Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Paiute Tribe' is associated with 1 posts.

Extremism in the Defense of Stupidity is a Vice, Part 3: The Bundy Brigade’s Doomed Manifest Destiny

Ammon Bundy’s stand­off at the Mal­heur Nation­al Wildlife Refuge head­quar­ters is prov­ing to be as zany, dan­ger­ous, and gen­er­al­ly harm­ful to the pub­lic good as we might expect at this point giv­en the nature of the Bundy fam­i­ly’s for­ay into pol­i­tics and pol­i­cy-mak­ing in recent years. The Com­mit­tee of Safe­ty was set up last month, and is formed by indi­vid­u­als close­ly affil­i­at­ed with Bundy who sup­port cit­i­zen grand juries that can put on tri­al pub­lic offi­cials for trea­son and imple­ment the death penal­ty. And the Pacif­ic Patri­ots Net­work just decid­ed they were going to pro­tect both the gov­ern­ment and Bundy Brigade from each oth­er. With guns at the gates of the refuge head­quar­ters. And oth­er vets are declar­ing fraud, feds, and folks about to freak out have filled the whole oper­a­tion. And Ammon Bundy con­tin­ues to demand he’ll leave..but only after all his demands were met. Sher­iff Ward has had a rough month.