This broadcast continues a decades-long path of exploration that Mr. Emory has walked, once again utilizing material from Coup in Dallas:
We have detailed the fundamental involvement of Nazis in the assassination of JFK in numerous programs, over the decades, including: FTR#‘s 54, 168, 971, 1123, 1222, 1223, 1224, AFA #‘s 11, 12, 13, 15, 37, as well as The Guns of November, Part 4.
Further exploring Nazi involvement in the JFK assassination, we highlight networking between Thomas Eli Davis–linked to Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald–and a veteran spook named Victor Oswald (no relation to the JFK assassination patsy).
About Victor Oswald:
1.–” . . . . During the war, he became close friends with Alfred Barth, the vice-president for Middle European Affairs for the Chase National Bank in New York, owned by the Rockefeller family. Barth was a close friend of John McCloy . . . . who in 1964 would become a member of the Warren Commission. In 1950, Barth traveled to Madrid to meet with Generalissimo Franco, and it was Victor Oswald who accompanied him to the private meeting. Not long afterward, Oswald became the official representative for the Chase Manhattan Bank in Spain, having been appointed by his friend Lawrence Rockefeller. Oswald was also a close friend and business partner with Pierre S. Du Pont III. . . .”
2.–”. . . . He was also a low-profile member of Madrid’s large coterie of former Nazis, some of whom joined him in his various business ventures . . . .”
3.–” . . . . Significantly, Victor Oswald was also a longtime business partner with fellow Madrid resident Otto Skorzeny, who, more importantly and to the point here, was present for Davis’s meeting with Victor Oswald. . . .”
4.–” . . . . Skorzeny and Victor Oswald had known each other since at least 1951. This was the point during which Skorzeny was establishing an independent engineering office in Madrid. Introductions between the two appear to have come through Johannes Bernhardt, the former senior SS intelligence officer who headed SOFINDUS, the corporate network used by the Nazis in Spain. Readers may recall that SOFINDUS assets were acquired by the Allies after the war. Victor Oswald . . . was involved in the postwar acquisition of SOFINDUS, placing him in close contact with Bernhardt. . . .”
Much of the program consists of analysis of the highly suspicious “suicide” of Edward Grant Stockdale, JFK’s ambassador to Ireland and an individual who possessed information about a number of sensitive matters that may have led to his elimination.
Much of that sensitive information concerned the large Nazi diaspora which materialized in Ireland in the 1960’s, heavily capitalizing the Irish economy and augmenting a Nazi/fascist political base in that island nation.
Drawing on virulent anti-British sentiment in the “Emerald Isle,” as well as profound Vatican influence in that country, a strong Third Reich underground fused with domestic fascist elements such as the Blueshirts to create a strong ideological, operational and economic foundation for the Nazi dream of a “European Argentine.”
“ . . . . A decade later, according to historian Dennis Eisenberg in his thorough expose Re-Emergence of Fascism. ‘The early spring of 1961 saw one of the most important changes in plans for the fascist international’s future activities. . . . It was decided at this meeting to try and make Ireland the future home for their activities in the same way as the Argentine had been used in the days immediately after the war. . . . The methods used were the same as those which had been directed against Peron; the country will be flooded with capital in such a way that the Government would become dependent on the men who control the money purses. Now Ireland was to become a kind of ‘refuge’ on the door-step of Europe for fascist-minded extremists.’ . . . .”
Stockdale’s “suicide” followed President Kennedy’s assassination by ten days.
“ . . . . On the morning of December 2, 1963, ten days after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Edward Grant Stockdale, a ruggedly handsome, forty-eight-year-old businessman and cohort of both Jack and Robert Kennedy, fell to his death from the thirteenth floor of the Alfred I. DuPont Building in downtown Miami.
Stockdale tumbled eight floors from his business office window before his body struck and landed on a fifth-floor ledge. . . .”
There is ample reason to believe that Stockdale’s death was not suicide.
“. . . . Interviewed in June 2004, Grant’s daughter, Ann Stockdale—apparently acutely aware of the dangers of speaking candidly about her father’s alleged suicide even four decades later . . . . “[President] Kennedy asked Daddy to go to the Air Force Base south of Miami to see if (against Kennedy’s orders) bombs were being loaded on the planes. Bombs were being loaded on the planes! I believe one of the reasons Daddy was killed was because he knew that the Government was being run by the Military Complex. . . .”
