Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'OUN/B' is associated with 34 posts.

FTR #548 Tibet or not Tibet

Exam­i­na­tion of the Dalai Lama and some of the ques­tion­able polit­i­cal forces with which he col­lab­o­rates.

FTR #535 Death Trap, Part III – Italian Fascism, Bogus Intelligence and the Iraq War

Record­ed Novem­ber 20, 2005 Lis­ten: MP3  One 30-minute seg­ment REALAUDIO NB: This stream con­tains both FTR # 535 and an old­er pro­gram, FTR #514 Con­ver­sa­tion with John Lof­tus About the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, orig­i­nal­ly aired and blogged on June 21, 2005. Each is a 30 minute broad­cast. See also FTR #527 Death Trap Part II & […]

FTR #529 Nazi Roots and Fascist Flowers

Fas­cist ele­ments orig­i­nat­ing in the peri­od pri­or to, dur­ing and after the Sec­ond World War evolved and branched out dur­ing the Cold War. The fas­cism they man­i­fest­ed is blos­som­ing in a num­ber of dif­fer­ent ways and places.

FTR #524 The Safari Club and the ‘Islamic Bomb’

Record­ed August 28, 2005 REALAUDIO Since 9/11, there has been a height­ened lev­el of dis­cus­sion on the pos­si­bil­i­ty of nuclear ter­ror­ism, par­tic­u­lar­ly in light of the A.Q. Khan net­work and the smug­gling of nuclear tech­nol­o­gy from Pak­istan to a num­ber of oth­er coun­tries. This broad­cast sets forth infor­ma­tion that demon­strates the com­plic­i­ty of the Safari […]

FTR #523 Catching Up With Daniel Hopsicker

Record­ed August 21, 2005 REALAUDIO Bring­ing up to date the hero­ic work of Daniel Hop­sick­er, this pro­gram sets forth more attempts to dis­cred­it Hopsicker’s hero­ic inves­ti­ga­tion in Flori­da, as well as infor­ma­tion that cor­rob­o­rates Hopsicker’s research into 9/11 hijack­er Mohamed Atta’s activ­i­ties there. In addi­tion, the broad­cast updates Daniel’s on-the ‑ground work in the Sun­shine […]

FTR #505 Misc Articles & Updates

BMG-SONY merg­er; FBI agent Mike Ger­man infil­trat­ed White Suprema­cists con­nect­ed to Islamists.

FTR #504 The Vatican Rag, Part I: Reflections on the Death of the Pope

Deep pol­i­tics sur­round­ing the Vat­i­can’s rela­tion­ship to fas­cism, and how that deter­mined the char­ac­ter of John Paul II’s reign.

FTR #502 Curve Ball

Iraq war and the “War on Ter­ror” are proxy wars waged against the US by the Under­ground Reich.

FTR #503 The Death of Barry Seal

Con­tra-relat­ed cocaine smug­gler Bar­ry Seal was mur­dered in Feb­ru­ary of 1986 because he was threat­en­ing to squeal on his han­dlers

FTR #495 Follow the Money, an Update on 9/11

Michael Chertoff, one-time attor­ney for bin-Laden sup­port­er Dr. Magdy el-Amir, did not inves­ti­gate his for­mer client.