Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Occultism' is associated with 22 posts.

The Yoga–Nazi Connection

In FTR #1015, among oth­er pro­grams, we high­light­ed the Hin­dut­va fas­cism of Naren­dra Modi, his BJP and its par­ent RSS, the fas­cist orga­ni­za­tion that mur­dered Mahat­ma Gand­hi and which was mod­eled on Mus­solin­i’s black­shirts. Hin­dut­va fas­cist Baba Ramdev is a pil­lar of Mod­i’s sup­port and sees yoga as embody­ing ancient vedic val­ues. “. . . . This nar­ra­tive about yoga’s ancient roots has become a sacra­ment for Hin­du nation­al­ists, and it is echoed in the West. But it is most­ly myth, an ide­al­ized ori­gin sto­ry of the kind so many would-be nation-builders . . . have fos­tered about them­selves. The old­est Hin­du scrip­tures con­tain almost no men­tion of phys­i­cal pos­tures. The Yoga Sutras, the so-called bible of yoga, include only a few short vers­es sug­gest­ing com­fort­able pos­tures for sit­ting. Many of the pos­tures prac­ticed in yoga today appear to have emerged in the 19th and ear­ly 20th cen­turies. . . . . . . . Dozens of mod­ern ash­tan­ga yoga pos­tures are sim­i­lar or iden­ti­cal to those found in a gym­nas­tic rou­tine intro­duced to India by the British in the first decades of the 20th cen­tu­ry and orig­i­nal­ly devel­oped by a Dan­ish fit­ness instruc­tor named Niels Bukh, who lat­er became noto­ri­ous for his pro-Nazi sym­pa­thies. [pic­tured above, right] . . .” Bukh saw his yoga exer­cis­es as a way to real­ize Aryan suprema­cy: ” . . . . His sys­tem of exer­cise became high­ly pop­u­lar in Ger­many, and in 1933 Bukh pub­licly expressed his alle­giance to the Nation­al Social­ist cause and its aim of improv­ing the health of the Aryan race through gym­nas­tics. . . .” The Nazi SS adopt­ed yoga: ” . . . yoga was rec­om­mend­ed to death camp guards in Nazi Ger­many. But that’s exact­ly what his­to­ri­an and yoga expert Math­ias Tietke found as he researched his new book, ‘Yoga In Nation­al Social­ism’. . . .” More about the SS/Yoga con­nec­tion: ” . . . . It was seized on by race experts in the par­ty as being the pur­suit of ‘Ayran’ peo­ple. Jakob Wil­helm Hauer, an S.S. cap­tain and yoga expert, who influ­enced his chief Himm­ler and con­vinced him that ‘yoga can inter­nal­ly arm us and pre­pare us for the forth­com­ing bat­tles.’ . . . . Himm­ler, obsessed as he was with hocus-pocus race the­o­ries and mys­ti­cism relat­ing to his S.S. ‘super­men,’ car­ried around a Ger­man copy of the Bha­gavad Gita with him wher­ev­er he went. He regard­ed the ancient San­skrit epic as being a blue­print for cru­el­ty and ter­ror, using it, said Tietke, to ulti­mate­ly jus­ti­fy the Holo­caust. He wrote; ‘He iden­ti­fied him­self and the SS with the old Indi­an Ksha­triya caste and its pub­li­cized atti­tude of unscrupu­lous killing for one’s ‘high­er pur­pose.’ . . . . ”

A Final Flipping of the Bird to “The Summer of Love” 50th Anniversary Celebration