Stockdale expressed fear for his life: “ . . . . Author and publisher David Talbot writes that Stockdale flew to Washington and talked with Robert and Edward Kennedy about the assassination of their brother. On his return [to Miami] Stockdale told several of his friends that ‘the world was closing in.’ On December 1, he spoke to his attorney, William Frates, who later recalled: ‘He started talking. It didn’t make much sense. He said something about ‘those guys’ trying to get him. Then about the assassination.’’ . . . .”
The authors speculate that Stockdale’s “suicide” may have been arranged in part, to obscure his awareness of the profound Nazi presence in Ireland, including operations of Otto and Ilse Skoreny. Skorzeny, of course, may have been a key tactical planner for the JFK assassination as posited by Albarelli and his co-authors.
“ . . . . ‘Frequently attending these gatherings in all their splendor were Otto and Ilse Skorzeny . . . Without doubt, Stockdale was amply familiar with former Nazi SS officer Skorzeny, who often visited the embassy for meetings with various American businessmen, military officers, and intelligence officials, as well as various embassy staff members throughout 1960, 1961, and 1962. Former embassy personnel vividly recall Skorzeny coming to the embassy on a near ‘weekly basis.’ Evidence also reveals that the Skorzenys were occasional dinner guests joining the ambassador and his wife. . . .”
Both of JFK’s surviving brothers made trips abroad in 1964, possibly to investigate aspects of their brother’s murder.
Shortly after announcing his candidacy for the Senate, Ted Kennedy made a trip to Ireland, shortly after which he narrowly escaped death in a plane crash: “ . . . . Six months after the murder of his brother in Dallas, Senator Edward Kennedy, the youngest of Joe and Rose Kennedy’s sons, flew to Ireland. He had recently announced his campaign to run for a six-year Senate term in Massachusetts . . . . He returned to the States, and less than three weeks later, on June 19, 1964, he was a passenger in a fatal plane crash that killed the pilot, Edward Zimny of Lawrence, MA. . . .”
Robert Kennedy traveled to Mexico: “ . . . . Toward the end of 1964, his brother, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, made a trip to Mexico City, ostensibly to observe the young radical movement in the country. Coverage of the mysterious trip was tightly controlled, and it was only years later that researchers began to speculate on the real purpose of the trip. Some historians argue he was pursuing links between the assassination of his brother and a network operating in Mexico. . . .”
In our previous programs, we set forth the deep political milieu spanning the landscape of the JFK assassination, as embodied by a French fascist network stretching from the 1930’s up until the early 1990’s. Overlapping dominant French and transnational fascist components of multiple intelligence agencies and transnational corporations, these networks exemplify the powerful forces that killed President Kennedy and sit astride the contemporary political landscape.
In this program, we further develop some of the Nazi networks involved with the JFK assassination, in order to flesh out understanding of the structural and operational nature of the dominant elements in our political culture.
Representative of the fascist connections in the JFK assassination highlighted in Coup in Dallas is the fact that Robert Schacht–a blood relative of Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, Hitler’s finance minister who was deeply involved with Clay Shaw and Permindex–was the admissions director for Albert Schweitzer College, the first destination of Lee Harvey Oswald when he “defected” to the Soviet Union.
We also include a passage from Jim DiEugenio’s classic work on the Garrison investigation–Destiny Betrayed.
This passage places the Schacht family connection in greater depth.
We also include a passage from Jim DiEugenio’s classic work on the Garrison investigation–Destiny Betrayed.
This passage places the Schacht family connection in greater depth.
Permindex was involved with, among other things, attempts on the life of French president Charles De Gaulle in conjunction with elements of CIA and the OAS.
he position of Hjalmar Schacht’s relative Robert as the New York admissions officer of Albert Schweitzer College is the fact that Albert Schweitzer himself was the honorary chairman of Stille Hilfe—“Silent Help”—one of the postwar SS assistance organizations, headed by Gudrun Burwitz, Heinrich Himmler’s daughter. We have covered Stille Hilfe in previous programs and posts.
When railroad executive Bill Thompson inquired of LBJ assistant Bobby Baker about the possibility of introducing President Kennedy to alleged East German/Soviet spy Ellen Rometsch, Baker offered a very interesting reply, indicating that Rometsch was a Nazi.
Important political context to the alleged “Communist Spy” cover story of Ellen Rometsch concerns the political affiliations of the journalist who was the primary shepherd for the story. Clark Mollenhoff was an intimate of the ABN, OUN/B elements who ascended to a dominant role in the national security establishment of the current Ukraine government.
