Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Rockefeller' is associated with 35 posts.

FTR#‘s 1314 & 1315 “Injun’ Country”: The Mohawk Mothers’ Trail of Tears Parts 1 and 2

You can sub­scribe to RSS feed from Spitfirelist.com HERE. You can sub­scribe to the com­ments made on pro­grams and posts–an excel­lent source of infor­ma­tion in, and of, itself, HERE. WFMU-FM is pod­cast­ing For The Record–You can sub­scribe to the pod­cast HERE. Mr. Emory’s entire life’s work is avail­able on a 32GB flash dri­ve, avail­able for a con­tri­bu­tion of […]

Latest Patreon Talk: The OUN/B, the ABN and the Assassination of JFK

In the lat­est Patre­on talk, Mr. Emory delves into man­i­fes­ta­tions of polit­i­cal lying, with the assas­si­na­tion of Pres­i­dent Kennedy as foundation/centerpiece of dis­cus­sion. The role of the Ukrain­ian fas­cist OUN/B and over­lap­ping Anti-Bol­she­vik Bloc of Nations in the JFK assas­si­na­tion com­prise the bulk of the pre­sen­ta­tion. Ukrain­ian tele­vi­sion anchor quotes Adolf Eich­mann ver­ba­tim in this video from UKRAINE 24. WFMU-FM is pod­cast­ing For The Record–You can sub­scribe to the pod­cast HERE. Mr. Emory emphat­i­cal­ly rec­om­mends that listeners/readers get the 32GB flash dri­ve con­tain­ing all of Mr. Emory’s 43 years on the air, plus a library of old anti-fas­cist books on easy-to-down­load PDF files.

FTR #1058, FTR #1059 and FTR #1060 The Christian West, Parts 1, 2 and 3: Contextual Foundation of the Jim DiEugenio Interviews

Review­ing past mate­r­i­al in order to refresh and rein­force under­stand­ing of the his­tor­i­cal con­text and foun­da­tion of the recent Jim DiEu­ge­nio inter­views, this pro­gram reviews infor­ma­tion rel­e­vant to the con­cept of the Chris­t­ian West. “The Chris­t­ian West” is explained in the descrip­tion for AFA #37: ” . . . . When it became clear that the armies of the Third Reich were going to be defeat­ed, it opened secret nego­ti­a­tions with rep­re­sen­ta­tives from the West­ern Allies. Rep­re­sen­ta­tives on both sides belonged to the transat­lantic finan­cial and indus­tri­al fra­ter­ni­ty that had active­ly sup­port­ed fas­cism. The thrust of these nego­ti­a­tions was the estab­lish­ment of The Chris­t­ian West. Viewed by the Nazis as a vehi­cle for sur­viv­ing mil­i­tary defeat, ‘The Chris­t­ian West’ involved a Hitler-less Reich join­ing with the U.S., Britain, France and oth­er Euro­pean nations in a transat­lantic, pan-Euro­pean anti-Sovi­et alliance. In fact, The Chris­t­ian West became a real­i­ty only after the ces­sa­tion of hos­til­i­ties. The de-Naz­i­fi­ca­tion of Ger­many was abort­ed. Although a few of the more obvi­ous and obnox­ious ele­ments of Nazism were removed, Nazis were returned to pow­er at vir­tu­al­ly every lev­el and in almost every capac­i­ty in the Fed­er­al Repub­lic of Ger­many. . . .”

Against the back­ground of Allen and John Fos­ter Dulles’ long, over­lap­ping careers as lawyers for Sul­li­van & Cromwell, as well as gov­ern­ment oper­a­tives, we note the deci­sive role of car­tels in pre­cip­i­tat­ing fas­cism and the posi­tion in the polit­i­cal and macro-eco­nom­ic land­scape of the events stem­ming from that.

Pro­gram High­lights Include: Amer­i­can recruit­ment of Nazi East­ern Front intel­li­gence offi­cers in August of 1944 (far ear­li­er than gen­er­al­ly sup­posed); The Gehlen “Org“ ‘s incor­po­ra­tion into the CIA with the con­sent of a Nazi chain of com­mand that was still in exis­tence; the role in the Gehlen Org of East­ern Euro­pean fas­cist orga­ni­za­tions includ­ing the OUN/B, the Roman­ian Iron Guard, the Croa­t­ian Ustachi, the Bul­gar­i­an Nation­al Front and the SS Baltic Legion; the incor­po­ra­tion of those same Gehlen-con­trolled East­ern Euro­pean fas­cists into the GOP via the Cru­sade For Free­dom (CFF); the piv­otal role of Gehlen/Nazi/CFF per­son­nel in the post­war GOP (Richard Nixon, Ronald Rea­gan, William Casey and George H.W. Bush); the re-insti­tu­tion of Nazis in the “New” Fed­er­al Repub­lic of Ger­many; the con­trol of the “New” Fed­er­al Repub­lic of Ger­many by an under­ground Nazi fuehringsring and a com­mand cen­ter in Madrid; the role of Cana­di­an nick­el inter­ests in John Fos­ter Dulles’ cob­bling togeth­er of I.G. Far­ben; Gar­ri­son inves­tiga­tive tar­get Clay Shaw’s net­work­ing with Cana­di­an nick­el inter­ests; the role of both Dulles broth­ers in frus­trat­ing the inter­dic­tion of the Bor­mann flight cap­i­tal pro­gram; the [appar­ent­ly suc­cess­ful] nego­ti­a­tions between OSS chief William Dono­van, his aide Allen Dulles and rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the SS to real­ize the Chris­t­ian West con­cept; the role of Cru­sade For Free­dom per­son­nel in the assas­si­na­tion of Pres­i­dent Kennedy; Gar­ri­son inves­tiga­tive tar­get Clay Shaw’s friend­ship with Nazi Finance Min­is­ter Hjal­mar Schacht; Fos­ter Dulles’ pro­fes­sion­al inti­ma­cy with Schacht; Shaw’s links to Per­min­dex and the SS-linked Schroed­er bank­ing empire; the deci­sive role of Allen Dulles, George Her­bert Walk­er (W’s great grand­fa­ther and the grand­fa­ther of George H.W. Bush), Prescott Bush, Sr. (the father of George H.W. Bush and the grand­fa­ther of W) in laun­der­ing U.S. cap­i­tal invest­ment in Nazi Ger­many and the return of those Nazi monies to the U.S.; Nazi steel mag­nate Fritz Thyssen’s close rela­tion­ship to: Allen Dulles, Prescott Bush, Mar­tin Bor­mann and the Schroed­er bank­ing inter­ests; Allen Dulles’ “go-to” rela­tion­ship with Sen­a­tor Prescott Bush (senior) while serv­ing as head of the CIA.

