Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Schwarzenegger' is associated with 3 posts.

“Austerity” Equals Fascism, Part I: The Republicans are Nazis

Descend­ed from political/economic inter­ests that sup­port­ed Hitler, tried to over­throw Franklin Roo­sevelt and did kill JFK, the GOP man­i­fests the her­itage of decades of covert oper­a­tions that brought Third Reich vet­er­ans into the Amer­i­can polit­i­cal main­stream. The upcom­ing elec­tion may deter­mine the fate of our civ­i­liza­tion.

Sister hopes for answers from Chile

Man van­ished dur­ing Pinochet regime; woman ask­ing Schwarzeneg­ger for help by Matthew Mali­nows­ki Chron­i­cle For­eign Ser­vice San­ti­a­go, Chile – When Gov. Arnold Schwarzeneg­ger meets Pres­i­dent Michele Bachelet today in Sacra­men­to, the two lead­ers are expect­ed to dis­cuss trade and ener­gy issues. But the sis­ter of the lone Amer­i­can cit­i­zen still miss­ing from the days of […]

The extortion of California: The wrath of Bush and the Texas power cabal

by Lar­ry Chin Cal­i­for­nia teeters on the brink of dark­ness. The state is threat­ened with dai­ly pow­er black­outs. Nat­ur­al gas may be cut off in the com­ing weeks. With a pre­dict­ed hot and dry sum­mer approach­ing, state politi­cians are scram­bling for eleventh hour reme­dies. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and the con­sor­tium of Texas pow­er […]