Latest talks on Mr. Emory’s Patreon site: Payton Gendron’s affinity with the Azov manifestation, and part one of discussion of Donald Trump as a composite of lies and mythology coming from right, center and left. Ukrainian television anchor quotes Adolf Eichmann verbatim in this video from UKRAINE 24. This video of Ukraine’s top military medical officer discussing an order to castrate Russian males is an eye-opener. WFMU-FM is podcasting For The Record–You can subscribe to the podcast HERE. Mr. Emory emphatically recommends that listeners/readers get the 32GB flash drive containing all of Mr. Emory’s 43 years on the air, plus a library of old anti-fascist books on easy-to-download PDF files.
We have been highlighting the role of Ukraine as a “pivot point” for the Earth Island or World Island, and the evolution of the Intermarium concept in the application of fascist control of that unfortunate country.
Stretching from the Straits of Gibraltar, all across Europe, most of the Middle East, Eurasia, Russia, China and India, that stretch of land: comprises most of the world’s land mass; contains most of the world’s population and most of the world’s natural resources (including oil and natural gas.) Geopoliticians have long seen controlling that land mass as the key to world domination.
Key to analyzing the realization of control of the Ukrainian “pivot point” is the OUN milieu and its manifestation through the better part of the last century.
On our Fascism: 2019 World Tour, we have covered the destabilization of China and Hong Kong, as well as the operations of the Ukrainian Nazi Azov milieu. Now, there has been something of a convergence.
Augmenting the right-wing and fascist presence in Hong Kong are veterans of the Azov Battalion and Pravy Sektor. ” . . . . The latest collection of extreme-right activists to reinforce the ranks of the Hong Kong separatists are from Ukraine. They call themselves Gonor and have tattoos on their upper torsos with undeniable symbols of white supremacy and neo-Nazism. These extremists previously fought in a notoriously brutal neo-Nazi militia called the Azov Battalion, in Ukraine’s war against pro-Russian militants. . . .”
The Gonor contingent includes a former leader of Pravy Sektor (Right Sector). ” . . . . Journalist Morgan Artyukhina identified another member of the far-right Ukrainian contingent in Hong Kong as Serhii Sternenko. Artyukhina noted that Sternenko is a former leader of the Ukrainian fascist group Right Sector, which burned down a trade union building in Odessa during the 2014 coup, killing 42 people. . . .”
Of particular significance is the fact that the Ukrainian fascists are in Hong Kong under the auspices of an EU-financed NGO. ” . . . . The Free Hong Kong Center is a project of an NGO called the Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine. In addition to building links with anti-Beijing forces in Hong Kong, the project says its mission is to ‘counter Chinese threats to Ukraine.’ The Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine is a pro-European Union advocacy organization which is a member of the European Liberal Youth and the International Federation of Liberal Youth, both of which are funded by the EU. . . .”
Key points of discussion and analysis include:
1.–The Azov and Pravy Sektor veterans call themselves Gonor and the NGO that facilitated their entry into Hong Kong whitewashed the Nazi/fascist nature of the group.
2.–Members of the group sported a variety of Nazi and fascist tattoos, including the “Victory or Valhalla” slogan that was the title of a book by David Lane. Lane drove the getaway car for the murder of talk-show host Alan Berg and minted the 14 Words—emblematic for the international Nazi movement. Svoboda’s C14 militia takes its name from the 14 words. ” . . . . Several photos show that at least two of the Ukrainian fascists in Hong Kong have tattoos reading “Victory or Valhalla,” the title of a compilation of writings by the notorious American white supremacist David Lane, whose neo-fascist terrorist group The Order murdered a liberal Jewish radio host and planned more assassinations of left-wing Jews. Lane, who was convicted to 190 years in a US prison for numerous crimes, created the most famous white supremacist slogan, known as the 14 Words — which inspired the name of another Ukrainian neo-Nazi group called C14. . . .”
3.–Gonor has embraced the slogan “Stand with Hong Kong.” ” . . . . Stand With Hong Kong is also the name of a Western-backed organization that has been lobbying the governments of the US, Britain, Germany, Canada, and Australia to impose sanctions and take punitive action against China. . . .”
4.–Gonor’s Telegram channel has highlighted acts of violence by the “pro-Democracy” demonstrators. ” . . . . Gonor’s Telegram channel offers members a front row seat to an orgy of violence. It has published dozens of videos of Hong Kong insurgents, heroizing them for shooting arrows and carrying out brutal attacks on state security forces. . . .”
5.–The NGO—The Free Hong Kong Center (a subsidiary of the Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine) also whitewashed the Nazi character of the Azov Battalion.
