Owned by Deutsche Borse, Clearstream network (“the Stream that Washes” according to company insiders) allegedly laundered money for 1983 attack on Marines in Beirut. Company apparently moved money for 9/11 attacks.
Comment: Ettore Gotti Tedeschi–head of the Vatican Bank–espoused the free-market ideology that led to the crash of 2008. Tedeschi has also advised then Cardinal Ratzinger and helped him write an economic thesis. (Ratzinger became, of course, Pope Benedict.) Not surprisingly, Tedeschi is a member of Opus Dei, the fascist lay Catholic order that has been […]
Comment: For many years, we’ve looked at the Vatican Bank–the IOR (Institute for Religious Works.) Long a vehicle for the financing of fascism and criminal undertakings, the institution has FINALLY come under investigation for money laundering. (The Vatican Bank was discussed at length in AFA #18.) “Vatican Bank ‘Investigated over Money Laundering”; BBC News; 9/21/2010. […]
Food Services Giant Sodexo’s scams cost taxpayers, school children big bucks; Timothy Geithner ignored U.S. Treasury bonds naked short selling; Swiss Banks joining AIG in offshore machinations.
Insurance giant AIG’s prolific use of offshore scams, captive reinsurance, illegal gambits and operations, aided by high-level gov’t officials and legislators.
Recorded June 10, 2007 REALAUDIO MP3: Side 1 | Side 2 Introduction: Analyzing the ongoing influence of fascism in Germany’s Axis partners (Japan and Italy), the program illustrates that, as novelist William Faulkner said: “The past is never dead and buried. It isn’t even past.” Beginning with the acquittal of the accused murderers of former […]
The politics of Opus Dei pervade the Vatican, from influencing Pope Benedict to the beatification of past Vatican potentates, the order wields a profound influence.
Analysis and discussion of insurance giant AIG and its prolific use of “offshore” scams, AIG’s pioneering development of “captive” reinsurance companies to launder profits and evade taxes, AIG’s Coral Reinsurance, illegal gambits and operations have been aided by powerful and influential people.
Recorded August 7, 2005 MP3 NB: This stream contains both FTRs 520 and 521 in sequence. Each is a 30 minute broadcast. Introducing new stories and updating old ones, this program begins by noting a growing body of information suggesting that the subject of “seismic warfare” is not as whacky as it sounds. After noting […]
German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger—dubbed “Panzerkardinal” by wags because of his reactionary views.
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