In AFA#15, as well as FTR#’s 777, 778 and 876, we set forth the role of OUN/B elements in the assassination of President Kennedy, chiefly in generating what Professor Peter Dale Scott termed the “Level One Cover-up.”—putting the blame on “the Communists” in order to deflect attention from the actual perpetrators.
In the above-cited programs, we noted how the assassination of Stepan Bandera—represented as part of a Soviet assassination program with which Lee Harvey Oswald was allegedly affiliated, we noted that the behavior of assassin Bogdan [or “Bohdan”] Stashynsky suggested that he was a double agent and that the Bandera assassination was—in effect—a provocative gambit lending gravitas to the “Level-One Cover-up” posited by Professor Scott.
Research uncovered by author Albarelli strongly reinforces the probability that Stashynsky’s work for the Soviets was a double agent, with his remarkable behavior elevating the Bandera hit to the level of Gehlen/Western propaganda.
(Stashynsky still had the shaft of the broken key to Bandera’s apartment at the time of his arrest and the head of the key was still in the lock of Bandera’s apartment when discovered by the German police, as was revealed at Bandera’s trial two years later.)
We conclude with discussion of Thomas Eli Davis.
Gunrunner Thomas Eli Davis appears to have been subjected to a degree of mind control at the Lafayette Clinic in Detroit. Ernst Rodin—his “therapist”—was an Austrian émigré with a Third Reich pedigree.
Of particular note is the fact that MK/ULTRA operative extraordinaire Louis Jolyon West was a protégé of Rodin.
Davis was a gunrunning associate of Jack Ruby and was, apparently, involved with Lee Harvey Oswald’s sojourn in Mexico.
In our next program, we will set forth Davis’s connections to Viktor Oswald, an “Underground Reich” associate who networked extensively with the milieu of Otto Skorzeny in Spain.
Resuming analysis of AOC’s highly questionable credentials, we note the shady circumstances of her victory over long-time incumbent Joe Crowley: ” . . . . she capitalized on an extremely low primary turnout to eek out a 57% vs. 43% (15,897 vs. 11,761) victory. And while it is true that the young candidate deployed an impressive grassroots canvassing strategy, the devil is in the details— including dirty local politics, vitriolic campaign rhetoric, far left agitators, and an intensive Facebook advertising blitz in the lead up to the primary. . . .”
She drew on the support of disgraced and convicted abuser Hiram Monserrate, and deflected criticism with her standard retreat into identity politics: ” . . . . Part of the local controversy revolved around the involvement of disgraced ex-Queens politician Hiram Monserrate. A domestic abuser who spent time in prison on a corruption conviction, Monserrate has feuded with Crowley for years. During their contentious primary, Crowley accused Ocasio-Cortez of seeking support from the ex-con, even speaking at an event held at a Democrat Club he runs in Queens. . . . Monserrate told the New York Post ‘there were a group of us, in the (club) and other community activists I have been working with for years who understood that we would do our part to get rid of Joe Crowley…We were in support of Alexandria’s campaign.’ . . . .”
In our series on Surveillance Valley (FTR #‘s 1075 through 1081) we noted that the Internet is an information weapon, conceived in the context of counterinsurgency and solidified in applications of counter-democracy. The rise and operations of AOC are inextricably linked with the Internet, social media, in particular.
AOC’s campaign drew on Internet resources, and interests outside of her district: ” . . . . In fact, the vast majority of Ocasio-Cortez campaign donations have come from out-of-district and out-of-state. Of particular note is Blue America PAC, a “collaboration between the authors/publishers of, and” The PAC made an $11,000 independent expenditure in opposition to Joe Crowley, creating the website . . . The meme-heavy social media pages for the PAC’s various websites pushed out vitriolic blog and social media posts during the primary, using budget graphics with British-English copy to promote hashtags like #AbolishICE #Berniewouldhavewon and #MobBossCrowley. . . .”
Drawing momentum, in part, from foreign trolls and bots, AOC’s signature “Abolish Ice” campaign plays right into the hands of Team Trump and the racist/xenophobic right. ” . . . . . For anyone engaging with Ocasio-Cortez’ social media posts, the foreign bot and troll activity is noticeably synchronized and pervasive. There’s no better example than the #AbolishICE campaign she championed as her number one primary issue and has helped take national. Much of her social media content has focused on the “Abolish ICE solution” to immigration reform while accusing “Boss Crowley” and other Democrats of being “Pro-ICE”. In the one month lead up to the June primary, Ocasio-Cortez’ campaign spent over $80,000 on Facebook advertising — the largest of her expenditures. . . .”
