Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Ptech' is associated with 39 posts.

FTR #543 Hell and High Water: Cartoongate and the Dubai Ports Controversy

Acqui­si­tion of sea­port man­age­ment com­pa­ny by a Dubai firm; Dan­ish news­pa­per car­toons por­tray­ing the Prophet Mohammed.

Calmer voices drowned out by rhetoric

Stand­ing beneath tow­er­ing cranes and rows of stacked con­tain­ers on the docks of the Port of Mia­mi, it is easy to see why the city should be con­cerned about mar­itime secu­ri­ty.

FTR #540 Moderates Like Us

Record­ed Feb­ru­ary 5, 2006 Lis­ten: MP3 Side 1  Side 2 REALAUDIO Intro­duc­tion: In late 2005 and ear­ly 2006, the Islam­o­fas­cist Mus­lim Broth­er­hood scored sig­nif­i­cant elec­toral suc­cess­es in Egypt and in the Pales­tin­ian ter­ri­to­ries. Rep­re­sent­ing itself as “mod­er­ate” and “demo­c­ra­t­ic,” the Broth­er­hood has enjoyed the encomi­ums of an amen cho­rus in parts of the West. A polit­i­cal […]

FTR #538 Bush’s Buddy—The Acquittal of Sammy the Aryan

Record­ed Decem­ber 11, 2005 Lis­ten: MP3 Side 1  Side 2 REALAUDIO Intro­duc­tion: Begin­ning with an inter­view with the remark­able John Lof­tus, this broad­cast high­lights the cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing the acquit­tal of Sami al-Arian—a close polit­i­cal ally of George W. Bush. In addi­tion to his close rela­tion­shio with Bush and oth­er promi­nent Repub­li­cans, “Sam­my the Aryan” is […]

FTR #537 The Project—The Muslim Brotherhood and the Global Proxy War

  Lis­ten: MP3:  Side 1  Side 2 REALAUDIO THE PROJECT  [Perma­link from Dai­ly Ablu­tion blog] Intro­duc­tion: In the pletho­ra of broad­casts record­ed since 9/11/2001, we have exam­ined the pri­ma­ry role in the attacks of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, an Islam­ic fas­cist orga­ni­za­tion that was allied with the Axis pow­ers of World War II. Since the end of […]

FTR #533 The Florida-Argentine Connection: Another Helluva Conspiracy Theory

Record­ed Novem­ber 13, 2005 Lis­ten: MP3  Side 1  Side 2 REALAUDIO Intro­duc­tion: In this broad­cast, we exam­ine some impor­tant and reveal­ing con­nec­tions of Jeb Bush and Kather­ine Har­ris to fig­ures asso­ci­at­ed with an episode in Argentina’s “dirty war” of the 1970’s and the cov­­er-up of the AMIA bomb­ing of 1994. In addi­tion, the pro­gram delin­eates the […]

FTR #532 Interview with John Loftus

Vat­i­can Bank, and the Vat­i­can’s long involve­ment with fas­cism.

FTR #527 Death Trap, Part II

Record­ed Sep­tem­ber 18, 2005REALAUDIOSee also FTR #471 Death TrapIn the run-up to the Iraq war, Mr. Emory sug­gest­ed that the U.S. was falling into a trap laid by the Under­ground Reich, in which this coun­try would find itself fight­ing a drain­ing and (ulti­mate­ly) anni­hi­lat­ing war against the Mus­lim peo­ples of what the Third Reich’s geopoliti­cians […]

FTR #522 The Safari Club

Record­ed August 14, 2005REALAUDIOCon­tin­u­ing with analy­sis of the Fifth Col­umn that assist­ed the Islamo-fas­­cists who per­pe­trat­ed the 9/11 attacks, the pro­gram access­es infor­ma­tion from a VERY impor­tant new book Pre­lude to Ter­ror by Joseph J. Tren­to. In this book, the author sets forth infor­ma­tion about the Safari Club, an “out­sourced” intel­li­gence net­work in which the […]

FTR #517 Update on 9/11 and Related Matters

Fail­ure by both pub­lic and pri­vate sec­tors to guar­an­tee the integri­ty of ter­ror­ism insur­ance.