Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Sandy Hook shooting' is associated with 5 posts.

FTR #775 Ratzinger Leaves the Ship–The Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI

The star­tling res­ig­na­tion of Pope Bene­dict XVI (nee Joseph Ratzinger) brings to mind a num­ber of con­sid­er­a­tions. Ratzinger was some­thing of a care­tak­er, charged with sus­tain­ing the Opus-Dei style reac­tion grip­ping the Vat­i­can and keep­ing the lid on poten­tially dam­ag­ing inquiries.. He took office with the Holy See engulfed in scan­dal and inquiry, includ­ing the bur­geon­ing priest molesta­tion inves­ti­ga­tions, renewed inquiries into mon­ey laun­der­ing by the Vat­i­can Bank and inquiries con­cern­ing the Vatican’s behav­ior dur­ing and after World War II. Might some of those issues over­whelmed his papa­cy, forc­ing the first Papal res­ig­na­tion in his­to­ry?

The tragedy in Newtown, CT, and a tragic national response

There have been a num­ber of mis­lead­ing reports, trou­bling anom­alies, and out­right hoax­es fol­low­ing the tragedy in New­town, CT. There has also been a pecu­liar focus on what could only be described as junk-analy­sis on the part of the main­stream media when it comes to the ques­tions over why this took place and how we can pre­vent fur­ther tragedies of this nature. Sad­ly, it’s time for some more caveats that should have nev­er been nec­es­sary...

The “camo pants” coincidence in Newtown, CT, part 3: updates and caveats

Here’s anoth­er update on the reports of a “sec­ond shoot­er” and the still uniden­ti­fied “camo pants” man:
It appears that the mys­tery of Mr. Rodia has poten­tial­ly been cleared up and he appears to be inno­cent and only coin­ci­den­tal­ly caught up in this event:
It looks like Mr. Rodia was actu­al­ly pulled over in his car dur­ing the event and was not dri­ving the pos­si­ble sus­pect “vehi­cle”. Plus, there are a few caveats that need to be con­veyed...

The camo pants coincidence in Newtown, CT, part 2: the mystery is solved except it isn’t

In our last post on this trag­ic top­ic, we addressed the pos­si­bil­i­ty that the New­town, CT shoot­er had help. In par­tic­u­lar, the ques­tion of the iden­ti­ty and poten­tial involve­ment of a man in “camo pants” and a dark jack­et that was tak­en into the cus­tody. Answers have emerged regard­ing this man’s pos­si­ble iden­ti­ty. But a lot of ques­tions remain. And one of those remain­ing ques­tions is, unfor­tu­nate­ly, who was the “camo pants” man? [Note: See impor­tant update at end of post]

The camo pants coincidence in Newtown, CT

There have been mul­ti­ple hoax­es and ample mis­re­port­ing in the New­town tragedy as the event unfold­ed. As a con­se­quence, there is an unfor­tu­nate top­ic we’re going to have to revis­it.