Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Said Ramadan' is associated with 13 posts.

FTR #863 9/11, The Muslim Brotherhood and the Earth Island Boogie, Part 2

Stretch­ing from the Straits of Gibral­tar, all across Europe, most of the Mid­dle East, Eura­sia, Rus­sia, Chi­na and India, that stretch of land known as the “Earth Island”: com­pris­es most of the world’s land mass; con­tains most of the world’s pop­u­la­tion and most of the world’s nat­ur­al resources (includ­ing oil and nat­ur­al gas.) Geopoliti­cians have long seen con­trol­ling that land mass as the key to world dom­i­na­tion. In this broad­cast, we exam­ine what might be termed polit­i­cal strange bed­fel­lows grouped togeth­er against Rus­sia and Chi­na and advanc­ing an appar­ent Under­ground Reich and cor­po­ratist agen­da in parts of Rus­sia and Chi­na. In addi­tion to the Tibetan Bud­dhist milieu of the Dalai Lama, Uighur Mus­lims asso­ci­at­ed with Al Qae­da and the Pan-Turk­ist move­ment are ranked togeth­er under the ban­ner of the UNPO and the House of Hab­s­burg. Active in Ukraine, part of the Aus­tro-Hun­gar­i­an Empire for cen­turies, the Hab­s­burgs appear to be a coor­di­nat­ing exec­u­tive ele­ment mobi­liz­ing the diverse eth­nic groups work­ing against Rus­sia and Chi­na. Pro­gram High­lights Include: OUN/B oper­a­tive Paula Dobri­an­sky’s con­trol of the Tibet Desk at the State Depart­ment; Uighur links to Al Qae­da and oth­er Mus­lim Broth­er­hood off­shoots; review of the Dalai Lama’s his­tor­i­cal rela­tion­ships with the SS and the CIA; review of Peter Lev­en­da’s con­cept of “weaponized reli­gion;” sup­port for the Uighurs by the Pan-Turk­ist and fas­cist Nation­al Action Par­ty; Erkin Altep­kin’s alliances with the Hab­s­burg milieu, the Dalai Lama and ele­ments of West­ern intel­li­gence; the grow­ing pres­ence of ISIS-affil­i­at­ed fight­ers from Chech­nya in the Ukrain­ian con­flict.

FTR #862 9/11, The Muslim Brotherhood and the Earth Island Boogie, Part 1

Dis­cus­sion of Islamist ter­ror­ists has point­ed­ly omit­ted the per­pe­tra­tors’ links to the Mus­lim Brotherhood–the Islam­ic fas­cist orga­ni­za­tion that spawned groups like Al Qae­da and ISIS. Por­trayed in the West as a “mod­er­ate’ orga­ni­za­tion, the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood was allied with the Axis in World War II and nur­tured as anti-com­mu­nist cadre by West­ern Intel­li­gence (CIA in par­tic­u­lar) dur­ing the Cold War. Much of the pro­gram reviews and details the cor­po­ratist and free mar­ket eco­nom­ic phi­los­o­phy of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, an ide­ol­o­gy that endears the Ikhwan to pow­er­ful polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic inter­ests in the U.S. and else­where in the West. Among the events that has been obscured by the pas­sage of time is the open oppo­si­tion to the Trea­sury Depart­men­t’s attempts at inter­dict­ing ter­ror­ist financ­ing mon­ey, on the grounds that it would “restrict” the free-flow of inter­na­tion­al cap­i­tal. Broth­er­hood ele­ments con­tin­ue to be used as proxy war­riors by ele­ments of West­ern and Sau­di intel­li­gence in places like Syr­ia, the Cau­ca­sus and Chi­na’s Xin­jiang Province. Pro­gram High­lights Include: The use of ISIS-linked Chechen fight­ers in Ukraine; Sau­di Bin Laden Group’s use of Sul­li­van and Cromwell as its gen­er­al coun­sel; Sul­li­van & Cromwell’s work on behalf of the finan­cial insti­tu­tions that were (suc­cess­ful­ly) resist­ing the Trea­sury Depart­men­t’s attempts at inter­dict­ing ter­ror­ist financ­ing; review of the forced res­ig­na­tion of Trea­sury Sec­re­tary Paul O’Neill fol­low­ing the 3/20/2002 Oper­a­tion Green Quest raids.

