Eddie the Friendly Spook [Snowden] is a big Ron Paul supporter, having contributed money to his 2012 campaign. Paul is a hardcore racist and fascist, networking for decades with the likes of David Duke. Ron Paul’s top legal adviser in his 2012 run was Bruce Fein, now the lawyer for Snowden, and his father Lon. Eddie Snowden is an exponent of the political, economic and social views of the 1%. Those views come from the Ludwig von Mises Institute, explicitly anti-democratic and joined at the hip with the neo-Confederate movement. Ron Paul is also joined at the hip with the neo-Confederate movement, as is his son Rand Paul.
I.G. Farben’s Fischer-Tropsch process is experiencing an industrial renaissance. In Kosovo, former NATO commander General Wesley Clark is chairman of a company using it to produce synthetic fuel from Kosovo’s coal deposits. Coincidentally (?) the head of NATO peacekeeping forces in Kosovo was the son of Nazi war crminal and Third Reich finance ministry official Fritz Reinhardt.
So-called “progressive” elements within the EU are advancing the German agenda of working to fragment larger nations. In addition to the Greens, the European Free Alliance is moving to redraw the map of Europe, with a greatly expanded Germany. German NGO’s are supporting the secession of parts of the United Kingdom. Some of those same NGO’s have also been supportive of terrorist/Muslim Brotherhood elements during the so-called Arab Spring.
Over the years, we have covered the Hapsburg/Thyssen UNPO and its championing of ethnic minorities as a vehicle for breaking up large nations into smaller, more pliable states. Using the human suffering and social dislocation brought about by its “austerity” program to fragment large nations, Germany is actively supporting the secession of Catalonia from Spain and, in cooperation its Austrian partner, the South Tyrol from Italy. Manifesting what, for lack of a better term, might be called “ethnic imperialism,” Germany is using far-right, neo-Nazi elements as foot soldiers to assist the vertriebene groups in promoting the secession of German-speaking minorities in Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe. Targeting China, Germany continues its equivocal support for individuals and ethnic groups seeking to fragment that nation. As we have seen in past discussion, the United States is also targeted for Balkanization and subversion.
The NATO-installed regime of Hasim Thaci manifests pervasive political and social criminality. Thaci is alleged to maintain a harem of more than 50 sex slaves, held in bondage by his bodyguards and reportedly offering their favors to KFOR and EULEX personnel. Successors to the 21st Waffen SS (“Skanderbeg”) Division and other fascist fighting formations from World War II, the Kosovo Liberation Army has turned that former Serbian province into little more than a German colony. Much of the international community continues to view Kosovo as a criminal entity operating outside the envelope of international law.
Anti-Putin Russian coalition includes prominent fascists, including Alexei Navalny. One wonders what effect this will have on the largely Muslim Caucasus?
Austerity pushed by Germany serving to break up indebted nations. Severed regions will be allied with New Reich.
Pro-Confederacy propaganda finding its way into text books. Part of the rewriting of history to exalt villains, defame heroes and victims of struggle against fascism, racism.
COMMENT: Kosovar Prime Minister Hashim Thaci has been accused by Council of Europe inquiry of trafficking in human organs, as well as drugs. The KLA is the successor to the fascist fighting formations of the World War II period, the 21st Waffen SS or Skanderbeg Division in particular. FTR #701 presents this line of inquiry […]
Comment: In FTR #‘s 724, 725, we examined WikiLeaks, noting–among other connections–the organization’s apparent connections to intelligence services. Assange is part of a hacker milieu that includes one Peiter Zatko, aka “Mudge”, a celebrated hacker currently employed by DARPA to strengthen cybersecurity. This is a connection that raises more questions than it answers. With web […]
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