Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'P-2' is associated with 25 posts.

FTR #775 Ratzinger Leaves the Ship–The Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI

The star­tling res­ig­na­tion of Pope Bene­dict XVI (nee Joseph Ratzinger) brings to mind a num­ber of con­sid­er­a­tions. Ratzinger was some­thing of a care­tak­er, charged with sus­tain­ing the Opus-Dei style reac­tion grip­ping the Vat­i­can and keep­ing the lid on poten­tially dam­ag­ing inquiries.. He took office with the Holy See engulfed in scan­dal and inquiry, includ­ing the bur­geon­ing priest molesta­tion inves­ti­ga­tions, renewed inquiries into mon­ey laun­der­ing by the Vat­i­can Bank and inquiries con­cern­ing the Vatican’s behav­ior dur­ing and after World War II. Might some of those issues over­whelmed his papa­cy, forc­ing the first Papal res­ig­na­tion in his­to­ry?

The Newtown Massacre, Pedophile Priests and the Pope’s Resignation: A Conspiracy Theory Within a Conspiracy Theory

Red Alert: this is one hel­lu­va con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry. In fact, it is–as the title indicates–a con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry with­in a con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry. New­town shoot­er Adam Lan­za exist­ed in an envi­ron­ment inhab­it­ed by pedophile priests, appar­ent­ly enjoy­ing tac­it sup­port from the Church hier­ar­chy in the area, some­thing that has been large­ly eclipsed by oth­er points of debate. Neil Allen has chron­i­cled the pres­ence of ser­i­al pedophile priests in the church and Catholic school Lan­za attend­ed. IF Adam Lan­za was molest­ed by Castal­do and/or oth­ers as Neil Allen has hypoth­e­sized, we won­der if that may have helped to pre­cip­i­tate the res­ig­na­tion of Pope Bene­dict XVI in Feb­ru­ary of 2013. Lan­za was appar­ent­ly pre­oc­cu­pied with pedophil­ia.

Curveball II: Is the BND (German Intelligence) Gaming the Syrian Civil War? (Another Good Reason NOT to Intervene in Syria)

BND, the Ger­man intel­li­gence ser­vice claims they can con­firm Assad’s use of chem­i­cal weapons. BND oper­ates a com­mu­ni­ca­tions intel­li­gence-gath­er­ing ship off the coast in that area (pic­tured at right.) Pre­vi­ous­ly, BND han­dled “Curve­ball,” a key source of dis­in­for­ma­tion about the Iraq war. Prince Ban­dar is alleged to have armed the rebels with chem­i­cal weapons. The polit­i­cal devel­op­ments are ben­e­fit­ing Ger­many and the Under­ground Reich.

Is a “Deep Falange” at Work in Spain and Argentina?

Eco­nom­i­cal­ly beset Spain is wax­ing aggres­sive toward British-gov­erned Gibral­tar, using that prin­ci­pal­i­ty’s “fis­cal irreg­u­lar­i­ties” as jus­ti­fi­ca­tion because of the nation’s “EU oblig­a­tions.” The Rajoy gov­ern­ment is coor­di­nat­ing its efforts with Argenti­na. The coop­er­a­tion is mil­i­tary, as well as polit­i­cal. Rajoy’s Peo­ple’s Par­ty evolved from Fran­co’s Falange. It does not appear to have alto­geth­er shed its fas­cist her­itage.

Supplement to Getting in Dutch: The Third Reich and the Royal Family of the Netherlands (“A Prince Too Far”)

Fol­low­ing up on a pre­vi­ous post, in which we not­ed the appar­ent com­plic­i­ty of Prince Bern­hard of the Nether­lands in sab­o­tag­ing Oper­a­tion Mar­ket Gar­den dur­ing World War II, we high­light the inter­est­ing role of anoth­er key “Bilder­berg­er” in the loss of the Bat­tle of Arn­hem. Lord Peter Car­ring­ton’s fail­ure to advance his armored corps and relieve the British 1st Air­borne Divi­sion result­ed in the destruc­tion of that unit and the con­se­quent loss of the bat­tle. As British For­eign Sec­re­tary, Car­ring­ton’s fail­ure to antic­i­pate the inva­sion of the Falk­lands by Argenti­na’s fas­cist jun­ta led to his res­ig­na­tion. Key aspects of the British land cam­paign were “acci­den­tal­ly” broad­cast on the BBC pri­or to the ini­ti­a­tion of com­bat, jeop­ar­diz­ing the suc­cess of the oper­a­tion.

