Introduction: Continuing analysis of the machinations of Count Max Egon Von Hohenlohe, these programs flesh out his operations on behalf of the SOFINDUS network and his pivotal role in the machinations that led to the handing over of Czechoslovakia to Germany and Hitler.
After reading a declassified British intelligence document, Monte reads at length from a book which he used in previous programs: Go Betweens for Hitler by Karina Urbach; Oxford University Press; Copyright 2015 and 2017 by Oxford University Press.
Points of Discussion and Analysis Include: Von Hohenlohe’s rank of General in the SS; his role in penetrating Western intelligence while pretending to be sympathetic to them; Von Hohenlohe’s connections to Admiral Canaris and Hermann Goehring; U.S. oil man Willliam Rhodes Davis and his bankrolling of the Mexican Nazi Party; William Rhodes Davis’ links to J. Paul Getty.
Introduction: The programs begin with a synopsis of FTR#’s 1327 and 1328, followed by analysis of the Falange and its importance for Spain, Europe and Latin America.
1. Synopsis of Last Two Shows (FTR#’s 1327 & 1328): Treasonous meeting between Hohenlohe and Dulles in early ’43; Hohenlohe representing Schellenberg (SD, ITT); Hohenlohe networking with Winfield Scott via “pre-CIA” in immediate WWII period; Ray Rocca identifies Hohenlohe as a key CIA agent in Mexico City, possibly being focused upon by Garrison; Winston Scott as CIA station chief in Mexico City is networking with both Hohenlohe and Los Tecos; Los Tecos evolved from Mexican Gold Shirts; Los Tecos deeply-involved with formation of Latin American death squads according to Jack Anderson; Los Tecos operating as key CIA assets in Mexico City; Ann Goodpaster helping with the framing of Oswald in Mexico City via Bill Simpich; True nature of ZR Rifle as revealed by recent documents.
2. Discussion of the Falange—key points: Hohenlohe married into Hapsburgs in Spain; Nazis take control of Spain first, as it is seen as the key to conquest of (among other elements) Latin America and U.S.; Links between European aristocracies and their counterparts in former colonial territories (Latin America and Philippines among others); General Wilhelm Von Faupel and his Iberian Institute; Emperor Maximilian Von Hapsburg of Mexico; Epicenter of Falange in Americas is Havana (where did they go when Castro took over); Spain (and Portugal) are fascist countries, although officially neutral); Spain figures prominently in postwar Nazi activity (Skorzeny et al) networking with Franco.
Next, Dave reads from the description for the book Falange, from the Spitfire website.
In 1936, Reichsmarshall Hermann Goering—one of Hitler’s top aides and the head of the Luftwaffe—observed that “Spain is the key to two continents.” Goering was enunciating a key principal of German and Nazi geopolitics. By controlling Spain, the Nazis felt they could control both Europe and Latin America. Geographically dominating the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea from the Atlantic and “flanking” France, Spain also wielded tremendous influence in Latin America through the strong cultural and economic ties between the Spanish and Latin American aristocracies. In addition, the profound Catholic influence in both Spain and Latin America, augmented Spanish clout in that part of the world. (In FTR#532, we examined the Vatican’s involvement with fascism. The Vatican/Fascist axis was another major contributing factor to the influence of the Falange throughout the Spanish-speaking world.)
In order to utilize Spain’s geopolitical influence as a tool for Nazi imperial designs, the Third Reich turned to General Wilhelm von Faupel and his Ibero-American Institute. Von Faupel was a bitter opponent of the Weimar Republic, and readily accepted the Nazis as the antidote to German democracy. Known as an “I.G. General” for his links to the I.G. Farben company, von Faupel also maintained close ties to the powerful Thyssen interests which, like Farben, were the powers that backed Hitler. (The Bush family were also closely linked to the Thyssens.) During the 1920’s, von Faupel had served as a general staff adviser to the Argentine, Brazilian and Peruvian military establishments and was famed throughout Latin America for his skills as an officer. Because of his Latin American ties and his links to the corporate interests that backed Hitler, von Faupel became the Reich’s point man for the fascist takeover of Spain and subsequent construction of a Fifth Column throughout the Spanish-speaking world.
In 1934, von Faupel assumed control of the Ibero-American Institute, an academic think tank originally founded as a legitimate scholarly institution. Under von Faupel, the organization became a front for organizing the Nazi infiltration and conquest of Spain. Rejecting royalist and Catholic sectarian rightist parties, von Faupel and the Nazis settled on the Falange as their chosen vehicle for gaining dominance over Spain. After arranging the assassination of General Jose Sanjurjo (a royalist rival for the leadership of Spain after the overthrow of the Republican government), the Germans and their Italian allies installed Franco as head of the fascist Falange.
” . . . General Jose Sanjurjo, wearing a peacock’s dream of a
uniform-the London-made gift of Adolf Hitler-boarded
a Junkers plane in Lisbon and ordered his pilot, Captain
Ansaldo, to take off for a secret landing field in Spain. But
on July 17 the old general was actually headed for: another
landing field his Nazi comrades had chosen without his
A few remarks he had let slip to intimate friends in Estoril
earlier that year had, unknown to Sanjurjo, reached certain
Berlin ears. On April 13, 1936, for instance, Sanjurjo had
complained, “They want me to start a revolution to serve
the bankers and the speculators, but I won’t do it.” Two
weeks after saying this, he made another trip to Berlin. He
remained in Germany for only a few days, and on his return
he went to work in earnest on his plans for the pending
revolt. What happened in Berlin while Sanjurjo conferred
with von Faupel is of little moment now. His fate had already
been sealed before the visit.
Very shortly after Sanjurjo’s plane took off from Lisbon,
a German time bomb planted in the baggage compartment
exploded. The blazing fragments of the Junkers monoplane
became the pyre of the Anointed Chief of the Spanish Revolution.
Jose Sanjurjo had the dubious honor of being the
first of the Nazis’ million victims of the Spanish War. . . .”
Falange; pp.20–21.
Von Faupel then proceeded to direct the construction of the “Falange Exterior” as the fascist Fifth Column movement throughout the Spanish-speaking world (including the Philippines).
Author Chase describes the Falange Exterior on page 31 of Falange:
“On the surface, von Faupel had—in the Falange Exterior—delivered to the Third Reich a remarkable network, extending from Havana to Buenos Aires, from Lima to Manila. This network, according to its creator, was capable of concerted espionage, political diversion, arms smuggling, and anything that any other Fifth Column in history had accomplished. It remained only for the Wehrmacht to give von Faupel’s instrument the tests which would determine whether the Auslands Falange had been worth all the trouble its organization had entailed. The answer was soon provided by a number of Falangists—among them one Jose del Castano.”
Del Castano was the primary Falange organizer in the Philippines. (Recall that the Philippines had been a Spanish colony before the Spanish-American war.) Del Castano had organized the Falangists in the Philippines into a very effective Fifth Column, much of whose membership had enlisted in the Philippine Civilian Emergency Administration, charged with dispensing first aid and other emergency services in time of war. During the Japanese attack in 1941, del Castano’s agents went to work. Chase describes what happened on pages 46 and 47:
“ . . . Toward the end of November, Jose del Castano made a thorough check-up on the work of the Falange Exterior in the Philippines. He sent a coded report to Madrid, via preparations taken by his Falanges. On December 7, Spain’s Japanese Axis partner bombed Hawaii and the Philippines. . . In Manila, after the shock of the first attack, the people looked to the government, to the Army, to the Civilian Emergency Administration, for guidance. In most cases, the average Filipino turned to the C.E.A.—under ordinary circumstances, the proper thing to do. But on December 7, 1941, the C.E.A. was so shot through with Falangistas as to be the foundation of the Axis Fifth Column in the city. . . On December 29, the Japanese air forces staged their first great raid over the city of Manila. For three hours the Jap planes rained bombs on the forts along the bay, the docks, and the homes of the poorer Filipinos. Then the planes flew off. But something had happened during the bombardment. The civilian defense organizations seemed to have broken down completely. Wardens were receiving orders to be everywhere except the places where they were needed most. Stretcher-bearers were dropping like flies with bullets in their backs. Streams of confusing and conflicting orders had most C.E.A. workers running around in crazy circles.”