6.–The Ukrainian Nazis had obtained press passes for their presence in Hong Kong.
7.–The Ukrainian Nazis were emphatic about their presence in Hong Kong being an extension of the Maidan coup.
8.–The presence of the Ukrainian fascists in Hong Kong appears to be an extension of American and EU Earth Island geo-political activism.
9.–Are the Azov and Pravy Sektor veterans in Hong Kong to provide a violent, military presence as part of the Hong Kong destabilization effort? Are we witnessing a “Hong Kong” Maidan?
In FTR #1089, we noted the presence of Pepe the Frog as an iconic presence in the Hong Kong turmoil.
Steve Bannon–one of the luminaries of the “Alt-Right,” and a former key Trump aide is centrally involved in the anti-China effort. This suggests that the presence of Pepe the Frog’s image in Hong Kong might have something to do with the “Alt-Right” after all.
As discussed in–among other programs–FTR #‘s 946 and 1077, Bannon was at the epicenter of the Cambridge Analytica cyber-psy-op during the 2016 election. One of the principal operators of Cambridge Analytica was Christopher Wylie.
We wonder if the techniques used by Bannon, Wylie, Cambridge Analytica, SCL et al might have been used in Hong Kong? The the laissez-faire economy of Hong Kong has seen a 300 percent increase in rents while income has stagnated, thus impoverishing 20% of Hong Kong’s population. Many young people in Hong Kong might well be vulnerable to the type of social media psy-op that Cambridge Analytica specialized in.
Was such a technique employed to help generate the unrest in Hong Kong?
In our next program, we will review the rebirth of Cambridge Analytica, with a Hong Kong-based financier and business partner of Erik Prince (of Blackwater fame and the brother of Trump Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos) on the board of directors.
Cambridge Analytica is rebranding under a new company, Emerdata. Intriguingly, Cambridge Analytica’s transformation into Emerdata is noteworthy because the firm’s directors include Johnson Ko Chun Shun, a Hong Kong financier and business partner of Erik Prince: ” . . . . But the company’s announcement left several questions unanswered, including who would retain the company’s intellectual property — the so-called psychographic voter profiles built in part with data from Facebook — and whether Cambridge Analytica’s data-mining business would return under new auspices. . . . In recent months, executives at Cambridge Analytica and SCL Group, along with the Mercer family, have moved to created a new firm, Emerdata, based in Britain, according to British records. The new company’s directors include Johnson Ko Chun Shun, a Hong Kong financier and business partner of Erik Prince. . . . An executive and a part owner of SCL Group, Nigel Oakes, has publicly described Emerdata as a way of rolling up the two companies under one new banner. . . . ”
The program concludes with discussion of WikiLeaks’ links to Chinese and Tibetan dissident activists and speculation about the CIA’s Edward Snowden’s activities in Hong Kong–the first stop on his international odyssey. In Hong Kong, he networked with WikiLeaks, who then facilitated his decampment to Moscow. That trip was the opening gambit in the New Cold War.
In our next program, we will further discuss China’s role as an international leader in Green technology and the implications of this for the Lithium Coup in Bolivia.
Updating previous paths of inquiry, as well as introducing new ones, the program begins with a bit of both–discussion of the murder of Saudi journalist and possible Saudi and U.S. intelligence officer Jamal Khashoggi. A development which resonates strongly with previous discussion of the so-called “Arab Spring” (read “Muslim Brotherhood Spring”), the corporatist economics of Ibn Khaldun and the Brotherhood, and Grover Norquist and Karl Rove’s Islamic Free Market Institute (which figures prominently in the post‑9/11 Operation Green Quest investigation into al-Qaeda and terrorist financing), Khashoggi’s death has occasioned howls of outrage, much beating of breasts and tearing of hair in normally Saudi-friendly confines both inside, and outside of the U.S.
Khashoggi’s many connections and personal and institutional relationships are important and pivotal in a number of ways. They include:
1.–Khashoggi’s long-standing advocacy of the Muslim Brotherhood. Note the mainstream media’s misrepresentation of the Muslim Brotherhood as “democratic.” In FTR #‘s 787, 1025 and 1026, we noted how fundamentally undemocratic the Brotherhood is: ” . . . . In his penultimate column, Mr. Khashoggi said democracy in the Middle East couldn’t happen without the inclusion of the Muslim Brotherhood. ‘The eradication of the Muslim Brotherhood is nothing less than an abolition of democracy and a guarantee that Arabs will continue living under authoritarian and corrupt regimes,’ Mr. Khashoggi wrote Aug. 28. ‘There can be no political reform and democracy in any Arab country without accepting that politicalIslam is a part of it.’. . . .”