Fascism, Globalization and Money Laundering: Review of the Bush Family Tree

In FTR #370, we dis­cussed the Bor­mann flight cap­i­tal orga­ni­za­tion and its links to the Bush and Thyssen fam­i­lies. In the after­math of the Jim DiEu­ge­nio inter­views, we were impressed by the nature of Clay Shaw’s con­nec­tions to the same milieu. ” . . . . But what did the Bush fam­i­ly know about their Nazi con­nec­tion and when did they know it? As senior man­agers of Brown Broth­ers Har­ri­man, they had to have known that their Amer­i­can clients, such as the Rock­e­fellers, were invest­ing heav­i­ly in Ger­man cor­po­ra­tions, includ­ing Thyssen’s giant Vere­inigte Stahlw­erke. . . . It should be recalled that in Jan­u­ary 1937, he hired Allen Dulles to ‘cloak’ his accounts. But cloak from whom? . . . . The cloak­ing oper­a­tion only makes sense in antic­i­pa­tion of a pos­si­ble war with Nazi Ger­many. If Union Bank was not the con­duit for laun­der­ing the Rockefeller’s Nazi invest­ments back to Amer­i­ca, then how could the Rock­e­feller-con­trolled Chase Man­hat­tan Bank end up own­ing 31% of the Thyssen group after the war? It should be not­ed that the Thyssen group (TBG) is now the largest indus­tri­al con­glom­er­ate in Ger­many, and with a net worth of more than $50 bil­lion dol­lars, one of the wealth­i­est cor­po­ra­tions in the world. TBG is so rich it even bought out the Krupp fam­i­ly, famous arms mak­ers for Hitler, leav­ing the Thyssens as the undis­put­ed cham­pi­on sur­vivors of the Third Reich. Where did the Thyssens get the start-up mon­ey to rebuild their empire with such speed after World War II? The enor­mous sums of mon­ey deposit­ed into the Union Bank pri­or to 1942 are the best evi­dence that Prescott Bush know­ing­ly served as a mon­ey laun­der­er for the Nazis. Remem­ber that Union Banks’ books and accounts were frozen by the U.S. Alien Prop­er­ty Cus­to­di­an in 1942 and not released back to the Bush fam­i­ly until 1951. At that time, Union Bank shares rep­re­sent­ing hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars’ worth of indus­tri­al stocks and bonds were unblocked for dis­tri­b­u­tion. Did the Bush fam­i­ly real­ly believe that such enor­mous sums came from Dutch enter­pris­es? . . . . A for­tune this size could only have come from the Thyssen prof­its made from rearm­ing the Third Reich, and then hid­den, first from the Nazi tax audi­tors, and then from the Allies. The Bush­es knew per­fect­ly well that Brown Broth­ers was the Amer­i­can mon­ey chan­nel into Nazi Ger­many, and that Union Bank was the secret pipeline to bring the Nazi mon­ey back to Amer­i­ca from Hol­land. The Bush­es had to have known how the secret mon­ey cir­cuit worked because they were on the board of direc­tors in both direc­tions: Brown Broth­ers out, Union Bank in. . . .”

FTR #1043 Interview #12 with Jim DiEugenio About Destiny Betrayed

CIA’s Expert on the JFK Assas­si­na­tion Ray Roc­ca: ” . . . . Gar­ri­son would indeed obtain a con­vic­tion of Shaw for con­spir­ing to assas­si­nate Pres­i­dent Kennedy. . . .”

House Select Com­mit­tee on Assas­si­na­tions Assis­tant Coun­sel Jonathan Black­mer: “. . . . ‘We have rea­son to believe Shaw was heav­i­ly involved in the Anti-Cas­tro efforts in New Orleans in the 1960s and [was] pos­si­bly one of the high lev­el plan­ners or ‘cut out’ to the plan­ners of the assas­si­na­tion.’ . . . .”

This is the twelfth of a planned long series of inter­views with Jim DiEu­ge­nio about his tri­umphal analy­sis of Pres­i­dent Kennedy’s assas­si­na­tion and New Orleans Dis­trict Attor­ney Jim Gar­rison’s hero­ic inves­ti­ga­tion of the killing.

In this pro­gram, we con­tin­ue with analy­sis of Clay Shaw’s intel­li­gence con­nec­tion, begin­ning with review of his work for the Domes­tic Oper­a­tions Divi­sion.

A fas­ci­nat­ing intel­li­gence involve­ment of Shaw’s is his work with Per­min­dex.

Des­tiny Betrayed by Jim DiEu­ge­nio; Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [SC]; Copy­right 1992, 2012 by Jim DiEu­ge­nio; ISBN 978–1‑62087–056‑3; pp. 385–386.