On page 47, Chase also notes that the Falangistas spread wild rumors to undermine the will to resist the Japanese invaders, rumors that were all the more potent because they originated with personnel within the Emergency Administration.
“Wild rumors spread like hurricanes through the city—rumors the character of which had already become familiar in all lands invaded by the Nazis in Europe: MacArthur had fled to Washington. Quezon had gone over to the Japs. The entire American Air Force had been destroyed. The American Army had received orders to shoot all Catholics and imprison all Filipinos. Henry Morgenthau had personally requisitioned all the funds in the Philippine National Treasury. Ad infinitum. There was something official about these rumors, something had been added that made even level-headed citizens give them credence. For these rumors were not being spread by obscure Japanese spies: they originated directly from Civilian Emergency Headquarters, from the lips of the hard-working air-raid wardens who had been so diligent about tacking up the posters bearing the ten emergency pointers for the citizen. ‘Get your facts straight from C.E.A.’ . . .”
For the contemporary reader, it is vital to remember that Latin America (and the Philippines) were never “de-Falangized.” Franco and his fascists remained in power in Spain until 1975. Portugal remained under the control of the fascist dictator Salazar for decades after the war. The decisive influence of Latin American fascists in the decades following the war (including their intimate collaboration with elements of U.S. intelligence) is a matter of public record. The legacy of the Falange Exterior is very much with us today.
Monte then presents deep political information about Von Hohenlohe’s networking with SOFINDUS: SOFINDUS and its myriad connections; Von Hohenlohe and his networking with SOFINDUS
Synopsis of FTR#’s 1327 & 1328: Treasonous meeting between Hohenlohe and Dulles in early ’43; Hohenlohe representing Schellenberg (SD, ITT); Hohenlohe networking with Winfield Scott via “pre-CIA” in immediate WWII period; Ray Rocca identifies Hohenlohe as a key CIA agent in Mexico City, possibly being focused upon by Garrison; Winston Scott as CIA station chief in Mexico City is networking with both Hohenlohe and Los Tecos; Los Tecos evolved from Mexican Gold Shirts; Los Tecos deeply-involved with formation of Latin American death squads according to Jack Anderson; Los Tecos operating as key CIA assets in Mexico City; Ann Goodpaster helping with the framing of Oswald in Mexico City via Bill Simpich; True nature of ZR Rifle as revealed by recent documents.
For background on Los Tecos, see AFA#15
Description for AFA#15: Continuing the discussion from AFA-14, this broadcast sets forth the operations of the Nazi and fascist elements described in that program at greater length. The first part of the program highlights the relationship between fascist elements of U.S. intelligence, the Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico), the Latin American Branch of the former World Anti-Communist League, and the formation and operation of Latin American Death Squads.
Operating under the banner of the “White Hand,” Latin American Death Squads were coordinated by the CAL (WACL’s Latin American affiliate) and had the University as its epicenter. The program analyzes the genesis of this relationship in Guatemala, arising out of the 1954 CIA-backed coup that overthrew Jacobo Arbenz. Utilizing CAL, elements of the CIA midwived the formation of the terror apparatus that sewed death and destruction in Guatemala and other Latin American countries in succeeding decades. (In March of 1999, President Clinton apologized on behalf of the United States for the bloodshed that the United States had been responsible for in Guatemala.)
The program sets forth the pre-World War II background of “Los Tecos,” the Mexican branch of CAL (based in Guadalajara.) Allied with Adolf Hitler, tutored by a member who had studied in Nazi Germany and espousing an anti-semitic and anti-Catholic occultism, Los Tecos dominate the Autonomous University. Founded, in part, by the U.S. State Department and Agency for International Development (the latter a frequent cover for U.S. intelligence operations abroad), the University serves as an ideological training ground and operational coordinating center for the terror units of the White Hand. (This information was supplied by a member of the Honduran branch of the death squad apparatus.)
The broadcast highlights the milieu’s operations in El Salvador and Nicaragua, both operations coordinated with Ronald Reagan’s CIA and both assisted (particularly in the beginning) by Argentine fascists. In addition, the program delineates the on-going relationship between the Autonomous University and thirteen different American universities. Visiting American students are obliged to comply with ideological training mandated by Los Tecos.
The second half of the program presents information about the role of WACL elements in the assassination of President Kennedy. (The broadcast sets forth the thesis that the assassination was critical to the eventual formation of WACL. In 1963, the elements that were to formally coalesce as WACL were part of the W.A.C.C.F.L. — the World Anti-Communist Congress for Freedom and Liberation.) Much of the broadcast centers on disinformation (disseminated by WACCFL-related elements) pointing to Lee Harvey Oswald as a KGB-trained assassin.
Attempting to pin the assassination on the Soviets and/or Cubans, these elements spurred many liberals to endorse the “Oswald as lone-nut” hypothesis. They were afraid that the assassination could lead to nuclear war, if the perception gained hold that Oswald was a communist. A central element in this disinformation ploy was an attempt to connect the JFK assassination to the death of Ukrainian fascist Stephan Bandera. Allegedly performed by an alleged KGB assassin named Bogdan Stashynsky, Bandera’s murder took place on the same day that Oswald “defected” to the Soviet Union. (As described in AFA-14, Bandera and his OUN/B were key elements of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations.)
WACCFL elements disseminated the lie that Oswald was trained at the same facility as Stashynsky, and that the JFK hit was part of a Soviet program of assassination of Western political leaders. It should be noted that WACL-related elements also figured prominently in the “handling” of Oswald in New Orleans, Dallas and (possibly) the Soviet Union.
Program highlights include: Kennedy’s efforts to improve relations with the Soviet Union, including his June, 1963 speech at American University that acknowledged the Soviet Union’s primary role in the defeat of Hitler and which called for a re-examination America’s attitude toward the Cold War; Spas T. Raikin’s greeting of the alleged traitor Oswald upon his return from the Soviet Union (Raikin was a former head of the American Friends of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations); Guy Bannister’s detective agency as the headquarters of the Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean (later incorporated into WACL); Bannister aide Maurice Brooks Gatlin’s role in the formation of WACL; New Orleans Mafioso Carlos Marcello’s association with Antonio Valladares, his Guatemalan attorney and a key figure in the formation of CAL (Marcello was connected to the JFK assassination); the role of WACCFL spokesperson Salvador Diaz Verson in disseminating the Oswald/Stashynsky/KGB canard; Ilya Mamantov and Igor Voshinin’s handling of Marina Oswald after the assassination (both men were fascists associated with the WACCFL milieu); Charles Willoughby’s International Committee for the Defense of Christian Culture, an international fascist intelligence network uniting Third Reich veterans with members of Texas’ Hunt family; discussion of possible WACL connections to the assassination of Swedish Prime Minister Olaf Palme.