Luxembourg Prime Minister Resigns: Luxembourg Gladio Veteran Involved in Bugging Scandal

For decades, we’ve spo­ken of “The Strat­e­gy of Ten­sion,” over­lap­ping the NATO Oper­a­tion Stay Behind (known as Glad­io in Italy.) The Prime Min­is­ter of Lux­em­bourg was forced to resign because of a scan­dal in which the coun­try’s intel­li­gence chief–now head of secu­ri­ty for Siemens–participated in Gladio/Stay Behind. Lux­em­bourg’s bank­ing sec­tor is very large, to the dis­may of Ger­many, which has been called “hege­mon­ic” by Lux­em­bourg cab­i­net min­is­ters.

Don’t Applaud for Him, Argentina: Cardinal Bergoglio (Pope Francis) and the Dirty War

Hail­ing from Argenti­na, the new Pope should not be viewed as a break with the Vat­i­can’s past. Bergoglio appears to have turned lib­er­al priests over to the jun­ta, pos­si­bly assist­ing in their ‘inter­ro­ga­tion!” He also helped to obscure the kid­nap­ping of the chil­dren of vic­tims of that mur­der­ous jun­ta dur­ing its “Dirty War.” Key mem­bers of the jun­ta belonged to the P‑2 Lodge, which clan­des­tine­ly ran the Vat­i­can Bank.

“It’s Easier to Develop a Child than to Rehabilitate an Adult”: How Many Child Molestation Investigations Overlap?

How many of the emerg­ing child-molesta­tion scan­dals emerg­ing actu­al­ly over­lap and what sort of pow­er-polit­i­cal inter­ests have been uti­liz­ing those enmeshed in the affairs for black­mail and polit­i­cal and/or eco­nom­ic gain? The Opus-Dei linked GOP sen­a­tor Rick San­to­rum was a pro­mot­er and defend­er of con­vict­ed child moles­ter Jer­ry San­dusky. Is there a Vat­i­can link to the Penn State scan­dal? Dis­graced British Car­di­nal Kei­th O’Bri­an was close to the late Jim­my Sav­ile, a Vat­i­can knight who was an invet­er­ate pedophile.

Ratzinger Leaves the Ship

A care­tak­er Pope, Bene­dict XVI presided over numer­ous inquiries into Vat­i­can malfea­sance. His res­ig­na­tion rais­es the ques­tion as to what will fol­low. Steeped in the Vat­i­can’s long-stand­ing rela­tion­ship with fas­cism, the out­go­ing Pope presided over a white­wash of Pius XII’s involve­ment with the Third Reich and a blunt­ing of inquiries into the molesta­tion scan­dals unfold­ing around the world.

Evolution of Vatican Incorporated: Papacy’s Mussolini-funded Real Estate Empire

In exchange for mak­ing Roman Catholi­cism the offi­cial state reli­gion of fas­cist Italy through the Lat­er­an Treaty of 1929, Mus­solin­i’s regime gave the Vat­i­can con­trol over assets that were par­layed into a major finan­cial empire. A recent sto­ry in the “Guardian” (UK) high­lights the extent to which the Vat­i­can has cob­bled togeth­er a major inter­na­tion­al real estate empire, built on the foun­da­tion solid­i­fied by the Lat­er­an Treaty of 1929. We should nev­er lose sight of the ongo­ing rela­tion­ship between “Vat­i­can Incor­po­rat­ed” and the Under­ground Reich.