2.–Allegedly actual membership in the Muslim Brotherhood: ” . . . . Several of his friends say that early on Mr. Khashoggi also joined the Muslim Brotherhood. . . .”
3.–A working professional relationship with Khaled Saffuri, the co-founder of Grover Norquist and Karl Rove’s Islamic Free Market Institute. This institution was, in effect, an American nexus for the Muslim Brotherhood and its laissez-faire/corporatist economics, as well as being a central element in the Operation Green Quest investigation. We covered Operation Green Quest at length in numerous programs, including FTR #‘s 356, 357, 462, 464, 513, 1006 : ” . . . . Jamal Khashoggi, a prolific writer and commentator, was working quietly with intellectuals, reformists and Islamists to launch a group called Democracy for the Arab World Now. . . . Khashoggi had incorporated his democracy advocacy group, DAWN, in January in Delaware, said Khaled Saffuri, another friend. The group was still in the planning stages, and Khashoggi was working on it quietly, likely concerned it could cause trouble for associates, including activists in the Gulf, Saffuri said. . . .”
4.–Turkey’s Tayyip Erdogan, who might be described as a fascist wishbone, with one foot in the Islamic fascist Muslim Brotherhood and the other in the secular Pan-Turkist fascism of the National Action Party and the Grey Wolves. ” . . . . Mr. Khashoggi was close to the government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose ties with Saudi Arabia had become increasingly strained in recent years. Turkey backed Qatar in its diplomatic spat with Saudi Arabia last year, and like Qatar, Turkey also differs with Saudi Arabia over its view of the Muslim Brotherhood. Mr. Khashoggi knew President Erdogan personally and was a friend to some of his closest advisers, say people who knew him. . . .”
5.–Prince Turki al-Faisal, the head of Saudi intelligence, who, as discussed in numerous shows, including FTR #‘s 347 and 358, basically ran Osama bin Laden. Khashoggi was also close to Prince al-Waleed bin Talal, at one time the second largest stockholder in Newscorp (behind the Murdochs) and someone “20th hijacker” Zacarias Moussaoui named as one of the prominent Saudis who financed al-Qaeda. Immediately after being named by Moussaoui, al-Waleed announced that he was donating all of his billions to charity. ” . . . . Through it all, he maintained close ties to some of Saudi Arabia’s most powerful princes. In the early 2000s, he served as an adviser to Prince Turki al-Faisal, a former head of Saudi intelligence, during the prince’s time as ambassador to the U.K. and the U.S. He was a friend of the billionaire Prince al-Waleed bin Talal. . . .”
5.–Osama bin Laden and support for the Afghan Mujahadeen, who morphed into al-Qaeda. ” . . . . He traveled to Afghanistan as a journalist, where he became the first Arab journalist to interview Osama bin Laden in the late 1980s. ‘A lot of them went to fight. He went to report,’ said Peter Bergen, an American journalist and academic who knew Mr. Khashoggi. . . .”
7.–Khashoggi was the nephew of Saudi weapons dealer Adnan Khashoggi, who was pivotally involved with the Iran-Contra scandal, the support effort for the Afghan Mujahadeen, Al-Qaeda and the so-called “Truther” movement. ” . . . . His uncle was Adnan Khashoggi, a famous arms dealer. . . .”
8.– His relationship with Saudi intelligence chief Prince Turki (who “ran” Osama bin Laden for a time), his role in the Afghan war covering bin Laden and the Mujahadeen and his work for the CIA-connected Washington Post suggest the distinct possibility that the late Jamal Khashoggi was a spook-journalist, working for both the Saudis and elements of CIA.
In FTR #1015, we noted the issuing of school textbooks glorifying Nazism while Narendra Modi headed the Indian state of Gujarat.
In FTR #998, among other programs, we noted John Conyers’ active opposition to the OUN/B successor organizations in power in Ukraine, and his ouster by the #MeToo movement, which displays symptomatic features of an “op.” Of particular interest is the apparent role of Far right blogger Mike “Misogyny Gets You Laid” Cernovich. An interesting person to signal the destruction of one of the few actively anti-fascist lawmakers by on ostensibly “progressive” political movement.
It is interesting and significant that Conyers also co-sponsored a House Resolution condemning Modi’s support for Nazi racism and ideology.
