Mr. Emory’s Patreon Archive continues to grow: In addition to brilliant exposes by Hal Sanderson and “Monty” about the intelligence community, fascism and the new age and ground-breaking research about the depth and scope of Nazi penetration of U.S. intelligence, the most recent talks revisit the assassinations of MLK and RFK, as well as the subject of mind control. Dr. Jeffrey Sachs “pretty convinced” Covid came from a U.S. Bio-Lab. WFMU-FM is podcasting For The Record–You can subscribe to the podcast HERE. Mr. Emory emphatically recommends that listeners/readers get the 32GB flash drive containing all of Mr. Emory’s 43 years on the air, plus a library of old anti-fascist books on easy-to-download PDF files.
You can subscribe to RSS feed from HERE. You can subscribe to the comments made on programs and posts–an excellent source of information in, and of, itself, HERE. WFMU-FM is podcasting For The Record–You can subscribe to the podcast HERE. Mr. Emory’s entire life’s work is available on a 32GB flash drive, available for a contribution of […]
Continuing our visits with Jim DiEugenio, we alter our focus somewhat to JFK’s civil rights policy. Although the subject is presented in JFK Revisited, we delineate a deep dive into a magnificent group of four essays that Jim did on his website Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
To make a VERY long story short: “The Kennedy administration did more to advance civil rights in three years than the prior 18 did in nearly a century. This is simply a matter of record. (See the chart at the end of Part 3.)”
This broadcast continues our visits with Jim DiEugenio–author of Destiny Betrayed and JFK Revisited–selected by Oliver Stone to write the screenplay for his latest documentary.
We highlight: Jefferson Morley’s observation that recent release of documents by Biden is inadequate—many documents remain classified, including many important ones; The discussion of Admiral Burkley’s aide James Young and his aides Mills and Martinell’s retrieval of material from the limousine; Ruby’s numerous Mob connections, and RFK’s role going after Mafia; The deep politics of Mob involvement in the assassination of JFK, as well as the killing of RFK; The Alliance for Progress: What JFK intended with the policy and LBJ’s steering of the program in a diametrically opposite direction; analysis of JFK’s attempts at establishing a more balanced policy toward the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Topics covered include; JFK’s diplomatic overture to Nasser, to which the Egyptian president was receptive; Kennedy’s discussions with Israel seeking to gain assurance that the Dimona nuclear reactor was for peaceful purposes only.
Beginning with discussion of the genesis of JFK Revisited, we highlight a 2013 conference in Pittsburgh, PA, at which Jim DiEugenio delivered a power point presentation about President Kennedy’s foreign policy program and the decisions that resulted from that.
Because the address drew a standing ovation from the audience, one of the attendees brought the material in the presentation to the attention of Oliver Stone, which, in turn, led to the launching of this documentary project.
Citing the routine rhetorical dismissal of the realities of the JFK assassination as a coup d’etat, journalists and politicians routinely employ the rhetorical device “Conspiracy Theory.” Meaning, in effect, a “deranged, lone nut,” the term has its applied origins in an internal CIA discussion about how to counteract Warren Commission critics!
We discuss the MSM’s conflation of the Q‑Anon types with researchers such as Mr. DiEugenio and Mr. Emory.
Immediately following the release of the documentary (along with the DVD’s of the material and the book JFK Revisited), author Tim Weiner penned a piece for Rolling Stone magazine in which he represented the arguments presented in the film (and in the accompanying book, by extension) as stemming from Soviet disinformation.
We note that this type of misrepresentation is in line with the widely distributed propaganda assertion scapegoating Russia and Vladimir Putin for this country’s problems and those of the world in general.
Suffice it to say that none of the material in the documentary is Soviet/Russian.
By way of demonstrating the nonsensical nature of the contention that “Soviet/Russian propaganda” underlies the arguments presented by Stone/DiEugenio, we review a key element from Jim’s magnum opus Destiny Betrayed.
