The ongoing occupation of an Oregon wildlife preserve in Oregon by paramilitary forces led by Ammon Bundy (son of Cliven Bundy) may seem far removed from the gilded realms in which the Koch Brothers move. They may also appear to be of an entirely different political stripe from the likes of Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. That is not the case. In fact, the “Bundyists” are realizing the agenda of the Wise Use movement and the Koch brothers, both advocates of ceding control of federal lands to local control, in order that corporate interests such as timber, mining and cattle ranching can use the territory for their own use and profit. By the same token, the likes of Edward Snowden and Julian Assange have arrogated to themselves the use, control and dissemination of sensitive information that was not theirs to own or distribute. David Golumbia noted the attitude of “coders” such as Snowden, Assange and “hacktivists ” . . . the political world is theirs to do with what they want, and the rest of us should stay out of it . . . members of democratic polities have no choice but to accept them having that role.” Turning to turmoil in Europe, the recent assaults on women by Middle Eastern immigrants in German, Finnish and other cities on the continent have fueled the rise of fascist groups, minting valuable political coinage from the assaults. Some observers compared a recent rampage in Leipzig with the 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom. The broadcast concludes with an overview of P‑2 Lodge grandmaster Licio Gelli, the recently deceased fascist who profoundly influenced events on three continents. Program Highlights Include: Fred C. Koch’s construction of an oil refinery for Hitler; Ex-CIA officer and author Robert Baer’s belief that Hitler escaped Germany at the end of the war; review of the participation of Fox News host Andrew Napolitano and Snowden Presidential candidate of choice Ron Paul at a libertarian students conference; review of the participation of Edward Snowden at that same conference; review of Carl Lundstrom’s financing of the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrat fascist party and his funding of the Pirate Bay website that hosted WikiLeaks.
This program begins by revisiting “The Adventures of Eddie the Friendly Spook” Snowden. The “Snowdenistas,” the GOP and the violent, paramilitary, secessionist right constitute a political continuum, the liberal views of most of Snowden’s supporters, notwithstanding. Snowden’s leaking journalist of choice–Citizen Greenwald–continues his pattern of fraternizing and professionally defending Nazis and White Supremacists. Ebay, owned by Snowden’s financial angel–Pierre Omidyar–is a supporter of ALEC, one of the most important of the far-right political engines. Underscoring the extremist nature of the contemporary Republican Party, we note that Texas politicians, including Governor-elect Greg Abbott have been explicitly supportive of paramilitary vigilantes operating along the Mexican border, some of which were stockpiling ammonium nitrate. Douglas MacKinnon (a former Reagan and George H.W. Bush speechwriter) is advocating the secession of a number of states to form a new country called “Reagan.” Having grandstanded as an “anti-terror” bulwark, former Bush (II) Attorney General John Ashcroft is practicing law. One of his clients is weapons dealer Viktor Bout, who supplied weapons to Al Qaeda.
The future of health care in societies subjected to the doctrine of “Austeria” may be seen with the appointment of doctrinaire neo-Nazi Makis “The Hammer” Voridis as Health Minister of Greece. Fascism is surging in a Europe subjected to German-mandated austerity, as evidenced by the recent EU Parliamentary elections. Much of the program highlights fascism marching under the deceptive banner of “freedom” and/or libertarianism. Bitcoin continues its march toward monopoly, with the mysterious controlling 51% of the market. Gun-wielding fascists supportive of “libertarian” (read “white-supremacist”) Ron Paul gunned down police in Las Vegas, while so called “sovereign citizens” shot up police in California. “Cliven Bundists” (supporters of Cliven Bundy) have declared themselves exempt from Bureau of Land Management regulations in Nevada, as the GOP ramps up another government shutdown to foil Obama’s climate change legislation. At the same time, the very high-tech giants that complained so loudly about Obama’s failure to protect individual privacy are surging ahead with programs and technology to obliterate that very consideration.
There was shootout last week between police officers in Louisiana and what appear to be seven individuals associated with the sovereign citizens movement. It was a tragic reminder of the recent spike in US political violence and extremism as well as a look at the ongoing evolution in extremist anti-government movements. The past is prologue and, in this case, it’s a violently stupid prologue.
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