. . . . The next step in the CIA lad­der after his high-lev­el over­seas infor­mant ser­vice was his work with the strange com­pa­ny called Per­min­dex. When the announce­ment for Per­min­dex was first made in Switzer­land in late 1956, its prin­ci­pal back­ing was to come from a local banker named Hans Selig­man. But as more inves­ti­ga­tion by the local papers was done, it became clear that the real backer was J. Hen­ry Schroder Cor­po­ra­tion. This infor­ma­tion was quite reveal­ing. Schroder’s had been close­ly asso­ci­at­ed with Allen Dulles and the CIA for years. Allen Dulles’s con­nec­tions to the Schroder bank­ing fam­i­ly went back to the thir­ties when his law firm, Sul­li­van and Cromwell, first began rep­re­sent­ing them through him. Lat­er, Dulles was the bank’s Gen­er­al Coun­sel. In fact, when Dulles became CIA direc­tor, Schroder’s was a repos­i­to­ry for a fifty mil­lion dol­lar con­tin­gency fund that Dulles per­son­al­ly con­trolled. Schroder’s was a wel­come con­duit because the bank ben­e­fit­ed from pre­vi­ous CIA over­throws in Guatemala and Iran. Anoth­er rea­son that there began to be a furor over Per­min­dex in Switzer­land was the fact that the bank’s founder, Baron Kurt von Schroder, was asso­ci­at­ed with the Third Reich, specif­i­cal­ly Hein­rich Himm­ler. The project now became stalled in Switzer­land. It now moved to Rome. In a Sep­tem­ber 1069 inter­view Shaw did for Pent­house Mag­a­zine, he told James Phe­lan that he only grew inter­est­ed in the project when it moved to Italy. Which was in Octo­ber 1958. Yet a State Depart­ment cable dat­ed April 9 of that year says that Shaw showed great inter­est in Per­min­dex from the out­set.

One can see why. The board of direc­tors as made up of bankers who had been tied up with fas­cist gov­ern­ments, peo­ple who worked the Jew­ish refugee rack­et dur­ing World War II, a for­mer mem­ber of Mus­solin­i’s cab­i­net, and the son-in-law of Hjal­mar Schacht, the eco­nom­ic wiz­ard behind the Third Reich, who was a friend of Shaw’s. These peo­ple would all appeal to the con­ser­v­a­tive Shaw. There were at least four inter­na­tion­al news­pa­pers that exposed the bizarre activ­i­ties of Per­min­dex when it was in Rome. One prob­lem was the mys­te­ri­ous source of fund­ing: no one knew where it was com­ing from. Anoth­er was that its activ­i­ties report­ed­ly includ­ed assas­si­na­tion attempts on French Pre­mier Charles De Gaulle. Which would make sense since the found­ing mem­ber of Per­min­dex, Fer­enc Nagy, was a close friend of Jacques Soustelle. Soustelle was a leader of the OAS, a group of for­mer French offi­cers who broke with De Gaulle over his Alger­ian pol­i­cy. They lat­er made sev­er­al attempts on De Gaulle’s life, which the CIA was privy to. Again, this mys­te­ri­ous source of fund­ing, plus the rightwing, neo-Fas­cist direc­tors cre­at­ed anoth­er wave of con­tro­ver­sy. One news­pa­per wrote that the orga­ni­za­tion may have been “a crea­ture of the CIA . . . set up as a cove for the trans­fer of CIA . . . funds in Italy for legal polit­i­cal-espi­onage activ­i­ties.” The Schroder con­nec­tion would cer­tain­ly sug­gest that. . . .

His involve­ment with Per­min­dex places him in the transna­tion­al cor­po­rate milieu that spawned fas­cism and Nazism. Key obser­va­tions about Per­min­dex and Shaw’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in it:

1.–Shaw was part of the deep polit­i­cal orbit of the Dulles broth­ers and Sul­li­van & Cromwell.
2.–The Per­min­dex oper­a­tional link to the Schroder Bank places it in the same milieu as the Himm­ler Kreis, the indus­tri­al­ists and financiers who financed the work­ings of the SS through an account in the Schroder Bank.
3.–Shaw was a friend of Hjal­mar Horace Gree­ley Schacht, who became the finance min­is­ter of the Third Reich and was very close to the Dulles broth­ers.
4.–Permindex was appar­ent­ly involved with the OAS efforts to assas­si­nate De Gaulle. This places Shaw in a net­work includ­ing: Ban­is­ter inves­ti­ga­tor Mau­rice Brooks Gatlin, who boast­ed of hav­ing trans­ferred mon­ey to the OAS from the CIA; Rene Souetre–an OAS oper­a­tive who was expelled from Dallas/Ft. Worth the day of the assas­si­na­tion of JFK.
5.–As dis­cussed in FTR #‘s 1031 and 1032, JFK was an ear­ly crit­ic of the French pol­i­cy in Alge­ria, crit­i­ciz­ing it on the floor of the Sen­ate in 1957.

The con­clu­sion of the broad­cast focus­es large­ly on the CIA’s intense inter­est in the Gar­ri­son inves­ti­ga­tion. This inter­est was man­i­fest­ed through an agency con­clave infor­mal­ly named “The Gar­ri­son Group.”

“Des­tiny Betrayed” by Jim DiEu­ge­nio; Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [SC]; Copy­right 1992, 2012 by Jim DiEu­ge­nio; ISBN 978–1‑62087–056‑3; p. 270.

. . . . Helms want­ed the group to “con­sid­er the pos­si­ble impli­ca­tions for the Agency” of what Gar­ri­son was doing in “New Orleans before, dur­ing, and after the tri­al of Clay Shaw. It is cru­cial to keep in mind the phrase: before, dur­ing, and after. As we will see, the effec­tive admin­is­tra­tor Helms was think­ing not just of some short term fix, but of for­mu­lat­ing a strat­e­gy for the long haul. Accord­ing to the very sketchy memo about this meet­ing, [CIA Gen­er­al Coun­sel Lawrence] Hous­ton dis­cussed his deal­ings with the Jus­tice Depart­ment and the desire of Shaw’s defense to meet with the CIA direct­ly. [Ray] Roc­ca then said some­thing quite omi­nous. He said that he felt “that Gar­ri­son would indeed obtain a con­vic­tion of Shaw for con­spir­ing to assas­si­nate Pres­i­dent Kennedy.” This must have had some impact on the meet­ing. Since every­one must have known that Roc­ca had devel­oped, by bar, the largest data­base on Gar­rison’s inquiry at CIA. . . .

We note that House Select Com­mit­tee on Assas­si­na­tions assis­tant coun­sel Jonathan Black­mer wrote the fol­low­ing:

“Des­tiny Betrayed” by Jim DiEu­ge­nio; Sky­horse Pub­lish­ing [SC]; Copy­right 1992, 2012 by Jim DiEu­ge­nio; ISBN 978–1‑62087–056‑3; p. 332.