” . . . . The sponsor, Rep. John Conyers (D‑MI) said the State Department ‘has discussed the role of Modi and his government in promoting attitudes of racial supremacy, racial hatred, and the legacy of Nazism through his government’s support of school textbooks in which Nazism is glorified.’ The resolution said Modi revised school textbooks, which mentioned the ‘charismatic personality of Hitler the Supremo’ and failed to acknowledge the horrors of the Holocaust. . . .”
Worth noting in this context is the fact that Pierre Omidyar actively assisted the rise of both the OUN/B fascists in Ukraine and Modi’s BJP/RSS fascists in India, as discussed in FTR #889.
The rest of the program consists of discussion of the intersection of eugenics, white supremacy and anti-immigration fervor, This will be examined at greater length in our next program.
Key points of analysis include:
1.–Similarity between the title of a DHS posting and the 14 words slogan minted by Nazi David Lane.
2.–The resignation of a DHS Trump appointee due to links to white supremacists.
3.–Other Trump appointees with links to the Federation of Immigration Reform.
4.–A possible mind control link to the murder of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts.
5.-Review of the Sirhan Sirhan link to the “girl in the polka dot dress.”
Supplementing previous coverage of the Ukrainian crisis, this broadcast further explores the role of Nazi formations and individuals in the security services of that benighted country. In addition, the broadcast highlights developments in Ukraine’s military industry and burgeoning international security alliances.
The Kiev city government recently gave C14 –Svoboda’s paramilitary cadre literally named after the white supremacist ’14 words’ slogan – the right to establish a “municipal guard” to patrol the streets there. ” . . . . But connections between law enforcement agencies and extremists give Ukraine’s Western allies ample reason for concern. C14 and Kiev’s city government recently signed an agreement allowing C14 to establish a ‘municipal guard’ to patrol the streets; three such militia-run guard forces are already registered in Kiev, and at least 21 operate in other cities. . . .”
The C14 police formations have been cracking down on political activists, including LGBT and anti-war proponents.
It is not surprising that C14 militia members have used their office to attack and harass Roma, one of the “out” groups that have been the focus of social oppression/genocide from the Third Reich’s above-ground manifestation through the present resurgence of fascism in Europe.
C14 and the municipal patrol duties they have been granted in Kiev have provided a platform to attack the Roma, with the full support of local authorities ( including the police and the media.) ” . . . . the police appear to see no need to take action and merely state that they have received no complaints. It is also alarming how many Ukrainian media (such as TSN, Channel 5) have simply reported this ‘raid’ effectively in Mazur’s words, without considering what threats must have been used to ‘persuade’ around 15 families to leave their makeshift homes in such haste. If Mazur is telling the truth, then the measures to remove the Roma families who had reportedly come to Kyiv from Transcarpathia in search of work were the result of collaboration between C14 members of the so-called ‘Municipal Guard’ and the Holosiyiv District Administration. . . .”
In addition, the C14 cadre are:
1.-Apparently functioning as something of a “freikorps,” serving as punitive muscle for important donors from the private sector. ” . . . . On 26 February 2018, C14 posted an advertisement on their Facebook page which quite openly offered their services as thugs to regular donors. This said that ‘C14 works for you. Help us keep afloat, and we will help you. For regular donors, we are opening a box for wishes. Which of your enemies would you like to make life difficult for? We’ll try to do that.’ . . .”
2.-Working in conjunction with Nazis from the large Nazi milieux in Russia and Belarus. ” . . . . On 19 January 2018, C14 activists prevented the traditional remembrance gathering for Sevastopol journalist Anastasia Baburova and Russian lawyer Stanislav Markelov, murdered in Moscow in 2009 by neo-Nazi Russian nationalists. The claim that those honouring the two slain anti-fascists were ‘separatists’ was preposterous, and Volodymyr Chemerys, one of the organizers of the remembrance event, asserts that they were confronted not only by C14 thugs, but by Russian and Belarusian neo-Nazis. . . .”
3.-Receiving tactical, logistical assistance from uniformed police authorities. ” . . . . They instead detained eight people who had come to honour Baburova and Markelov. The police involved later tried to claim that there had been no detention, and that the activists had been ‘invited’ to the police station. There was no suggestion that the ‘invitation’ could have been turned down. The detained activists reported later that they had been ‘hunted down’ by the far-right thugs after leaving the police station. A member of the Human Rights Information Centre who spoke with them believes that the thugs could have only discovered which station the activists were being held in from the police themselves. . . .”
The Nazi Azov Battalion is also spawning civil police formations as well.