1. In FTR #‘s 1058, 1059, 1060, we revisited the concept of “The Christian West”: ” . . . . When it became clear that the armies of the Third Reich were going to be defeated, it opened secret negotiations with representatives from the Western Allies. Representatives on both sides belonged to the transatlantic financial and industrial fraternity that had actively supported fascism. The thrust of these negotiations was the establishment of The Christian West. Viewed by the Nazis as a vehicle for surviving military defeat, ‘The Christian West’ involved a Hitler-less Reich joining with the U.S., Britain, France and other European nations in a transatlantic, pan-European anti-Soviet alliance. In fact, The Christian West became a reality only after the cessation of hostilities. The de-Nazification of Germany was aborted. Although a few of the more obvious and obnoxious elements of Nazism were removed, Nazis were returned to power at virtually every level and in almost every capacity in the Federal Republic of Germany. . . .”
In FTR #1009, we detailed “Christian West” negotiations to have a Hitler-less Third Reich join with the Western Allies, undertaken by OSS representatives Allen Dulles and William Donovan, networking with Prince Max Egon von Hohenlohe, a proxy for SD officer Walter Schellenberg.
In in his 1985 volume American Swastika, the late author Charles Higham provides us with insight into the Christian West concept, revealing the extent to which these SS/OSS negotiations set the template for the post-World War II world, as well as the degree of resonance that key Americans, such as Allen Dulles, had with Nazi ideology, anti-Semitism in particular.
The postwar political and economic realities of the Dulles, Hohenlohe, Schellenberg meetings were further solidified when William (Wild Bill) Donovan entered into his “M” Project.
Important to note in this context, is the dominant role in world affairs played by cartels, the fundamental element in the industrial and financial axis that was essential to the creation and perpetuation of fascism. Much of the Third Reich’s military industrial complex, the primacy of Germany in the postwar EU, as well as the correlation between postwar Europe as constructed in the Christian West negotiations and long-standing German plans for European domination are derivative of the power of cartels.
The Christian West and “M” Projects:
Revealed that Allen Dulles’ views resonated with Third Reich anti-Semitism, and that his opinions were shared by other, like-minded American power brokers: ” . . . . He said that it would be unbearable for any decent European to think that the Jews might return someday, and that there must be no toleration of a return of the Jewish power positions. . . . He made the curious assertion that the Americans were only continuing the war to get rid of the Jews and that there were people in America who were intending to send the Jews to Africa. . . .”
Set the template for the postwar Federal Republic of Germany and the EU: ” . . . . He [Dulles] reiterated his desire for a greater European political federation–and foresaw the federal Germany that in fact took place. . . . Germany would be set up as the dominating force in industry and agriculture in continental Europe, at the heart of a continental state run by Germany, the U.S.A., and Great Britain as a focus of trade. . . .”
Were the vehicle for Allen Dulles to betray much of the Allied military plans for Southern Europe to the Third Reich: “. . . . Dulles now proceeded to supply Hohenlohe with dollops of secret intelligence, announcing that the U.S. Army would not land in Spain but, after conquering Tunisia, would advance from Africa toward the Ploesti oil fields to cut off the German oil supplies. He said it was likely the Allies would land in Sicily to cut off Rommel and control Italy from there, and thus secure the advance in the Balkans. Having given virtually the entire battle plan for Europe, top secret at the time, to one of Germany’s agents, Allen Dulles proceeded to the almost unnecessary rider that he had very good relations with the Vatican. . . .”
Directly foreshadowed the confrontation between the U.S. and the Soviet Union which became the Cold War. “. . . . In other meetings, Dulles . . . . predicted that ‘the next world war would be between the U.S.A. and the Soviet Union.’ . . . .”
Were the occasion for Dulles to laud the “genius” of Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels: “He . . . . described a recent speech by Dr. Goebbels as ‘a work of genius; I have rarely read a speech with such rational pleasure.’ . . . .”
American Swastika by Charles Higham; Doubleday & Co. [HC]; Copyright 1985 by Charles Higham; ISBN 0–385-17874–3; pp. 191–194.
. . . . Dulles pressed ahead. He said that it would be unbearable for any decent European to think that the Jews might return someday, and that there must be no toleration of a return of the Jewish power positions. He reiterated his desire for a greater European political federation–and foresaw the federal Germany that in fact took place. . . . He made the curious assertion that the Americans were only continuing the war to get rid of the Jews and that there were people in America who were intending to send the Jews to Africa. This was Hitler’s dream of course: that the Jews would go to Madagascar and stay there. . . .
. . . . Dulles now proceeded to supply Hohenlohe with dollops of secret intelligence, announcing that the U.S. Army would not land in Spain but, after conquering Tunisia, would advance from Africa toward the Ploesti oil fields to cut off the German oil supplies. He said it was likely the Allies would land in Sicily to cut off Rommel and control Italy from there, and thus secure the advance in the Balkans.
Having given virtually the entire battle plan for Europe, top secret at the time, to one of Germany’s agents, Allen Dulles proceeded to the almost unnecessary rider that he had very good relations with the Vatican. . . .
. . . . In other meetings, Dulles . . . . predicted that “the next world war would be between the U.S.A. and the Soviet Union.” . . . . Dulles obtained a great deal of information relating to Germany and plans for its reconstruction after the war. He . . . . described a recent speech by Dr. Goebbels as “a work of genius; I have rarely read a speech with such rational pleasure.” . . . .
. . . . In July, [OSS chief William] Donovan and the OSS began to take matters into their own hands. No doubt inspired by the invigorating meeting in Switzerland, Donovan embarked on the so-called “M” project. . . .
. . . . By now, the German [Franz Von Papen] had read the details of the peace proposal on microfilm and learned that it was more or less on the same lines as the Dulles proposals. Germany would be set up as the dominating force in industry and agriculture in continental Europe, at the heart of a continental state run by Germany, the U.S.A., and Great Britain as a focus of trade. . .
2. We present Monte’s development of the decades-long relationship between von Hohenlohe, U.S. intelligence, Winston Scott, Los Tecos, the Mexico City concatenations allegedly involving “Lee Harvey Oswald.” For annotation for Monte’s work, see the comment below.
Introduction: These programs set forth the legal concept of “Chokeholds” on the JFK assassination–dynamics that prove, legally, that there was a conspiracy.
These do not necessarily resonate precisely with aspects of the historical record, which embraces, but does not delineate, principles of law.
Key Points of Discussion and Analysis Include: How some lawyers introduced the concepts we discuss; What is the concept of “consilience?;” Analyze the “Investigations Timeline”—detailed in the Introduction; What is meant by “Standard of Proof?”; How does “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt” figure into the “Chokeholds” concept?; How does “Civil Standards of Proof” factor in?; How does the HSCA Standard of Proof” factor in?; How does the ARRB’s Standard of Proof factor in?; Finally—the JFK Assassinations Chokehold Standard of Proof”—How does this factor in?; Analysis of the 60 years of obstruction of justice in the JFK case; Analysis of the Rockefeller Commission; The Rockefeller Commission’s inclusion of Lyman Lemnitzer and Ronald Reagan–two very strange choices; The Rockefeller Commission’s selection of Warren Commission counsel David Belin to handle its legal maneuvering; The Rockefeller Commission’s use of Richard Lindenberg–a Paperclip veteran; Review of the deep political role of Leon Jaworski in the trial over the killing of Corporal Kunze, the Dachau Medical trials and his participation in the Texas Court of Inquiry along with Robert Storey; Review of networking between Ray Rocca, Paul Patrini and James Angleton dating back to World War II; The House Select Committee on Assassinations’ use of George Joannides as a liaison with the CIA; Review of Joannides’ work with Carlos Bringuier and the DRE at the time of the Kennedy assassination; review of the HSCA’s endorsement of the doctored autopsy evidence at Bethesda; Review of Watergate and Nixon’s presence in Dallas on 11/22/1963.