. . . . “We have rea­son to believe Shaw was heav­i­ly involved in the Anti-Cas­tro efforts in New Orleans in the 1960s and [was] pos­si­bly one of the high lev­el plan­ners or ‘cut out’ to the plan­ners of the assas­si­na­tion.” . . . .

The pro­gram con­cludes with analy­sis of Clay Shaw’s close rela­tion­ship to the Stern fam­i­ly of WDSU. In addi­tion to car­ry­ing staged inter­views between Oswald and Car­los Bringuier, the broad­cast out­let pil­lo­ried Jim Gar­ri­son and his tri­al of Clay Shaw.

FTR #1042 Interview #11 with Jim DiEugenio about “Destiny Betrayed”

This is the eleventh of a planned long series of inter­views with Jim DiEu­ge­nio about his tri­umphal analy­sis of Pres­i­dent Kennedy’s assas­si­na­tion and New Orleans Dis­trict Attor­ney Jim Gar­rison’s hero­ic inves­ti­ga­tion of the killing.

In this broad­cast, we explore the asso­ci­a­tion of David Fer­rie and Clay Shaw in the con­text of the plan­ning of assas­si­na­tion plots against JFK, as well as Shaw’s involve­ment with the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty.

NB: In our pre­vi­ous inter­view, Mr. Emory mis­tak­en­ly linked “The Bomb” to Clay Shaw and to a plot to assas­si­nate JFK. Shaw was, accord­ing to cred­i­ble tes­ti­mo­ny involved with Fer­rie in anoth­er, prob­a­bly con­nect­ed, asso­ci­a­tion to dis­cuss killing Kennedy.

David Fer­rie had a desk in the  office of C. Wray Gill, a lawyer for Car­los Mar­cel­lo. When anoth­er of Gill’s clients–a woman named Clara Gay–was in the office, she wit­nessed anoth­er Fer­rie assas­si­na­tion schemat­ic on Novem­ber 26, 1963:

Des­tiny Betrayed by Jim DiEu­ge­nio; Sky­horse pub­lish­ing [SC]; Copy­right 1992, 2012 by Jim DiEu­ge­nio; ISBN 978–1‑62087–056‑3; p. 217.

. . . . Clara looked  over at Fer­rie’s desk and she saw what looked like a dia­gram of Dealey Plaza: it was a draw­ing of a car from the per­spec­tive of an angle from above, the car was sur­round­ed by high build­ings, rem­i­nis­cent of Dealey Plaza. After the sec­re­tary threw it out, Clara  retrieved it. She said it should be giv­en to the FBI or Secret Ser­vice. The sec­re­tary took it back and a pulling con­test ensued. The sec­re­tary even­tu­al­ly won, but not before Clara saw the words “Elm Street” on the dia­gram. She lat­er recon­struct­ed this expe­ri­ence for Gar­ri­son. She said she came for­ward because she con­sid­ered her­self a good cit­i­zen, and Fer­rie must  have been  some­thing evil . . . .

After dis­cus­sion of the Fer­rie Dealey Plaza assas­si­na­tion schemat­ic, the dis­cus­sion turns to a con­ver­sa­tion wit­nessed by Per­ry Rus­so, one of Gar­rison’s most impor­tant wit­ness­es.

Key points of infor­ma­tion about what Rus­so wit­nessed:

1.–Present at the meet­ing where the dis­cus­sion took place were: Clay Shaw, David Fer­rie, Lee Har­vey Oswald and sev­er­al Cubans.
2.–Shaw was using one of his most com­mon aliases–“Clay Bertrand.”
3.–Ferrie became increas­ing­ly agi­tat­ed and high­light­ed “tri­an­gu­la­tion of cross­fire” as nec­es­sary to assure a kill shot on Kennedy.
4.–Ferrie and Shaw dis­cussed the neces­si­ty of being some­where else, to give them­selves “cov­er.” This led Rus­so to con­clude that the plans were con­crete not the­o­ret­i­cal.
5.–Ferrie said he would be in Ham­mond, LA., on the cam­pus of South­east­ern Louisiana. He was, in fact, there on the day of the assas­si­na­tion.
6.–Shaw said that he would be on the West Coast. He was, in fact, at the San Fran­cis­co Trade Mart, where he was to give a talk. When news of of the assas­si­na­tion reached Shaw and his host, Shaw seemed remark­ably detached. When asked if he thought the talk should go for­ward in light of the news, Shaw said yes. This struck those around him at that time  as  curi­ous.

The issue of Shaw’s alias­es is an impor­tant one. The day after the assas­si­na­tion of JFK, New Orleans attor­ney Dean Andrews got a call from “Clay Bertrand,” request­ing that he rep­re­sent Lee Har­vey Oswald in Dal­las. Andrews had pre­vi­ous­ly encoun­tered Shaw using the same alias when seek­ing legal rep­re­sen­ta­tion for some gay Lati­nos.

Key aspects of Andrews’ con­tact with Shaw/Bertrand:

1.–Andrews feared for his life if this came to light. He claimed to have been told, after call­ing Wash­ing­ton D.C., that he might get a bul­let in the head if he talked.
2.–After Andrews changed his tes­ti­mo­ny, Gar­ri­son charged him with per­jury, even­tu­al­ly gain­ing a con­vic­tion.
3.–Andrews’ state­ments about Shaw/Bertrand were bol­stered by some­one at the VIP lounge at the East­ern Air­lines ter­mi­nal at New Orleans air­port, who knew Shaw to sign in under that alias.
4.–Numerous peo­ple in bars and bistros–particularly in the French Quarter–knew that Shaw used that alias. Because of Gar­rison’s crack­down on orga­nized crime-relat­ed oper­a­tions in New Orleans, his poten­tial infor­mants remained silent.

When being booked, Shaw actu­al­ly stat­ed that he used the alias “Clay Bertrand.”

