In this program, we detail some of the deep politics surrounding the AMIA attack, preparatory to a discussion of developments in the investigation of Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman’s death in FTR #836. The dizzying melange of individuals, institutions and events connected to the AMIA bombing involves: several people linked to former Argentinian president Carlos Menem; individuals linked to the Iran-Contra scandal; neo-Nazi elements in Argentina; investigations into fugitive Nazi war criminals; the resignations of two justice ministers involved in the AMIA investigation; the suspicious deaths of numerous individuals linked to one or another of the elements figuring in several related investigations; evidentiary tributaries linking the AMIA bombing to the Oklahoma City Bombing, the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland and the Achille Lauro hijacking in 1985.
This program begins by revisiting “The Adventures of Eddie the Friendly Spook” Snowden. The “Snowdenistas,” the GOP and the violent, paramilitary, secessionist right constitute a political continuum, the liberal views of most of Snowden’s supporters, notwithstanding. Snowden’s leaking journalist of choice–Citizen Greenwald–continues his pattern of fraternizing and professionally defending Nazis and White Supremacists. Ebay, owned by Snowden’s financial angel–Pierre Omidyar–is a supporter of ALEC, one of the most important of the far-right political engines. Underscoring the extremist nature of the contemporary Republican Party, we note that Texas politicians, including Governor-elect Greg Abbott have been explicitly supportive of paramilitary vigilantes operating along the Mexican border, some of which were stockpiling ammonium nitrate. Douglas MacKinnon (a former Reagan and George H.W. Bush speechwriter) is advocating the secession of a number of states to form a new country called “Reagan.” Having grandstanded as an “anti-terror” bulwark, former Bush (II) Attorney General John Ashcroft is practicing law. One of his clients is weapons dealer Viktor Bout, who supplied weapons to Al Qaeda.
We have discussed Citizen Greenwald’s legal work, in which he spent years running legal interference for Nazi murderers and doing most of the work pro bono. One of his legal victories involved aiding two white supremacists who had attacked two Latino day laborers. In the past, Citizen Greenwald has had some deeply inflammatory things to say in the past concerning “illegal immigrants.” We wonder if his stated views on the evils of illegal immigration might be related to his work defending the attackers of the day laborers.
Chief of the Hamburg police during a period in which German intelligence had members of the Hamburg cell of 9/11 hijackers under surveillance, Ernst Uhrlau was appointed special adviser to the Chancellor on intelligence matters in 1998. He became head of the BND in 2005. During Uhrlau’s tenure as BND director, files on BND officers with SS and Gestapo backgrounds were shredded.
We have covered Glenn Greenwald’s years-long activities on behalf of murderous neo-Nazis in the past. Greenwald is Eddie Snowden’s leaking journalist of choice. Snowden’s Presidential candidate of choice in 2012 was Ron Paul. Paul has launched a new internet tv program and his first guest was none other than Citizen Greenwald! Greenwald will also be the keynote speaker at the LA conference of CAIR, a front for the Muslim Brotherhood (an Islamic fascist organization.)
Among the evident primary goals of the intelligence operation undertaken by Edward Snowden is the destabilization of the Obama administration. Intentionally damaging Obama’s attempts at improving relations with Russia, China and Germany/EU, the “op” bears strong similarity to the U‑2 incident in May of 1960. That operation appears to have been orchestrated by domestic intelligence elements, whereas this appears to have been a foreign “op,” probably BND/Underground Reich.
This program highlights German/Underground Reich connections to both the 9/11 attacks and the Oklahoma City bombing. Of particular significance is Ernst Uhrlau: chief of Hamburg police at the time German intelligence had the 9/11 cell under surveillance, appointed coordinator of intelligence for the German chancellor in 1998 and head of the BND in 2005. The son of Chancellor Kohl’s chief of staff may have masterminded the Oklahoma City bombing and BND may well have been manipulating Mohamed Atta.
It should come as no surprise that the NSA would target Germany as a “hot spot” for electronic surveillance. We call attention to Ernst Uhrlau, chief of police in Hamburg during the time German intelligence had the Hamburg cell of 9/11 hijackers under surveillance, later special adviser to Chancellor Helmut Kohl on intelligence matters (the son of whose chief of staff may have masterminded the Oklahoma City bombing), and eventually head of the BND! UPDATED ON 10/30/2013.
Glenn Greenwald’s no defender of human rights. He defended the rights of Nazi murderers and terrorists, doing so pro-bono. Using the rubric of “protected free speech,” he ran interference for the leaderless resistance strategy, defending the National Alliance, whose books are intended as instructional manuals for terrorists and assassins. He violated legal ethics while defending Nazi leader Matthew Hale. He defended Hale when he was accused of soliciting the murder of Judge Joan Lefkow (Hale was convicted.)
In our last post, we highlighted Greenwald’s five-year long representation of Matthew Hale, head of the World Church of the Creator. In addition to Hale, Greenwald also represented a consortium of neo-Nazi/White Supremacist groups, including the National Alliance. Accused of inciting followers to racist violence, The National Alliance was defended by Greenwald in order to preserve their right to free speech. National Alliance books are specifically crafted to incite murder and terrorism. National Alliance head William Luther Pierce networked with Nazis in Latin America, as did the terrorist group The Order, which his work inspired. UPDATED ON 7/20/2013, 7/29/2013.
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