Ukrainian fascist organizations have powerful political protection, because of the close relationship between Interior Minister Arsen Avakov (an important backer of the Azov Battalion) and figures like Azov leader Andriy Biletsky and Sergei Korotkykh, an Azov veteran who is now a high-ranking police official.
Avakov’s Peoples’ Party is the main partner in the parliamentary coalition led by Poroshenko’s Bloc. Should Petro Poroshenko decided to challenge Avakov and, as a result, the growing role of these neo-Nazi militias, his governing coalition might collapse.
” . . . . In an ideal world, President Petro Poroshenko would purge the police and the interior ministry of far-right sympathizers, including Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, who has close ties to Azov leader Andriy Biletsky, as well as Sergei Korotkykh, an Azov veteran who is now a high-ranking police official. But Poroshenko would risk major repercussions if he did so; Avakov is his chief political rival, and the ministry he runs controls the police, the National Guard and several former militias. . . .”
” . . . . Avakov’s Peoples’ Party status as the main partner in Ukraine’s parliamentary coalition increases Avakov’s leverage over Poroshenko’s Bloc. An attempt to fire Avakov could imperil Poroshenko’s slim legislative majority, and lead to early parliamentary elections. Given Poroshenko’s current unpopularity, this is a scenario he will likely try to avoid. . . .”
Former Azov Battalion commander Vadim Troyan was a point element in the assumption of police duties by Azov Battalion and C14. He became acting head of the National Police after the resignation of Khatia Dekonoidze. ” . . . . Vadim Troyan, who takes over as Acting Head, is not politically independent and therefore unsuited to the post. Doubts about the former Azov Battalion commander’s suitability for high police posts were first expressed after his appointment as head of the Kyiv regional police and they remain of concern. . . .”
Troyan is now Arsen Avakov’s Deputy Interior Minister. ” . . . . The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has appointed the first Deputy Head of the National Police Vadym Troyan as Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. . . . ”
The same smear machine that targeted former Rep. John Conyer’s over his opposition to arming the neo-Nazi Azov battalion is turning its focus on Rep. Ro Khanna (Democrat from California) after Khanna ensured that the ban on funds going to arming or training the Azov Battalion remained in place in the congressional spending bill that passed a couple weeks ago. In a particularly disgusting op-ed in The Hill, Kristofer Harrison – a foreign policy adviser to Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign and who also happens to a co-founder of a company that specializes in Russian “information warfare,” with offices in Washington and Kyiv – declared that Khanna’s characterization of the Azov Battalion as neo-Nazi in nature is ridiculous and part of a big lie pushed by Putin.
OUN/B World War II Ukrainian prime minister Jaroslav Stetzko and then Vice-President George H.W. Bush
Roman Zvarych, Jaroslav Stetzko’s secretary and Minister of Justice under Viktor Yuschenko
We note again that Harrison–whom we have noted attacked John Conyers as “Putin’s Man in Congress”–relies on Roman Zvarych for his exoneration of the Azov Battalion. In addition to being the spokesman for Azov, Zvarych was:
1.-Minister of Justice under Viktor Yuschenko.
2.-Minister of Justice under both Tymoshenko governments.
3.-An adviser to Petro Poroshenko.
4.-In the 1980’s, the personal secretary to Jaroslav Stetzko, the wartime head of the Nazi collaborationist government in Ukraine. Stetzko implemented Nazi ethnic cleansing in Ukraine during World War II.
Next, we revisit the issue of the sniper attacks during the Maidan demonstrations, covered at length in FTR #‘s 982 and 993. In what appears to be a faction fight in the Ukrainian fascist milieu, former Ukrainian far-right folk hero Nadia Savchenko has echoed the charge that Svoboda Party’s parliament speaker Andriy Parubiy was involved with the sniper attacks during the Maidan coup. Pushed on her charge, she equivocated that it was a different member of the Rada (Ukrainian parliament.)
In a development that could light a match to the Ukrainian/Russian tinderbox, Ukraine is angling toward NATO membership.This is to be evaluated against the background that Ukraine has now tested a new cruise missile and is employing Tony Tether, the former head of DARPA to augment its weapons development programs. DARPA is also directly aiding Ukraine.
Among the nations most hospitable to the post-World War II OUN/B diaspora is Canada, a NATO member.
In FTR #948, we noted that Canada’s Foreign Minister Christia Freeland’s grandfather, Michael Chomiak was a Ukrainian Nazi collaborator. (“Foreign Minister” is the Canadian equivalent of Secretary of State. Freeland describes her grandfather as a major influence on her.) Now, four Russian diplomats have been expelled from Canada for telling the truth about Chomiak and Freeland.)