When Richard Helms, head of the CIA at that time, convened a group to discuss Jim Garrison’s prosecution of Clay Shaw, Ray Rocca, the top aide to Agency Counter-intelligence chief James Angleton, opined that Garrison would obtain a conviction of Shaw. Rocca was the acknowledged expert at CIA on Garrison/JFK assassination.
Not even Tim Weiner could dismiss the CIA’s number two counterintelligence official as “a Soviet agent/propagandist.”
Attempts at portraying the JFK assassination as a Soviet conspiracy continue to this day with former CIA chief James Woolsey having authored the recently-released Operation Dragon, which uses the allegations of a former Romanian intelligence agent to pin responsibility for the assassination on the U.S.S.R.
Attempts to attribute the JFK assassination on the Soviet Union and/or Fidel Castro’s Cuba are not new.
The war in Ukraine is a direct echo of an aspect of attempting to “paint Oswald Red.”
The Nazis and fascists in control of the reins of national security power in Ukraine are directly descended from the OUN/B of Stephan Bandera, whose forces collaborated with the Third Reich during World War II.
This political and historical dynamic is set forth in a number of programs, including FTR#876.
After Oswald’s return to the U.S., he was met by Spas T. Raikin, Secretary General of the American Friends of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations. This despite the fact that Oswald had proposed giving military secrets to the Soviet Union.
After the death of Bandera, the OUN/B was headed by Yaroslav Stetzko, the head of the WWII Nazi collaborationist government, which implemented Hitler’s ethnic cleansing programs. The OUN/B dominated the ABN, which was originally named the Committee of Subjugated Nations, when it was formed by Adolf Hitler in 1943.
Echoes of the Bandera organization and the ABN are present in the destabilization of China, as well.
LBJ successfully used the fears of a Third World War that might stem from the perception that the USSR and/or Cuba was behind the assassination in order to persuade Earl Warren, among others, that they should serve on the commission. We discussed “the painting of Oswald Red” in numerous programs, including FTR#‘s 925, 926.
For much of this year, the nation’s attention has been focused on the January 6 Hearings. Noteworthy is the fact that the nation’s lawful government was overthrown on 11/22/1963.
When Biden intones that “our democracy is under fire,” he is “a day late and a dollar short.”
“Our democracy” was, literally, under fire on that Friday in Dallas, and democracy has been a mere façade in the time since.
Members of Congress have sounded grave warnings about the Secret Service and apparently “lost” communications concerning the assaults of 1/06/2021.
As these talks progress, we will highlight the Secret Service and their performance vis a vis the assassination of JFK. Congress, too, is “a day late and a dollar short.”
As will be detailed later in this series, both Presidents Trump and Biden delayed release of the ARRB records at the designated junctures.
Another interesting “Team Trump” link to the assassination investigation concerns Jefferson Morley’s FOIA suit to learn more about George Joannides, who managed the Carlos Bringuier-linked DRE for the CIA.
Morley’s appeal was turned down by an appeals court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding voter, just before decamping for his hearings on his qualifications for the Supreme Court.
One of JFK’s stances that put him greatly at odds concerning national security and foreign policy was his view toward, and actions in conjunction with, the former Soviet Union.
In that regard, we note: Kennedy’s authorization of the atmospheric test ban treaty, the first substantive arms limitation agreement with the former Soviet Union—bitterly opposed by key members of the national security establishment; JFK’s refusal to invade Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis, which, combined with his refusal to utilize the military to assist the Bay of Pigs invasion, cemented the view among key national security players that he was a traitor/Communist; Kennedy’s June 1963 speech at American University, in which he recognized the USSR’s enormous contribution toward the defeat of Nazi Germany and called for a new relationship with the USSR; JFK’s proposal that the U.S. and U.S.S.R. undertake joint space exploration.