Next, we note AOC has quoted and defended Eva Peron. Although this may well just be another manifestation of identity politics, it is worth noting that Eva Peron (nee Eva Duarte) was a Nazi spy prior to, and during, World War II, and a Bormann/Vatican agent after that:
” . . . . . . . .The all-conquering Evita left Spain for Rome on June 25, 1947. Father Benitez would smooth her way in the Vatican with the aid of Bishop Alois Hudal [one of the key members of the Vatican/Nazi “Ratline”]. Two days after she arrived she was given an audience with pope Pius XII, spending twenty minutes with the Holy Father–“a time usually allotted by Vatican protocol to queens.” However, there was a more sinister side to the Rome trip. Using Bishop Hudal as an intermediary, she arranged to meet Bormann in an Italian villa at Rapallo provided for her use by [Argentine shipping billionaire Alberto] Dodero. The shipowner was also present at the meeting, as was Eva’s brother Juan Duarte. There, she and her former paymaster cut the deal that guaranteed that his Fuhrer’s safe haven would continue to remain safe, and allowed Bormann to leave Europe at last for a new life in South America. . . . ”
Next, the discussion turns to Peter Thiel and his Palantir firm, the alpha predator of the high-tech surveillance jungle. As we have seen and as we will review, there is reason to suspect that “Mr. AOC”–“Subhas Chandra” Chakrabarti–is a Thiel protege.
Palantir is one of the firms pivotally involved with facilitating ICE’s activities: ” . . . . The database created by Palantir uses information pulled from the DHS, FBI and other sources to build profiles of people who have crossed the border, including ‘schooling, family relationships, employment information, phone records, immigration history, foreign exchange program status, personal connections, biometric traits, criminal records, and home and work addresses,’ the Intercept reported last year. . . . . Policing software provided by Palantir and Forensic Logic’s COPLINK program enables Information sharing between ICE and state and local law enforcement. . . . Palantir software has been implemented by DHS fusion centers across California, as well as by police departments in Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Burbank; and sheriff’s departments in Sacramento, Ventura, and Los Angeles counties. The company has received more than $50 million from these agencies since 2009, mostly financed by DHS grants, the report shows. . . .”
We then review substantive evidence of Thiel/Palantir/Chakrabarti networking:
1.–Chakrabarti worked for Bridgewater Associates: ” . . . . After graduating from Harvard, Mr. Chakrabarti worked for a year as a technology associate at the hedge fund Bridgewater Associates, and then moved to Silicon Valley to help found the technology company Stripe. . . .”
2.–Bridgewater Associates was a major source of the venture capital to launch Palantir.
3.–Former FBI director James Comey was the chief counsel for Bridgewater Associates. As FBI director, Comey was instrumental in handling the election to Trump.
4.–It appears that Chakrabarti’s stint as head of product development at Stripe may well have been as a Thiel protege.
Reviewing information from past broadcasts, there are indications that the scapegoating of illegal immigrants by Team Trump is part of a “psy-op,” with AOC helping to generate “black propaganda” by branding the Democratic Party as “Illegal Immigrants R Us.”
In FTR #718, we warned [back in 2010] that Facebook was not the cuddly little entity it was perceived to be but a potential engine of fascism enabling. Momentum for the remarkably timed immigrant caravan that became a focal point for Trump/GOP/Fox News propaganda during the 2018 midterm elections was generated by a fake Facebook account, which mimicked a Honduran politician/human rights activist, Bartolo Fuentes. Significant aspects of the event:
1.–” . . . . Facebook has admitted the account was an imposter account impersonating a prominent Honduran politician. But it is refusing to release information about the account, who may have set it up or what country it originated from. . . .”
2.–” . . . . In response to a query from BuzzFeed News, a Facebook spokesperson said the phony account ‘was removed for violating [the company’s] misrepresentation policy,’ but declined to share any further information, such as what country it originated from, what email address was used to open it, or any other details that might reveal who was behind it. Facebook added that, barring a subpoena or request from law enforcement, it does not share such information out of respect for the privacy of its users. Fuentes said he believes it’s important to find out who was behind the rogue account — but hasn’t gotten any answers from Facebook. ‘Who knows how many messages could have been sent and who received them?’ . . . .”