In conclusion, we note that the “PropOrNot” group attacked Robert Parry after his death. (Mr. Emory interviewed Robert Parry a number of times. Parry was one of the few journalists in the U.S. willing to tell the truth about the OUN/B successor organizations and their profound presence in Ukraine.) In FTR #943, we noted the presence of PropOrNot in the OUN/B milieu.
Public schools and public education are, and for many years have been, the focal point of right-wing activity. From dissatisfaction over mandated school desegregation to opposition to the judicial ban on prayer in public schools to the present-day draconian slashing of public education budges, the right has attacked public education. At the same time, the right has promoted the use of public funds for parochial schools and home schooling as alternatives to public education.
The formative experience of public school attendance might well be viewed as fundamental to young peoples’ socialization process–learning to share, acquiring tolerance for those of different backgrounds and learning the basics of civic life in America.
Public schools have also come under attack–quite literally–from armed fascists.
This is the second program dealing with school shootings and the role fascist groups play in the development of such incidents. The broadcast begins with a brief summary and recap of key points of discussion from FTR #1002. They include:
1.-Patrick Purdy’s apparent links to Aryan Nations.
2.-Purdy’s anti-Asian xenophobia, deeming that Americans were being edged out in their own homeland.
3.-The Order’s attempts at developing mind control techniques.
4.-Purdy’s involvement with the Unification Church.
5.-The profound effect of school shootings on both parents and students of affected institutions. School shootings fundamentally undermine peoples’ sense of comfort and create an anxiety conducive to the implementation of totalitarianism.
6.-The provision of Oliver North’s martial law contingency plans to use paramilitary right-wingers as federal deputies.
Discussion proceeds to the Florida high school shooting. Mort Sahl’s observation decades ago that “A liberal’s idea of courage is eating at a restaurant that hasn’t been reviewed yet” is exemplified by journalists’ retraction of the story of Parkland, Florida shooter Nikolas Cruz being affiliated with the ROF because of what might be termed “reverse trolling.” A post on a chat group about the Cruz/ROF link was deemed to be false. Jordan Jereb told journalists that Cruz was a member of his group, but that he hadn’t seen him in a long time. He has been said to be “walking that back.” Just HOW does one “walk that back?” ” . . . . The ADL said ROF leader Jordan Jereb told them Cruz was associated with his group. Jereb, who is based in Tallahassee, said Cruz was brought into the group by another member and had participated in one or more ROF training exercises in the Tallahassee area, the ADL said. . . . Jereb told the ADL that ROF had not ordered Cruz to take any such action. He told ABC News he has not spoken to Cruz in ‘some time’ but said ‘he knew he would getting this call.’ . . . .” Jereb told the ADL that ROF had not ordered Cruz to take any such action. He told ABC News he has not spoken to Cruz in “some time” but said “he knew he would getting this call.”
Whether or not Nikolas Cruz was formally networking with the Republic of Florida or other neo-Nazi groups, he was indeed a neo-Nazi in spirit: It turns out that Cruz had swastikas etched onto his ammunition magazines used during the attack. This reminds us of the jottings Patrick Edward Purdy had on his weapons and clothing.
Cruz didn’t just suddenly adopt a neo-Nazi worldview. He’s been stewing in these juices for years, and clearly had additional mental health issues.
Several factors greatly exacerbate the school shooting phenomenon.
The Steam gaming app, a major distributor for very popular video games, has a neo-Nazi problem–neo-Nazis are using its chat room and voice-over-IP options to promote their ideology. Both the Daily Stormer and Andrew Auernheimer have Steam chat rooms, as does AtomWaffen.
On these forums, there are 173 different groups championing school shooters, lauding them as heroes and setting the stage for future incidents. ” . . . . A leading gaming app that is popular with adherents of the neo-Nazi wing of the alt-right movement has at least 173 groups dedicated to the glorification of school shootings, according to a report published last week by Reveal News. . . .”
In addition, Nazi groups are actively recruiting depressed people! ” . . . . For years, members of the alt-right have taken advantage of the internet’s most vulnerable, turning their fear and self-loathing into vitriolic extremism, and thanks to the movement’s recent galvanization, they’re only growing stronger. . . . According to Christian Picciolini, a former neo-nazi who co-founded the peace advocacy organization, Life After Hate, these sort of recruiting tactics aren’t just common, but systematically enforced. ‘[The recruiters] are actively looking for these kind of broken individuals who they can promise acceptance, who they can promise identity to,’ Picciolini said in an interview with Sam Seder. . . .”