In FTR #991, we detailed the eso­teric fascist/Nazi phi­los­o­phy of Hare Krish­na cult founder and head guru A.C. Bhak­tivedan­ta Swa­mi Prab­hu­pa­da. On 1/29/1967, Prab­hu­pa­da and his cult were the ben­e­fi­cia­ries of monies gen­er­at­ed by a con­cert and dance fea­tur­ing the lead­ing San Fran­cis­co psy­che­del­ic-era rock bands. The event also fea­tured par­tic­i­pa­tion by LSD guru Tim­o­thy Leary. Leary’s activ­i­ties and career are inex­tri­ca­bly linked with the CIA. All of the con­tents of this web­site as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 37+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of video­taped lec­tures are avail­able on a 32GB flash dri­ve. Dave offers his pro­grams and arti­cles for free–your sup­port is very much appre­ci­at­ed. All of the con­tents of this web­site as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 37+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of video­taped lec­tures are avail­able on a 32GB flash dri­ve. Dave offers his pro­grams and arti­cles for free–your sup­port is very much appre­ci­at­ed.

FTR #909 A Different Kind of Tea Party: More about Fascism and the New Age

The Uran­tia Book appears to have heav­i­ly influ­enced the founders of the Celes­tial Sea­son­ings herbal tea com­pa­ny. Of greater sig­nif­i­cance is the fact that the for­mi­da­ble tome is an impor­tant ele­ment in the New Age fir­ma­ment and espous­es a deeply racist phi­los­o­phy. ” . . . The book touch­es upon every­thing from mind con­trol to a eugen­ics plot to elim­i­nate the ‘infe­rior races’ of our great nation. . . . The Uran­tia Book, a 4.3‑pound, 2,097-page tome, pub­lished first in 1955, is a mod­i­fied Sev­enth-Day Adven­tist text sup­pos­edly com­mu­ni­cated to an anony­mous man in a trance by aliens. . . . ”

Con­tend­ing that the human race evolved from fair-skinned, blue-eyed space aleiens, the Uran­tia Book man­i­fests a sin­is­ter phi­los­o­phy: ” . . . . On every plan­et through­out every uni­verse, fair-skinned, blue-eyed aliens named Adam and Eve appear to ‘upstep’ the natives. When their prog­eny mate with the accept­able inhab­i­tants of the plan­et, the ‘infe­rior stocks will be elim­i­nated and there will be one puri­fied race, one lan­guage, and one reli­gion,’ as Gard­ner explains it in Uran­tia: The Great Cult Mys­tery. But before that can hap­pen, Paper 51 of The Uran­tia Book says, ‘the infe­rior and unfit are large­ly elim­i­nated… it seems that you ought to be able to agree upon the bio­logic dis­fel­low­ship­ing of your more marked­ly unfit, defec­tive, degen­er­ate, and anti­so­cial stocks.’ . . .”

Com­pare this with Hitler’s phi­los­o­phy, as expressed in “Mein Kampf”: “The demand that defec­tive peo­ple be pre­vented from prop­a­gat­ing equal­ly defec­tive off­spring rep­re­sents the most human act of mankind.”

It should come as no sur­prise that the Uran­tia Book does not come from “out­er space”, but appears to have orig­i­nat­ed with a well-con­nect­ed eugeni­cist named William Sadler. ” . . . . While Hitler didn’t have any­thing to do with writ­ing The Uran­tia Book, William Sadler did.

One of the most well-known psy­chi­a­trists of his era, Sadler got his start work­ing for Dr. John H. Kel­logg at the famous Bat­tle Creek San­i­tar­ium, which treat­ed celebri­ties like the Rock­e­fellers, Mont­gomery Ward and even Thomas Edi­son. Kel­logg was a noto­ri­ous eugeni­cist and found­ed the Race Bet­ter­ment Foun­da­tion, whose goals were ‘to call atten­tion to the dan­gers which threat­en the race.’ Influ­enced by Kellogg’s ideas, Sadler pub­lished three eugeni­cist books: “Long Heads and Round Heads; or, What’s the Mat­ter With Ger­many (1918)”, “Racial Deca­dence: An Exam­i­na­tion of the Caus­es of Racial Degen­er­a­tion in the Unit­ed States” (1922) and “The Truth About Hered­ity” (1927). The Uran­tia Book echoes the ideas pre­sented in these books, and in some cas­es, it repro­duces the text word for word. . . .”