4.–” . . . . Fuentes has been unable to get any information from Facebook about the account, but one small detail stood out. Whoever created it listed the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa as Fuentes’s hometown, rather than the San Pedro Sula suburb of El Progreso. That might seem like a minor error, but it’s the sort of mistake a foreigner — not a Honduran — would make about the well-known former lawmaker, whose left-wing party stands in opposition to the current president’s administration. . . . ”
5.–” . . . . It operated entirely in Spanish and precisely targeted influencers within the migrant rights community. And rather than criticize or undermine the caravan — as other online campaigns would later attempt to do — it was used to legitimize the event, making a loosely structured grassroots event appear to be a well-organized effort by an established migrant group with a proven track record of successfully bringing Central American people to the US border. . . .”
6.–” . . . . before the account got started not many people seemed to be joining. Only after the account kicked into gear did enthusiasm and participation spike. The account also claimed falsely that the caravan was being led by a migrant rights organization called Pueblo Sin Fronteras. Later, once the caravan swelled to a massive scale, the Pueblo Sin Fronteras did get involved, though in a support rather than leadership role. . . .”
7.–” . . . . It appears that this account helped the caravan gain key momentum to the point where its size became a self-fulfilling prophecy, spurring even more to join and groups which hadn’t been supportive to get involved. . . .”
8.–” . . . . It’s hard to believe one Facebook account could play that decisive a role. But the account seems to have been sophisticated. And it is equally difficult to believe that a sophisticated operator or organization would have gone to such trouble and limited their efforts to a single imposter account. . . .”
In the summer of 2018, we highlighted the first degree murder charge laid against an “illegal” Mexican migrant worker following the discovery of a deceased white Iowa college girl Mollie Tibbetts. This became propaganda fodder for Team Trump.
We note in this context that:
1.–The announcement of Rivera’s arrest for the Tibbetts murder happened on the same day that Paul Manafort’s conviction was announced and Michael Cohen pleaded guilty. Might we be looking at an “op,” intended to eclipse the negative publicity from the the Manafort/Cohen judicial events?
2.–Rivera exhibited possible symptoms of being subjected to mind control, not unlike Sirhan Sirhan. ” . . . . Investigators say Rivera followed Mollie in his dark Chevy Malibu as she went for a run around 7.30pm on July 18. He ‘blacked out’ and attacked her after she threatened to call the police unless he left her alone, officers said. . . . It is not yet clear how Mollie died. . . . Rivera told police that after seeing her, he pulled over and parked his car to get out and run with her. . . . Mollie grabbed her phone and threatened to call the police before running off ahead. The suspect said that made him ‘panic’ and he chased after her. That’s when he ‘blacked out.’ He claims he remembers nothing from then until he was back in his car, driving. He then noticed one of her earphones sitting on his lap and blood in the car then remembered he’d stuffed her in the truck. . . . ‘He followed her and seemed to be drawn to her on that particular day. For whatever reason he chose to abduct her,’ Iowa Department of Criminal Investigation special agent Rick Ryan said on Tuesday afternoon. . . . ‘Rivera stated that she grabbed her phone and said: ‘I’m gonna call the police.’ . . . . ‘Rivera said he then panicked and he got mad and that he ‘blocked’ his memory which is what he does when he gets very upset and doesn’t remember anything after that until he came to at an intersection.’ . . .”
4.–Just as Sirhan had been in a right-wing milieu prior to the Robert Kennedy assassination, so, too, was Rivera: ” . . . . The prominent Republican family which owns the farm where Mollie Tibbetts’ alleged killer worked have insisted that he passed background checks for migrant workers. Christhian Rivera, 24, who is from Mexico, was charged with first degree murder on Tuesday after leading police to a corn field where Mollie’s body was dumped. Dane Lang, co-owner of Yarrabee Farms along with Eric Lang, confirmed that Rivera had worked there for four years and was an employee ‘of good standing.’ Dane’s brother is Craig Lang, former president of the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation and the Iowa Board of Regents, and a 2018 Republican candidate for state secretary of agriculture. . . .”
5.–Trump cited the Tibbetts murder in a Charleston, West Virginia, rally that day: ” . . . . President Donald Trump chirped in during his Tuesday address at a rally in Charleston, West Virginia, blaming immigration laws for Mollie’s death. ‘You heard about today with the illegal alien coming in very sadly from Mexico,’ he said. ‘And you saw what happened to that incredible beautiful young woman. ‘Should’ve never happened, illegally in our country. We’ve had a huge impact but the laws are so bad. The immigration laws are such a disgrace. ‘We are getting them changed but we have to get more Republicans.’ Gov. Kim Reynolds complained about the ‘broken’ immigration system that allowed a ‘predator’ to live in her state. . . .”