Bridging discussion that will be continued in our next programs, we note a key quote from the book and documentary by Lisa Pease, noting that JFK stood apart from the Eisenhower/Dulles view that non-alignment among the former colonial territories that achieved independence was the equivalent of pro-Communist orientation.
JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass by Jim DiEugenio; Skyhorse Publishing [HC]; Copyright 2022 by Jim DiEugenio; ISBN 978–1‑5107–7287‑8; p. 352.
. . . . Lisa Pease: His [JFK’s] approach was a radical break from his predecessor. In an oral history interview that Sukarno gave after John Kennedy’s death, he said words to the effect that what made Kennedy special is that he believed non-alignment was not amoral as it had been under John Foster Dulles. I thought that was an interesting way of putting it. . . .
We have discussed the dubious connections of the late Senator Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota, the “Peace Candidate” who upended the 1968 Presidential race. We note his remarkable, revealing 1980 endorsement of “Peace Candidate” Ronald Reagan: ” . . . . Mr. McCarthy said he had come to the conclusion that Mr. Reagan’s positions on nuclear disarmament and taxes were better than President Carter’s . . . .” Ukrainian television anchor quotes Adolf Eichmann verbatim in this video from UKRAINE 24. WFMU-FM is podcasting For The Record–You can subscribe to the podcast HERE. Mr. Emory emphatically recommends that listeners/readers get the 32GB flash drive containing all of Mr. Emory’s 43 years on the air, plus a library of old anti-fascist books on easy-to-download PDF files.
The Patreon site continues to develop and take form: The first Zoom Q & A Session is scheduled for 6/5 at 2pm Pacific Time. A theme of the talk Friday was how to best bridge the gap between new, credible documented information that conflicts with people’s pre-existing beliefs and the changing of those beliefs. That gap can be expressed in this online, comic, cleverly conceived and executed. Ukrainian television anchor quotes Adolf Eichmann verbatim in this video from UKRAINE 24. This video of Ukraine’s top military medical officer discussing an order to castrate Russian males is an eye-opener. WFMU-FM is podcasting For The Record–You can subscribe to the podcast HERE. Mr. Emory emphatically recommends that listeners/readers get the 32GB flash drive containing all of Mr. Emory’s 43 years on the air, plus a library of old anti-fascist books on easy-to-download PDF files.
This broadcast continues a decades-long path of exploration that Mr. Emory has walked, once again utilizing material from Coup in Dallas:
We have detailed the fundamental involvement of Nazis in the assassination of JFK in numerous programs, over the decades, including: FTR#‘s 54, 168, 971, 1123, 1222, 1223, 1224, AFA #‘s 11, 12, 13, 15, 37, as well as The Guns of November, Part 4.
Further exploring Nazi involvement in the JFK assassination, we highlight networking between Thomas Eli Davis–linked to Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald–and a veteran spook named Victor Oswald (no relation to the JFK assassination patsy).
About Victor Oswald:
1.–” . . . . During the war, he became close friends with Alfred Barth, the vice-president for Middle European Affairs for the Chase National Bank in New York, owned by the Rockefeller family. Barth was a close friend of John McCloy . . . . who in 1964 would become a member of the Warren Commission. In 1950, Barth traveled to Madrid to meet with Generalissimo Franco, and it was Victor Oswald who accompanied him to the private meeting. Not long afterward, Oswald became the official representative for the Chase Manhattan Bank in Spain, having been appointed by his friend Lawrence Rockefeller. Oswald was also a close friend and business partner with Pierre S. Du Pont III. . . .”
2.–”. . . . He was also a low-profile member of Madrid’s large coterie of former Nazis, some of whom joined him in his various business ventures . . . .”
3.–” . . . . Significantly, Victor Oswald was also a longtime business partner with fellow Madrid resident Otto Skorzeny, who, more importantly and to the point here, was present for Davis’s meeting with Victor Oswald. . . .”