Shaw was booked by a New Orleans police offi­cer named Aloy­sius Habighorst–who had an excel­lent record. When being booked, Shaw stat­ed that he used the alias “Clay Shaw.” Before tes­ti­fy­ing at Shaw’s tri­al, Habighorst’s car was rammed by a yel­low truck, and he was injured.

At Shaw’s tri­al, Judge Hag­ger­ty refused to admit Shaw’s admit­ted alias as evi­dence.

The con­clud­ing por­tion of the broad­cast deals with Clay Shaw’s intel­li­gence con­nec­tions. Key points of infor­ma­tion in that regard:

1.–Shaw’s intel­li­gence con­nec­tions date to World War II, when he worked as a aide-de-camp to Gen­er­al Charles Thrash­er. This placed him in the Spe­cial Oper­a­tions Sec­tion, a branch of mil­i­tary intel­li­gence and one which was involved with recruit­ing some of the Paper­clip per­son­nel to work for the U.S.
2.–After the war, he became involved with Inter­na­tion­al House, a Rock­e­feller-linked oper­a­tion deeply involved with the transna­tion­al cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ty.
3.–His work for the Inter­na­tion­al Trade Mart fol­lowed log­i­cal­ly on the heels of his work for Inter­na­tion­al House.
4.–Shaw also worked with the  Mis­sis­sip­pi Ship­ping Com­pa­ny, which did a lot of work with the CIA.
5.–His “Y” file indi­cat­ed that Shaw’s work for CIA involved con­fer­ring with the agency before trav­el­ing to Latin Amer­i­ca, not after he returned as was the case for most infor­mants.
6.–At least one of Shaw’s files with the CIA was destroyed.

One of the most impor­tant ele­ments of Shaw’s intel­li­gence career was uncov­ered by researcher Peter Vea, whose dis­clo­sures were sup­ple­ment­ed by some inter­est­ing com­men­tary by Vic­tor Mar­che­t­ti.

Des­tiny Betrayed by Jim DiEu­ge­nio; Sky­horse pub­lish­ing [SC]; Copy­right 1992, 2012 by Jim DiEu­ge­nio; ISBN 978–1‑62087–056‑3; p. 385.

. . . . Peter Vea dis­cov­ered a very impor­tant doc­u­ment while at the Nation­al Archives in 1994. Attached to a list­ing of Shaw’s numer­ous con­tacts with the Domes­tic Con­tact ser­vice, a list­ing was attached which stat­ed that Shaw had a covert secu­ri­ty approval in the Project QKENCHANT. This was in 1967 and the present tense was used, mean­ing that Shaw  was an active covert oper­a­tor for the CIA while Gar­ri­son was inves­ti­gat­ing him. When William Davy took this doc­u­ment to for­mer CIA offi­cer Vic­tor Mar­che­t­ti, an inter­est­ing con­ver­sa­tion ensued. As Mar­che­t­ti looked at the doc­u­ment, he said, “That’s inter­est­ing . . . . He was . . . He was doing some­thing there.” He then said that Shaw would not need a covert secu­ri­ty clear­ance for domes­tic con­tacts ser­vice. He then added, “This was some­thing else. This would imply that he was doing some kind of work for the  Clan­des­tine Ser­vices.” When Davy asked what branch of Clan­des­tine Ser­vices would that be, Mar­che­t­ti replied, “The DOD (Domes­tic Oper­a­tions Divi­sion). It was one of the most secret divi­sions with­in the Clan­des­tine Ser­vices. This was Tracey Bar­nes’s old out­fit. They were get­ting into things . . . Uh . . . exact­ly what, I don’t know. But they were get­ting into some pret­ty risky areas. And this is what E. Howard Hunt was work­ing for at the time.” And in fact, Howard Hunt did have such a covert clear­ance issued to him in 1970 while he was work­ing at the White House. . . .

FTR #940 The Trumpenkampfverbande, Part 14: Unsettling In, Part 2 (German Ostpolitik, part 5)

This pro­gram con­tin­ues our analy­sis of the Trump admin­is­tra­tion as the trans­for­ma­tion of what Mr. Emory has called “The Under­ground Reich” into a mass polit­i­cal move­ment. At a pol­i­cy lev­el, the “Trumpenkampfver­bande” is a vehi­cle for the imple­men­ta­tion of Ger­man Ost­poli­tik, as set forth in FTR #‘s 918 and 919.

Heav­i­ly over­lapped with infor­ma­tion dis­cussed fleet­ing­ly in FTR #939, the pro­gram begins with analy­sis of a pos­si­ble Ukrainian/OUN/B con­nec­tion to the “high-pro­file hacks” alleged­ly per­pe­trat­ed by Rus­sia.
The hack of Clin­ton cam­paign man­ag­er John Podesta’s e‑mail account (blamed on Rus­sia) orig­i­nat­ed with a phish­ing e‑mail from Ukraine. “. . . . The email, with the sub­ject line “*Some­one has your pass­word,*” greet­ed Podes­ta, “Hi John” and then said, “Some­one just used your pass­word to try to sign into your Google Account john.podesta@gmail.com.” Then it offered a time stamp and an IP address in “Loca­tion: Ukraine.” . . . ”

Analy­sis of cyber-war­fare is daunting–a skilled hack­er or hack­ers can mask their iden­ti­ty effec­tive­ly, with the result that “cyber-false flag” oper­a­tions are dif­fi­cult to dis­cern. It is in this con­text that we revis­it the sub­ject of a Ukrain­ian fas­cist link to the “Rus­sia did it” meme.