Although not included in the audio portion of the program due to the limitations of time, we note that, in our opinion, the presence of lethal, military-style firearms are not, by themselves, the primary factor in the epidemic of school shootings and other mass casualty firearms attacks. A would-be school shooter can always purchase a pump-action, 12-gauge shotgun, saw it off and precipitate considerable mayhem.
Many of the school shootings have been performed by fascists of one stripe or another, manifesting the type of actions advocated by the likes of Michael Moyniahan, James Mason and their fellow travelers. Mason and his role model Charles Manson are now viewed favorably by a segment of the Nazi movement. The role of nihilist/fascist ideology in motivating some of the school shooters should be factored into the discussion.
The role of the media in conditioning young people to kill is a major focal point of the book On Killing by Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman, who taught psychology at West Point. From Amazon’s promotional text for Grossman’s book: “The good news is that most soldiers are loath to kill. But armies have developed sophisticated ways of overcoming this instinctive aversion. And contemporary civilian society, particularly the media, replicates the army’s conditioning techniques, and, according to Lt. Col. Dave Grossman’s thesis, is responsible for our rising rate of murder among the young. Upon its initial publication, ON KILLING was hailed as a landmark study of the techniques the military uses to overcome the powerful reluctance to kill, of how killing affects soldiers, and of the societal implications of escalating violence. Now, Grossman has updated this classic work to include information on 21st-century military conflicts, recent trends in crime, suicide bombings, school shootings, and more. The result is a work certain to be relevant and important for decades to come.”
Our high body-count movies and TV programs, as well as point-and-shoot video games, according to Grossman, replicate to a considerable degree the audio-visual desensitization techniques used by contemporary armies to help recruits overcame their inhibitions about killing. We suggest Grossman’s thesis as a factor in the school massacres.
Program Highlights Include:
1.-The paramilitary right-wing Oath Keepers deployment of heavily armed cadre outside of schools.
2.-Discussion of how the likes of Stewart Rhodes and his Oath Keepers are the type of paramilitary right-wingers who would be deputized in the event of an activation of martial law contingency plans.
3.-The online disparagement of Parkland high school students by the “Alt-Right.”
4.-The use of the C14 militias in Ukraine to enforce public order in Kiev (the capital) and 21 other cities. The organization takes its name from the 14 words of David Lane, a member of the Order. One of that group’s founders was highlighted at the beginning of FTR #1002, noting his quest to obtain sophisticated weaponry and to develop mind-control techniques.
Public schools and public education are, and for many years have been, the focal point of right-wing activity. From dissatisfaction over mandated school desegregation to opposition to the judicial ban on prayer in public schools to the present-day draconian slashing of public education budges, the right has attacked public education. At the same time, the right has promoted the use of public funds for parochial schools and home schooling as alternatives to public education.
The formative experience of public school attendance might well be viewed as fundamental to young peoples’ socialization process–learning to share, acquiring tolerance for those of different backgrounds and learning the basics of civic life in America.
Public schools have also come under attack–quite literally–from armed fascists.
The first of a two-part series, this program consists almost entirely of a recap of material from Miscellaneous Archive Show M55: Purdy’s Last Stand: The Stockton (CA) Schoolyard Massacre of 1989.
Although Mr. Emory would have engaged in a more nuanced discussion of school shootings and their political and psycho-social implications had the program been recorded today, there are some essential elements to be considered in connection with the event.
The synoptic written description for the program reads as follows:
“Advances the working hypothesis that the Stockton schoolyard massacre of January 1989 may have been deliberately precipitated by elements of the U.S. national security establishment acting in combination with elements of the ultra-right. Patrick Edward Purdy murdered five Asian-American schoolchildren and then committed suicide, spurring legislation for gun control and creating public fear and sentiment for police state tactics. Purdy had associations with Aryan Nations and the Moon organization, and may have been a covert intelligence community patsy and victim of mind control. The broadcast analyzes a possible intelligence community connection to the gun control movement within the larger background of the martial law contingency plans developed by the Reagan and Bush administrations.”
Again, Mr. Emory would have presented a more nuanced analysis of this event had it occurred today–almost 30 years later–critical elements of the dissection of Purdy’s last stand bear repeating and more intense scrutiny:
1.-Purdy’s xenophobic view of Asian-Americans and “immigrants”–a point of view that is held by a large portion of the Trump constituency, the so-called “Alt-Right” in this country and abroad, as well. Exacerbated greatly by economic deprivation stemming from globalization and the financial collapse of 2008 and austerity economics instituted in the EU at the instigation of Germany and the U.S. by the obstructionist GOP Congressional majority that took power after the 2010 mid-term elections, the fear of immigrants is a major aspect of fascist ideology.