In the latest Patreon talk, recorded on French Election Day, 4/24/2022, we explore the history of French fascism from the transnational corporate links of the early 20th century to the rise of the Front National. Particular emphasis is on the continuity from the Pre-WWII Cagoule, through the SS-aligned Vichy fascist milieu to the operations of the post-WWII fascist international. The talk highlights some of the French fascists in Dallas, Texas, 11/22/1963. Ukrainian television anchor quotes Adolf Eichmann verbatim in this video from UKRAINE 24. WFMU-FM is podcasting For The Record–You can subscribe to the podcast HERE. Mr. Emory emphatically recommends that listeners/readers get the 32GB flash drive containing all of Mr. Emory’s 43 years on the air, plus a library of old anti-fascist books on easy-to-download PDF files.
An important book about the JFK assassination has been published. The late Hank Albarelli, Jr. has authored a lengthy tome, which draws together various, disparate elements involved in the Dallas coup in an important, timely manner.
Integrating operational elements of the domestic fascist political milieu, active and retired military professionals, the intelligence community (CIA in particular), the defense industry, the Texas and international petroleum companies, as well as dominant political organizations with the forces of international fascism, Albarelli and his assistants have opened a window onto what Mr. Emory believes are in the forces destroying our civilization.
Paramount, here, is the decisive role and position of international fascism in the events of 11/22/1963.
Fascism is generally represented as something of an antiquity and an aberration–an outlier in the development of our civilization.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Contemporary presentations of fascism are attenuated and superficial, covering neither the evolution of fascist networks through the decades, nor those networks’ inextricable relationships with past and present intelligence agencies and dominant corporate and allied political interests around the world.
In the first of these programs, we explore the account in the book of the role of French fascists in the assassination of JFK.
In the second, we chronicle the deep political connections of the French steel and iron makers, and their counterparts in the German steel and coal combines. United in their corporatist strategy, they saw anti-labor and anti-communist ideology as surmounting any nationalist considerations.
For many years, we have set forth the powerful French fascist organizations that attempted to overthrow the French government of Leon Blum and, finally, acted in concert with like-minded military officers, aristocrats and corporate individuals and institutions to subvert resistance to the Nazi invasion.
With the establishment of the Vichy collaborationist regime, elements such as La Cagoule contributed significantly to the governing and enforcing apparatus of the fascist administration.
We have covered La Cagoule for many years, including an in-depth exploration of the methodology and history of La Cagoule and related groups in Miscellaneous Archive Show 61 (recorded in September of 1994.) Relevant sides of this lengthy program are: Side “c”; Side “d”; Side “e”. (These segments, in turn, draw on documentation presented in Armies of Spies by Joseph Gollomb and Triumph of Treason by Pierre Cot. For further discussion of these topics and books, use the search function on this website.)
Furthermore, figures such as Monsieurs Filliol and Pierre Lafitte also served with the Nazis SS, the most prominent French element of which was the Charlemagne Division.
(In addition to Lafitte’s Nazi/SS/fascist collaboration, this “Man of a Thousand Faces” worked for a myriad of organizations: intelligence agencies, law enforcement agencies, and criminal networks, often overlapping those activities. The authors of Coup in Dallas posit that Lafitte may very well have been the “manager” for the JFK assassination operation in the U.S.)
Networking with, among others, Otto Skorzeny during the war, French fascists sought and found refuge and continued postwar employment in Spain under the fascist government of dictator Francisco Franco. Their relationship with Skorzeny continued after the war, and Skorzeny may well have been the “executive” planner of the assassination under whom Lafitte operated.
“. . . . And perhaps equally significant is Filliol’s history with Nazi SS Sturmbannfuhrer Otto Skorzeny. . . We now know that Skorzeny played the crucial role of logistical mastermind of the hit in Dealey Plaza. . . .”
(We have detailed Skorzeny’s vitally important role in postwar international fascism in numerous broadcasts, including AFA#22.)
Albarelli develops information about Skorzeny and Lafitte as central to the planning of the JFK assassination, and master assassin Filliol as being present in Dallas on 11/22/1963.
Manifesting grasp of both the “sweep” of fascism and its institutional connections, Albarelli highlights the fascist genesis of the French cosmetic giant L’Oreal, employer of Jean Filliol in Spain and his fellow French fascist Jacques Correze in both Spain and the U.S.
” . . . Once in Spain, Filliol soon established contact with Nazi Otto Skorzeny, who had been ‘resettled’ for the benefit of U.S. intelligence interests in the nation’s capitol. . . .
“. . . . There, Filliol quickly landed a secure and well-paid executive job with the international division of L’Oreal, a cosmetic and beauty products company. Today a very well-known company, L’Oreal was founded and operated by Eugene Schueller, a passionate anti-Semite and ultraright-winger. Schueller, during the 1930’s and the war years, financially supported La Cagoule . . . .”
“. . . . While in Spain, naturally, Correze became friends with Otto Skorzeny after being introduced to his fellow SS officer by former La Cagoule assassin Jean Filliol, by now the vice president of international marketing for L’Oreal. . . .”
When the Justice Department’s Office of Special Investigations began looking into Correze’s fascist and Nazi history, the probe quickly unearthed substantive allegations about Correze’s relationship to Filliol and his fellow fascist Gerard Litt and the latter pair’s presence in Dallas at the time of the JFK assassination.
“. . . . According to two former employees of the department’s Office of Special investigations, both of whom declined to be identified in this book, the examination of Correze’s past quickly unearthed unexpected details about his links to Jean Filliol, Gerard Litt, and Otto Skorzeny, inclusive of detailed suspicions about Filliol’s and Litt’s presence in Dallas, Texas, at the time of the JFK assassination. . . .”
(We note in passing that John Loftus, the heroic author of The Belarus Secret, America’s Nazi Secret, Unholy Trinity and The Secret War Against the Jews worked for the Office of Special Investigations.)
The broader context of the Cagoulard elements in Dallas concerns the OAS attempts on the life of Charles De Gaulle, which overlap the JFK assassination. (We discussed those areas of overlap in, among other broadcasts, FTR#1162.)
One of the apparent areas of overlap between the OAS attempts to kill De Gaulle (with assistance from elements of CIA) and the Dallas coup is Jean Souetre, a skilled OAS assassin who, like Filliol and Lafitte, was networked with Otto Skorzeny.
” . . . . Skorzeny’s aide explained to Herbert that his superior was absent because he had ‘other things going on.’ The arrangements that were made for [Army Ranger officer Anthony] Herbert to meet with Skorzeny confirm Capt. Souetre’s commandos were fully aware of the nature of Skorzeny’s training schools, which they also attended. . . .”
Souetre was in Dallas on 11/22/1063 and was expelled from the country.
One of the important strengths of the Albarelli text is the integration of many of the strategic and operational elements involved with the JFK hit.
Numerous writers have set forth the role in the Dallas coup of elements of what Texans refer to as “The Ahl Bidness.”
In addition to despising JFK for his advocacy of Algerian independence from colonial master France, exploratory information indicated to Texas-connected petroleum interests that Algeria contained significant petroleum reserves on its territory and beneath its territorial waters.
Representative of the fascist connections in the JFK assassination highlighted in this book is the fact that Robert Schacht–a blood relative of Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, Hitler’s finance minister who was deeply involved with Clay Shaw and Permindex–was the admissions director for Albert Schweitzer College, the first destination of Lee Harvey Oswald when he “defected” to the Soviet Union.
We also include a passage from Jim DiEugenio’s classic work on the Garrison investigation–Destiny Betrayed.
This passage places the Schacht family connection in greater depth.
