Placing the Ukraine crisis in a larger framework, this program analyzes the event in the context of both the “Earth Island” (or “World Island” as it is sometimes called) and the psy-op fronted for by Edward Snowden. Stretching from the Straits of Gibraltar, all across Europe, most of the Middle East, Eurasia, Russia, China and India, that stretch of land: comprises most of the world’s land mass; contains most of the world’s population and most of the world’s natural resources (including oil and natural gas.) Geopoliticians have long seen controlling that land mass as the key to world domination. The population that occupies the middle of that stretch of geography is largely Muslim. Utilizing that Muslim population to control the resources of the Earth Island is a stratagem that has been in effect in the West for a century. That stratagem is apparently behind the inclusion of Muslim Chechen fighters associated with the Islamic State in the Ukraine war, fighting under the administrative command of the Nazi Pravy Sektor group. After reviewing Zbigniew Brzezinski’s use of Muslim proxy warriors to draw the Soviets into the first Afghan war and his view of Ukraine as essential to bottling-up Russia, the program notes that the U.S. is continuing to train Nazi combatants in Ukraine despite a prohibition against doing so, because the Ukraine Ministry of Interior is vetting the trainees–THAT is the ministry that formed and administers the Nazi formations. Much of the program notes the continuity between Euro-fascists such as the Carl Lundstrom-financed Sweden Democrats and the WikiLeaks/Snowden “op.” (Lundstrom also bankrolled the Pirate Bay website that hosted WikiLeaks.) Program Highlights Include: statements by Ukrainian “volunteer” battalions that they want to attack Russia; Glenn Greenwald financial angel Pierre Omidyar’s new partnership with the National Endowment for Democracy (a U.S. intelligence proxy element); the push by the punisher battalions for Poroshenko to declare war (something he can’t do if the country is to receive badly-needed aid from the IMF); the links between Julian Assange assistant Joran Jermas (aka “Israel Shamir”) and the Nazi-inspired anti-Semitic MAUP group in Ukraine (at which David Duke teaches); the arrest of a member of parliament from the Sweden Democrats for apparent involvement in a bomb plot; review of the Sweden Democrats’ financing by Carl Lundstrom.
A controversy ensued when it emerged that House majority whip Steve Scalise had attended a meeting of David Duke’s European-American Unity Organization. The newly-seated GOP-dominated congress which Scalise will help to guide began attacking Social Security on its very first day. Specifically, the GOP began attacking the Social Security disability program. These developments serve as a point of entry into our discussion. Snowden is an advocate of eliminating Social Security and the OUN/B fascists running Ukraine are engaging in a similar program to force those in Eastern Ukraine to stop their attempts at secession. The elements of the Snowden/WikiLeaks “op” are networked with Duke, as well. Snowden’s leaking journalist of choice, Nazi fellow-traveler Glenn Greenwald, has been financed by Pierre Omidyar of Ebay, who has also financed the Ukraine coup. The program notes many other elements of confluence between the Snowden/WikiLeaks “op” and the Ukrainian coup. The Snowden/WikiLeaks helped to deep-six Obama’s “reboot with Russia” and also alienate many of the young, idealistic voters who had supported him in 2008, thereby helping to elect the 114th Congress.
One of the most visible supporters of bitcoin is a “techno-libertarian” named Cody R. Wilson, whom we examined in FTR #760. Wilson, not surprisingly, is a devotee of Hans Hermann-Hoppe and an active opponent of democracy. Bitcoin users have favored the Tor network. Now, a researcher with the Max Planck Institute is looking to develop an alternative internet network that wil be impervious to penetration. One wonders if that is intended to facilitate secure movement of terrorist and/or covert operations monies for Underground Reich elements.
In this program, we examine a clandestine, online currency called bitcoin. Bitcoin has been hatched from the same libertarian, Ludwig von Mises milieu to which Eddie “get rid of social security, bring back the gold standard” Snowden adheres. Although the currency has usually been attributed to one Satoshi Nakomoto, an article in hypothesizes that the actual developers of bitcoin were Charles Bry, Neal J. King (who officially denies any involvement) and Vladimir Oksman. All three work for a German firm called Lantiq, evolved from Siemens A.G. Germany is the only nation that recognizes bitcoin.
In this post, we examine the origins of the bitcoin virtual currency, which evolved into the online currency of choice for the customers of the Silk Road network. Alone among sovereign nations, Germany has recognized bitcoin as legal tender. An article at Fastcompany hypothesizes that three individuals named Neal J. King, Charles Bry and Vladimir Oksman are the true originators of bitcoin. All three work for Lantiq. Lantiq is a firm evolved from Siemens spinoff Infineon AG.
There are some big changes headed towards the internet but we don’t know what they are yet. And that probably won’t change any time soon. It’s a problem.
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