Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Pirate Party' is associated with 6 posts.

FTR #857 Update on Ukraine, the Earth Island Boogie and “Team Snowden”

Plac­ing the Ukraine cri­sis in a larg­er frame­work, this pro­gram ana­lyzes the event in the con­text of both the “Earth Island” (or “World Island” as it is some­times called) and the psy-op front­ed for by Edward Snow­den. Stretch­ing from the Straits of Gibral­tar, all across Europe, most of the Mid­dle East, Eura­sia, Rus­sia, Chi­na and India, that stretch of land: com­pris­es most of the world’s land mass; con­tains most of the world’s pop­u­la­tion and most of the world’s nat­ur­al resources (includ­ing oil and nat­ur­al gas.) Geopoliti­cians have long seen con­trol­ling that land mass as the key to world dom­i­na­tion. The pop­u­la­tion that occu­pies the mid­dle of that stretch of geog­ra­phy is large­ly Mus­lim. Uti­liz­ing that Mus­lim pop­u­la­tion to con­trol the resources of the Earth Island is a strat­a­gem that has been in effect in the West for a cen­tu­ry. That strat­a­gem is appar­ent­ly behind the inclu­sion of Mus­lim Chechen fight­ers asso­ci­at­ed with the Islam­ic State in the Ukraine war, fight­ing under the admin­is­tra­tive com­mand of the Nazi Pravy Sek­tor group. After review­ing Zbig­niew Brzezin­ski’s use of Mus­lim proxy war­riors to draw the Sovi­ets into the first Afghan war and his view of Ukraine as essen­tial to bot­tling-up Rus­sia, the pro­gram notes that the U.S. is con­tin­u­ing to train Nazi com­bat­ants in Ukraine despite a pro­hi­bi­tion against doing so, because the Ukraine Min­istry of Inte­ri­or is vet­ting the trainees–THAT is the min­istry that formed and admin­is­ters the Nazi for­ma­tions. Much of the pro­gram notes the con­ti­nu­ity between Euro-fas­cists such as the Carl Lund­strom-financed Swe­den Democ­rats and the WikiLeaks/Snowden “op.” (Lund­strom also bankrolled the Pirate Bay web­site that host­ed Wik­iLeaks.) Pro­gram High­lights Include: state­ments by Ukrain­ian “vol­un­teer” bat­tal­ions that they want to attack Rus­sia; Glenn Green­wald finan­cial angel Pierre Omid­yar’s new part­ner­ship with the Nation­al Endow­ment for Democ­ra­cy (a U.S. intel­li­gence proxy ele­ment); the push by the pun­ish­er bat­tal­ions for Poroshenko to declare war (some­thing he can’t do if the coun­try is to receive bad­ly-need­ed aid from the IMF); the links between Julian Assange assis­tant Joran Jer­mas (aka “Israel Shamir”) and the Nazi-inspired anti-Semit­ic MAUP group in Ukraine (at which David Duke teach­es); the arrest of a mem­ber of par­lia­ment from the Swe­den Democ­rats for appar­ent involve­ment in a bomb plot; review of the Swe­den Democ­rats’ financ­ing by Carl Lund­strom.

FTR #829 Fireside Chat about Eddie the Friendly Spook and the Ukraine Crisis

A con­tro­ver­sy ensued when it emerged that House major­i­ty whip Steve Scalise had attend­ed a meet­ing of David Duke’s Euro­pean-Amer­i­can Uni­ty Orga­ni­za­tion. The new­ly-seat­ed GOP-dom­i­nat­ed con­gress which Scalise will help to guide began attack­ing Social Secu­ri­ty on its very first day. Specif­i­cal­ly, the GOP began attack­ing the Social Secu­ri­ty dis­abil­i­ty pro­gram. These devel­op­ments serve as a point of entry into our dis­cus­sion. Snow­den is an advo­cate of elim­i­nat­ing Social Secu­ri­ty and the OUN/B fas­cists run­ning Ukraine are engag­ing in a sim­i­lar pro­gram to force those in East­ern Ukraine to stop their attempts at seces­sion. The ele­ments of the Snowden/WikiLeaks “op” are net­worked with Duke, as well. Snow­den’s leak­ing jour­nal­ist of choice, Nazi fel­low-trav­el­er Glenn Green­wald, has been financed by Pierre Omid­yar of Ebay, who has also financed the Ukraine coup. The pro­gram notes many oth­er ele­ments of con­flu­ence between the Snowden/WikiLeaks “op” and the Ukrain­ian coup. The Snowden/WikiLeaks helped to deep-six Oba­ma’s “reboot with Rus­sia” and also alien­ate many of the young, ide­al­is­tic vot­ers who had sup­port­ed him in 2008, there­by help­ing to elect the 114th Con­gress.

Update on Bitcoin, Max Planck Institute

One of the most vis­i­ble sup­port­ers of bit­coin is a “tech­no-lib­er­tar­i­an” named Cody R. Wil­son, whom we exam­ined in FTR #760. Wil­son, not sur­pris­ing­ly, is a devo­tee of Hans Her­mann-Hoppe and an active oppo­nent of democ­ra­cy. Bit­coin users have favored the Tor net­work. Now, a researcher with the Max Planck Insti­tute is look­ing to devel­op an alter­na­tive inter­net net­work that wil be imper­vi­ous to pen­e­tra­tion. One won­ders if that is intend­ed to facil­i­tate secure move­ment of ter­ror­ist and/or covert oper­a­tions monies for Under­ground Reich ele­ments.

FTR #760 Bit[coin]burg–The Rebels Without a Clue

In this pro­gram, we exam­ine a clan­des­tine, online cur­ren­cy called bit­coin. Bit­coin has been hatched from the same lib­er­tar­i­an, Lud­wig von Mis­es milieu to which Eddie “get rid of social secu­ri­ty, bring back the gold stan­dard” Snow­den adheres. Although the cur­ren­cy has usu­al­ly been attrib­uted to one Satoshi Nako­mo­to, an arti­cle in Fastcompany.com hypoth­e­sizes that the actu­al devel­op­ers of bit­coin were Charles Bry, Neal J. King (who offi­cial­ly denies any involve­ment) and Vladimir Oks­man. All three work for a Ger­man firm called Lan­tiq, evolved from Siemens A.G. Ger­many is the only nation that rec­og­nizes bit­coin.

Bitcoinburg–Who Developed this “Virtual Currency?”

In this post, we exam­ine the ori­gins of the bit­coin vir­tu­al cur­ren­cy, which evolved into the online cur­ren­cy of choice for the cus­tomers of the Silk Road net­work. Alone among sov­er­eign nations, Ger­many has rec­og­nized bit­coin as legal ten­der. An arti­cle at Fast­com­pa­ny hypoth­e­sizes that three indi­vid­u­als named Neal J. King, Charles Bry and Vladimir Oks­man are the true orig­i­na­tors of bit­coin. All three work for Lan­tiq. Lan­tiq is a firm evolved from Siemens spin­off Infi­neon AG.

Too Much of a Good Thing? The New EU Data Privacy Rules Have a Transparency Problem

There are some big changes head­ed towards the inter­net but we don’t know what they are yet. And that prob­a­bly won’t change any time soon. It’s a prob­lem.