.io con­trol­ling 51% of the mar­ket. Gun-wield­ing fas­cists sup­port­ive of “lib­er­tar­i­an” (read “white-suprema­cist”) Ron Paul gunned down police in Las Vegas, while so called “sov­er­eign cit­i­zens” shot up police in Cal­i­for­nia. “Cliv­en Bundists” (sup­port­ers of Cliv­en Bundy) have declared them­selves exempt from Bureau of Land Man­age­ment reg­u­la­tions in Neva­da, as the GOP ramps up anoth­er gov­ern­ment shut­down to foil Oba­ma’s cli­mate change leg­is­la­tion. At the same time, the very high-tech giants that com­plained so loud­ly about Oba­ma’s fail­ure to pro­tect indi­vid­ual pri­va­cy are surg­ing ahead with pro­grams and tech­nol­o­gy to oblit­er­ate that very con­sid­er­a­tion.

“Fascionable” Again in Europe

We’ve told you so–over and over and (present-par­tici­ple, exple­tive delet­ed) over again! Fas­cism is descend­ing over much of the world. In Europe, the eco­nom­ic con­di­tions deriv­ing from the Euro-aus­ter­i­ty doc­trine man­dat­ed by Ger­many are bear­ing fruit sim­i­lar to the har­vest of the 1930’s brought about by the Great Depres­sion.

FTR #794 The Fires This Time: Update on the Ukraine

In addi­tion to detail­ing the maneu­ver­ing sur­round­ing the abun­dant nat­ur­al gas reserves in Ukraine, the pro­gram high­lights efforts by the EU and U.S. fos­sil fuel inter­ests to manip­u­late the Ukrain­ian cri­sis to their advan­tage. Access­ing excel­lent work by Robert Par­ry, the broad­cast under­scores the Orwellian cov­er­age of the cri­sis by U.S. and Ger­man media. Delib­er­ate­ly avoid­ing dis­cus­sion of the Nazi char­ac­ter of the Ukrain­ian pro­vi­sion­al gov­ern­ment, West­ern media have obfus­cat­ed the delib­er­ate burn­ing alive of pro-Russ­ian pro­test­ers in the East­ern part of the coun­try. Appar­ent­ly assist­ed by ele­ments of Amer­i­can and Ger­man intel­li­gence, the neo-Nazi OUN/B suc­ces­sors in Ukraine are affil­i­at­ed with The Order, best known for hav­ing mur­dered radio talk show host Alan Berg.

Ukraine Update: OUN/B Heirs Becoming More Violent, Reportedly Aided by Western Intel Elements, U.S. Mercs

Ger­man For­eign Policy–which feeds along the right hand side of the front page of this website–updates reportage on the Ukrain­ian cri­sis. In addi­tion to high­light­ing the par­tic­i­pa­tion of Pravy Sek­tor recruits in the nation­al secu­ri­ty mili­tia of the OUN/B heirs rul­ing the inter­im gov­ern­ment in Ukraine, the arti­cle notes the appar­ent assis­tance of ele­ments of U.S. intel­li­gence (and pos­si­bly BND), as well as U.S. mer­ce­nary fight­ers from the firm for­mer­ly known as Black­wa­ter.

Update on the National Socialist Underground Trial in Germany

We’ve cov­ered the neo-Nazi group The Nation­al Social­ist Union and its links to Ger­man intel­li­gence for months. One of the most sig­nif­i­cant aspects of the case is the fact that pow­er­ful ele­ments with­in the Ger­man gov­ern­ment are going to extra­or­di­nary lengths to eclipse the insti­tu­tion­al con­nec­tions of the group. We now learn that the fam­i­lies of their vic­tims and their attor­neys have despaired, sus­pect­ing that the pros­e­cu­tors have no inter­est in pur­su­ing jus­tice in the case, not­ing their dis­missal of vic­tims fam­i­lies coun­sel attempts at intro­duc­ing evi­dence.

FTR #784 “First, Tame the Intellectuals . . . .”

Sev­er­al Swo­bo­da par­lia­men­tary deputies roughed up the direc­tor of the largest state TV sta­tion in Ukraine and forced his resignation–this because he broad­cast excerpts of Putin’s speech about the annex­a­tion of Crimea. The assault was led by Ihor Mirosh­ny­chenko, the Deputy Chair of the par­lia­men­tary Com­mit­tee on Free­dom of Speech and Infor­ma­tion! Like the U.S. media, the Ger­man media have been sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly mis­rep­re­sent­ing Swo­bo­da as some­thing oth­er than the fas­cist orga­ni­za­tion it clear­ly is. Much of the pro­gram deals with the nature of the so-called demo­c­ra­t­ic oppo­si­tion in Rus­sia, about which we’ve heard so much cat­er­waul­ing of late. In par­tic­u­lar, the pro­gram high­lights the true polit­i­cal cache of Alex­ei Naval­ny, recent­ly fea­tured as an op-ed writer in The New York Times.

FTR #783 Can You Put Lipstick on a Nazi?

The OUN/B heirs dom­i­nat­ing the Ukrain­ian gov­ern­ment are engag­ing in whole­sale fas­cist pro­pa­gan­da and indoc­tri­na­tion of chil­dren. As NATO, Ger­many and the U.S. scram­ble to put lip­stick on the Nazi pig hold­ing pow­er in Ukraine, assur­ances are being giv­en that peo­ple have noth­ing to fear. The his­to­ry of OUN/B mass mur­der reveals that JUST such assur­ances presage mur­der and may­hem. Ger­man gov­ern­ment and neo-Nazi links to Swo­bo­da emerge, as Swo­bo­da deputies man­han­dle a state tele­vi­sion exec­u­tive.

German Support for Swoboda Includes NPD, NGO’S; Swoboda Parliamentary Debuties Brutalize State Television Executive

An arti­cle in Ger­many’s ven­er­a­ble Der Spiegel informs us that, in addi­tion to the rela­tion­ship between Ger­many’s top neo-Nazi par­ty and Swo­bo­da, the lat­ter has inter­faced with, and received sup­port from, Ger­many’s ambas­sador to the Ukraine and NGO’s asso­ci­at­ed with Angela Merkel’s CDU. Angered by a state tele­vi­sion sta­tion’s broad­cast of Vladimir Putin’s speech announc­ing the absorp­tion of Crimea into the Ukraine, sev­er­al Swo­bo­da par­lia­men­tary deputies assault­ed him and forced him to sign a paper of res­ig­na­tion.