4.–” . . . . Skorzeny and Victor Oswald had known each other since at least 1951. This was the point during which Skorzeny was establishing an independent engineering office in Madrid. Introductions between the two appear to have come through Johannes Bernhardt, the former senior SS intelligence officer who headed SOFINDUS, the corporate network used by the Nazis in Spain. Readers may recall that SOFINDUS assets were acquired by the Allies after the war. Victor Oswald . . . was involved in the postwar acquisition of SOFINDUS, placing him in close contact with Bernhardt. . . .”
Much of the program consists of analysis of the highly suspicious “suicide” of Edward Grant Stockdale, JFK’s ambassador to Ireland and an individual who possessed information about a number of sensitive matters that may have led to his elimination.
Much of that sensitive information concerned the large Nazi diaspora which materialized in Ireland in the 1960’s, heavily capitalizing the Irish economy and augmenting a Nazi/fascist political base in that island nation.
Drawing on virulent anti-British sentiment in the “Emerald Isle,” as well as profound Vatican influence in that country, a strong Third Reich underground fused with domestic fascist elements such as the Blueshirts to create a strong ideological, operational and economic foundation for the Nazi dream of a “European Argentine.”
“ . . . . A decade later, according to historian Dennis Eisenberg in his thorough expose Re-Emergence of Fascism. ‘The early spring of 1961 saw one of the most important changes in plans for the fascist international’s future activities. . . . It was decided at this meeting to try and make Ireland the future home for their activities in the same way as the Argentine had been used in the days immediately after the war. . . . The methods used were the same as those which had been directed against Peron; the country will be flooded with capital in such a way that the Government would become dependent on the men who control the money purses. Now Ireland was to become a kind of ‘refuge’ on the door-step of Europe for fascist-minded extremists.’ . . . .”
Stockdale’s “suicide” followed President Kennedy’s assassination by ten days.
“ . . . . On the morning of December 2, 1963, ten days after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Edward Grant Stockdale, a ruggedly handsome, forty-eight-year-old businessman and cohort of both Jack and Robert Kennedy, fell to his death from the thirteenth floor of the Alfred I. DuPont Building in downtown Miami.
Stockdale tumbled eight floors from his business office window before his body struck and landed on a fifth-floor ledge. . . .”
There is ample reason to believe that Stockdale’s death was not suicide.
“. . . . Interviewed in June 2004, Grant’s daughter, Ann Stockdale—apparently acutely aware of the dangers of speaking candidly about her father’s alleged suicide even four decades later . . . . “[President] Kennedy asked Daddy to go to the Air Force Base south of Miami to see if (against Kennedy’s orders) bombs were being loaded on the planes. Bombs were being loaded on the planes! I believe one of the reasons Daddy was killed was because he knew that the Government was being run by the Military Complex. . . .”
Stockdale expressed fear for his life: “ . . . . Author and publisher David Talbot writes that Stockdale flew to Washington and talked with Robert and Edward Kennedy about the assassination of their brother. On his return [to Miami] Stockdale told several of his friends that ‘the world was closing in.’ On December 1, he spoke to his attorney, William Frates, who later recalled: ‘He started talking. It didn’t make much sense. He said something about ‘those guys’ trying to get him. Then about the assassination.’’ . . . .”
The authors speculate that Stockdale’s “suicide” may have been arranged in part, to obscure his awareness of the profound Nazi presence in Ireland, including operations of Otto and Ilse Skoreny. Skorzeny, of course, may have been a key tactical planner for the JFK assassination as posited by Albarelli and his co-authors.
“ . . . . ‘Frequently attending these gatherings in all their splendor were Otto and Ilse Skorzeny . . . Without doubt, Stockdale was amply familiar with former Nazi SS officer Skorzeny, who often visited the embassy for meetings with various American businessmen, military officers, and intelligence officials, as well as various embassy staff members throughout 1960, 1961, and 1962. Former embassy personnel vividly recall Skorzeny coming to the embassy on a near ‘weekly basis.’ Evidence also reveals that the Skorzenys were occasional dinner guests joining the ambassador and his wife. . . .”