In a transition to our next program, we underscore the decisive role of Glenn Greenwald in paving the legal road for the realization of the “Leaderless Resistance” strategy that dominates the contemporary political landscape.
We note in this context:
Citizen Greenwald’s views on immigration echo those of Donald Trump: “ . . . . ‘The parade of evils caused by illegal immigration is widely known,’ Greenwald wrote in 2005. The facts, to him, were indisputable: ‘illegal immigration wreaks havoc economically, socially, and culturally; makes a mockery of the rule of law; and is disgraceful just on basic fairness grounds alone.’ Defending the nativist congressman Tom Tancredo from charges of racism, Greenwald wrote of ‘unmanageably endless hordes of people [who] pour over the border in numbers far too large to assimilate, and who consequently have no need, motivation or ability to assimilate.’ Those hordes, Greenwald wrote, posed a threat to ‘middle-class suburban voters.’ . . . .”
In FTR #809, we highlighted evidentiary tributaries running between the assassinations of both Kennedy brothers and the Manson crimes, the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, in particular. The Reeve Whitson connection may have some connection to the information discussed in that program. A new book about the Manson Family and their killings highlights the probability that elements of the intelligence community may have had involvement with the group and its development. One of the most striking of the apparent intelligence community connections to the Manson investigation is the aforementioned Reeve Whitson. Reeve Whitson: 1.–Was alleged by Iranian immigrant Shahrokh Hatami to have phoned him with knowledge of the killings of Sharon Tate, et al, before the crime was reported by the news media and before law enforcement even arrived at the crime scene!; 2.–Was alleged by the LAPD’s top investigator and Sharon Tate’s father (a Colonel in Army intelligence) to have been deeply involved with the Manson investigation; 3.–Was alleged by attorney Neil Cummings to have maintained some kind of surveillance on the Cielo Drive home, as part of some sort of work he was doing for the intelligence community; 4.–Was confirmed as an officer of the CIA by his own ex-wife; 5.–Was known to have felt that he was–in the end–betrayed by the faction of the CIA for which he worked; 6.–Was associated, through his intelligence work with Otto Skorzeny and his wife Ilse; 7.–Was the special adviser to the chairman of the board of the Thyssen firm, also as part of his intelligence work; 8.–Was apparently a close associate of retired General Curtis LeMay, George Wallace’s Vice-Presidential candidate in 1968; 9.–Was associated with LeMay when the latter became vice-president of a missile parts manufacturer, which was headed by Mihai Patrichi. Patrichi was a former Romanian army general and a member of the Romanian Iron Guard, part of the Gehlen “Org” and the GOP.
With Trump having re-focused attention on GOP immigration policy with his recent comments about Haiti and Norway, we review the Crusade For Freedom, an illegal domestic and foreign covert operation executed by the elite of the post-World War II Republican Party: Allen Dulles, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, William Casey and George H.W. Bush. The program provided for the legal entry of Nazi SS into the country. ” . . . . There is a very high correlation between CIA domestic subsidies to Fascist ‘freedom fighters’ during the 1950’s and the leadership of the Republican Party’s ethnic campaign groups. The motive for the under-the-table financing was clear: Nixon used Nazis to offset the Jewish vote for the Democrats. . . . In 1952, Nixon had formed an Ethnic Division within the Republican National Committee. Displaced fascists, hoping to be returned to power by an Eisenhower-Nixon ‘liberation’ policy signed on with the committee. In 1953, when Republicans were in office, the immigration laws were changed to admit Nazis, even members of the SS. They flooded into the country. Nixon himself oversaw the new immigration program. . . .” All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 37+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 37+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
Donald Trump’s pronouncements about Russia’s policy vis a vis Ukraine and Crimea, his relatively benign statements about Putin, Putin’s relatively benign statements about Trump, Trump’s comments that are critical of NATO and the relationship between former Trump campaign aide Paul Manafort and Victor Yanukovich (the pro-Russian former president of Ukraine) have led many to view Trump as a “Putin/Kremlin/Russian” “dupe/agent.” In the first of two broadcasts, we analyze Trump’s views and associations in this regard in the context of traditional German “Ostpolitik,” as manifested by the postwar Federal Republic of Germany and the Underground Reich in particular. It is our considered opinion that Trump, far from being a “Putin/Kremlin/Russian” “dupe/pawn/agent” is