With Benjamin Netanyahu circumventing accepted procedure and preparing to address Congress–apparently in order to circumvent Obama’s policy toward Iran–we take time to review the history of the Netanyahu family and the Likud Party. Likud is the heir to the fascist element in the Zionist movement, especially the Betar that was headed by Vladimir Jabotinsky. Netanyahu’s father was the personal secretary to Jabotinsky, whose forces took military training at Mussolini’s naval cadet school and were reviewed by Il Duce himself. A top aide to Jabotinsky wrote that this was not an alliance of convenience but one of ideological affinity. Continuing the relationship between fascism and reactionary Zionism, the Likud sent a representative to the national convention of Gianfranco Fini’s Alleanza Nationale, the successor to Mussolini’s blackshirts. The GOP sent a seated Congressman (Bob Young) to the convention as well. Right-wing Israeli politicians continue to network with European fascists. After discussion of the Stern Gang, an even more extreme fascist element of the Zionist movement, the broadcast concludes with a look at the relationship between Israel, some Jewish businessmen and the Bormann capital network. This should not be interpreted as echoing the cheesy rhetoric that is popular at the moment characterizing Israel and/or the Zionist movement as fascist.
With another anniversary of the 9/11 attacks having passed, it is interesting to contemplate the ongoing damage from the unlearned lessons concerning those attacks. Before discussing ongoing support for Caucasian and Chechen jihadist elements by elements of U.S., Western and Saudi intelligence, the program highlights the bogus intelligence about a supposed “Russian invasion” of Ukraine that does not appear to have occurred at all. Much of the supposed intelligence on this “invasion” comes from satellite photos, showing what are supposed to be Russian armored and artillery elements in Ukraine. These photos are NOT from U.S. reconnaissance satellites, but come from a private company–DigitalGlobe. Founded by veterans of Ronald Reagan’s “Star Wars” program (The Strategic Defense Initiative), the company’s executives have CV’s involving work for Bain (Mitt Romney’s firm) and IHS, the Thyssen/Bornemisza group firm that is the epicenter of the Peak Oil doctrine. Accessing archival information about support for Chechen Islamists by elements of U.S., Western and Saudi intelligence, the program notes the involvement of Ukrainian fascists from the UNA/UNSO organization in Chechnya and the Caucasus. The reported combat expertise of ISIS is said by some analysts to have evolved from the participation in that group of Chechen veterans, making our slippery slope involvement against the group blowback–to an extent–from the West’s proxy warriors in the Caucasus. As was the case in Afghanistan–where the U.S. fought a bloody, indecisive war against jihadists crafted to fight against the U.S.S.R. and subsequently Russia–we once again find American military forces engaged against jihadists being used as proxy warriors by elements of the transnational corporate elite and allied national security elements. The program concludes with a closer look at the historical background to some recent propaganda in the New York Times’ op-ed page, ascribing Russian responsibility to the 1999 assassinations of Armenian political leaders by the Dashnags, an Armenian nationalist group with longstanding historical links to Ukrainian fascists and other elements of international fascism and the Underground Reich.
As a Forbes article notes, despite a Russian-negotiated cease-fire in Ukraine, U.S. military forces will be participating in a NATO exercise in Ukraine. As noted in the article (referencing a Spiegel article), the NATO “Drang Nach Osten” toward Russia’s border is in direct violation of an agreement between the U.S.S.R. and the West.
In FTR #808, we examined the highly dubious claims of a “Russian invasion” of Ukraine. Among the painfully limited voices supporting our profound doubts about the accuracy of those claims is Robert Parry of Consortium News. It appears that intelligence professionals of his acquaintance dismiss the accuracy of the dangerously irresponsible claims of Russian invasion and have taken the trouble to communicate their analysis to Angela Merkel.
Political comedian Mort Sahl (one of New Orleans DA Jim Garrison’s investigators into the JFK assassination) asked in his autobiography “Heartland”; “How many lies can you allow yourself to believe before you belong to the lie?” In the gathering storm in Ukraine, decades of institutional lying from the Second World War, through the Cold War and into the present appears to have gained ownership over contemporary America. Having taken in the intelligence and political residua of the Third Reich and its Central and Eastern European allies, America resurrected and perpetuated the political and ideological banner of fascism. Adhering to grossly and deliberately distorted intelligence during the Cold War, the political landscape evolving from that distortion is governing contemporary perceptions and actions. This program updates the actions of the OUN/B heirs in Ukraine and their political and ideological allies elsewhere in the former Warsaw Pact countries. At the core of this analysis is the nurturing of the Hitler-conceived Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations within Western intelligence and the GOP, its projection into Eastern Europe and the former U.S.S.R. during the final stages of the Cold War and and how we are now dominated by the political Frankenstein’s monster we created in that part of the world.
With the Bergdahl “controversy,” American political culture continues to hit new lows, courtesy of the terrorist-coddling GOP and their Amen chorus in the media. John McCain–himself a former POW–seems intent on leading the GOP’s race to the bottom, no mean feat under the circumstances. Dewey Clarridge, himself a player in the Iran-Contra affair, was the source for much of the “secret intelligence” that has been utilized by Fox News, that beacon of journalistic integrity.
Robert Parry notes the OUN/B heritage of Swoboda and Pravy Sektor in the current Ukrainian government, correlating that Nazi heritage with the lethal firebombing of pro-Russian demonstrators in the Black Sea port city of Odessa. Apparently perpetrated by a street-fighting contingent acting in accordance with the tactical principles of both Pravy Sektor (at right) and Swoboda, the firebombing is reminiscent of the massacre of residents of the city of Huta Pienacka in Ukraine by the Galician Division (14th Waffen SS.) In addition, Parry notes an OUN/B involvement with the Reagan administration’s U.S. Information Agency and Radio Liberty, coloring broadcasts in the 1980’s in a pro-Nazi fashion.
The latest developments in L’Affaire Snowden are alarming, and predictable. We speculated that BND would decouple from NSA’s spying program. That has now happened. We predicted that Eddie the Friendly Spook’s psy-op would lead to profound damage to U.S. internet business and the economy. That appears to be developing. The regulation of the Internet may be going in the direction that Russia and China have endorsed, lending depth to our understanding of Snowden’s travel to both countries–nations that are less than conducive to internet freedom. IMPORTANT UPDATES ON 8/3/2013, 8/14/2013..
Earlier this month, the Tea Party/GOP Right demonstrated their hypocrisy, as well as the degree of solidarity between the Islamic fascists of the Muslim Brotherhood and the GOP. The Jihad Watch website received the “People’s Choice Award” at the 2013 Conservative Political Action Committee. The awarding of the honor was blocked, however by the Tea Party Republicans, who would only consent to give the award if the administrators of the site would agree not to criticize Grover Norquist.
As forecast in the For The Record series dealing with WikiLeaks and morphing into the “Muslim Brotherhood Spring,” the GOP is tarring Barack Obama with the “soft on terrorism” brush–casting him as the second coming of Jimmy Carter. Attacking the Obama administration for not having prevented the lethal attack on the Libyan embassy, the GOP is explicitly comparing Obama’s actions with Carter’s behavior during the Iranian hostage crisis. The available evidence suggests that the “Muslim Brotherhood Spring” is a covert operation–the outgrowth of a George Bush State Department reassessment and rapprochement with the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as an approach made to the Egyptian April 6 movement during the closing days of Dubya’s second term.
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