The Uran­tia Fel­low­ship con­tin­ues to man­i­fest the eugen­ics phi­los­o­phy of the text, count­ing Ker­mit Anderson–the direc­tor of genet­ic screen­ing at Kaiser Per­ma­nente among its adher­ents!

FTR #882 The Perfect “Sturm”: Machiavelli 3.0 and the Rise of Global Fascism

When “The New York Times” takes note of the rise of fas­cism in Amer­i­ca, you know things are get­ting very bad indeed. On suc­ces­sive days (Fri­day, 12/11 and Sat­ur­day, 12/12 of 2015), the Times fea­tured two op-ed columns in each edi­tion dis­cussing the rise of fas­cism in Europe and the Unit­ed States. Fur­ther­more, one col­umn not­ed the fix­a­tion by ISIS, the Hin­du nation­al­ist fas­cists in pow­er in India and oth­ers on a myth­i­cal, ide­al­ized past. The broad­cast recaps Peter Lev­en­da’s analy­sis of the role of atavism in fuel­ing fas­cist ide­ol­o­gy. Long­ing for a myth­i­cal, ide­al­ized past free of the entan­gle­ments of the present, fas­cists of var­i­ous types scape­goat those whom they view as hav­ing pol­lut­ed soci­ety. Pro­gram High­lights Include: Don­ald Trump’s asso­ci­a­tion with Helene Von Damm (pro­tege of Eich­mann supe­ri­or and CIA offi­cer Otto von Bolschwing); Trump’s asso­ci­a­tion with Joseph McCarthy aide Roy Cohn; Trump’s asso­ci­a­tion with for­mer Axis spy Nor­man Vin­cent Peale; the assis­tance giv­en Joe McCarthy’s witch hunts by a U.S. intel­li­gence net­work draw­ing on the skills of SS offi­cers and led by Karl Wolff (Hein­rich Himm­ler’s per­son­al adju­tant.)

FTR #874 Update on Fascism and the New Age

In this pro­gram, we con­tin­ue our inter­mit­tent exam­i­na­tion of areas of over­lap between the New Age and fas­cism. In FTR #873, we exam­ined how the Atlantis myth has fed direct­ly into Nazi occultism and “poly­ge­n­e­sis,” a key fea­ture of sci­en­tif­ic racism. Inex­tri­ca­bly linked with the notion of space aliens hav­ing spawned the “Aryan race,” the con­cept of Atlantis has spawned the enter­prise of J.Z. Knight, aka “Ramtha.” Pur­port­ing to be the chan­neled spir­it of a 35,000-year-old Atlantean/Lemurian war­rior, Ramtha/Knight have dis­sem­i­nat­ed a racist, anti-Semit­ic phi­los­o­phy. Next, we turn to exam­i­na­tion of a major con­stel­la­tion in the New Age firmament–the Insti­tute of Noet­ic Sci­ences. Based in Petaluma, Cal­i­for­nia, the insti­tute was co-found­ed by SS offi­cer, Third Reich and NASA rock­et sci­en­tist and Project Paper­clip import Wern­er von Braun. Anoth­er of the co-founders is for­mer EXXON exec­u­tive Paul Tem­ple, who also is deeply involved with Abra­ham Verei­de’s Fel­low­ship Foun­da­tion. In FTR #697, we exam­ined the strong con­nec­tions between Verei­de’s group, the Third Reich and post-war Under­ground Reich-con­nect­ed ele­ments. After exam­in­ing Josef F. Blum­rich, a key NASA offi­cial and alum­nus of the Third Reich’s aero­space indus­try who advo­cates con­tact between the ancients and UFOs/space aliens, we con­clude with a re-broad­cast of FTR #170, detail­ing “The Nine.” Over­lap­ping many aspects of the New Age, The Nine pur­port to be the ancient gods of Egypt, extrater­res­tri­als and many oth­er man­i­fes­ta­tions of the New Age. Appar­ent­ly evolved from ele­ments of the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty’s mind con­trol pro­grams, The Nine also rein­force the con­cept of poly­ge­n­e­sis.