an associate and operative of the Underground Reich and his attitudes toward Russia, Putin, Crimea and NATO reflect German “Ostpolitik.” For centuries, German and Prussian leaders and strategists have sought practical alliances and non-aggression pacts with Russia as a vehicle for securing their Eastern frontier, enhancing their commercial trade infrastructure and furthering their European and global hegemonic goals. In the Cold War and “New Cold War” eras, this Ostpolitik serves as a “good cop/bad cop” dynamic, giving Germany leverage with the U.S. and Russia/U.S.S.R. by creating ” . . . the heated atmosphere of an auction room where two eager opponents outbid each other. . . .” After presenting a synopsis of German Ostpolitik as practiced by German leaders over the centuries, the program highlights the manifestation of ostpolitik in the early Cold War period. In a 1949 letter in the “Buerger Zeitung,” the journalistic outlet for the Steuben Society, an open courting of Stalin and the U.S.S.R. is presented by Nazi and SA veterans Bruno Fricke and Dr. Otto Strasser. Despite its far-right and McCarthyite orientation, the paper openly advocates an alliance between a re-armed Germany and the Soviet Union, managed on the German side by Third Reich veterans. This signaled a “bidding war,” and was followed three years later by the Soviet Note of 3/10/1952, which echoed the call for the goals of the Fricke letter and which, in turn, heralded Germany’s drive for a unified Europe under German control and a re-armed Germany, which, ultimately, would leave NATO, along with the rest of Europe. ” . . . . The reaction of the German strategists to the Soviet Note of March 10, 1952, however, exposes their true designs. German geo-political journals speak of it as “the highest trump card in the hands of the Chancellor” which will enable him to mow down the resistance of France against Germany’s concept of a united Europe. The pro-Adenauer press interpreted the Russian Note as a tremendous asset in speeding up the timetable for the creation of a European army under German domination. . . .” Analyzing the nature of the Steuben Society, whose “Open Letter to Stalin” signaled the drive for the realization of the creation of a German-Dominated Third Power Bloc, the broadcast sets forth the Steuben Society’s position as part of the Nazi Fifth Column in pre-war America, and its continued activities as part of the postwar Underground Reich. Joseph E. Schmitz, of the far-right and Germanophile Schmitz family of California, is a key adviser to Donald Trump. Former Inspector General of the Pentagon under George W. Bush, Schmitz was, in the words of a former Pentagon colleague, “consumed with all things German and all things Von Steuben.” Is Schmitz a generative source for Trump’s resonance with German Ostpolitik? With the EU and the development of an EU military apparatus, contemporary Germany is manifesting the geopolitical goals of Adenauer’s and the “Buerger Zeitung’s” ostpolitik. Program Highlights Include: Joseph E. Schmitz’s involvement with a Von Steuben-linked German security network; Schmitz’s son’s involvement with the Von Steuben milieu; the “Buerger Zeitung’s” position as a key journalistic outlet for German-Americans; the “Buerger Zeitung’s” far-right, pro-McCarthy position.
FTR #‘s 914 and 915 feature former BBC and Reuters journalist Gerrard Williams, developing material he presented in his book (co-authored with military historian Simon Dunstan) “Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler.”
An apparent deal between Sullivan & Cromwell attorney turned spy Allen Dulles and Martin Bormann lies at the core of the Hitler escape, code-named “Aktion Feuerland” (Operation Land of Fire). In exchange for sparing the art looted by the Reich and granting the Western Allies access to Nazi military technology, Hitler’s escape along with those of Eva Braun, Martin Bormann and Gestapo chief Heinrich Muller were arranged. In addition, the SS and Gestapo-staffed Reinhard Gehlen spy outfit was also one of the “carrots” made available to the West in this deal.
The potential “sticks” were the full activation of the Nazi Werewolf guerillas to make life miserable for occupation forces, the destruction of the creme of Western art and a disinformation gambit presenting a Nazi operation to use U‑boat launched V‑1 missiles filled with nerve gas against New York. (The latter drew U.S. Navy anti-submarine forces away from the planned southern Atlantic route for Hitler’s U‑boat escape.)
Because Allen Dulles faced prosecution for his operations on behalf of Third Reich industrial concerns, Dulles joined forces with Bormann. Using the extensive Nazi presence in Argentina, Bormann and Muller successfully spirited Hitler and Eva Braun out of Germany.
Much of FTR #915 deals with the re-establishment of Nazis in power in the “new” Federal Republic and the role of Martin Bormann directing that government from afar. The role of the Nazis and the Gehlen spy outfit in particular in the Cold War is a primary focus of FTR #915.