Both of JFK’s surviving brothers made trips abroad in 1964, possibly to investigate aspects of their brother’s murder.
Shortly after announcing his candidacy for the Senate, Ted Kennedy made a trip to Ireland, shortly after which he narrowly escaped death in a plane crash: “ . . . . Six months after the murder of his brother in Dallas, Senator Edward Kennedy, the youngest of Joe and Rose Kennedy’s sons, flew to Ireland. He had recently announced his campaign to run for a six-year Senate term in Massachusetts . . . . He returned to the States, and less than three weeks later, on June 19, 1964, he was a passenger in a fatal plane crash that killed the pilot, Edward Zimny of Lawrence, MA. . . .”
Robert Kennedy traveled to Mexico: “ . . . . Toward the end of 1964, his brother, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, made a trip to Mexico City, ostensibly to observe the young radical movement in the country. Coverage of the mysterious trip was tightly controlled, and it was only years later that researchers began to speculate on the real purpose of the trip. Some historians argue he was pursuing links between the assassination of his brother and a network operating in Mexico. . . .”
Continuing discussion of Tom O’Neill’s opus Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties, these programs illustrate the “post-democratic” state of American politics by presenting the career of a veteran CIA officer named Reeve Whitson.
Reeve Whitson:
1.–Was alleged by Iranian immigrant Shahrokh Hatami to have phoned him with knowledge of the killings of Sharon Tate, et al, before the crime was reported by the news media and before law enforcement even arrived at the crime scene!
2.–Was alleged by the LAPD’s top investigator and Sharon Tate’s father (a Colonel in Army intelligence) to have been deeply involved with the Manson investigation.
3.–Was alleged by attorney Neil Cummings to have maintained some kind of surveillance on the Cielo Drive home, as part of some sort of work he was doing for the intelligence community.
4.–Was confirmed as an officer of the CIA by his own ex-wife.
5.–Was known to have felt that he was–in the end–betrayed by the faction of the CIA for which he worked.
6.–Was able to pull strings in a pivotal way: “. . . . A British film director who himself claimed to have ties to MI5, [John] Irvin said that Whitson got meetings ‘with minutes’ at “the highest levels of the defense industry—it was amazing.’ ”
7.–Was apparently a close associate of retired General Curtis LeMay, George Wallace’s Vice-Presidential candidate in 1968.
8.–Was associated with LeMay when the latter became vice-president of a missile parts manufacturer, which was headed by Mihai Patrichi. Patrichi was a former Romanian army general and a member of the Romanian Iron Guard, whom we have spoken about and written about in many programs and posts. The Iron Guard was part of the Gehglen “Org,” the ABN and the GOP.
9.–Was associated, through his intelligence work with Otto Skorzeny and his wife Ilse.
10.–Was the special adviser to the chairman of the board of the Thyssen firm, also as part of his intelligence work.
Concluding the discussion, we present O’Neill’s discussion of Lawrence Shiller and Jerry Cohen, two journalists believed by many Warren Commission critics to be media “intelligence assets.”
Both Schiller and Cohen helped to shape the “official” version of the Manson Family operations and both cropped up in the context of the JFK assassination as well.
In the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd, there has been wall-to-wall coverage of his murder and of the world-wide demonstrations stemming from it. The advent of smart phone (with cameras) and the internet affords detailed and intimate experience of such an event.
However, the orgiastic coverage of that event, the memorial service led by FBI informant and alleged [by the late Warren Hinckle] CIA operative in Grenada Al Sharpton stands in stark contrast to the utter silence across the board on the circumstances of Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination.
On the fiftieth anniversary of King’s murder, Mr. Emory did a twelve hour program about the circumstances of the assassination, reprising AFA #8 (done in 1985 on the 17th anniversary of the killing) and FTR #46, recorded a decade later and supplemented on 4/3/2018.
