As the New York Times continues in “Warren Report Mode” (the Gray Lady published that pernicious document), its Cold War style journalistic blitzkrieg against Russia continues. (We note in passing that Russia is no longer Communist.) In an op-ed piece about the next target of supposed Russian aggression, the author casually ascribes the 1999 assassination of Armenian leaders, including the prime minister, to Russian conspiratorial process. In FTR #182, we noted the history of the Dashnags (there are various spellings). An Armenian fascist and ultra-nationalist group, the Dashnags collaborated with the Third Reich, Ukrainian fascist elements and the Christian Mobilizers of Gerald L.K. Smith. The latter was a prominent American fascist whose organization was among the ideological tributaries that fed the milieu of the Aryan Nations.
In the aftermath of the Ukraine coup, wanted posters for former president Yanukovich sprang up all over that country and were liberally distributed in the media. QUICK: If you were going to craft and distribute wanted posters in the United States, would you have the text in Ukrainian?
One of several Nazi appointees within the Reagan administration was Bob Whitaker.
Recorded February 28, 2008 MP3: Side 1 | Side 2 REALAUDIO As indicated by the title, this program supplements discussion topics covered in past broadcast, as well as introducing some new items of interest. Beginning with a look at one of the more frivolous stories preoccupying an American journalistic community that should be paying more […]
MP3: Side 1 | Side 2 RealAudio NB: This description contains a great deal of material added after the broadcast was originally made. Listeners/readers are emphatically encouraged to pursue other programs dealing with this subject, especially AFA #16. Introduction: For more than two decades, Mr. Emory has presented programs indicating that AIDS is a man-made […]
Jeremiah Duggan, young British Jew murdered in Germany after traveling to Wiesbaden to attend an event staged by the Schiller Institute.
Political implications of the UFO phenomenon and the ET myth.
Malfeasance by the petroleum industry and its associated political elements have successfully focused debate and criticism of unfolding dynamics on the Middle East on “Israel,” rather than their own actions and policies.
Factual existence of Islamic fascism, in contrast to George W. Bush’s use of the term.
FBI Agent John O’Neill and his Lebanese-American colleague Ali Soufan’s unsuccessful efforts at interdicting Al Qaeda.
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