In the wake of the terrorist incidents in Paris, discussion has pointedly omitted the perpetrators’ links to the Muslim Brotherhood–the Islamic fascist organization that spawned groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. Portrayed in the West as a “moderate’ organization, the Muslim Brotherhood was allied with the Axis in World War II and nurtured as anti-communist cadre by Western Intelligence (CIA in particular) during the Cold War. Successfully scapegoated by European fascist groups like the National Front, elements of the Brotherhood network with those same fascists, mutually benefitting from cultural and political alienation generated among their respective supporters. Much of the program reviews and details the corporatist and free market economic philosophy of the Muslim Brotherhood, an ideology that endears the Ikhwan to powerful political and economic interests in the U.S. and elsewhere in the West. Brotherhood elements continue to be used as proxy warriors by elements of Western and Saudi intelligence in places like the Caucasus and China’s Xinjiang Province.
With the May 23–24 elections in Egypt just around the corner another runoff is looking likely in the presidential race with no clear leader yet to emerge. But one thing is clear: the top Islamist in the race won’t be the Muslim Brotherhoods’s candidate...sort of.
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