FTR #873 The New Age, Fascism and the Atlantis Myth

The gulf between Nazism and the so-called New Age might seem to be so wide as to be unbridge­able. Sad­ly, that is not the case.

At the core of Nazi belief was occultism, draw­ing on Pan-Ger­man­ic mythol­o­gy deriv­ing from the Thule Soci­ety, arios­o­phy, ele­ments of Hin­du reli­gious doc­trine and more com­mon­ly rec­og­niz­able belief sys­tems such as astrol­o­gy. The SS Ahnenerbe drew togeth­er many of these threads and anoint­ed them with a man­tle of respectabil­i­ty. As a result, New Age sects and reli­gion have fre­quent­ly dove­tailed with ele­ments of Nazi and fas­cist phi­los­o­phy.

We intro­duce the theme of the pro­gram with dis­cus­sion of some huge works of art in Kaza­khstan. Note that an ana­lyst referred dis­mis­sive­ly to the notion that these were built by ancient astro­nauts linked to Hitler, Atlantis, the Hyper­bore­ans, Lemuria and/or any num­ber of com­mon focal points of Nazi occultism. One of the prin­ci­ple fea­tures of the “Nazi/Atlantis/New Age syn­the­sis” is a fun­da­men­tal­ly racist con­cept called “poly­ge­n­e­sis.” Inher­ent in the con­tention that parts of the human species orig­i­nat­ed from out­er space, Atlantis, etc., poly­ge­n­e­sis is cen­tral to the “sci­en­tif­ic racism” prop­a­gat­ed by eugeni­cists and their Nazi pupils. Among the edi­fices sit­ed by occult poly­ge­n­e­sis advo­cates is Tiwanaku in Bolivia, seen by SS offi­cer Edmund Kiss as proof of the set­tle­ment of Latin Amer­i­ca by “Aryans” from Atlantis, Hyper­borea, Lemuria etc.

The notion of an ancient, Aryan-con­trolled past brought low by “sub-humans,” (gen­er­al­ly grouped around “Da Joos”) recalls a com­mon fea­ture of fascism–a pre­oc­cu­pa­tion with a long-gone, ide­al­ized past. The pro­gram high­lights the polit­i­cal and reli­gious phi­los­o­phy of “eso­teric Nazism,” a sub­ject we will explore in our next pro­gram as well. One of the prime expo­nents of “eso­teric Nazism” was Miguel Ser­ra­no, a Chilean Nazi who was also dis­cussed in our con­ver­sa­tions with Peter Lev­en­da.

Fus­ing tra­di­tion­al Nazi anti-Semi­tism with var­i­ous occult strains, Ser­ra­no posit­ed that the Nazis and Hitler were the man­i­fes­ta­tion of an oth­er­world­ly and supe­ri­or civ­i­liza­tion which would ulti­mate­ly tri­umph after an apoc­a­lyp­tic, cat­a­stroph­ic war involv­ing UFOs, Aryans from Antarc­ti­ca, “Hyper­borea” etc. The Nazi/New Age/Atlantis the­o­ry pre-sup­pos­es a myth­ic, ide­al­ized past and exem­pli­fies the notion of Nazism as a cult–a form of weaponized reli­gion.