The OUN/B milieu in the U.S. has appar­ent­ly been instru­men­tal in gen­er­at­ing the “Rus­sia did it” dis­in­for­ma­tion about the high-pro­file hacks. In the Alternet.org arti­cle, Mark Ames high­lights sev­er­al points:

The “Pro­pOrNot” group quot­ed in a Wash­ing­ton Post sto­ry tag­ging media out­lets, web­sites and blogs as “Russian/Kremlin stooges/propaganda tools/agents” is linked to the OUN/B heirs now in pow­er in Ukraine. ” . . . One Pro­pOrNot tweet, dat­ed Novem­ber 17, invokes a 1940s Ukrain­ian fas­cist salute “Hero­iam Sla­va!!” [17] to cheer a news item on Ukrain­ian hack­ers fight­ing Rus­sians. The phrase means “Glo­ry to the heroes” and it was for­mal­ly intro­duced by the fas­cist Orga­ni­za­tion of Ukrain­ian Nation­al­ists (OUN) at their March-April 1941 con­gress in Nazi occu­pied Cra­cow, as they pre­pared to serve as Nazi aux­il­iaries in Oper­a­tion Bar­barossa. . . . ‘the OUN‑B intro­duced anoth­er Ukrain­ian fas­cist salute at the Sec­ond Great Con­gress of the Ukrain­ian Nation­al­ists in Cra­cow in March and April 1941. This was the most pop­u­lar Ukrain­ian fas­cist salute and had to be per­formed accord­ing to the instruc­tions of the OUN‑B lead­er­ship by rais­ing the right arm ‘slight­ly to the right, slight­ly above the peak of the head’ while call­ing ‘Glo­ry to Ukraine!’ (Sla­va Ukraїni!) and respond­ing ‘Glo­ry to the Heroes!’ (Hero­iam Sla­va!). . . .”

The OUN/B heirs rul­ing Ukraine com­piled a list of jour­nal­ists who were “Russian/Kremlin stooges/propaganda tools/agents,” includ­ing per­son­al data and con­tact infor­ma­tion (like that made pub­lic in the Wik­iLeaks data dump of DNC e‑mails). This list was com­piled by the Ukrain­ian intel­li­gence ser­vice, inte­ri­or min­istry and–ahem–hackers: “. . . . One of the more fright­en­ing poli­cies enact­ed by the cur­rent oli­garch-nation­al­ist regime in Kiev is an online black­list [42] of jour­nal­ists accused of col­lab­o­rat­ing with pro-Russ­ian ‘ter­ror­ists.’ [43] The web­site, ‘Myrotvorets’ [43] or ‘Peacemaker’—was set up by Ukrain­ian hack­ers work­ing with state intel­li­gence and police, all of which tend to share the same ultra­na­tion­al­ist ide­olo­gies as Paru­biy and the new­ly-appoint­ed neo-Nazi chief of the Nation­al Police. . . . Ukraine’s jour­nal­ist black­list website—operated by Ukrain­ian hack­ers work­ing with state intelligence—led to a rash of death threats against the doxxed jour­nal­ists, whose email address­es, phone num­bers and oth­er pri­vate infor­ma­tion was post­ed anony­mous­ly to the web­site. Many of these threats came with the wartime Ukrain­ian fas­cist salute: “Sla­va Ukrai­ni!” [Glo­ry to Ukraine!] So when PropOrNot’s anony­mous “researchers” reveal only their Ukrainian(s) iden­ti­ty, it’s hard not to think about the spy-linked hack­ers who post­ed the dead­ly ‘Myrotvorets’ black­list of “trea­so­nous” jour­nal­ists. . . .”

A Ukrain­ian activist named Alexan­dra Chalu­pa has been instru­men­tal in dis­trib­ut­ing the “Rus­sia did it” dis­in­for­ma­tion to Hillary Clin­ton and influ­enc­ing the progress of the dis­in­for­ma­tion in the media. ” . . . . One of the key media sources [46] who blamed the DNC hacks on Rus­sia, ramp­ing up fears of cryp­to-Putin­ist infil­tra­tion, is a Ukrain­ian-Amer­i­can lob­by­ist work­ing for the DNC. She is Alexan­dra Chalupa—described as the head of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Committee’s oppo­si­tion research on Rus­sia and on Trump, and founder and pres­i­dent of the Ukrain­ian lob­by group ‘US Unit­ed With Ukraine Coali­tion’ [47], which lob­bied hard to pass a 2014 bill increas­ing loans and mil­i­tary aid to Ukraine, impos­ing sanc­tions on Rus­sians, and tight­ly align­ing US and Ukraine geostrate­gic inter­ests. . . . In one leaked DNC email [50] ear­li­er this year, Chalu­pa boasts to DNC Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Direc­tor Luis Miran­da that she brought Isikoff to a US-gov­ern­ment spon­sored Wash­ing­ton event fea­tur­ing 68 Ukrain­ian jour­nal­ists, where Chalu­pa was invit­ed ‘to speak specif­i­cal­ly about Paul Man­afort.’ In turn, Isikoff named her as the key inside source [46] ‘prov­ing’ that the Rus­sians were behind the hacks, and that Trump’s cam­paign was under the spell of Krem­lin spies and sor­cer­ers. . . .”

With tra­di­tion­al, “Atlanti­cist” con­ser­v­a­tive GOP fig­ures align­ing with ele­ments of the CIA to fin­ger Trump as a Putin tool, etc. an epochal event is unfold­ing, in our opin­ion. What the bril­liant Berke­ley pro­fes­sor Peter Dale Scott has termed “The Deep State” is squar­ing off with the Trumpenkampfver­bande, with the lat­ter net­work­ing with Euro­pean fas­cist and cen­ter-left par­ties to improve rela­tions with Rus­sia. NATO and the Atlanti­cist dynam­ic that has dom­i­nat­ed post World War II pol­i­tics are reced­ing, and a Ger­man-led EU mil­i­tary is gain­ing momen­tum.

Again, we fore­cast this in FTR #‘s 918 and 919.

Next, we note the selec­tion of Stephen Miller, anoth­er “alt-right” fig­ure, as an advis­er to Trump. “. . . . Miller is a for­mer staffer for the nativist Sen. Jeff Ses­sions (R‑Ala.), now Trump’s nom­i­nee for attor­ney gen­er­al. The announce­ment of Miller’s new role drew praise from white nation­al­ist leader Richard Spencer. ‘Stephen is a high­ly com­pe­tent and tough indi­vid­ual,’ Spencer, who famous­ly coined the term ‘alt-right’ to describe the insur­gent right-wing move­ment that has attract­ed white nation­al­ists and suprema­cists, told Moth­er Jones on Wednes­day. ‘So I have no doubt that he will do a great job.’ . . . .”