Despite exhaustive and perilous research done by the likes of Dr. William F. Pepper, 4/4/2018 was notable for the absence of substantive discussion of King’s murder.
The political and historical significance of such an event was presented by Dr. Pepper in his third book about the King assassination, The Plot to Kill King: ” . . . . . . . . When one is confronted with the assassination of a major leader who personifies the most treasured values of the species and it becomes clear that those responsible for the murder are officials of his own government acting with the sanction of those in the shadows who actually rule, surely one should strive to understand what that means now and for the future. In other words, when the removal of a leader who has offended powerful forces and special interests in the Republic takes on the status of an act of state, citizens must contemplate what this reveals about their culture and its civil and political systems, their freedom, the quality and status of the rule of law, and their entire way of life. . . . ”
It seems that–for many–black lives matter, but not Dr. King’s, apparently, past a point.
Again, Dr. Pepper noted that: ” . . . . citizens must contemplate what this reveals about their culture and its civil and political systems, their freedom, the quality and status of the rule of law, and their entire way of life. . . . ”
In said contemplation, this program supplements our previous work on the killing.
Although Dr. Pepper reprises the stunning information he set forth in Orders to Kill in The Plot to Kill King, we will not reprise that here, in the interests of time. (We do recap a short excerpt from Orders to Kill comprising an apparent evidentiary tributary between King’s murder and the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, which occurred two months later.)
The bulk of the discussion in this program is presentation and analysis of the political machinery in Memphis, Tennessee that engineered Dr. King’s murder. (Discussion of the Special Forces team that was in Memphis as a back-up unit in case the civilian sniper missed King is detailed in FTR #46.)
In Pepper’s investigation of King’s murderers, he detailed the apparent role of the late Russell Lee Adkins, a member of the Dixie Mafia in Memphis, Tennessee. (The Dixie Mafia is distinct from the Mafia, per se, that operated in the South, although–as Pepper makes clear–they worked with Mafiosi like New Orleans capo Carlos Marcello and Marcello associate Frank Liberto, like Adkins, an operator in Memphis.)
His son Russell Jr. took over executive management of the assassination machinery after his father’s death in 1967.
Note the cooperation between the Ku Klux Klan and elements of the Masons in Memphis. This should NOT be misunderstood as buying into the myriad of anti-Masonic conspiracy theories which have proliferated on the Internet. The bulk of Freemasonry are what they represent themselves as being–civic activists and philanthropists. The Third Reich planned to exterminate the Masons, along with the Jews and others.
That having been said, there have always been networks within the Masons which, due to to their clandestine operating structure, have been utilized for conspiratorial purposes. In these broadcasts, we have noted the P‑2 lodge of Licio Gelli as one such entity.
The Russell Adkins Klan/Mason nexus is another. Note Russell Sr.‘s son Ron Adkins deposition about the decisive influence of this institutionally racist entity and its powerful operational connections:
1.–It dominated Memphis municipal politics empowering Mayor Henry Loeb and Fire and Police Commissioner Frank Holloman, among others figuring in the murder of King.
2.–The Adkins/Klan milieu had long-standing operational links with the FBI. Number two man in the bureau at the time, as well as J. Edgar Hoover’s live-in lover, was close to Russell Adkins and used him to dispense payments to bureau operatives, including the Reverend Jesse Jackson.
2.–The Adkins/Klan milieu networked with the Mafia, as stated above.
3.–Ron Adkins, Russell Sr.‘s son, deposed under oath that: ” . . . . Ron said that his father took him to his first lynching when he was just six years old. . . .”
4.–The Adkins milieu was close to Dr. Breen Bland, whose alleged role in King’s death is discussed below.
