Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'SMOM' is associated with 6 posts.

Seymour Hersh: Joint Chiefs of Staff Dominated by Knights of Malta, Opus Dei

“New York Times” jour­nal­ist Sey­mour Hersh main­tains that U.S. Joint Chief­sof Staff are dom­i­nat­ed by offi­cers belong­ing to, or sym­pa­thet­ic to the Knights of Mal­ta and/or Opus Dei.

Gay Theologian Expounds on the Church’s Homophobia and Shift to the Right

Com­ment: A recent Spiegel arti­cle record­ed the obser­va­tions of  David Berg­er, a gay for­mer Catholic priest. Berg­er dis­cussed homo­pho­bia in the Church and among its pow­er­ful sup­port­ers, as well as the Church’s polit­i­cal lurch to the right. Inter­view With Gay The­olo­gian David Berg­er: ‘A Large Pro­por­tion of Catholic Cler­ics and Trainee Priests Are Homo­sex­u­al’ ”; Spiegel […]

Vatican Lawyer for Abuse Case Defended the Vatican Bank in Holocaust Suit

Com­ment: In the recent­ly re-aired FTR #508, we exam­ined the ascen­sion of Pope Bene­dict, whose elec­tion came at a time when unfold­ing Vat­i­can scan­dals threat­ened to unrav­el, reveal­ing that insti­tu­tion’s dark­er side for the blood-soaked hor­ror show that it tru­ly is. Avail­able evi­dence sug­gests that Ratzinger/Benedict is a prod­uct of the Vatican/fascist axis so exhaus­tive­ly […]

The Cancer From Within

by David Antoon TruthDig “I will sup­port and defend the Con­sti­tu­tion of the Unit­ed States against all ene­mies, for­eign and domes­tic. ...” —Oath of Office “Our mis­sion is to edu­cate, train, and inspire men and women to become offi­cers of char­ac­ter moti­vat­ed to lead the Unit­ed States Air Force in ser­vice to our nation.” —Air […]

Malta ‘is Blackwater’s operational base’ – MEP report

by Noel Gri­maThe [Mal­ta] Inde­pen­dent Online A Euro­pean Par­lia­ment work­ing doc­u­ment drawn up by Gio­van­ni Clau­dio Fava has claimed “Mal­ta is the oper­a­tional base of Black­wa­ter, the organ­is­er of pri­vate mil­i­tary mili­tia which are increas­ing­ly tak­ing on more and more roles which used to be under­tak­en by US forces in Iraq and else­where”. Amer­i­can left-wing […]

FTR #154 German Geopolitics and the Balkan War

The pro­found role played by Ger­many in the breakup of Yugoslavia and the result­ing pre­cip­i­ta­tion of hos­til­i­ties.