In past pro­grams, we have not­ed the Third Reich ori­gins of the Free­dom Par­ty in Aus­tria. That par­ty is now net­work­ing both with Putin and Trump’s “alt-right” lean­ing Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Advis­er Michael Fly­nn. One of the shared goals of both the Free­dom Par­ty, cor­po­rate Ger­many and–through the latter–the Under­ground Reich is the lift­ing of eco­nom­ic sanc­tions on Rus­sia.

The broad­cast under­scores the con­ti­nu­ity between the “new” Free­dom Par­ty and the old, Nazi-gen­er­at­ed Free­dom Par­ty. The issue of the South Tyrol region is exem­plary in this regard:

” . . . . A TV talk show host, Corin­na Mil­born, grilled [Free­dopm Par­ty pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Nor­bert] . . . Hofer last week for an hour over his alleged nation­al­ist views and his calls for undo­ing the “unjust bor­der” that keeps South Tyrol, a region of north­ern Italy, apart from Austria’s Tyrol. Mr. Hofer’s grin evap­o­rat­ed and he almost blew his cool. . . .”

Aus­tri­an Free­dom Par­ty founder Her­bert Schweiger is no stranger to the issue of the South Tyrol: “. . . . Her­bert Schweiger makes no attempt to hide his Nazi views. At his home in the Aus­tri­an moun­tains, the for­mer SS offi­cer gazes out of a win­dow to a view of a misty alpine val­ley. Described to me as the ‘Pup­pet Mas­ter’ of the far right, Schweiger, 85, is a leg­endary fig­ure for neo-Nazis across the world. Our time is com­ing again and soon we will have anoth­er leader like Hitler,’ he says. Still remark­ably sharp-mind­ed, Schweiger was a lieu­tenant in the infa­mous Waf­fen SS Panz­er Divi­sion Leib­stan­darte Adolf Hitler, an elite unit orig­i­nal­ly formed before WWII to act as the Führer’s per­son­al body­guards. . . .He was a found­ing mem­ber of three polit­i­cal par­ties in Aus­tria – the VDU, the banned NDP and the FPO. He has giv­en his sup­port to the cur­rent leader of the FPO. ‘Stra­che is doing the right thing by fight­ing the for­eign­er,’ says Schweiger. He is now in close con­tact with the Kam­er­ad­schaften, under­ground cells of hard­core neo-Nazis across Aus­tria and Ger­many who, over the past three years, have start­ed to infil­trate polit­i­cal par­ties such as the FPO. His belief that the bul­let and the bal­lot box go hand in hand goes back to 1961, when he helped to train a ter­ror­ist move­ment fight­ing for the reuni­fi­ca­tion of Aus­tria and South Tyrol. ‘I was an explo­sives expert in the SS so I trained Burschen­schaften how to make bombs. We used the hotel my wife and I owned as a train­ing camp,’ he says. The hotel he refers to is 50 yards from his home. Thir­ty peo­ple in Italy were mur­dered dur­ing the cam­paign. One of the men con­vict­ed for the atroc­i­ties, Nor­bert Burg­er, lat­er formed the now-banned neo-Nazi NDP par­ty with Schweiger. . . .”

In France, the cen­ter-left can­di­date for president–Francois Fillon–is push­ing both for an increase in French defense spend­ing and a Ger­man-led dri­ve for an all EU army. Both are goals of the Under­ground Reich and the Trumpenkampfver­bande, as set forth in FTR #‘s 918 and 919. His views on rap­proche­ment with Rus­sia are typ­i­cal of a sig­nif­i­cant por­tion of a rel­a­tive­ly broad spec­trum of Euro­pean polit­i­cal par­ties. This res­onates well with the Trumpenkampfver­bande, again, as dis­cussed in FTR #‘s 918 and 919:

” . . . . sim­i­lar trends are play­ing out in sev­er­al Euro­pean coun­tries, along their own par­tic­u­lar nation­al lines. In Ger­many, for instance, cen­ter-left lead­ers are push­ing to aban­don their country’s role in lead­ing Euro­pean efforts to counter Rus­sia. Instead, they advo­cate revert­ing to the Cold War-era pol­i­cy of Ost­poli­tik, in which West Ger­many sought a neu­tral bal­anc­ing role between East and West.

“Often, West Euro­pean politi­cians do not see them­selves as explic­it­ly call­ing for align­ing with Moscow, but rather for aban­don­ing the cost­ly mis­sion to counter Russia’s aggres­sion against far­away east­ern states at a moment when they have more imme­di­ate con­cerns. West Euro­pean lead­ers see them­selves as fight­ing an increas­ing­ly unten­able two-front war: a south­ern front against immi­gra­tion and ter­ror­ism and an east­ern front against Rus­sia.

“ The east­ern front is large­ly a project of pol­i­cy estab­lish­ments that see it as essen­tial to main­tain­ing Europe’s post­war order. Vot­ers are more skep­ti­cal; a 2015 Pew poll found that slight majori­ties in France, Ger­many and Italy said their coun­tries should not uphold their treaty oblig­a­tion to defend an east­ern NATO ally should it be attacked by Rus­sia. Vot­ers, par­tic­u­lar­ly those on the right, have long seen south­ern issues — ter­ror­ism and immi­gra­tion — as more impor­tant. Their threats to install far-right gov­ern­ments that would dis­man­tle the Euro­pean project entire­ly are increas­ing­ly cred­i­ble. . . .”

The broad­cast con­cludes with a look at Rex W. Tiller­son, the CEO of Exxon Mobil, cho­sen by Trump to be Sec­re­tary of State. Tiller­son is opposed to main­tain­ing sanc­tions against Rus­sia: ” . . . . At the cen­ter of the debate are ques­tions about Mr. Tillerson’s vocal oppo­si­tion to Amer­i­can sanc­tions imposed on Rus­sia as he pur­sued oil and gas deals in that coun­try. . . .” This too, is res­o­nant with cor­po­rate Ger­many’s wish­es as set forth in FTR #‘s 918 and 919. Again, cor­po­rate Ger­many is dom­i­nat­ed by the Bor­mann net­work.