FTR #830 Machiavelli 2.0: The Paris Attacks and the Muslim Brotherhood

In the wake of the ter­ror­ist inci­dents in Paris, dis­cus­sion has point­ed­ly omit­ted the per­pe­tra­tors’ links to the Mus­lim Brotherhood–the Islam­ic fas­cist orga­ni­za­tion that spawned groups like Al Qae­da and ISIS. Por­trayed in the West as a “mod­er­ate’ orga­ni­za­tion, the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood was allied with the Axis in World War II and nur­tured as anti-com­mu­nist cadre by West­ern Intel­li­gence (CIA in par­tic­u­lar) dur­ing the Cold War. Suc­cess­ful­ly scape­goat­ed by Euro­pean fas­cist groups like the Nation­al Front, ele­ments of the Broth­er­hood net­work with those same fas­cists, mutu­al­ly ben­e­fit­ting from cul­tur­al and polit­i­cal alien­ation gen­er­at­ed among their respec­tive sup­port­ers. Much of the pro­gram reviews and details the cor­po­ratist and free mar­ket eco­nom­ic phi­los­o­phy of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, an ide­ol­o­gy that endears the Ikhwan to pow­er­ful polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic inter­ests in the U.S. and else­where in the West. Broth­er­hood ele­ments con­tin­ue to be used as proxy war­riors by ele­ments of West­ern and Sau­di intel­li­gence in places like the Cau­ca­sus and Chi­na’s Xin­jiang Province.

Down the Egyptian Rabbit Hole: Fewer Mahd-Ha-Thiers at the Presidential Tea Party

Elim­i­na­tion of Egypt­ian pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates leaves two top Islamists with Mus­lim Broth­er­hood back­grounds very much in the race.

Egyptian Army and Muslim Brotherhood Join Forces

Mus­lim Brotherhood–Islamic fas­cist group his­tor­i­cal­ly allied with Axis nations of World War II and ele­ments of CIA–allied with Egypt­ian Army, against Cop­tic Chris­tians.

Anonymous vs. The Muslim Brotherhood: Hacktivists Deploy against Islamic Fascists

“Hack­tivist” col­lec­tive “Anony­mous” issues dec­la­ra­tion of war on Egypt­ian Mus­lim Broth­er­hood.

FTR #739 Turkish Taffy, Part 3

Ter­ror­ist and fas­cist ele­ments poised to ben­e­fit from the Mid­dle East upris­ings? Alleged Turk­ish mod­er­a­tion giv­en the lie by police cen­sor­ship of oppo­si­tion press. Is Wae Ghon­im Google exec and Egypt­ian hero) an Islamist?

FTR #738 Turkish Taffy, Part II

Assur­ances to the con­trary notwith­stand­ing, Mus­lim Broth­er­hood poised to ascend in Egypt; Shed­ding the West­’s old auto­crats in the Mid­dle East may ben­e­fit al-Qae­da; Oba­ma poised for polit­i­cal destruc­tion over these events.

Taqqiya Sunrise: The Lies of Tariq Ramadan

Mus­lim Broth­er­hood flunky Tariq Ramadan per­pet­u­at­ing the Islam­ic tra­di­tion of Taqqiya–lying to pro­tect Islam­ic polit­i­cal war­fare and con­spir­a­cy from detec­tion by infi­dels.

Hitler, Mussolini and the Ikhwan: The Fascist History, Associations and Ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood

The Broth­er­hood is best under­stood as part of “the fas­cist inter­na­tion­al,” before, dur­ing and after World War II. It has allied with Ger­man and Ital­ian fas­cists from WWII to the present.