Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Sullivan and Cromwel' is associated with 5 posts.

Fascism, Globalization and Money Laundering: Review of the Bush Family Tree

In FTR #370, we dis­cussed the Bor­mann flight cap­i­tal orga­ni­za­tion and its links to the Bush and Thyssen fam­i­lies. In the after­math of the Jim DiEu­ge­nio inter­views, we were impressed by the nature of Clay Shaw’s con­nec­tions to the same milieu. ” . . . . But what did the Bush fam­i­ly know about their Nazi con­nec­tion and when did they know it? As senior man­agers of Brown Broth­ers Har­ri­man, they had to have known that their Amer­i­can clients, such as the Rock­e­fellers, were invest­ing heav­i­ly in Ger­man cor­po­ra­tions, includ­ing Thyssen’s giant Vere­inigte Stahlw­erke. . . . It should be recalled that in Jan­u­ary 1937, he hired Allen Dulles to ‘cloak’ his accounts. But cloak from whom? . . . . The cloak­ing oper­a­tion only makes sense in antic­i­pa­tion of a pos­si­ble war with Nazi Ger­many. If Union Bank was not the con­duit for laun­der­ing the Rockefeller’s Nazi invest­ments back to Amer­i­ca, then how could the Rock­e­feller-con­trolled Chase Man­hat­tan Bank end up own­ing 31% of the Thyssen group after the war? It should be not­ed that the Thyssen group (TBG) is now the largest indus­tri­al con­glom­er­ate in Ger­many, and with a net worth of more than $50 bil­lion dol­lars, one of the wealth­i­est cor­po­ra­tions in the world. TBG is so rich it even bought out the Krupp fam­i­ly, famous arms mak­ers for Hitler, leav­ing the Thyssens as the undis­put­ed cham­pi­on sur­vivors of the Third Reich. Where did the Thyssens get the start-up mon­ey to rebuild their empire with such speed after World War II? The enor­mous sums of mon­ey deposit­ed into the Union Bank pri­or to 1942 are the best evi­dence that Prescott Bush know­ing­ly served as a mon­ey laun­der­er for the Nazis. Remem­ber that Union Banks’ books and accounts were frozen by the U.S. Alien Prop­er­ty Cus­to­di­an in 1942 and not released back to the Bush fam­i­ly until 1951. At that time, Union Bank shares rep­re­sent­ing hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars’ worth of indus­tri­al stocks and bonds were unblocked for dis­tri­b­u­tion. Did the Bush fam­i­ly real­ly believe that such enor­mous sums came from Dutch enter­pris­es? . . . . A for­tune this size could only have come from the Thyssen prof­its made from rearm­ing the Third Reich, and then hid­den, first from the Nazi tax audi­tors, and then from the Allies. The Bush­es knew per­fect­ly well that Brown Broth­ers was the Amer­i­can mon­ey chan­nel into Nazi Ger­many, and that Union Bank was the secret pipeline to bring the Nazi mon­ey back to Amer­i­ca from Hol­land. The Bush­es had to have known how the secret mon­ey cir­cuit worked because they were on the board of direc­tors in both direc­tions: Brown Broth­ers out, Union Bank in. . . .”

FTR #921 The Trumpenkampfverbande, Part 4: Trump on the Stump (The Underground Reich Emerges Into Plain View, Part 2)

