Immigration has dominated the news recently, with the flood of refugees from the wars in the Middle East overwhelming European infrastructure as the phenomenon dominates political debate. Donald Trump capitalizes on anti-immigrant xenophobia to lead the field of presumptive GOP Presidential candidates. In The Hitler Legacy, Peter noted anti-immigrant sentiment and xenophobia as part of “The Hitler Legacy.” Turning to what might be described as the “prequel” to The Hitler Legacy, we highlight “Ratline.” Dealing with the story of the mysterious Dr. Anton Poch, we analyze the disappearance of Adolf Hitler. One of the main focal points of discussion concerns the “official” version of Hitler’s death is The Last Days of Hitler by Hugh Trevor-Roper. Trevor-Roper was an agent for MI6 (British intelligence) at the time and the writing and publication of his book was, in and of itself, an intelligence operation–a “psy-op” called Operation Nursery. Program Highlights Include: a comparison of Operation Nursery to the Warren Commission and its report; discussion of Paul Leverkuhn, a Nazi spy who was the head of the European Union when he attended the first Bilderberg meeting.
In this broadcast, we continue to “Follow the Money” and analyze its primary role in the perpetuation of Nazism and its attendant methodologies and resultant ills. Peter notes that the postwar Nazi Underground constituted a “government-in-exile” and “an army in exile.” “Following the money” moved by what Mr. Emory calls The Underground Reich inevitably leads to Francois Genoud, Hjalmar Schacht and the extensive postwar Nazi connections to Middle Eastern anti-colonial, anti-Israel and terrorist milieux. The Third Reich and its postwar underground manifestation directly impacted, intersected with, and formed the operational template for, many of the world’s terrorist organizations. Recapping previous discussion of the Third Reich as a “cult” or spiritual movement, Peter notes that this “Underground Reich” not only is a parallel entity to contemporary Islamist terror groups, but has actively dovetailed with them. Program highlights include: terrorists’ abuse of the ancient hawala system of money transfer; discussion of the Bank Al-Taqwa; the use of Islamists against China; analysis of the “Tri-Border” area in Latin America; Germany’s return to power in Europe.
Picking up where FTR #844 left off, this program examines developments in Indonesia after the 1965 CIA coup that deposed Sukarno. An apparent participant in an unsuccessful 1958 attempt against Sukarno was Lee Harvey Oswald. Before tackling the bulk of the Indonesia material, Peter notes that the supposed “Communist” Oswald actually had connections to Nazi elements. After an encapsulation of the Japanese Golden Lily program that looted much of Asia, the program sets forth some of the mysteries that unfold in connection with the disposition of Sukarno’s “Revolutionary Fund.” Apparently comprised of both Golden Lily treasure and war loot transported to the Asia by the Third Reich, the Revolutionary Fund has defied efforts by Sukarno family members and associates to obtain some of the wealth. Among the cast of characters winding through the mysterious corridors of the Revolutionary Fund investigative maze are: a mysterious Dr. Poch, alleged in an Indonesian best seller by Dr. Susro Husodo to have been Adolf Hitler; the professional frustration and mysterious demise of Dr. Edison Damanik, who attempted to obtain some of the Revolutionary Fund loot; arms dealer Soeryo Goeritno, who suffered a disabling stroke or seizure when he attempted to navigate the perilous waters of the Revolutionary Fund and its tributaries.
This next installment of our discussions with Peter Levenda about “The Hitler Legacy” begins with discussion of individuals and organizations that comprised the postwar Nazi underground. Focused largely on the SS, these organizations were vehicles for the perpetuation of the Nazi struggle against the Allies (including the U.S. and Britain) at the same time as they interfaced with powerful elements of Western intelligence, who used them as Cold Warriors. Part of the Cold War strategy pursued by the U.S. was to resucitate (for a third time) the “global jihadist” strategy devised by Max von Oppenheim during the First World War. Seeking the “believing” Muslims as proxy warriors against the atheistic communists, powerful elements of CIA and the State Department enlisted the Muslim Brotherhood in this struggle. “Weaponized religion” was also used in Asia, where the Third Reich had already established a working relationship with the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Buddhists, with SS officers of primary significance in the Nazis’ dealings with “His Holiness.” Key points of discussion include: the career of Otto Ernst Remer; the remarkable career of Francois Genoud; the Dalai Lama’s SS associate Bruno Beger’s atrocities war crimes; the Dalai Lama’s SS tutor–Heinrich Harrer–and his work for elements of U.S. and Western intelligence after the war.