Permindex was involved with, among other things, attempts on the life of French president Charles De Gaulle in conjunction with elements of CIA and the OAS. (We will discuss more about this in future programs.
Much of the second program discusses the actions of the Fifth Column in France prior to, and during, World War II. (For more about this Fifth Column, see Miscellaneous Archive Show M61.) It is important to note in this context, that Mr. Emory stresses that the analogy between the Fifth Column in France and its counterpart in the United States is not an exact one. There are significant differences between the situation in France before World War II and that in the U.S. today. Nonetheless there are similarities worth examining.
One should note that France was governed by a democratic coalition government under Leon Blum (the Social Front or Popular Front), which included the French communist party. Under the social pressures brought about by the Great Depression and the inability of liberal democratic governments to deal adequately with the social fallout from it, many countries experienced powerful fascist movements. Such was the case in France. Industrialists, financiers, aristocrats and members of the armed forces were among the fascist plotters that saw the elimination of the Blum government as a necessity. After initial failure in the plot by the fascist Cagoulards in 1938, many of the fascists acceded to power in the Vichy government after the German conquest.
Continuing our series on the regime of Chiang Kai-shek–all but beatified during the Cold War–we draw still more on a magnificent book–The Soong Dynasty by Sterling Seagrave.
Although sadly out of print, the book is still available through used book services, and we emphatically encourage listeners to take advantage of those and obtain it. Several listeners have said that they were able to obtain the book because it is still in print!
I hope so! PLEASE buy it, read it, and tell others about it, either through conventional means and/or through social media. (Mr. Emory gets no money from said purchases of the book.) It is apparently available from Amazon on Kindle.
We also draw on another, altogether remarkable work by Peggy and Sterling Seagrave–Gold Warriors.
When the failures of Chiang’s regime led to scorn toward, and pivoting away from the Nationalist Chinese cause, the amalgam of corporate, criminal, journalistic and political interests that had empowered the Kuomintang counterattacked: “ . . . . the Chiang government poured millions of dollars into a counteroffensive. Zealous Americans who joined the pro-Taiwan crusade became the fund-raisers, the organizers, the telephoners, the legmen, the gofers, the publicists, the congressmen, the tycoons, the hosts and hostesses of the shadowy society called ‘the China Lobby.’ Its management, its direction, and its primary finances were not American. The China Lobby belonged to the Soong clan and the Nationalist Chinese government. The people involved thought they were working for the greater glory of God, or for ‘the survival of the democratic system.’ They were really working for a Chinese public-relations campaign. . . . the Kungs and Soongs remained the primary pipeline connecting American special interests with Taiwan. Ai-ling and H.H. Kung, T.V. Soong and May-ling Soong Chiang devoted considerable energies to the lobby and sometimes gathered for strategy sessions at the Kung estate in Riverdale. . . .”
The domestic political result in the U.S. was summed by Sterling Seagrave: “ . . . . Small wonder that a large segment of the American public believed that Chiang was the essence of virtue and his cause was a joint one. Similar amounts were spent during the Korean War and the periodic crises over the defense of the Formosa Strait. Guesses at the grand total spent by Taiwan to stupefy Americans ran as high as $1 billion a year. . . .”
The unique nature of the manifest China Lobby was summed up: “ . . . . Marquis Childs wrote ‘. . . . Nationalist China has used the techniques of direct intervention on a scale rarely, if ever, seen.’ Part of the campaign was to pour gasoline on the McCarthy witch hunts. . . .”
The component elements of the China Lobby:
1.–“ . . . . Chiang’s government used existing American corporations headed by men who shared its viewpoint. . . .”
2.–“ . . . . it hired advertising agencies . . . . Allied Syndicates counted among its clients the bank of China (with H.H. Kung as director). . . . Hamilton Wright, worked for six years as a registered agent for Nationalist China, writing and distributing stories, news articles, photographs, and movies to create a favorable image of Chiang Kai-shek and his regime. . . .”
3.–“. . . . T.V.’s wartime Universal Trading Corporation was listed in 1949 as a foreign agent working for the Chinese government, with assets of nearly $22 million. The Chinese News Service based in Taiwan established branches in Washington, New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. . . .”
4.–“ . . . . Taiwan exercised a particularly strong influence on American newspapers. . . .”
5.–“ . . . . ‘Henry Luce now saw the most grandiose project of his lifetime in danger of ruin. Wrapped up in the ruin was not only the fate of China and of Christianity and the Asian hegemony of the United States, but also his own peace of mind and reputation. Chiang-in-China was to have been the crowning of a decade and a half of planning in the Chrysler building and Rockefeller Center and of countless thousands of words of Lucepress propaganda. The nightmare rise of Mao-in-Chiina brought a powerful Luce counter-strategy.’. . .”
6.–“ . . . . Newscaster Robert S. Allen reported, . . . . Luce has been propagandizing and agitating for another two-billion dollar U.S. handout for Chiang for a long time. . . . And in Washington, practically the whole Luce bureau has been working full blast as part of the Chiang lobby.’. . .”
7.–“ . . . . Many of the activists in the lobby were people whose families had worked in China as missionaries, and now thought their heritage was being thrown away. Among them were the directors of the American China Policy Association and the Committee to Defend America by Aiding Anti-Communist China . . . . .”
8.–“ . . . . These groups were periodically supported by campaigns waged on Chiang’s behalf by the executive council of the AFL-CIO, the American Legion, the American Security Council, the American Conservative Union, and Young Americans for Freedom. To many conservative organizations, Taiwan became synonymous with anti-Communism. In the atmosphere of the 1950s, the fear of Red China kept normally sensible people from wondering where all the money was coming from. . . .”
9.–“ . . . . As principal director of the Bank of China’s New York City branch, H.H. [Kung] was driven to Wall Street two or three days a week . . . . Columnist Drew Pearson, one of the few journalists who maintained an interest in the Soongs after they went into exile, called the Bank of China the “nerve center of the China Lobby . . . .”
10.–“ . . . . ‘Dr. Kung’s knowledge of American politics is almost as astute as his knowledge of Chinese finance, and well before he entered the Truman cabinet, Kung picked Louis Johnson as his personal attorney. It may or may not be significant that, later, when Johnson became Secretary of Defense, he was one of the staunchest advocates of American support for Formosa. . . .”
11.–“ . . . . [From a Drew Pearson column—D.E.] A move by a Chiang brother-in-law. . . . to corner the soybean market at the expense of the American public . . . The brother-in-law is T.L. Soong, brother of Foreign Minister T.V. Soong, who formerly handled much of the three and a half billion dollars worth of supplies which the United States sent to China during the War. The soybean pool netted a profit of $30,000,000 and shot up the cost to the American consumer $1 as bushel [much more money in 1950 than now—D.E.] One of the strange things about the soybean manipulation was that its operators knew exactly the right time to buy up the world’s soybean supply—a few weeks before the communists invaded Korea. . . .”
12.–“ . . . . Louis Kung [son of Ai-ling and H.H. who had become a Dallas oil man—D.E.] had become one of the busiest members of the clan. During Richard Nixon’s 1950 senatorial campaign, Daddy Kung dispatched Younger Son to Los Angeles to give the senator donations and encouragement. . . . Louis took an active role in the Soong-Kung petroleum holdings, with oil properties across Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. At the (Nationalist) Chinese embassy in Washington in 1956, Louis organized the Cheyenne Oil Company. . . . If one of Louis’s wells (leased for example, to John Daly, then vice-president for news of the (ABC Network), did poorly, Louis guaranteed that Daly would have his investment back; if the well turned out to be a success, then the profits were divided with Daly. . . .”
