Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Sam Brownback' is associated with 1 posts.

The GOP Pulled Off the Medicaid Bandaid. Next Up? Medicare Amputations.

When “God’s Sen­a­tor”, Sam Brown­back, became “God’s Gov­er­nor” of Kansas back in 2010 it was clear some pret­ty big changes were on the way for Kansas. After all, when a GOP mem­ber of Opus Dei is your new gov­er­nor, some form of aus­ter­i­ty for the mass­es is prob­a­bly in the cards. And fol­low­ing the 2012 intra-GOP “mod­er­ate” purge, aus­ter­i­ty for Kansas has arrived in full force. As once might expect, this includes the aus­ter­i­ty that comes with refus­ing to accept the Oba­macare Med­ic­aid expan­sion. Utter­ly point­less, yet still painful, self-fla­gel­la­tion. And that’s just the begin­ning...