Con­tin­u­ing analy­sis of Don­ald Trump’s can­di­da­cy, this pro­gram high­lights Trump’s suc­cess­ful use of Hitler’s rhetor­i­cal style and prin­ci­ples. Blog­ger Josh Mar­shall not­ed: ” . . . This was as wild and as unbri­dled a speech as I’ve seen from Trump. Even if you couldn’t under­stand Eng­lish, it would be stun­ning to watch the slash­ing hand ges­tures, the red face, the yelling. . . . Watch­ing this speech, com­pared to the press con­fer­ence today in Mex­i­co City, what kept com­ing to my mind was the con­trast between Hitler’s uni­formed ral­ly speech­es from the hus­tings and the suit­ed, states­man Hitler we see in the old news reels in Munich and at oth­er icon­ic moments in the late 1930s. . . . the dem­a­gog­ic style, the fren­zied invo­ca­tion of famil­ial blood sac­ri­ficed to bar­bar­ic out­siders – these are not unique to him [Hitler]. When we see this lurid, stab-in-the-back incite­ment, the wild hyper­bole, the febrile rail­ing against out­siders who will make us no longer a coun­try – the sim­i­lar­i­ties are real. More than any­thing, per­haps the most chill­ing part of this day is the con­trast between the two men – a mea­sured, calm states­man fig­ure we saw this after­noon and this rail­ing, angry dem­a­gogue fig­ure who cap­tured the emo­tion­al tenor of a Klan ral­ly. . . .” The sim­i­lar­i­ty does not appear to be coin­ci­den­tal: “. . . . Don­ald Trump appears to take aspects of his Ger­man back­ground seri­ous­ly. John Wal­ter works for the Trump Orga­ni­za­tion, and when he vis­its Don­ald in his office, Ivana told a friend, he clicks his heels and says, ‘Heil Hitler,’ pos­si­bly as a fam­i­ly joke. . . . Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her hus­band reads a book of Hitler’s col­lect­ed speech­es, ‘My New Order,’ which he keeps in a cab­i­net by his bed. . . .” The prin­ci­ples of the book have been put into action: “. . . . But it appears that one way or anoth­er, much of the con­tent in ‘My New Order’ about how Hitler says pro­pa­gan­da works, and how he struc­tures his speak­ing style, and how Hitler tar­gets the low­est-com­mon denom­i­na­tor as his intend­ed audi­ence, has seeped into Trump: the way he speaks, argues, rages and responds in pub­lic. . . .” Trump’s rhetor­i­cal rein­car­na­tion of Hitler cor­re­sponds to polit­i­cal sup­port from a bevy of fas­cists and white suprema­cists, old and new, as dis­cussed in FTR #‘s 882 and 920. Fur­ther­more, the financ­ing for his com­plex, mys­te­ri­ous­ly opaque real estate oper­a­tions comes from insti­tu­tions and indi­vid­u­als linked to the remark­able and dead­ly Bor­mann cap­i­tal net­work, as high­light­ed in FTR #920. Con­tin­u­ing to man­i­fest “dog whis­tles” direct­ed at the Nazi faith­ful, Trump’s cam­paign pre­sent­ed the unlike­ly num­ber of 88 high-rank­ing mil­i­tary offi­cers who sup­port his can­di­da­cy, chan­nel­ing the “88” device used by post­war Nazis to code “Heil Hitler.” (“H” is the 8th let­ter of the alpha­bet.) One of the few observers to cor­rect­ly ana­lyze the scan­dalous role of the media in their cov­er­age of Trump’s cam­paign is for­mer CNN host Soledad O’Brien: ” . . . ‘If you look at Hillary Clinton’s speech where she basi­cal­ly point­ed out that what Don­ald Trump has done — actu­al­ly quite well — has nor­mal­ized white suprema­cy,’ O’Brien explained to CNN host Bri­an Stel­ter on Sun­day. ‘I think she made a very good argu­ment, almost like a lawyer. . . . The for­mer CNN host argued that the ques­tion that jour­nal­ists should be ask­ing is if Trump is ‘soft­en­ing the ground for peo­ple — who are white suprema­cists, who are white nation­al­ists, who would self-iden­ti­fy that way — to feel com­fort­able with their views being brought into the nation­al dis­course to the point where they can do a five minute inter­view hap­pi­ly on nation­al tele­vi­sion? And the answer is yes, clear­ly,’ she said. ‘And there is lots of evi­dence of that.’ . . .” The pro­gram con­cludes with a read­ing from “They Thought They Were Free: The Ger­mans 1933–1945”–listeners should com­pare their sub­jec­tive expe­ri­ence of the present with that of a pro­fes­sor who lived through Hitler’s ascen­sion. Pro­gram High­lights Include: review of Deutsche Bank’s pri­ma­ry role in back­ing Trump’s busi­ness oper­a­tions; review of George Soros’ back­ing of Trump’s busi­ness deal­ings; review of Soros’s role in “Aryaniz­ing” Jew­ish prop­er­ty dur­ing the Holo­caust; review of the links of the Bor­mann cap­i­tal net­work’s piv­otal role in Deutsche Bank and the Union Bank of Switzer­land, anoth­er financier of Trump prop­er­ties; an ear­ly man­i­fes­ta­tion of Ger­man “Ost­poli­tik,” in which the SS intel­li­gence ser­vice float­ed the idea to Allen Dulles that Ger­many would ally with Rus­sia.