Presenting an overview updating the operations of T.V. Soong, Sterling Seagrave recounts his ascent to the pinnacles of power, his corporate largesse in America derived from clever investment and his major participation in the criminal underworld of Kuomintang narcotics trafficking and kleptocracy and his purloining of massive amounts of U.S. aid to China during World War II.
Note, T.V.’s role in the China Lobby: “ . . . . Although T.V. avoided Taiwan, and devoted most of his attention to his expanding financial empire, he did back the China Lobby financially because it was in his interest to do so. The levers of the China Lobby could be worked in many directions. . . .”
Note, also, his gravitas with the lethal, powerful Chinese organized crime milieu in the U.S.: “ . . . . It was not so much implied that T.V. himself was dangerous but that the slightest word from him could bring about terrible consequences from the Chinese tongs or syndicates, the Chinese banks, and nameless other objects of fear. . . .”
The remainder of the program recaps information from FTR#1142 about some of the circumstances surrounding the outbreak of the Korean War.
This is presented as context for T.L. Soong’s remarkably prescient cornering of the soybean market on the eve of the outbreak of that conflict: ” . . . . The soybean pool netted a profit of $30,000,000 and shot up the cost to the American consumer $1 as bushel [much more money in 1950 than now—D.E.] One of the strange things about the soybean manipulation was that its operators knew exactly the right time to buy up the world’s soybean supply—a few weeks before the communists invaded Korea. . . .”
In FTR#1142, we detailed the little-known involvement of Chiang Kai-shek and Mme. Chiang Kai-shek in the 1943 conferences at Cairo and Teheran. (Mme. Chiang Kai-shek was the sister of T.V. Soong, one of Chiang’s finance ministers and the richest man in the world at one time.)
This low-profile involvement apparently gave them considerable gravitas in helping to shape the postwar geopolitical agenda.
In that context and in relation to the ongoing series on Chiang Kai-shek’s narco-fascist government, it is worth noting the deep political agenda that was governing U.S. national security policy by September 2, 1945–the day on which the treaty ending World War II in the Pacific was signed on board the deck of the U.S. S. Missouri.
While in Okinawa during Japan’s surrender in World War II, Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty was witness to the early commitment of decisive military resources to the wars that were to take place in Korea and Indochina/Vietnam. ” . . . . I was on Okinawa at that time, and during some business in the harbor area I asked the harbormaster if all that new material was being returned to the States. His response was direct and surprising: ‘Hell, no! They ain’t never goin’ to see it again. One-half of this stuff, enough to equip and supply at least a hundred and fifty thousand men, is going to Korea, and the other half is going to Indochina.’ In 1945, none of us had any idea that the first battles of the Cold War were going to be fought by U.S. military units in those two regions beginning in 1950 and 1965–yet that is precisely what had been planned, and it is precisely what happened. Who made that decision back in 1943–45? . . . .”
In FTR#1142, we highlighted the 1951 “Peace” Treaty between the Allies and Japan, an agreement which falsely maintained that Japan had not stolen any wealth from the nations it occupied during World War II and that the (already) booming nation was bankrupt and would not be able to pay reparations to the slave laborers and “comfort women” it had pressed into service during the conflict.
In the context of the fantastic sums looted by Japan under the auspices of Golden Lily and the incorporation of that wealth with Nazi Gold to form the Black Eagle Trust, that 1951 treaty and the advent of the Korean War raise some interesting, unresolved questions.
One of the principal figures in the looting of occupied Asia during World War II was the remarkable Kodama Yoshio. Networked with the powerful Yakuza Japanese organized crime milieu, the Black Dragon society (the most powerful of the patriotic and ultra-nationalist societies), the Imperial Japanese military and the Royal family of Emperor Hirohito, Kodama looted the Chinese underworld and trafficked in narcotics with Chiang Kai-shek’s fascist narco-dictatorship.
We can but wonder about Kodama Yoshio’s presence along with 1951 “Peace” Treaty author John Foster Dulles at negotiations in Seoul on the eve of the outbreak of the Korean War.
As discussed in numerous programs in an interview with Daniel Junas, the Korean War was a huge economic boom for Japan, and generated considerable profit for German firms as well. Thyssen, for example, won lucrative contracts for making steel for the war effort. Is there some connection between the Kodama/Dulles presence in Seoul on the eve of the outbreak of war linked to the Golden Lily/Black Eagle/1951 “Peace” Treaty nexus and/or T.L. Soong’s cornering of the soybean market on the outbreak of the war?
Interestingly, and perhaps significantly, John Foster Dulles made a startlingly prescient speech in South Korea, auguring North Korea’s invasion shortly thereafter.
It would be interesting to know if Dulles and Kodama had been involved in deliberately luring the North Koreans to invade, in a manner not unlike that in which U.S. Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie appears to have baited Saddam Hussein into invading Kuwait.
Note, also, Dulles’s characterization of Syngman Rhee and Chiang Kai-shek as Christian gentlemen. Chiang Kai-shek’s Christian credentials are recorded in detail in the ongoing series.
Foster Dulles’s role in the 1951 Peace Treaty with Japan, his curious presence in Seoul with Kodama Yoshio on the eve of the outbreak of the Korean War, his prescient foreshadowing of the conflict just before the North Korean invasion and the role of these events in shaping the post World War II global economic and political landscapes may well have been designed to help jumpstart the Japanese and German economies.
“. . . . A substantial infusion of money into this new Federal Republic economy resulted from the Korean War in 1950. The United States was not geared to supplying all its needs for armies in Korea, so the Pentagon placed huge orders in West Germany and in Japan; from that point on, both nations winged into an era of booming good times. . . .”
The program concludes with the obituary of general Paik Sun-yup of Korea, whose service in the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II has been a focal point of controversy in South Korea. General Sun-yup embodied the ongoing controversy in Korea over Japan’s occupation and the subsequent unfolding of events leading up to, and including the Korean War. “. . . . In 1941, he joined the army of Manchukuo, a puppet state that imperial Japan had established in Manchuria, and served in a unit known for hunting down Korean guerrillas fighting for independence . . .”
This post supplements discussion in the last part of FTR #1180. Institutionalized as an international martyr for his work rescuing European Jews during the Holocaust, the claim that Raoul Wallenberg’s reputed work ransoming legal immunity for Heinrich Himmler with those Jews is buttressed by his relationship with German industrialist Ludolph Christensen and–through him–SS General Karl Wolff (right.) Exemplifying the family’s position in the Wall Street/cartel pantheon is George Murnane of the Wallenberg holding company A.B. Investor: ” . . . . In November 1940, a voting trust agreement was set up in the United States under which George Murnane was designated by the Wallenbergs’ Enskilda Bank as the sole voting trustee with complete power to vote the American Bosch stock at stockholders’ meetings in the United States. The voting trust arrangement provided that if George Murnane should die, his successor should be named by John Foster Dulles, senior partner of Sullivan & Cromwell, the law firm which represents the Wallenbergs and the Enskilda Bank in the United States. . . .”
Concluding the discussion contained in part of FTR #1147 and all of FTR #1148, we finish the presentation of a very important article by the brilliant Peter Dale Scott, written almost 35 years ago. With the GOP convention in full swing as these programs were being recorded, the symbiosis between Allen Dulles and the Nazi SS is fundamental to understanding not only the genesis of the U.S. intelligence establishment, but how that institution is inextricably linked with the Republican Party.
The link to this article permits the listener/reader to download (for free) the entire issue of Covert Action Quarterly. Mr. Emory strongly recommends that they do so, as the other articles in this excellent issue will supplement the analysis beautifully.
Due to the length and complexity of this article, we are not transcribing it, but will summarize important points of information.
