In FTR #1015, among other programs, we highlighted the Hindutva fascism of Narendra Modi, his BJP and its parent RSS, the fascist organization that murdered Mahatma Gandhi and which was modeled on Mussolini’s blackshirts. Hindutva fascist Baba Ramdev is a pillar of Modi’s support and sees yoga as embodying ancient vedic values. “. . . . This narrative about yoga’s ancient roots has become a sacrament for Hindu nationalists, and it is echoed in the West. But it is mostly myth, an idealized origin story of the kind so many would-be nation-builders . . . have fostered about themselves. The oldest Hindu scriptures contain almost no mention of physical postures. The Yoga Sutras, the so-called bible of yoga, include only a few short verses suggesting comfortable postures for sitting. Many of the postures practiced in yoga today appear to have emerged in the 19th and early 20th centuries. . . . . . . . Dozens of modern ashtanga yoga postures are similar or identical to those found in a gymnastic routine introduced to India by the British in the first decades of the 20th century and originally developed by a Danish fitness instructor named Niels Bukh, who later became notorious for his pro-Nazi sympathies. [pictured above, right] . . .” Bukh saw his yoga exercises as a way to realize Aryan supremacy: ” . . . . His system of exercise became highly popular in Germany, and in 1933 Bukh publicly expressed his allegiance to the National Socialist cause and its aim of improving the health of the Aryan race through gymnastics. . . .” The Nazi SS adopted yoga: ” . . . yoga was recommended to death camp guards in Nazi Germany. But that’s exactly what historian and yoga expert Mathias Tietke found as he researched his new book, ‘Yoga In National Socialism’. . . .” More about the SS/Yoga connection: ” . . . . It was seized on by race experts in the party as being the pursuit of ‘Ayran’ people. Jakob Wilhelm Hauer, an S.S. captain and yoga expert, who influenced his chief Himmler and convinced him that ‘yoga can internally arm us and prepare us for the forthcoming battles.’ . . . . Himmler, obsessed as he was with hocus-pocus race theories and mysticism relating to his S.S. ‘supermen,’ carried around a German copy of the Bhagavad Gita with him wherever he went. He regarded the ancient Sanskrit epic as being a blueprint for cruelty and terror, using it, said Tietke, to ultimately justify the Holocaust. He wrote; ‘He identified himself and the SS with the old Indian Kshatriya caste and its publicized attitude of unscrupulous killing for one’s ‘higher purpose.’ . . . . ”
In FTR #991, we detailed the esoteric fascist/Nazi philosophy of Hare Krishna cult founder and head guru A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. On 1/29/1967, Prabhupada and his cult were the beneficiaries of monies generated by a concert and dance featuring the leading San Francisco psychedelic-era rock bands. The event also featured participation by LSD guru Timothy Leary. Leary’s activities and career are inextricably linked with the CIA. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 37+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 37+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
The Urantia Book appears to have heavily influenced the founders of the Celestial Seasonings herbal tea company. Of greater significance is the fact that the formidable tome is an important element in the New Age firmament and espouses a deeply racist philosophy. ” . . . The book touches upon everything from mind control to a eugenics plot to eliminate the ‘inferior races’ of our great nation. . . . The Urantia Book, a 4.3‑pound, 2,097-page tome, published first in 1955, is a modified Seventh-Day Adventist text supposedly communicated to an anonymous man in a trance by aliens. . . . ”
Contending that the human race evolved from fair-skinned, blue-eyed space aleiens, the Urantia Book manifests a sinister philosophy: ” . . . . On every planet throughout every universe, fair-skinned, blue-eyed aliens named Adam and Eve appear to ‘upstep’ the natives. When their progeny mate with the acceptable inhabitants of the planet, the ‘inferior stocks will be eliminated and there will be one purified race, one language, and one religion,’ as Gardner explains it in Urantia: The Great Cult Mystery. But before that can happen, Paper 51 of The Urantia Book says, ‘the inferior and unfit are largely eliminated… it seems that you ought to be able to agree upon the biologic disfellowshiping of your more markedly unfit, defective, degenerate, and antisocial stocks.’ . . .”
Compare this with Hitler’s philosophy, as expressed in “Mein Kampf”: “The demand that defective people be prevented from propagating equally defective offspring represents the most human act of mankind.”
