The Urantia Book appears to have heavily influenced the founders of the Celestial Seasonings herbal tea company. Of greater significance is the fact that the formidable tome is an important element in the New Age firmament and espouses a deeply racist philosophy. ” . . . The book touches upon everything from mind control to a eugenics plot to eliminate the ‘inferior races’ of our great nation. . . . The Urantia Book, a 4.3‑pound, 2,097-page tome, published first in 1955, is a modified Seventh-Day Adventist text supposedly communicated to an anonymous man in a trance by aliens. . . . ”
Contending that the human race evolved from fair-skinned, blue-eyed space aleiens, the Urantia Book manifests a sinister philosophy: ” . . . . On every planet throughout every universe, fair-skinned, blue-eyed aliens named Adam and Eve appear to ‘upstep’ the natives. When their progeny mate with the acceptable inhabitants of the planet, the ‘inferior stocks will be eliminated and there will be one purified race, one language, and one religion,’ as Gardner explains it in Urantia: The Great Cult Mystery. But before that can happen, Paper 51 of The Urantia Book says, ‘the inferior and unfit are largely eliminated… it seems that you ought to be able to agree upon the biologic disfellowshiping of your more markedly unfit, defective, degenerate, and antisocial stocks.’ . . .”
Compare this with Hitler’s philosophy, as expressed in “Mein Kampf”: “The demand that defective people be prevented from propagating equally defective offspring represents the most human act of mankind.”
It should come as no surprise that the Urantia Book does not come from “outer space”, but appears to have originated with a well-connected eugenicist named William Sadler. ” . . . . While Hitler didn’t have anything to do with writing The Urantia Book, William Sadler did.
One of the most well-known psychiatrists of his era, Sadler got his start working for Dr. John H. Kellogg at the famous Battle Creek Sanitarium, which treated celebrities like the Rockefellers, Montgomery Ward and even Thomas Edison. Kellogg was a notorious eugenicist and founded the Race Betterment Foundation, whose goals were ‘to call attention to the dangers which threaten the race.’ Influenced by Kellogg’s ideas, Sadler published three eugenicist books: “Long Heads and Round Heads; or, What’s the Matter With Germany (1918)”, “Racial Decadence: An Examination of the Causes of Racial Degeneration in the United States” (1922) and “The Truth About Heredity” (1927). The Urantia Book echoes the ideas presented in these books, and in some cases, it reproduces the text word for word. . . .”
The Urantia Fellowship continues to manifest the eugenics philosophy of the text, counting Kermit Anderson–the director of genetic screening at Kaiser Permanente among its adherents!
This program revisits information concerning the relationship between outright fascists and racists grouped under the libertarian political banner and the “leaderless resistance” strategy. This libertarian/fascist nexus embodies the political forces with which Edward Snowden is allied. With Dylann Roof’s apparent execution of the Charleston church massacre and other, less-publicized incidents, we have experienced the ravages of killers operating as “lone wolves”, inspired by, and acting in concert with, ideological vectors disseminated through the internet and other media. Snowden political idol Ron Paul and leaking journalist of choice Glenn Greenwald are key players in the libertarian/fascist milieu, with Ron Paul and his racist newsletters having codified much of the violence we have seen since, and which inspired Dylann Roof and others. Glenn Greenwald ran legal interference for the leaderless resistance strategy, obtaining rulings that free Nazi and white supremacist advocates from possible civil liability for inspiring acts like the Charleston massacre. Among the libertarian/fascist activists on the scene is Jeffrey Tucker, who helped write Ron Paul’s newsletters and is listed as a founding member of the League of the South. An apparent influence on Dylann Roof was Nazi leader and fiction author Harold Covington, who espouses the goal of establishing the Pacific Nortrhwest as an “Aryan” homeland for Nazis and white supremacists. Covington’s novels, like those of Greenwald client the National Alliance, are intended as “instructional” material. Program Highlights Include: the burning of numerous African-American churches in the wake of the Charleston massacre; the dismissal of any notion that the burnings constitute acts of terror; review of the 16th Baptist Church bombing and connections between that event and the assassination of Martin Luther King; Nazi and white supremacist activity in Oregon; a German industrialist named Folker’s purchase of vast amounts of land in the Pacific Northwest; Folker’s links to Rick Boehlke, an apparent economic protege; Boehlke’s significant operational links to Rudi Dekkers and the milieu of Mohammed Atta in Florida; Lafayette (LA) John Houser’s espousal of Nazi and white supremacist ideology.
J.Z. Knight has built a successful organization by claiming to channel an ancient “Atlantean/Lemurian” Warrior named Ramtha. In addition to lubricating the spiritual cognition of her acolytes with copious amounts of wine, Knight/Ramtha has disseminated profoundly disparaging views of various groups, including gays, Mexicans, Jews and organic farmers. Knight/Ramtha’s views have found resonance on the Stormfront website, arguably the leading neo-Nazi and white supremacist website.
In addition to detailing the maneuvering surrounding the abundant natural gas reserves in Ukraine, the program highlights efforts by the EU and U.S. fossil fuel interests to manipulate the Ukrainian crisis to their advantage. Accessing excellent work by Robert Parry, the broadcast underscores the Orwellian coverage of the crisis by U.S. and German media. Deliberately avoiding discussion of the Nazi character of the Ukrainian provisional government, Western media have obfuscated the deliberate burning alive of pro-Russian protesters in the Eastern part of the country. Apparently assisted by elements of American and German intelligence, the neo-Nazi OUN/B successors in Ukraine are affiliated with The Order, best known for having murdered radio talk show host Alan Berg.
” . . . fascism has traditionally turned to alienated and leftist elements in order to recruit street soldiers. . . .”
Growing fascist influence within the “black metal” music genre.
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