Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Sami al-Arian' is associated with 45 posts.

The Unkrainian Weekly’s pro-OUN/B Bias

In our ongo­ing analy­sis of the Ukraine cri­sis, we have not­ed the pres­ence of Michael Boci­urkiw astride the “inves­ti­ga­tion” of the down­ing of MH flight 17. Boci­urkiw was a writer and Assis­tant Edi­tor for the Ukrain­ian Week­ly, a news­pa­per with a very obvi­ous pro-OUN/B bias. Rep­re­sen­ta­tive of The Ukrain­ian Week­ly’s pro-OUN/B cov­er­age is this obit­u­ary of OUN/B leader Jaroslav Stet­sko (also “Stet­zko,” pic­tured at right with then Vice-Pres­i­dent George H.W. Bush.)

FTR #804 Walkin’ the Snake in Ukraine, Part 2

Much of what we have learned about the down­ing of Malaysian Air­lines Flight MH 17 (and that isn’t much, sad­ly) has come through the fil­ter of the OSCE’s Spe­cial Mon­i­tor­ing Mis­sion in Ukraine. That body is head­ed by Michael Boci­urkiw, one of the first offi­cials on the scene of the crash after the dis­as­ter. A for­mer assis­tant edi­tor of the Ukrain­ian Week­ly, Boci­urkiw is con­se­quent­ly enmeshed with the pro-OUN/B heirs dom­i­nat­ing the polit­i­cal and nation­al secu­ri­ty affairs of Ukraine. Boci­urkiw also net­works with a Malaysian Mus­lim Broth­er­hood milieu that heav­i­ly over­laps the ele­ments loom­ing large in the dis­ap­pear­ance of Malaysian Air­lines Flight 370. The Malaysian Islamist net­work with which Boci­urkiw has traf­ficked is also linked to the events in, and around, the 9/11 attacks. After exam­in­ing more evi­dence that Ukraine’s mil­i­tary may have downed MH 17 and high­light­ing some remark­able coin­ci­dences fac­tor­ing in the inves­ti­ga­tion, the pro­gram fur­ther devel­ops infor­ma­tion about the Azov Bat­tal­ion. A fas­cist mil­i­tary for­ma­tion in Ukraine’s “anti-ter­ror­ist” cadre, the Azov Bat­tal­ion was formed by Oleg Lyashko, whose Rad­i­cal Par­ty is the sin­gle most pop­u­lar in Ukraine. For­eign snipers now serv­ing with the unit may well have fired at Ukrain­ian police dur­ing the Euro­Maid­an demon­stra­tions, demon­strat­ing what might be termed “a cul­ture of provo­ca­tion” man­i­fest­ed by the OUN/B suc­ces­sor ele­ments in pow­er in Ukraine.

Modified Limited Hangout on the Disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370

In FTR #790, we dis­cussed the cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing the dis­ap­pear­ance of Malaysia Air­lines Flight 370. A recent Dai­ly Mail sto­ry rein­forces the inves­tiga­tive focus on the plane’s pilot–Zaharie Shah,reinforcing the fact that Shah was a fol­low­er of Anwar Ibrahim. The sto­ry does not men­tion, how­ev­er that Anwar Ibrahim is a promi­nent mem­ber of the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood; a co-founder of the Inter­na­tion­al Insti­tute of Islam­ic Thought–one of the insti­tu­tions that was a focal point of the Oper­a­tions Green Quest raids of 3/20/2002; a con­sult­ing client of GOP king­pin Grover Norquist.

Better Late than Never: Appellate Court Clears the Way for 9/11 Families to Sue Saudi Arabia

An appel­late court has cleared the way for fam­i­lies of 9/11 vic­tims to sue Sau­di Ara­bia, focus­ing on, among oth­er things, char­i­ties used to fund al-Qae­da. IF this inves­ti­ga­tion were to pro­ceed as far as it might, Grover Norquist, Karl Rove and oth­ers in the GOP/Bush milieu would come under scruti­ny, as would Fran­cois Genoud, Youssef Nada and the Under­ground Reich. In addi­tion, there is renewed focus on the redact­ed 28 pages of the Join Intel­li­gence Com­mit­tee Inquiry, which impli­cate Sau­di Ara­bia.

FTR #749 Interview with John Loftus

In this inter­view, we review many of the top­ics cov­ered by John Lof­tus in pre­vi­ous inter­views: Sami al-Ari­an and Oper­a­tion Green Quest; the NSA’s project with the British GCHQ; the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood; the post World War II evo­lu­tion of a bina­ry CIA and State Depart­ment. In addi­tion, John con­firmed the work­ing hypoth­e­sis I pre­sent­ed in FTR #‘s 733 through 739, not­ing that thje Arab Spring was a U.S. intel­li­gence oper­a­tion. We also dis­cussed the Boston Marathon bomb­ing and CIA links to some of the Cau­casian jihadists. Much of the pro­gram involved a fas­ci­nat­ing account of con­vict­ed mob­ster Whitey Bul­ger’s mur­der of an IRA smug­gler turned fed­er­al infor­mant, a con­cate­na­tion that includ­ed a U.S. attor­ney’s recruit­ment of a Ukrain­ian Gestapo war crim­i­nal as an agent to pen­e­trate U.S. intel­li­gence for the Irish Repub­li­can Army!

“Austerity” Equals Fascism, Part I: The Republicans are Nazis

Descend­ed from political/economic inter­ests that sup­port­ed Hitler, tried to over­throw Franklin Roo­sevelt and did kill JFK, the GOP man­i­fests the her­itage of decades of covert oper­a­tions that brought Third Reich vet­er­ans into the Amer­i­can polit­i­cal main­stream. The upcom­ing elec­tion may deter­mine the fate of our civ­i­liza­tion.

Egyptian Army and Muslim Brotherhood Join Forces

Mus­lim Brotherhood–Islamic fas­cist group his­tor­i­cal­ly allied with Axis nations of World War II and ele­ments of CIA–allied with Egypt­ian Army, against Cop­tic Chris­tians.

FTR #722 The “9/11 Mosque” Tea Party and its Multiple Mad Hatters

“9/11 Mosque” Imam no mod­er­ate; sec­ond gen­er­a­tion Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, his for­eign lan­guage pro­nounce­ments and actions belie his “mod­er­a­tion;” Sup­port­ers and oppo­nents ignore pro­found ties between their “side” and what they oppose.

More on the Increasingly Vitriolic (and Depressing) Debate on the “9/11 Mosque”

Com­ment: In the increas­ing­ly Kafkaesque polit­i­cal land­scape in this coun­try, noth­ing high­lights the intel­lec­tu­al and moral bank­rupt­cy of both sides of the polit­i­cal aisle than the debate over the “9/11 Mosque.” Con­ser­v­a­tive ele­ments have cor­rect­ly not­ed the links of Feisal Abdul Rauf and asso­ciates to the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, as well as dis­turb­ing indi­ca­tions that his […]

FTR #706 Interview with John Loftus: The Obama Administration as the Last Victim of World War II

Cov­er-up of U.S. eco­nom­ic sup­port for Hitler led to cre­ation of two CIA’s–one Demo­c­rat and one Repub­li­can that serves multi­na­tion­al cor­po­ra­tions; Nurem­berg tri­als sub­vert­ed; Gold­stone Report a sham.