Never have we seen the news media–The Ministry of Truth in the most literal, Orwellian sense–behave more shamefully. The same Islamist/Muslim Brotherhood elements figure into this investigation as into 9/11 and–most recently–the Boston Marathon bombing. The pilot was a devotee of Malaysian Muslim Brother Anwar Ibrahim, who was convicted on sodomy charges hours before the plane’s disappearance.
Many of the same elements that figured in the failed investigation into the 9/11 attacks crop up in connection with the Boston Marathon bombing, as well. In addition to intelligence elements linked to the GOP/Petroleum/Underground Reich element of the intelligence community, there are indications that the accused bombers may have been indoctrinated with domestic fascist ideology. An apparent terrorist attack on a PG & E power subsation at the same time may indicate that the “leaderless resistance” strategy is being manifested here.
An appellate court has cleared the way for families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia, focusing on, among other things, charities used to fund al-Qaeda. IF this investigation were to proceed as far as it might, Grover Norquist, Karl Rove and others in the GOP/Bush milieu would come under scrutiny, as would Francois Genoud, Youssef Nada and the Underground Reich. In addition, there is renewed focus on the redacted 28 pages of the Join Intelligence Committee Inquiry, which implicate Saudi Arabia.
Among the reasons why we view the proposed Syrian military adventure with the most jaundiced of eyes concerns the fact that none other than Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia (shown at right) is the single most important coordinator of aid to the rebels. Nicknamed “Bandar Bush,” because he is so close to the Bush family, Bandar Bush was deeply involved in the push for the invasion of Iraq, which is a damned poor recommendation for taking military action in Syria. Bandar Bush been involved in some of the dirtiest operations of the last quarter century, including the Iran-Contra affair and 9/11.
In past articles, we have noted the close relationship between the Al Jazeera network and the Muslim Brotherhood. Although the Brotherhood controlled network is adding gravitas around the world, one place it is not doing so is Egypt. Many of its staff resigned in protest over the network’s tangible pro-Brotherhood bias.
The biased American news media–ANYTHING but liberal–continue to obsess on the so-called scandals that are enmeshing Obama’s administration (as we predicted would happen from the day of his election.) The American fourth estate has managed to overlook an apparent $20 trillion oil price rip-off facilitated by a subsidiary of McGraw-Hill, owned by a family that have been political allies of the Bushes for generations.
The chief suspect in the murder of Colorado Corrections chief Tom Clements was affiliated with white-supremacist prison gangs, according to authorities. Now comes the news that the suspect’s father was close friends with and a campaign contributor to, the governor of Colorado.
The assassination of the head of the Colorado Corrections Department has raised questions. One possible motive might be Tom Clements’ recent denial of a petition by Homaidan al-Turki, a Saudi national convicted on sexual abuse charges and suspected of involvement in terrorism. Al-Turki enjoys the support of the Saudi government and populace, as well as the State Department.
Islamofascist Muslim Brotherhood behind recent coup attempt in Bangladesh.
Muslim Brotherhood associate Prince Alwaleed heavily invested in Twitter, which changed policies afterward.
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