Program Highlights Include: the foundational role of the German/American corporate links in the realization of “Aktion Feuerland;” the role of Eva Peron (“Evita”) as a Nazi spy prior to, and during, World War II; Evita’s role as a functionary of the postwar Bormann capital network; the revenge taken by Muller on members of Juan and Eva Peron’s contingent for extorting money from the Bormann network; famed espionage novelist Ian Fleming’s role as a British commando securing both art and Nazi military technology as the Nazi armies retreated; mainstream press accounts of Hitler’s escape and postwar activities; the continued redaction and withholding of documents about Hitler’s postwar presence; death threats directed against some of the authors’ sources; review of the Vatican-linked “Ratlines” in the escape of Nazi luminaries; details of the faking of the death of Martin Bormann; the use of doubles for Hitler and Eva Braun in Aktion Feuerland; pressure from right-wing German sources on the authors, attempting to suppress the investigation; the faking of the “DNA test” on Bormann’s “corpse”; the role of Nazis in managing the Cold War.
A recent “New Yorker” article highlights aspects of the investigation into the huge “Riese” complex of tunnels in Poland, including: the possibility that huge amounts of Nazi wealth were stashed there, the possibility that prototype “flying saucers” may have been secreted there and the question of possible SS “guards” securing the complex against unwanted intruders (including a second generation of sentries). All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
Analysis of the Panama-based Mossack Fonseca law firm suggests the possibility that the firm is an intelligence front of some kind. Beyond that, there are indications that the outfit and/or key people involved with its generative milieu are linked to the Underground Reich. Erhard Mossack, father of Mossack Fonseca co-founder Juergen, not only served in the SS, but appears to have been recruited by U.S. after the war. Erhard Mossack was in possession of lists of Werewolf guerilla unit members. Originally assembled to conduct guerilla warfare against Allied armies occupying Germany, the Werewolves were a key element of post-war Nazi escape routes and the Otto Skorzeny-managed ODESSA network. The Werewolves were also the template for the early CIA/Gehlen Org “stay behind” units, the genesis of what became popularly known as Operation Gladio. Mossack Fonseca has helped “offshore” money for many interests, including the Marcos family’s Golden Lily-derived fortune and the Thyssen-Bornemisza family’s art dealings. One of the most interesting of Mossack Fonseca’s operations is its pivotally important Nevada subsidiary, headed by a Chilean woman named Patricia Amunategui, an admirer of Augusto Pinochet, Sara Palin, Mitt Romney, the Koch brothers, the Dalai Lama and the cult built around Swami Yogananda. A well-known and seminal “guru,” Yogananda was an admirer of Hitler and Mussolini in the 1930’s. Program Highlights Include: Mossack Fonseca’s use of bearer bonds for some of its subsidiary operations; Erhard Mossack’s probable work spying for the CIA on Cuba in Panama; Juergen’s brother Peter’s work as Panama’s Honorary Consul in Frankfurt, seat of the European Central Bank; review of the use of stolen art as a key capital resource by the Nazis; the BND’s refusal to release information about Erhard, although they had a file on him; review of the BND’s practice of recruiting from among the families of existing BND members; Pierre Omidyar’s refusal to publish Ken Silverstein’s story on Mossack Fonseca and subsequent demand for payment by “Vice News,” which did publish the article.
Ratline highlights the flight of a mysterious Nazi using the alias Georg Anton Poch. Identified as Hitler in a book published in Indonesia, Poch was certainly someone of great importance, though not necessarily Hitler. His odyssey sheds light on the Vatican escape networks known collectively as “The Ratline.” Whoever he was, “Poch,” like so many Nazis, found succor in the Vatican. A Croatian priest–Father Draganovic–was one the prime movers of the Ratline The story of the Ratline and the Vatican’s operational sanctioning of the butchers of the Vatican-backed Croatian Ustachi casts a different historical light on recent events. Pope Francis’s visit to the United States has dominated the news cycle, with some coverage going to the controversy over his canonization of Father Juniper Serra, regarded as a brutal oppressor by Native American archivists. What has received no substantive coverage is the pending beatification of Archbishop Stepinac, a member of the Ustachi parliament during World War II. Program Highlights Include: the stewardship of the main Ustachi concentration camp Jasenovac by Father Filipovic, a Franciscan priest; Fr. Filipovic’s murdering of Serbian children with his bare hands; Operation Bernhard, a key Nazi counterfeiting operation; the many historical outgrowths of Bernhard, including the operations of the Ratline; the use of Stepinac’s church to stash Nazi war loot; Gerald Posner’s “point” role in leading the Bormann-inspired discreditation of Ladislas Farago.
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