The startling resignation of Pope Benedict XVI (nee Joseph Ratzinger) brings to mind a number of considerations. Ratzinger was something of a caretaker, charged with sustaining the Opus-Dei style reaction gripping the Vatican and keeping the lid on potentially damaging inquiries.. He took office with the Holy See engulfed in scandal and inquiry, including the burgeoning priest molestation investigations, renewed inquiries into money laundering by the Vatican Bank and inquiries concerning the Vatican’s behavior during and after World War II. Might some of those issues overwhelmed his papacy, forcing the first Papal resignation in history?
Red Alert: this is one helluva conspiracy theory. In fact, it is–as the title indicates–a conspiracy theory within a conspiracy theory. Newtown shooter Adam Lanza existed in an environment inhabited by pedophile priests, apparently enjoying tacit support from the Church hierarchy in the area, something that has been largely eclipsed by other points of debate. Neil Allen has chronicled the presence of serial pedophile priests in the church and Catholic school Lanza attended. IF Adam Lanza was molested by Castaldo and/or others as Neil Allen has hypothesized, we wonder if that may have helped to precipitate the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI in February of 2013. Lanza was apparently preoccupied with pedophilia.
BND, the German intelligence service claims they can confirm Assad’s use of chemical weapons. BND operates a communications intelligence-gathering ship off the coast in that area (pictured at right.) Previously, BND handled “Curveball,” a key source of disinformation about the Iraq war. Prince Bandar is alleged to have armed the rebels with chemical weapons. The political developments are benefiting Germany and the Underground Reich.
Economically beset Spain is waxing aggressive toward British-governed Gibraltar, using that principality’s “fiscal irregularities” as justification because of the nation’s “EU obligations.” The Rajoy government is coordinating its efforts with Argentina. The cooperation is military, as well as political. Rajoy’s People’s Party evolved from Franco’s Falange. It does not appear to have altogether shed its fascist heritage.
Following up on a previous post, in which we noted the apparent complicity of Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands in sabotaging Operation Market Garden during World War II, we highlight the interesting role of another key “Bilderberger” in the loss of the Battle of Arnhem. Lord Peter Carrington’s failure to advance his armored corps and relieve the British 1st Airborne Division resulted in the destruction of that unit and the consequent loss of the battle. As British Foreign Secretary, Carrington’s failure to anticipate the invasion of the Falklands by Argentina’s fascist junta led to his resignation. Key aspects of the British land campaign were “accidentally” broadcast on the BBC prior to the initiation of combat, jeopardizing the success of the operation.
For decades, we’ve spoken of “The Strategy of Tension,” overlapping the NATO Operation Stay Behind (known as Gladio in Italy.) The Prime Minister of Luxembourg was forced to resign because of a scandal in which the country’s intelligence chief–now head of security for Siemens–participated in Gladio/Stay Behind. Luxembourg’s banking sector is very large, to the dismay of Germany, which has been called “hegemonic” by Luxembourg cabinet ministers.
Hailing from Argentina, the new Pope should not be viewed as a break with the Vatican’s past. Bergoglio appears to have turned liberal priests over to the junta, possibly assisting in their ‘interrogation!” He also helped to obscure the kidnapping of the children of victims of that murderous junta during its “Dirty War.” Key members of the junta belonged to the P‑2 Lodge, which clandestinely ran the Vatican Bank.
How many of the emerging child-molestation scandals emerging actually overlap and what sort of power-political interests have been utilizing those enmeshed in the affairs for blackmail and political and/or economic gain? The Opus-Dei linked GOP senator Rick Santorum was a promoter and defender of convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky. Is there a Vatican link to the Penn State scandal? Disgraced British Cardinal Keith O’Brian was close to the late Jimmy Savile, a Vatican knight who was an inveterate pedophile.
A caretaker Pope, Benedict XVI presided over numerous inquiries into Vatican malfeasance. His resignation raises the question as to what will follow. Steeped in the Vatican’s long-standing relationship with fascism, the outgoing Pope presided over a whitewash of Pius XII’s involvement with the Third Reich and a blunting of inquiries into the molestation scandals unfolding around the world.
In exchange for making Roman Catholicism the official state religion of fascist Italy through the Lateran Treaty of 1929, Mussolini’s regime gave the Vatican control over assets that were parlayed into a major financial empire. A recent story in the “Guardian” (UK) highlights the extent to which the Vatican has cobbled together a major international real estate empire, built on the foundation solidified by the Lateran Treaty of 1929. We should never lose sight of the ongoing relationship between “Vatican Incorporated” and the Underground Reich.
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