Next, we present the role of the Adkins machine as a conduit for Hoover and Tolson’s financing for the escape of patsy-to-be James Earl Ray: ” . . . . . . . . [FBI official Clyde] Tolson was a substantial connection for his [Ronnie Adkins’] father . . . . Of particular interest to this case is that he brought the money which was to be paid to Harold Swenson, the Warden of the Missouri State prison, in Jefferson City, Missouri, in order for him to arrange for the escape of James in 1967. At Hoover’s request, James had been profiled as a potential scapegoat, although the nature of the crime was not revealed. Ron told us about this assignment because he was an actual observer. He saw the money being delivered by Tolson and then, at his father’s invitation, he rode to the prison where the money was paid to Swenson by his father. . . Ray (who was always kept in the dark about this arrangement) successfully escaped from prison on April 23, 1967, and then . . . was monitored, controlled . . . . and moved around until the plans for the assassination and his use were finalized. . . . .”
In the run-up to the assassination of king: ” . . . . In early 1968, two workers, thirty-five-year-old Echole Cole and twenty-nine-year-old Robert Walker were literally swallowed by a malfunctioning ‘garbage packer’ truck. We would later learn this was a planned murder by the Dixie Mafia family of Russell Adkins, in coordination with Memphis Police Department Director of Police and Fire Frank Holloman, in order to compel Dr. King to return to support the strikers. . . .”
Sworn depositions by Lenny Curtis (a custodian for the Memphis Police Department) and Nathan Whitlock, a Memphis policeman named Frank Strausser was the actual shooter selected to execute King: ” . . . . On that day, he [Strausser] broke to take lunch with [MPD Captain Earl] Clark, and when he returned he resumed firing. When he left at around 3:30 p.m., he put the top down on the convertible, took off his powder blue shirt, and threw it over the rifle in the backseat, leaving only his white T‑shirt on. He ruffled his hair and put on a pair of sunglasses. When he left, Mayor Loeb, Holloman, and the other visiting police officers were still there. They had met in Lieutenant Bullard’s office. . . .”
After highlighting the alleged role of Frank Strausser as the actual assassin, we present the operational sequence of events on the ground in Memphis, Tennessee. Again, note the ubiquitous presence of the Adkins/Dixie Mafia/Klan machine in the progression of events. ” . . . . Also observed arriving at the MPD firing range building where he met with the shooter and Earl Clark were Director Holloman and Mayor Henry Loeb. . . .”
Note, also, the roles of Jesse Jackson and the Reverend Billy Kyles in these maneuvers. (As discussed in FTR #1005, both were being paid by FBI official Clyde Tolson, through the Adkins machine. Jackson’s apparent role was to help secure Room 306 in the Lorraine Motel, overlooking the pool and affording a clear shot, as well as to maneuver the Invaders out of the area. (The Invaders were a local Black Power group who were present for security purposes.) Kyles was there to help lure King out onto the balcony for the kill shot.
After King was shot, he was taken to St. Joseph’s hospital, where, again the influence of the Adkins machine came into play: ” . . . . . . . . Ron Adkins Tyler, under oath, told me that Dr. Breen Bland, who, remember was also the Adkins’ family doctor, was in fact, the head surgeon at the hospital. . . . He said he was present and overheard conversations between his father and Dr. Bland, and then, following his father’s death, between his brother (Russell Junior), Police and Fire Director Frank Holloman, and Dr. Bland about the importance of Dr. King being taken to St. Joseph’s if he was still alive. . . . Ron Adkins Tyler has no doubt that they were determined to make certain that Dr. King would never leave the emergency room at St. Joseph’s Hospital alive. Though he did not know the details of the final cause of death, it appears that he was correct. . . .”
Next, we focus on events at St. Joseph’s Hospital on 4/4/1968:
1.–Among those events ” . . . . was the large presence of military intelligence officers who had taken up positions in the hospital well before the shot was fired. According to Dr. Causeway, who was on duty at the time, the military intelligence officers knew the names of all of the emergency room nurses and doctors on duty. . . .”