Key Points of Analysis:
1.–Dulles’s negotiations with the SS preceded by months the official story of the contact between U.S. intelligence and the Gehlen team. ” . . . . It is interesting to note that Gehlen knew of Wolff’s contacts with Dulles s early as January 1945, the month in which they were initiated. From this same period he began to consolidate his networks for survival after Hitler’s downfall, which is to say he already expected to reach a modus vivendi with the Americans. In April 1945, one month before the war ended, Dulles asked Frank Wisner to begin talks with Gehlen, who was not taken into U.S. custody until May 20. On the Gehlen side, a plan ‘to gain contact with the Americans’ was approved on April 9. . . .”
2.–Dulles’s negotiations with the SS, involving Walter Rauff–who devised the mobile gas chambers used on the Eastern Front–were conducted as part of Operation Sunrise. ” . . . . Despite the [U.S.] Army interrogator’s pleas that Rauff ‘is considered a menace if ever set free, and failing actual elimination, is recommended for life-long internment,’ Dulles kep his bargain and Rauff was released. According to usually reliable intelligence sources. Dulles then employed Rauff on anti-communist operations in Italy, which was Rauff’s specialty under the Nazis. . . .”
3.–Although the Vatican was deeply involved with the SS/OSS negotiations, Dulles’ team was the primary component. ” . . . It was Dulles’s contacts, not the Vatican, who handled the smuggling of Nazis. According to top secret State Department documents, the Italian police provided the false passports for allied agents; the visas came from the Argentine consulate in the allied intelligence unit based at Trieste;and the embarkation paperwork was handled by a U.S. State Department officer in Genoa. Genoa, incidentally was Rauff’s area of jurisdiction. All of them worked for Dulles. . . .”
Supplementing the information in the Peter Dale Scott article, we present information about Mengele’s work in Paraguay in conjunction with the CIA and Pentagon: ” . . . . In the last named country, the son of a Bavarian cavalry officer, President Stroessner, cooperates with the United States military authorities and the CIA, as he does with Bormann and his representatives. During the Vietnam war, President Stroessner permitted the U.S. Army Chemical Corps and the CIA to send in teams of 2,500 men to carry out field tests, in the Matto Grosso jungle, of chemicals for use in Vietnam. In one instance, several American soldiers became casualties when they accidentally were sprayed with the gas. They were taken to a Paraguayan military field hospital; the doctor who treated them was Josef Mengele, now a Paraguayan citizen and an officer in the Paraguayan Army Medical Corps. Under Mengele’s treatment, all soldiers recovered. None, of course, knew the true identity of their medical benefactor. . . .”
Of paramount importance in the context of this presentation, is the fact that it was William Casey who was in charge of OSS operations in Germany in late 1944 and 1945, as Dulles, Donovan, and the SS were forging their alliance!! This places Casey’s role in the Crusade For Freedom and the derivative Reagan campaign and administration in perspective.
Placing the co-evolution of the Crusade For Freedom, the GOP and the Gehlen “Org” in context, we note that:
1.–The Gehlen organization was a direct extension of the Third Reich’s national security establishment, coalescing with the approval of a German chain of command that was still in effect after the formal conclusion of hostilities.
2.–The OUN/B, Iron Guard, Croatian Ustachis and other Eastern European fascist groups were part of the Gehlen organization. They were the primary elements in the GOP’s Ethnic Heritage Outreach Council.
3.–This places William Casey’s central role in the GOP Nazi branch as an element in the perpetuation of the Third Reich’s national security establishment.
Next, we review analysis of the Crusade For Freedom–the covert operation that brought Third Reich alumni into the country and also supported their guerilla warfare in Eastern Europe, conducted up until the early 1950’s. Conceived by Allen Dulles, overseen by Richard Nixon, publicly represented by Ronald Reagan and realized in considerable measure by William Casey, the CFF ultimately evolved into a Nazi wing of the GOP.
While serving as chairman of the Republican National Committee, the elder George Bush shepherded the Nazi émigré community into position as a permanent branch of the Republican Party.
Note that the rise of the Reagan administration was essentially the ascent of the Nazified GOP, embodied in the CFF milieu. Reagan (spokesman for CFF) was President; George H.W. Bush (for whom CIA headquarters is named) was the Vice President; William Casey (who handled the State Department machinations to bring these people into the United States) was Reagan’s campaign manager and later his CIA director.
Central to understanding the merging of the U.S. with Nazi Germany in an anti-Soviet alliance–is the understanding of what globalization really is and how it precipitated fascism and the Second World War.
Also central to an understanding of the realization of the consummate manifestation of both globalization and fascism/Nazism–is analysis of the machinations of the Bush family. The heroic Justice Department investigator (later author) John Loftus delineated the Bush family’s role in the laundering of Nazi funds between the Thyssen Bank in Berlin, the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart, N.V. and the Union Bank in the U.S.
The networking of the Bush family with the Thyssens, and the Rockefellers, in turn, is inextricably linked with the coalescence and operation of the remarkable and deadly Bormann flight capital network, highlighted in FTR #305, among other programs.
Of paramount importance is the role of the two institutions in which Prescott Bush served–Brown Brothers Harriman and the Union Bank–as a fundamental vehicle for laundering money from the consummately powerful Rockefeller family and related interests in Nazi Germany. ” . . . . But what did the Bush family know about their Nazi connection and when did they know it? As senior managers of Brown Brothers Harriman, they had to have known that their American clients, such as the Rockefellers, were investing heavily in German corporations, including Thyssen’s giant Vereinigte Stahlwerke. As noted historian Christopher Simpson repeatedly documents, it is a matter of public record that Brown Brother’s investments in Nazi Germany took place under the Bush family stewardship. . . . It should be recalled that in January 1937, he hired Allen Dulles to ‘cloak’ his accounts. But cloak from whom? Did he expect that happy little Holland was going to declare war on America? The cloaking operation only makes sense in anticipation of a possible war with Nazi Germany. If Union Bank was not the conduit for laundering the Rockefeller’s Nazi investments back to America, then how could the Rockefeller-controlled Chase Manhattan Bank end up owning 31% of the Thyssen group after the war? It should be noted that the Thyssen group (TBG) is now the largest industrial conglomerate in Germany, and with a net worth of more than $50 billion dollars, one of the wealthiest corporations in the world. TBG is so rich it even bought out the Krupp family, famous arms makers for Hitler, leaving the Thyssens as the undisputed champion survivors of the Third Reich. Where did the Thyssens get the start-up money to rebuild their empire with such speed after World War II? . . . . A fortune this size could only have come from the Thyssen profits made from rearming the Third Reich, and then hidden, first from the Nazi tax auditors, and then from the Allies. The Bushes knew perfectly well that Brown Brothers was the American money channel into Nazi Germany, and that Union Bank was the secret pipeline to bring the Nazi money back to America from Holland. The Bushes had to have known how the secret money circuit worked because they were on the board of directors in both directions: Brown Brothers out, Union Bank in. . . .”
Further solidifying the continuity between the Third Reich, the Gehlen Org and the GOP, we note that, while it was the BND (the intelligence service of the Federal Republic) the “Org” was financing the Eastern European fascist groups that were part of the Ethnic Heritage Outreach Council.
Fleshing out information about the BND financing of groups linked to the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, we present supplemental information from an unpublished manuscript. The author is well-known to veteran researchers, but will remain anonymous, since the work was never formally completed or published.
Providing background to discussion of the relationship between the milieu of Resorts International, Nixon, his banking associate Bebe Rebozo and William Casey, we note that Rebozo’s banking of funds from the deadly Bormann network, the institution that Mr. Emory feels will prove to be the decisive element on this earth.