We con­clude with a recap of the Bor­mann cap­i­tal net­work’s influ­ence with­in Stan­dard Oil of New Jer­sey (Exxon was for­mer­ly Stan­dard of New Jer­sey, now merged with Mobil, Stan­dard of New York.) ” . . .Vast­ly diver­si­fied, it is said to be the largest land-own­er in South Amer­i­ca, and through stock­hold­ings, con­trols Ger­man heavy indus­try and the trust estab­lished by the late Her­mann Schmitz, for­mer pres­i­dent of I.G. Far­ben, who held as much stock in Stan­dard Oil of New Jer­sey as did the Rock­e­fellers. . . .”

Pro­gram High­lights Include: A recap of ele­men­tary fea­tures of Ger­man Ost­poli­tik; a syn­op­sis of the OUN/B and its World War II and post-World War II oper­a­tions; a syn­op­sis of the infor­ma­tion indi­cat­ing Rus­sia was not behind the high-pro­file hacks for which it has been pun­ished.

FTR #908 Easy “E’s”: Eugenics, Euthanasia and Extermination (A Message from the Past to the Future)

With tech­no­log­i­cal advances lead­ing some ana­lysts to con­clude that the future will fea­ture a large­ly “employ­ment-free” world, the con­cept of a “uni­ver­sal basic income” has tak­en hold in some cir­cles. Con­clud­ing that all peo­ple will be giv­en a “work­able” sum with which to live, adher­ents of the con­cept envi­sion a qua­si-utopi­an world. We fear the devel­op­ment of some­thing far more dystopic.

With the con­tin­ued pop­u­lar­i­ty of the aus­ter­i­ty agen­da, despite strong evi­dence that it is counter-pro­duc­tive, we fear that a large­ly “employ­ment-free” envi­ron­ment will lead to the elim­i­na­tion of human beings seen as “super­flu­ous.” With physi­cian-assist­ed sui­cide leg­is­la­tion gain­ing in many places, at the same time as the aus­ter­i­ty agen­da con­tin­ues to be pop­u­lar in elite eco­nom­ic and social plan­ning cir­cles, we should be on the alert for lethal, and alto­geth­er “final” solu­tions to the prob­lem of large num­bers of eco­nom­i­cal­ly dis­placed peo­ple. The Third Reich’s exter­mi­na­tion pro­grams have been pop­u­lar­ly viewed as aber­ra­tion, an occur­rence that was sep­a­rate from “nor­mal” polit­i­cal and his­tor­i­cal events. This is not the case.

Mur­der­ous Nazi racial and social pol­i­cy were the out­growth of main­stream intel­lec­tu­al trends that are very much with us today. At the epi­cen­ter of the intel­lec­tu­al nexus under­pin­ning the Nazi exter­mi­na­tion pro­grams are the over­lap­ping inter­na­tion­al eugen­ics and inter­na­tion­al hygiene move­ments.

Pro­gram High­lights Include: The role of the Nazi euthana­sia pro­grams in train­ing the hard­ened killers used at the exter­mi­na­tion cen­ters; the role of the Rock­e­feller Foun­da­tion in fund­ing the Kaiser Wil­helm Insti­tute’s eugen­ics pro­grams; the role of the Kaiser Wil­helm Insti­tute in the gen­e­sis of the Nazi T‑4 euthana­sia pro­gram and the sub­se­quent exter­mi­na­tion pro­grams of the Third Reich; the exten­sive offi­cial secre­cy that shroud­ed the euthana­sia pro­grams from pub­lic view.

FTR #872 Interview with Elizabeth Gould and Paul Fitzgerald about Zbigniew Brzezinski, Afghanistan’s Untold Story and the Ukraine Crisis

Revis­it­ing Eliz­a­beth Gould and Paul Fitzger­ald, co-authors of “Invis­i­ble His­to­ry: Afghanistan’s Untold Sto­ry,” we exam­ine Zbig­niew Brzezin­ski’s role in lur­ing the Sovi­et Union into the first Afghan war, and his promi­nent role as a geopo­lit­i­cal the­o­reti­cian behind the Ukrain­ian cri­sis. Seek­ing to give the USSR “their Viet­nam,” Brzezin­s­ki delib­er­ate­ly set the stage for the war that ulti­mate­ly led to the cre­ation of al-Qae­da. See­ing Ukraine as a key to con­trol of Eura­sia and the World Island or Earth Island, Cit­i­zen Brzezin­s­ki has been a lead­ing advo­cate for West­ern involve­ment in Ukraine. His son Ian has advo­cat­ed for loos­en­ing the chain of com­mand gov­ern­ing the use of nuclear weapons. Pro­gram High­lights Include: review of the cor­po­ratist eco­nom­ic phi­los­o­phy of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood; CIA offi­cer Gra­ham Fuller’s role in the pre­cip­i­ta­tion of the first Afghan war; dis­cus­sion of the Rock­e­feller milieu and its role in spawn­ing Brzezin­s­ki, as well as Hen­ry Kissinger; review of the role of ISIS-linked Chechen fight­ers in the fight­ing in Ukraine; review of the Amer­i­can vio­la­tion of a promise made to Gor­bachev not to expand NATO up to the Russ­ian bor­der; review of the Boston Marathon Bomb­ing, which appears to have been “blow­back” from an appar­ent covert oper­a­tion in the Cau­ca­sus.

The Underground Reich and the Max Planck Institute

We have dis­cussed the Max Planck insti­tute in past posts and pro­grams. Orig­i­nal­ly named the Kaiser Wil­helm Insti­tute, it was a major epi­cen­ter of Nazi sci­ence. In the 1950 Madrid cir­cu­lar let­ter craft­ed by the Nazi gov­ern­ment in exile, we find rein­forc­ing argu­ment that the Max Planck Insti­tute remained an epi­cen­ter for sci­en­tif­ic and tech­no­log­i­cal devel­op­ment for the Under­ground Reich.