When is a tax cut more than just a tax cut? When it’s a GOP tax cut. Because when the GOP cuts taxes, it’s never just an attempt to cut taxes because tax cuts are just one element of the GOP’s much larger agenda of creating a society run by and for the super-rich. And massive amounts of propaganda and deception are part of the tax cut package too. It’s why GOP tax cuts tend to be so much more than just tax cuts for the rich. They’re Big Lies designed to fool society into dismantling itself. So it should come as a surprise to no one that the current GOP tax cut plans are horrible abomination being sold to the public by a web of lies. But what is genuinely surprising about the current GOP tax push is just how shoddy that web of lies is turning out to be this time. As we’re going to see, it’s almost as if the failure to pass Trumpcare only increased the resolve of America’s right-wing oligarchs to finally pass legislation that’s even more politically awful than Trumpcare. But as we’re also going to see, even if the tax cuts turn into a political disaster for the GOP that will still be fine for the GOP as long as the public forgets to remember that we’ve been here before.
Is kicking senior citizens out of nursing homes good politics? That’s a question GOP asking itself these days. One of many questions related to the politics of health care. Although not many are asking it since the public largely has no idea the question is being asked at all as recent polls show. With the Senate’s version of ‘Trumpcare’ finally released to the public, we’re now learning that, yes, the GOP appears to think kicking seniors out their nursing homes is good politics. Because transferring Medicaid costs to states and individuals has been a key GOP goal of Trumpcare’s congressional authors the entire time and nursing homes are paid for by Medicaid for the vast majority of people. So in addition to the many profound moral questions raised by the GOP’s health care ‘reform’ plans, a growing number of profound political questions are being raised the more we learn about Trumpcare as it takes form. Including whether or not putting nursing home coverage on a fiscal death spiral makes for good politics. Granny would probably say ‘no’, but she’s got competition.
A consequence of last years Supreme Court ruling that upheld Obamacare — but allowed states to opt out of the Medicaid expansion — is that we would see GOP state governors placed in a real dilemma: They could either accept the Medicaid expansion and receive billions of dollars for their state health care systems from the Federal government at the risk of enraging their far-right base of supporters. OR the governors could reject the Medicaid expansion, leaving millions without coverage but still being able to say they stood up to that evil socialist plot to destroy America. Decisions, decisions...
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