It should come as no surprise that the Urantia Book does not come from “outer space”, but appears to have originated with a well-connected eugenicist named William Sadler. ” . . . . While Hitler didn’t have anything to do with writing The Urantia Book, William Sadler did.
One of the most well-known psychiatrists of his era, Sadler got his start working for Dr. John H. Kellogg at the famous Battle Creek Sanitarium, which treated celebrities like the Rockefellers, Montgomery Ward and even Thomas Edison. Kellogg was a notorious eugenicist and founded the Race Betterment Foundation, whose goals were ‘to call attention to the dangers which threaten the race.’ Influenced by Kellogg’s ideas, Sadler published three eugenicist books: “Long Heads and Round Heads; or, What’s the Matter With Germany (1918)”, “Racial Decadence: An Examination of the Causes of Racial Degeneration in the United States” (1922) and “The Truth About Heredity” (1927). The Urantia Book echoes the ideas presented in these books, and in some cases, it reproduces the text word for word. . . .”
The Urantia Fellowship continues to manifest the eugenics philosophy of the text, counting Kermit Anderson–the director of genetic screening at Kaiser Permanente among its adherents!
When “The New York Times” takes note of the rise of fascism in America, you know things are getting very bad indeed. On successive days (Friday, 12/11 and Saturday, 12/12 of 2015), the Times featured two op-ed columns in each edition discussing the rise of fascism in Europe and the United States. Furthermore, one column noted the fixation by ISIS, the Hindu nationalist fascists in power in India and others on a mythical, idealized past. The broadcast recaps Peter Levenda’s analysis of the role of atavism in fueling fascist ideology. Longing for a mythical, idealized past free of the entanglements of the present, fascists of various types scapegoat those whom they view as having polluted society. Program Highlights Include: Donald Trump’s association with Helene Von Damm (protege of Eichmann superior and CIA officer Otto von Bolschwing); Trump’s association with Joseph McCarthy aide Roy Cohn; Trump’s association with former Axis spy Norman Vincent Peale; the assistance given Joe McCarthy’s witch hunts by a U.S. intelligence network drawing on the skills of SS officers and led by Karl Wolff (Heinrich Himmler’s personal adjutant.)
In this program, we continue our intermittent examination of areas of overlap between the New Age and fascism. In FTR #873, we examined how the Atlantis myth has fed directly into Nazi occultism and “polygenesis,” a key feature of scientific racism. Inextricably linked with the notion of space aliens having spawned the “Aryan race,” the concept of Atlantis has spawned the enterprise of J.Z. Knight, aka “Ramtha.” Purporting to be the channeled spirit of a 35,000-year-old Atlantean/Lemurian warrior, Ramtha/Knight have disseminated a racist, anti-Semitic philosophy. Next, we turn to examination of a major constellation in the New Age firmament–the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Based in Petaluma, California, the institute was co-founded by SS officer, Third Reich and NASA rocket scientist and Project Paperclip import Werner von Braun. Another of the co-founders is former EXXON executive Paul Temple, who also is deeply involved with Abraham Vereide’s Fellowship Foundation. In FTR #697, we examined the strong connections between Vereide’s group, the Third Reich and post-war Underground Reich-connected elements. After examining Josef F. Blumrich, a key NASA official and alumnus of the Third Reich’s aerospace industry who advocates contact between the ancients and UFOs/space aliens, we conclude with a re-broadcast of FTR #170, detailing “The Nine.” Overlapping many aspects of the New Age, The Nine purport to be the ancient gods of Egypt, extraterrestrials and many other manifestations of the New Age. Apparently evolved from elements of the intelligence community’s mind control programs, The Nine also reinforce the concept of polygenesis.
The gulf between Nazism and the so-called New Age might seem to be so wide as to be unbridgeable. Sadly, that is not the case.
At the core of Nazi belief was occultism, drawing on Pan-Germanic mythology deriving from the Thule Society, ariosophy, elements of Hindu religious doctrine and more commonly recognizable belief systems such as astrology. The SS Ahnenerbe drew together many of these threads and anointed them with a mantle of respectability. As a result, New Age sects and religion have frequently dovetailed with elements of Nazi and fascist philosophy.