As set forth in in FTR #‘s 835 and 836, the “investigation” into the 1994 AMIA bombing in Argentina touches on a number of very sensitive areas. We were skeptical that the suspicious death of prosecutor Alberto Nisman would produce any definitive changes in the way the case was handled. Now, following Nisman’s death, the criminal complaint drafted by him against president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has been dismissed as not being “minimally” credible. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
After recapping some threads in the tangled web of the 1994 AMIA bombing in Argentina, this program takes up the suspicious death of Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who was found dead from a single gunshot wound to the head the weekend before he was to testify before that country’s congress about the bombing. Nisman was reportedly going to indict Argentine president Kirchner in connection with a cover-up of the bombing, allegedly stemming from a “grain-for-oil” deal with Iran. Nisman had previously expressed fear for his own life and for the safety of his two young daughters. In addition to the presence of the DNA of a second person in Nisman’s apartment, the program covers: Nisman’s fear of his own bodyguards; apparent irregularities in the handling of the physical evidence in the case; president Kirchner’s attack on Nisman and her characterization of his death as a “suicide;” a female witness in the case expressing fear for her life after the charred body of another woman was found across the street from Kirchner’s apartment; irregularities in the statements of Nisman’s security personnel.
In this program, we detail some of the deep politics surrounding the AMIA attack, preparatory to a discussion of developments in the investigation of Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman’s death in FTR #836. The dizzying melange of individuals, institutions and events connected to the AMIA bombing involves: several people linked to former Argentinian president Carlos Menem; individuals linked to the Iran-Contra scandal; neo-Nazi elements in Argentina; investigations into fugitive Nazi war criminals; the resignations of two justice ministers involved in the AMIA investigation; the suspicious deaths of numerous individuals linked to one or another of the elements figuring in several related investigations; evidentiary tributaries linking the AMIA bombing to the Oklahoma City Bombing, the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland and the Achille Lauro hijacking in 1985.
Fascist dictator Francisco Franco passed away decades ago, yet his political legacy lives on. Throughout Spain, memorialization of Franco and his soldiers continues. The perpetuation of that legacy is evident in the political resume of Mariano Rajoy, the son of a Franco judge. Rajoy’s Popular Party is a “kindler, gentler” edition of Franco’s Falange. In addition to jingoistic saber rattling at the British territory of Gibraltar, Rajoy is joining with Argentina to pressure the UK over the Falkalnd Islands. By dancing in tandem with Argentina, Rajoy is embracing the geo-political legacy of Hitler, who selected Spain as his first target for control because of its influence in Latin America–Argentina in particular.
Author Peter Levenda has posted an article (excerpted from his recent book) that encapsulates significant elements of discussion presented by Mr. Emory and featured on this website. Noting Imperial Germany’s use of Islamic proxy warriors during the First World War and Nazi Germany’s incorporation of the same stratagem, Levenda notes that Nazi elements have continued to use Muslim proxy warfare to advance the goals of what Mr. Emory calls the Underground Reich. Having incorporated many important elements of Nazi Germany’s national security establishment into its own after World War II, the United States has co-opted the tactic of proxy war. To its detriment, the U.S. has failed to grasp that the Underground Reich and its Islamist proxies have their own agendas. Those agendas feature the defeat of the United States as a centerpiece of long-term strategy. Concluding with an examination of recent American military involvement, the program notes that much of what we are doing actually benfits Germany and occurs in areas formerly belonging to the Ottoman Empire.
Continuing our updates of previous stories and coverage of articles that surfaced during the hiatus in For The Record production, we present information that will serve as the foundation of future–as well as past inquiries. Beginning with the Boston Marathon bombing, we note that the Tsarnaev brothers appear to have had [as yet unspecified] help in making their bombs. In addition, the program highlights stunning information bout the 1980 Munich Oktoberfest bombing, indicating complicity by German government officials in the event, as well as evidentiary tributaries leading in the direction of Klaus Barbie’s Bridesgrooms of Death mercenary group. After highlighting attempts by Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon to use Underground Reich elements to destabilize the German government of Willy Brandt, the broadcast sets forth the European Space Agency’s employment of Project HAARP developer Bernard “Ben” Eastlund to develop technology ostensibly designed to neutralize tornadoes. Tornadoes do not occur in Europe and critics have stated that the technology might actually make tornadoes more destructive.
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