Continuing with discussion from the unpublished manuscript referenced above, the broadcast highlights interactions between the Nixon administration, Bebe Rebozo, a mysterious and allegedly organized-crime connected company called Resorts International, an even more mysterious subsidiary of Resorts International called the Paradise Island Bridge Company and the Dewey, Dulles, Nazi, William Casey milieu that is central to this discussion.
Note that Donald Trump was a suitor for the ownership of Resorts International (after the 1986 death of James Crosby), ultimately purchasing the Taj Mahal Casino from the firm after a lawsuit with television star Merv Griffin.
Recorded as the 2020 GOP convention was in full swing against the background of escalating violence in the streets of American cities, these programs set forth history fundamental to the development of the modern GOP and Nazi/SS elements that were incorporated into the foundation of the U.S. intelligence system at the end of World War II. Those elements, in turn, are inextricably linked with the GOP.
Before that discussion, however, the program highlights yet another element in the Wall Street/Third Reich/Swiss political and corporate maneuvering that set the stage for postwar Transatlantic fascism.
Once again, Allen Dulles and his connections are front and center. With Bernie Sanders and AOC garnering rhetorical gravitas from the so-called progressive sector, there has been discussion of former Vice President Henry Wallace and his highly progressive political agenda. The nature of the discussion has centered on Wallace’s political defenestration by what has been termed “the Democratic Party’s Establishment.”
In fact, Wallace’s political demise was due to his own indiscretion. His brother-in-law was Charles Bruggmann, the Swiss ambassador to the United States. With the massive investment in the Swiss economy by Third Reich finance and industry and with key holding companies in Switzerland dominating significant elements of the German-American corporate relationship, Bruggmann had a vested interest in keeping Nazi Germany abreast of U.S. plans and did so through the Abwehr and Allen Dulles.
” . . . . Both organizations received a mass of high-value intelligence via the Swiss ambassador to Washington, Dr. Charles Bruggmann. Yet Bruggmann was no spy: his source was his brother-in-law, Henry Wallace—who happened to be the Vice President of the United States. Wallace was a popular, left-wing New Dealer; privy to many of America’s most important secrets, he was also notoriously indiscreet. . . .”
Allen Dulles
In addition to communicating the Treasury Department’s plans to de-industrialize Germany to prevent future wars, the Bruggmann/Abwehr/Dulles axis was instrumental in betraying Operation Safehaven, the plan to interdict the Nazi flight capital program that crystallized as the Bormann flight capital program.
” . . . . However this effort required the cooperation of OSS agents already on the ground, and in Switzerland this was problematical—since one of the suspects of Operation Safehaven was Allen Dulles himself, because of his extensive corporate connections and his links with various Nazi groups. Despite this difficulty, the investigation necessarily focused on the gold dealings undertaken by Swiss banks. This became of major concern to Swiss ambassador Bruggmann once he learned of Operation Safehaven trough his indiscreet brother-in-law, Vice President Henry Wallace. The exposure of the explicit links between Swiss banks and Nazi Germany would be a major potential embarrassment to the Swiss government once the war over; accordingly the Swiss Secret Service alerted Allen Dulles about the Safehaven investigation into his affairs. . . .”
The rest of FTR #1147 and all of FTR #1148 accesses a very important article by the brilliant Peter Dale Scott, written almost 35 years ago. With the GOP convention in full swing as these programs were being recorded, the symbiosis between Allen Dulles and the Nazi SS is fundamental to understanding not only the genesis of the U.S. intelligence establishment, but how that institution is inextricably linked with the Republican Party.
The link to this article permits the listener/reader to download (for free) the entire issue of Covert Action Quarterly. Mr. Emory strongly recommends that they do so, as the other articles in this excellent issue will supplement the analysis beautifully.
Due to the length and complexity of this article, we are not transcribing it, but will summarize important points of information.
Key Points of Analysis:
1.–Joseph Mengele, the SS “Angel of Death” of Auschwitz infamy, was networked with other SS war criminals who gravitated seamlessly into the service of the Gehlen “Org” and the CIA. His whereabouts were known to U.S. intelligence, who masked them from Nuremberg prosecutors. Background on Mengele, his operational links with the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute and his position in the eugenics milieu, see, among other programs, FTR #‘s 664 and 908. ” . . . . the response of Telford Taylor, U.S. Chief of Counsel for War Crimes at Nuremberg was “to advise our records show Dr. Mengerle [sic] is dead as of October 1946.” (At the time of General Taylor’s letter, U.S. Army Counterintelligence knew both of Mengele’s survival and even his location, in the small Bavarian village of Autenreid.) . . . .”
2.–One of the networks with which Mengele operated was the Estrella firm. ” . . . . Alfons Sassen, the representative of the Brotherhood [Kameradenwerk] Business enterprise known as “Estrella.” It is said too that Sassen is financed by Dr. Josef Mengele, who controls now such funds as remain liquid from the sale of European loot. . . . [Klaus Barbie] set up a company called Estrella, ostensibly dealing in quinquina bark. Although no records exist in the public registry in La Paz, at least one Bolivian arms dealer still remembers it as a weapons trading company. . . .”
3.–Mengele may have been incorporated into the U.S. biological warfare program, although me maintained residence in Latin America. ” . . . . Could Mengele–not even a political policeman (like Rauff and Barbie), but a doctor with a penchant for lethal experiments on human guinea pigs–could even Mengele have been saved s a result of a secret deal between Dulles and the SS? . . . . we have since been told that his colleague in the Auschwitz human experiments, Walter Schreiber, was shielded by the Americans from a Polish conviction in absentia, so that he could help guide the postwar researches of the U.S. Air Force in bacteriological warfare. . . That Mengele’s escape and immunity were arranged by the United States, like those of Schreiber and so many others, will seem more probable once we have studied the incredible postwar careers of [Klaus] Barbie, [Friedrich] Schwend and [Walter] Rauff . . . .”
4.–Allen Dulles’s successful negotiations with the SS were fundamental to his goal of establishing the postwar CIA as a vehicle for the perpetuation of the SS under CIA/Gehlen auspices: ” . . . . But they [Allen Dulles and OSS chief William Donovan] also knew that, just as the OSS was the best hope for the survival of the SS cadres, so in a sense these cadres were their highest trump card in the impending contest for the OSS’s own institutional home for the postwar Gehlen Org. In 1948 Dulles, by now a civilian, helped write the memo persuading Truman to take on the Gehlen Org, on Gehlen’s own terms. . . .”
5.–Dulles’s negotiations with the SS preceded by months the official story of the contact between U.S. intelligence and the Gehlen team.
6.–Dulles’s negotiations with the SS, involving Walter Rauff–who devised the mobile gas chambers used on the Eastern Front–were conducted as part of Operation Sunrise. ” . . . . Despite the [U.S.] Army interrogator’s pleas that Rauff ‘is considered a menace if ever set free, and failing actual elimination, is recommended for life-long internment,’ Dulles kept his bargain and Rauff was released. According to usually reliable intelligence sources. Dulles then employed Rauff on anti-communist operations in Italy, which was Rauff’s specialty under the Nazis. . . .”
7.–Although the Vatican was deeply involved with the SS/OSS negotiations, Dulles’ team was the primary component. ” . . . It was Dulles’s contacts, not the Vatican, who handled the smuggling of Nazis. According to top secret State Department documents, the Italian police provided the false passports for allied agents; the visas came from the Argentine consulate in the allied intelligence unit based at Trieste;and the embarkation paperwork was handled by a U.S. State Department officer in Genoa. Genoa, incidentally was Rauff’s area of jurisdiction. All of them worked for Dulles. . . .”
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