FTR #841 Interview (#4) with Peter Levenda about “The Hitler Legacy”

Resum­ing our analy­sis of “The Hitler Lega­cy,” our next inter­view with Peter Lev­en­da con­tin­ues dis­cus­sion of the reha­bil­i­ta­tion of “jihadis as proxy war­riors” by Ger­many in the run-up to, and dur­ing, the Sec­ond World War. Hav­ing assumed the posi­tion of Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Hus­sei­ni took advan­tage of resent­ment on the Arab street and mobi­lized it against the British and Jews. Begin­ning with pogroms dur­ing the 1920’s and 1930’s, Hus­seini’s activism blos­somed into full-fledged par­tic­i­pa­tion in Nazi mil­i­tary com­paigns, includ­ing recruit­ing Waf­fen SS units in Mus­lim ter­ri­to­ries. After dis­cussing some sim­i­lar­i­ties between Nazism and glob­al jihadist ide­ol­o­gy, Peter high­lights the Grand Mufti’s post war work with the PLO and oth­er Mus­lim polit­i­cal and mil­i­tary orga­ni­za­tions. Join­ing the Grand Mufti were numeer­ous SS men and Nazi tech­ni­cal experts, there to con­tin­ue their war against the Jews and to fight against Com­mu­nism on behalf of West­ern intel­li­gence agen­cies. In the Mid­dle East, as in oth­er coun­tries where they were recruit­ed as anti-Com­mu­nist cadre, the Third Reich alum­ni pur­sued a Nazi agen­da, spawn­ing new Nazi polit­i­cal and mil­i­tary for­ma­tions. Peter notes that they are not “neo”-Nazis, at all. West­ern intel­li­gence helped fos­ter post­war SS-assis­tance orga­ni­za­tions such as Die Spinne and ODESSA, shep­herd­ed to a con­sid­er­able extent by SS Colonel Otto Sko­rzeny.

FTR #840 Interview (#3) with Peter Levenda about “The Hitler Legacy”

Con­tin­u­ing our dis­cus­sion with Peter Lev­en­da about his remark­able book “The Hitler Lega­cy,” the broad­cast details what the author calls “The exit strat­e­gy.” Fac­ing mil­i­tary defeat, the Third Reich knew that Nazism would not die with the Allied vic­to­ry, but could con­tin­ue the strug­gle from far-flung places. Mov­ing both SS offi­cers and vast amounts of cap­i­tal abroad, the Reich took advan­tage of the ide­o­log­i­cal res­o­nance that exist­ed between the NSDAP and both anti-Com­mu­nist and anti-Semit­ic ele­ments abroad, includ­ing and espe­cial­ly, the Nazi under­ground that exist­ed in the Unit­ed States. Using the Vat­i­can “rat­lines” and their pow­er­ful busi­ness con­nec­tions with West­ern (espe­cial­ly Amer­i­can) cor­po­ra­tions and asso­ci­at­ed law firms, SS men went over­seas, where the vast amounts of cap­i­tal belong­ing to the Bor­mann flight cap­i­tal net­work sus­tained their activ­i­ties. Pro­gram high­lights include: the role of the Bank for Inter­na­tion­al Set­tle­ments in the Nazi finan­cial dias­po­ra; the for­ma­tion and oper­a­tion of the Rein­hard Gehlen spy net­work; analy­sis of “The Red House Doc­u­ment,” includ­ing the pro­vi­sion by Ger­man cor­po­ra­tions to fund the Nazi par­ty under­ground after the war; brief dis­cus­sion of the Grand Mufti and his alliance with the Third Reich.

FTR #120 Update on Germany

Amer­i­can fas­cists, such as for­mer Gen. Charles Willough­by and Allen Dulles pro­mot­ed Ger­man Nazi recruit­ment among U.S. ser­vice per­son­nel in Ger­many.