2.–The attention given to the gravely wounded Dr. King: ” . . . . He [Dr. Causeway] observed that no consideration was given to moving the critically injured victim to the operating room and he saw no surgical effort being made to save him. When he inquired about treatment, he was told that he was being treated. . . .”
3.–According to surgical aide Lula Mae Shelby: ” . . . . there were many MPD officers and army people milling about, in addition to men in suits. . . . Dr. King was lying on a bloodied gurney. She saw the huge hole in the lower left side of his face, but heard one of the ER doctors say that he has a pulse. The ER doctors had performed a tracheotomy and inserted a breathing tube. . . . in a while, the head of surgery (who appears to have been Dr. Breen Bland–the Adkins’ family doctor and collaborator discussed earlier) came into the emergency room with a couple of men in suits and shouted at the staff working on Dr. King, ‘Stop working on the nigger and let him die. Now, all of you get out of here, right now. Everybody get out.’ . . . . as she was leaving, she heard three sounds of the men gathering or sucking up saliva in their mouths–and then she heard two or three spitting sounds. This caused her, on the way out, to glance back over her shoulder, and see that the breathing tube had been removed and Dr. Bland put a pillow on and over the face of Dr. King. . . .”
After the murder, the above-mentioned Lenny Curtis heard rumors about Frank Strausser being the assassin of King, as well as discussion of Strausser being pressured to leave the MPD because of civil rights complaints being lodged against him.
Concerned that Curtis might disclose information about him to the FBI, Strausser confronted him during a drive and delivered a warning: ” . . . . ‘Lenny, you be careful now.’ The look he gave him was clearly threatening. . . .”
Following this incident, Curtis experienced strange, frightening things: ” . . . . . His gas was strangely turned on once when he was about to enter his house. He had lit a cigarette, but as he opened the door he smelled gas and quickly put out the cigarette. A strange Lincoln was occasionally parked across the street from his apartment house. . . . One morning when the car was there, he got into his own car and quickly drove off, and the strange car pulled out and followed him. He managed to see the driver. It was Strausser. At that time, new evidence in the case came up. He said that every time new evidence arose the officer would pop up. He tried to move to a new house without notice but the landlord of the new complex would report seeing a man in the back of his house. When Lenny checked the area, he found a ‘tree stand,’ a V‑shaped stand where you could rest a rifle. When he put a stick in it, it focused on his kitchen and bathroom windows. He moved again, without notice. . . .”
Pepper found Curtis to be inspiring, waiting until after his death in 2013 to come forward with his testimony out of fear for Lenny’s safety. ” . . . . I safeguarded his information and his deposition for all of these years, fearful that the assassin’s masters would kill him if they learned about his cooperation with me. . . .”
Before concluding the program, we revisit the statement of one of the Special Forces officers comprising the back-up fire team–a man Pepper described under the pseudonym “Warren.” ” . . . . . . . . Warren said that on that occasion they also had a secondary mission, which was to do recon (reconnaissance of a home up in the Western Hills near the UCLA campus.) The recon was to determine the feasibility of a ‘wet insert ops determined’ operation. (‘Wet insert ops determined’ means that the unit carries out a surreptitious entry at night into the targeted residence, kills everyone there, and leaves without a trace.) He said that their recon determined the feasibility of such an operation. Warren subsequently learned that the house was used by Senator Robert F. Kennedy when he was in Los Angeles in 1967–68. . . .”
We end the program with a caveat delivered to former Representative Walter Fauntroy [of Washington D.C.]–a founder of the Congressional Black Caucus. After informing then Speaker of the House of Representatives Carl Albert that he wished to head what was to become the House Select Committee on Assassinations: ” . . . . Albert said to him, ‘Walter, you don’t want that job.’ To which Fauntroy replied, ‘But I do want it; why not?’ Albert whispered, ‘Walter, they will kill you.’ . . .”
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