FTR #843 Interview (#6) with Peter Levenda about “The Hitler Legacy”

This sixth in a pro­ject­ed series of nine inter­views with Peter Lev­en­da, con­tin­ues analy­sis of what Mr. Emory views as one of the most impor­tant books ever writ­ten. Resum­ing a point of dis­cus­sion from FTR #842, we fur­ther devel­op the nature of Tibetan Bud­dhism, cer­tain sim­i­lar­i­ties with Nazi phi­los­o­phy and occult beliefs, and how this played into the devel­op­ment of the Dalai Lama’s oper­a­tional links to some tru­ly “inter­est­ing” ele­ments. Advanc­ing analy­sis of the “weaponiza­tion of reli­gion” and ele­ments of Bud­dhism, in par­tic­u­lar, Peter high­lights the lit­tle-known but pro­found fas­cist influ­ence on, and sup­port from, the Zen Bud­dhist com­mu­ni­ty. Pur­suant to the dis­cus­sion of “weaponized reli­gion,” Peter sets forth his the­sis that Nazism was a form of cult or spir­i­tu­al belief. As we have seen, Nazi phi­los­o­phy res­onat­ed effec­tive­ly with some aspects of “glob­al jihadism,” Tibetan Bud­dhism and wartime prac­ti­cioners of Zen Bud­dhism. Lis­ten­ers should remem­ber that ele­ments of U.S. intel­li­gence co-opt­ed “weaponized reli­gion” dur­ing the Cold war, includ­ing glob­al jihadism and Tibetan Bud­dhism. Pro­gram high­lights include: the “jihadist” nature of Tibetan Bud­dhism; the role of Zen lumi­nar­ies D.T. Suzu­ki and Karl­fried Graf Dur­ck­heim in devel­op­ing the Zen-Bushi­do link; the roles of both men in pop­u­lar­iz­ing Zen Bud­dhism in the post-World War II peri­od.

Were there Nazis in Atlantis? The Gospel According to Ramtha (aka J.Z. Knight)

J.Z. Knight has built a suc­cess­ful orga­ni­za­tion by claim­ing to chan­nel an ancient “Atlantean/Lemurian” War­rior named Ramtha. In addi­tion to lubri­cat­ing the spir­i­tu­al cog­ni­tion of her acolytes with copi­ous amounts of wine, Knight/Ramtha has dis­sem­i­nat­ed pro­found­ly dis­parag­ing views of var­i­ous groups, includ­ing gays, Mex­i­cans, Jews and organ­ic farm­ers. Knight/Ramtha’s views have found res­o­nance on the Storm­front web­site, arguably the lead­ing neo-Nazi and white suprema­cist web­site.

FTR #795 Fascism, Hindu Nationalism and Narendra Modi

Prime Min­is­ter-elect Naren­dra Modi, with a polit­i­cal back­ground in a Hin­du nation­al­ist par­ty with strong fas­cist roots, is now in charge of the world’s sec­ond largest coun­try and the world’s largest democ­ra­cy. Naren­dra Modi belonged to the RSS, an orga­ni­za­tion with an his­tor­i­cal affin­i­ty for Nazism and fas­cism. Cap­i­tal­iz­ing on anti-Mus­lim fer­vor in India, RSS has gen­er­at­ed much grav­i­tas. Modi has been impli­cat­ed in com­plic­i­ty in lethal anti-Mus­lim riot­ing in India. In addi­tion to anti-colo­nial sen­ti­ment that pit­ted Indi­an nation­al­ists against the British Raj pri­or to World War II, Nazism and Hin­du phi­los­o­phy also found com­mon ground in ele­ments of “Aryan” mys­ti­cism. Many ele­ments of the Brah­min caste also found affin­i­ty with the elit­ist and anti-demo­c­ra­t­ic phi­los­o­phy of Mus­solin­i’s fas­cism as well.

Fascist Antecedents of Narendra Modi and His Party

Prime Min­is­ter-elect Naren­dra Modi, with a polit­i­cal back­ground in a Hin­du nation­al­ist par­ty with strong fas­cist roots, is now in charge of the world’s sec­ond largest coun­try and the world’s largest democ­ra­cy. Naren­dra Modi belonged to the RSS, an orga­ni­za­tion with his­tor­i­cal and ide­o­log­i­cal affin­i­ty for Nazism and fas­cism, cap­i­tal­iz­ing on anti-Mus­lim fer­vor. An asso­ciate of RSS assas­si­nat­ed Mahat­ma Gand­hi.