2.-The galvanizing effect on both parents and their children of the school shootings is vital to consider. Terrorized by these events, a populace is far more willing to accept police-state tactics–creeping martial law, if you will.
3.-The martial law contingency plans formalized by Oliver North and company and outed during the Iran-Contra scandal involved the federal deputization of paramilitary right-wing groups such as the Oath Keepers and Nazi and fascist elements. Ironically, much of the so-called “Alt-Right” now incorporate anti-gun control ideology and martial law plans into their world view. In Lecture M3, we highlighted how elements of what are now called “Alt-Right” are playing into the various scenarios they inveigh against.
4.-It is ironic that much of the so-called “Alt-Right” cite gun control as a step toward martial law. Although they are correct, up to a point, they fail to realize that they, themselves, will be both instigators of, and in some cases, the enforcers for, that very same martial law!
5.-Public education has long been a target of the far-right, which attacked school integration in the 1950’s, 60’s and ’70s, the banning of prayer in public schools and, in later years attempts at introducing programs like sex education and programs promoting a more tolerant attitude toward others. In calendar year 2018, we should note that public schools are under attack from the far right, and not just in the person of school shooters. Betsy De Vos, Trump’s Secretary of Education, is pushing for federal funding of parochial schools, enabling of for-profit colleges. The GOP and far right are pushing home schooling as an alternative to public education and the further slashing of federal and state budgets, which inevitably harms public education. We note that public schools are a major font of social awareness. Students–ideally–encounter and develop a greater understanding and tolerance for others in public schools. Public education is a major feature of social cohesion, and its dissolution a major step toward the implementation of fascism.
In programs and posts, we have chronicled the Nazification of Ukraine. The Ukrainian City of Lvov [Lviv] has named June 30 “Shukhevychfest”–celebrating Roman Shukhevych, the commander of the Einsatzgruppe Nachtigall (Nachtigall Battalion), whose troops butchered much of the Jewish population of that city on that date in 1941. (Shukhevych is pictured at right.) June 30 is also the anniversary of the death of American Nazi David Lane, whose passing was celebrated in Ukraine. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 37+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
Drawing together information presented in numerous broadcasts over the period of several years, this program highlights the endeavors of Glenn Greenwald’s journalistic/financial angel Pierre Omidyar. Guided by the Austrian School/free-market, neo-liberal economics of Hernando De Soto, Omidyar’s “philanthropic” efforts are closely aligned with covert action implemented in concert with U.S. intelligence cutouts such as U.S. Agency for International Development, the National Endowment for Democracy and the Ford Foundation.
Focusing on the Omidyar Network’s SKS organization, the discussion notes the brutal, lethal results of its micro-finance programs in India. Omidyar Network’s key Indian functionary Jayant Sinha, took time off to help direct the election campaign of Narendra Modi, whose BJP is a cat’s paw for the RSS, a Hindu nationalist/fascist organization inspired by Hitler and Mussolini. Three quarter of Modi’s cabinet was selected from the RSS, to which Modi belonged. (Gandhi was assassinated by a member of RSS.)
One of the key vehicles for Omidyar Network’s “philanthropy” in India is the Rural Development Institute (renamed “Landesa”), developed by Roy Prosterman. Prosterman’s RDI was a key feature of the Phoenix assassination program in Vietnam. Citizen Omidyar has also helped to fund the return to power of the OUN/B fascists in Ukraine, again partnering with U.S. intelligence cutouts such as U.S. AID and the National Endowment for Democracy.
Program Highlights Include: Modi’s projected rollback of India’s laws against child labor; the stifling of freedom of speech under Modi’s regime; the Modi government’s complicity in lethal anti-Muslim vigilante actions; the neo-liberal economic goals of Omidyar Network’s “land acquisition” micro-finance projects; Omidyar protege Oleh Rybachuk’s participation in the Yuschenko government; Rybachuk’s efforts to integrate Ukraine into NATO and the EU; Omidyar protege Svitlana Zalischuk’s efforts to integrate Ukraine into NATO and the EU, mentored by Rybachuk; Omidyar protege Zalischuk’s efforts on behalf of the lustration laws, seen as the legal foundation for a broad-based purge; Zalischuk’s efforts promoting networking between Ukrainian Nazi parties such as Svoboda and the so-called “moderate” parties; Omidyar’s partnering with the National Endowment for Democracy to create a “fact-funding” service; review of the development of the NED as a cutout for U.S. intelligence by William Casey and the Reagan administration.
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