Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Saudi' is associated with 267 posts.

The Ministry of Truth and Malaysian Air 370

Nev­er have we seen the news media–The Min­istry of Truth in the most lit­er­al, Orwellian sense–behave more shame­ful­ly. The same Islamist/Muslim Broth­er­hood ele­ments fig­ure into this inves­ti­ga­tion as into 9/11 and–most recently–the Boston Marathon bomb­ing. The pilot was a devo­tee of Malaysian Mus­lim Broth­er Anwar Ibrahim, who was con­vict­ed on sodomy charges hours before the plane’s dis­ap­pear­ance.

FTR #773 The Boston Marathon Bombing, the Third Position and the Leaderless Resistance Strategy

Many of the same ele­ments that fig­ured in the failed inves­ti­ga­tion into the 9/11 attacks crop up in con­nec­tion with the Boston Marathon bomb­ing, as well. In addi­tion to intel­li­gence ele­ments linked to the GOP/Petroleum/Underground Reich ele­ment of the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty, there are indi­ca­tions that the accused bombers may have been indoc­tri­nat­ed with domes­tic fas­cist ide­ol­o­gy. An appar­ent ter­ror­ist attack on a PG & E pow­er sub­sa­tion at the same time may indi­cate that the “lead­er­less resis­tance” strat­e­gy is being man­i­fest­ed here.

Better Late than Never: Appellate Court Clears the Way for 9/11 Families to Sue Saudi Arabia

An appel­late court has cleared the way for fam­i­lies of 9/11 vic­tims to sue Sau­di Ara­bia, focus­ing on, among oth­er things, char­i­ties used to fund al-Qae­da. IF this inves­ti­ga­tion were to pro­ceed as far as it might, Grover Norquist, Karl Rove and oth­ers in the GOP/Bush milieu would come under scruti­ny, as would Fran­cois Genoud, Youssef Nada and the Under­ground Reich. In addi­tion, there is renewed focus on the redact­ed 28 pages of the Join Intel­li­gence Com­mit­tee Inquiry, which impli­cate Sau­di Ara­bia.

A Very Good Reason NOT to Attack Syria: “Bandar Bush” at Epicenter of U.S. Syrian Operation

Among the rea­sons why we view the pro­posed Syr­i­an mil­i­tary adven­ture with the most jaun­diced of eyes con­cerns the fact that none oth­er than Prince Ban­dar of Sau­di Ara­bia (shown at right) is the sin­gle most impor­tant coor­di­na­tor of aid to the rebels. Nick­named “Ban­dar Bush,” because he is so close to the Bush fam­i­ly, Ban­dar Bush was deeply involved in the push for the inva­sion of Iraq, which is a damned poor rec­om­men­da­tion for tak­ing mil­i­tary action in Syr­ia. Ban­dar Bush been involved in some of the dirt­i­est oper­a­tions of the last quar­ter cen­tu­ry, includ­ing the Iran-Con­tra affair and 9/11.

Al Jazeera, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Overthrow of Morsi

In past arti­cles, we have not­ed the close rela­tion­ship between the Al Jazeera net­work and the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood. Although the Broth­er­hood con­trolled net­work is adding grav­i­tas around the world, one place it is not doing so is Egypt. Many of its staff resigned in protest over the net­work’s tan­gi­ble pro-Broth­er­hood bias.

What’s 20 Trillion Dollars Between Friends? McGraw-Hill and Petroleum Price Fixing (Now THIS Is a Scandal!)

The biased Amer­i­can news media–ANYTHING but liberal–continue to obsess on the so-called scan­dals that are enmesh­ing Oba­ma’s admin­is­tra­tion (as we pre­dict­ed would hap­pen from the day of his elec­tion.) The Amer­i­can fourth estate has man­aged to over­look an appar­ent $20 tril­lion oil price rip-off facil­i­tat­ed by a sub­sidiary of McGraw-Hill, owned by a fam­i­ly that have been polit­i­cal allies of the Bush­es for gen­er­a­tions.

Strange Twist in the Clements Murder Case

The chief sus­pect in the mur­der of Col­orado Cor­rec­tions chief Tom Clements was affil­i­at­ed with white-suprema­cist prison gangs, accord­ing to author­i­ties. Now comes the news that the sus­pec­t’s father was close friends with and a cam­paign con­trib­u­tor to, the gov­er­nor of Col­orado.

Saudi Terrorism Link to Killing of Colorado’s Chief of Corrections?

The assas­si­na­tion of the head of the Col­orado Cor­rec­tions Depart­ment has raised ques­tions. One pos­si­ble motive might be Tom Clements’ recent denial of a peti­tion by Homaid­an al-Tur­ki, a Sau­di nation­al con­vict­ed on sex­u­al abuse charges and sus­pect­ed of involve­ment in ter­ror­ism. Al-Tur­ki enjoys the sup­port of the Sau­di gov­ern­ment and pop­u­lace, as well as the State Depart­ment.

Muslim Brotherhood/Islamist Coup Attempt in Bangladesh

Islam­o­fas­cist Mus­lim Broth­er­hood behind recent coup attempt in Bangladesh.

Update on Prince Alwaleed, Muslim Brotherhood’s Tech Investor

Mus­lim Broth­er­hood asso­ciate Prince Alwaleed heav­i­ly invest­ed in Twit­ter, which changed poli­cies after­ward.