Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Richard Mack' is associated with 1 posts.

Extremism in the Defense of Stupidity Is a Vice, Part 2: Razing Arizona

Politi­cians putting their foot in the mouth is noth­ing new. But, inter­est­ing­ly, one of Ari­zon­a’s top law­mak­ers, House Speak­er Andy Big­gs, recent­ly found him­self in hot water after speak­ing at an event not for what he said. It’s what he did­n’t say. Specif­i­cal­ly, what he did­n’t say regard­ing calls by the head of the Oath Keep­ers to try and hang Sen­a­tor John McCain. A num­ber of eye­brows have been raised over this inci­dent. But as we’ll see, for any­one that’s been watch­ing the actions of the entire Ari­zona GOP state cau­cus, those eye­brows should have been raised a long time ago. And stay up.