Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Ptech' is associated with 39 posts.

Game of Thrones: Saudis Funding Taliban as Trump Gives Nod to Increased Military Support for Afghans

As Trump plans increas­ing and pro­long­ing U.S. troop com­mit­ment to Afghanistan, it is worth not­ing that–surprise, surprise–the Saud­is are fund­ing the Tal­iban, much as they have done with Al-Qae­da.

Who’s “SAAR‑y” Now?

A major play­er in the SAAR net­work of com­pa­nies raid­ed by Oper­a­tion Green Quest agents in 2002 was Mohamed Hadid. The real estate devel­op­er is promi­nent in the Bel Air mar­ket, among oth­ers. Are any of his enter­pris­es vehi­cles for mon­ey laun­der­ing? All of the con­tents of this web­site as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of video­taped lec­tures are avail­able on a 32GB flash dri­ve. Dave offers his pro­grams and arti­cles for free–your sup­port is very much appre­ci­at­ed.

FTR #830 Machiavelli 2.0: The Paris Attacks and the Muslim Brotherhood

In the wake of the ter­ror­ist inci­dents in Paris, dis­cus­sion has point­ed­ly omit­ted the per­pe­tra­tors’ links to the Mus­lim Brotherhood–the Islam­ic fas­cist orga­ni­za­tion that spawned groups like Al Qae­da and ISIS. Por­trayed in the West as a “mod­er­ate’ orga­ni­za­tion, the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood was allied with the Axis in World War II and nur­tured as anti-com­mu­nist cadre by West­ern Intel­li­gence (CIA in par­tic­u­lar) dur­ing the Cold War. Suc­cess­ful­ly scape­goat­ed by Euro­pean fas­cist groups like the Nation­al Front, ele­ments of the Broth­er­hood net­work with those same fas­cists, mutu­al­ly ben­e­fit­ting from cul­tur­al and polit­i­cal alien­ation gen­er­at­ed among their respec­tive sup­port­ers. Much of the pro­gram reviews and details the cor­po­ratist and free mar­ket eco­nom­ic phi­los­o­phy of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, an ide­ol­o­gy that endears the Ikhwan to pow­er­ful polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic inter­ests in the U.S. and else­where in the West. Broth­er­hood ele­ments con­tin­ue to be used as proxy war­riors by ele­ments of West­ern and Sau­di intel­li­gence in places like the Cau­ca­sus and Chi­na’s Xin­jiang Province.

FTR #806 Miscellaneous Articles and Updates

Con­tin­u­ing our updates of pre­vi­ous sto­ries and cov­er­age of arti­cles that sur­faced dur­ing the hia­tus in For The Record pro­duc­tion, we present infor­ma­tion that will serve as the foun­da­tion of future–as well as past inquiries. Begin­ning with the Boston Marathon bomb­ing, we note that the Tsar­naev broth­ers appear to have had [as yet unspec­i­fied] help in mak­ing their bombs. In addi­tion, the pro­gram high­lights stun­ning infor­ma­tion bout the 1980 Munich Okto­ber­fest bomb­ing, indi­cat­ing com­plic­i­ty by Ger­man gov­ern­ment offi­cials in the event, as well as evi­den­tiary trib­u­taries lead­ing in the direc­tion of Klaus Bar­bi­e’s Brides­grooms of Death mer­ce­nary group. After high­light­ing attempts by Hen­ry Kissinger and Richard Nixon to use Under­ground Reich ele­ments to desta­bi­lize the Ger­man gov­ern­ment of Willy Brandt, the broad­cast sets forth the Euro­pean Space Agen­cy’s employ­ment of Project HAARP devel­op­er Bernard “Ben” East­lund to devel­op tech­nol­o­gy osten­si­bly designed to neu­tral­ize tor­na­does. Tor­na­does do not occur in Europe and crit­ics have stat­ed that the tech­nol­o­gy might actu­al­ly make tor­na­does more destruc­tive.

FTR #750 Surveying the Scene with Daniel Hopsicker

This broad­cast catch­es up with some areas of research and inter­est on the part of the hero­ic inves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ist Daniel Hop­sick­er. We then revis­it­ed the cir­cum­stances of Ruki Dekkers, one of Atta’s clos­est asso­ciates. Although he was arrest­ed for drug traf­fick­ing, informed sources expressed skep­ti­cism that he would ever go to tri­al. Much of the pro­gram focused on the Boston Marathon bomb­ing of April 2013, espe­cial­ly the links between the bombers, their fam­i­ly and ele­ments asso­ci­at­ed with CIA.

Planet of the Apps: On the Subject of those “Shocking” Disclosures about NSA/GCHQ Electronic Surveillance (Y‑A-W‑N!)

What is sig­nif­i­cant about the PRISM func­tion is its prob­a­ble dual-use by the Palan­tir firm of Peter Thiel. Thiel–asociated with the Koch Broth­ers Cato institute–hates Oba­ma. MIGHT THE THIEL CAMP HAVE LEAKED THIS INFORMATION?! Leak­ing jour­nal­ist Glenn Green­wald is pro­fes­sion­al­ly asso­ci­at­ed with the Cato Insti­tute. Oba­ma’s FBI nom­i­nee is the for­mer gen­er­al coun­sel for a Palan­tir client. IMPORTANT UPDATES ON 6/8/2013 and 6/15/2013.

Was the Relationship between Brian Glyn Williams and Dzokhar Tsarnaev more than Just Student and “Tutor”?

In the wake of the Boston Marathon bomb­ings, we’ve high­light­ed the unrav­el­ing of the “two lone nuts” the­o­ry of that trag­ic event.In this con­text, we note that younger broth­er Dzokhar Tsar­naev’s high school men­tor has a back­ground in the CIA and also teach­es Islam­ic stud­ies at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mass­a­chu­setts-Dart­mouth, which Dzokhar attend­ed.

Fee, Fi . . . Ho, Hum: The Usual Suspect Elements Come into Focus in The Boston Marathon Bombing (“How Many Lies Can You Allow Yourself to Believe before You Belong to the Lie?”)

Numer­ous ele­ments have come into focus in con­nec­tion with the inves­ti­ga­tion of the Boston bomb­ing. They include a sub­sidiary of Dick Cheney’s Hal­libur­ton. In addi­tion, the mosque they attend­ed and at which they may have been rad­i­cal­ized is part of the milieu shep­herd­ed by Grover Norquist.

No, No Nano-Thermite (with Apologies to the Producers of “No, No, Nanette”)

Nano-Ther­mite alle­ga­tion dis­proved. Col­lapse of Twin Tow­ers not caused by nano-ther­mite. “Truthers” dis­cred­it­ed.

Can the Muslim Brotherhood and Ptech Sabotage U.S. Electronic Defense Systems?

U.S. high-tech weapons sys­tems can be under­mined with inte­grat­ed cir­cuits equipped with “kill switch­es.” Could Mus­lim-Broth­er­hood-dom­i­nat­ed Ptech use such instru­men­tal­i­ties?