We introduce the theme of the program with discussion of some huge works of art in Kazakhstan. Note that an analyst referred dismissively to the notion that these were built by ancient astronauts linked to Hitler, Atlantis, the Hyperboreans, Lemuria and/or any number of common focal points of Nazi occultism. One of the principle features of the “Nazi/Atlantis/New Age synthesis” is a fundamentally racist concept called “polygenesis.” Inherent in the contention that parts of the human species originated from outer space, Atlantis, etc., polygenesis is central to the “scientific racism” propagated by eugenicists and their Nazi pupils. Among the edifices sited by occult polygenesis advocates is Tiwanaku in Bolivia, seen by SS officer Edmund Kiss as proof of the settlement of Latin America by “Aryans” from Atlantis, Hyperborea, Lemuria etc.
The notion of an ancient, Aryan-controlled past brought low by “sub-humans,” (generally grouped around “Da Joos”) recalls a common feature of fascism–a preoccupation with a long-gone, idealized past. The program highlights the political and religious philosophy of “esoteric Nazism,” a subject we will explore in our next program as well. One of the prime exponents of “esoteric Nazism” was Miguel Serrano, a Chilean Nazi who was also discussed in our conversations with Peter Levenda.
Fusing traditional Nazi anti-Semitism with various occult strains, Serrano posited that the Nazis and Hitler were the manifestation of an otherworldly and superior civilization which would ultimately triumph after an apocalyptic, catastrophic war involving UFOs, Aryans from Antarctica, “Hyperborea” etc. The Nazi/New Age/Atlantis theory pre-supposes a mythic, idealized past and exemplifies the notion of Nazism as a cult–a form of weaponized religion.
This sixth in a projected series of nine interviews with Peter Levenda, continues analysis of what Mr. Emory views as one of the most important books ever written. Resuming a point of discussion from FTR #842, we further develop the nature of Tibetan Buddhism, certain similarities with Nazi philosophy and occult beliefs, and how this played into the development of the Dalai Lama’s operational links to some truly “interesting” elements. Advancing analysis of the “weaponization of religion” and elements of Buddhism, in particular, Peter highlights the little-known but profound fascist influence on, and support from, the Zen Buddhist community. Pursuant to the discussion of “weaponized religion,” Peter sets forth his thesis that Nazism was a form of cult or spiritual belief. As we have seen, Nazi philosophy resonated effectively with some aspects of “global jihadism,” Tibetan Buddhism and wartime practicioners of Zen Buddhism. Listeners should remember that elements of U.S. intelligence co-opted “weaponized religion” during the Cold war, including global jihadism and Tibetan Buddhism. Program highlights include: the “jihadist” nature of Tibetan Buddhism; the role of Zen luminaries D.T. Suzuki and Karlfried Graf Durckheim in developing the Zen-Bushido link; the roles of both men in popularizing Zen Buddhism in the post-World War II period.
J.Z. Knight has built a successful organization by claiming to channel an ancient “Atlantean/Lemurian” Warrior named Ramtha. In addition to lubricating the spiritual cognition of her acolytes with copious amounts of wine, Knight/Ramtha has disseminated profoundly disparaging views of various groups, including gays, Mexicans, Jews and organic farmers. Knight/Ramtha’s views have found resonance on the Stormfront website, arguably the leading neo-Nazi and white supremacist website.
Prime Minister-elect Narendra Modi, with a political background in a Hindu nationalist party with strong fascist roots, is now in charge of the world’s second largest country and the world’s largest democracy. Narendra Modi belonged to the RSS, an organization with an historical affinity for Nazism and fascism. Capitalizing on anti-Muslim fervor in India, RSS has generated much gravitas. Modi has been implicated in complicity in lethal anti-Muslim rioting in India. In addition to anti-colonial sentiment that pitted Indian nationalists against the British Raj prior to World War II, Nazism and Hindu philosophy also found common ground in elements of “Aryan” mysticism. Many elements of the Brahmin caste also found affinity with the elitist and anti-democratic philosophy of Mussolini’s fascism as well.
Prime Minister-elect Narendra Modi, with a political background in a Hindu nationalist party with strong fascist roots, is now in charge of the world’s second largest country and the world’s largest democracy. Narendra Modi belonged to the RSS, an organization with historical and ideological affinity for Nazism and fascism, capitalizing on anti-Muslim fervor. An associate of RSS assassinated Mahatma Gandhi.
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