The spokesman–and apologist–for the Nazi Azov Battalion in Ukraine is Roman Zvarych. Zvarych was the personal secretary to Jaroslav Stetsko–the head of the World War II Nazi collaborationist OUN/B government. Azov is now receiving U.S. government funding. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
This broadcast concludes our review of Fara Mansoor’s heroic, ground-breaking research on what we call “The Deep October Surprise,” and references the historical lessons to be drawn from the inquiry to the contemporary political scene. Usually, the term “October Surprise” refers to an alleged deal between the Reagan/Bush campaign and the Khomeini regime in Iran to withhold the U.S. hostages taken from the American Embassy until after Jimmy Carter’s humiliation and consequent election defeat were assured. Fara’s research goes farther and deeper, suggesting that the CIA learned of the Shah’s cancer in 1974 (from former CIA director Richard Helms), withheld the information from Jimmy Carter, installed Khomeini’s Islamic fundamentalists as an anti-communist bulwark on the Soviet Union’s Southern flank and then micro-managed the hostage crisis to insure the ascension of the Reagan/Bush/Casey forces. What has become known as the Iran-Contra Scandal was an outgrowth of this dynamic. In this program, we flesh out the networking involving the Shah’s intelligence specialist Hossein Fardoust, who selected the personnel for Khomeini’s military general staff and became the head of his secret police. Another of the Bush/CIA operatives–Ibrahim Yazdi–helped Khomeini move from Iraq to Paris, served as his de facto chief of staff in Paris, served as his PR flack in the U.S., and was instrumental in maneuvering Mashallah Khashani into place as security coordinator for the U.S. Embassy in Teheran. Program Highlights Include: Khashani’s leadership in the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in November of 1979; the partial disarming of the Marine guards at the embassy prior to the takeover; a prior takeover attempt on 2/14/1979 by Khomeini forces disguised as “leftists;” networking between some of Fardoust’s selections for Khomeini’s general staff and prominent figures in the Iran-Contra scandal; the counter-terrorism background of Linda Tripp, the Bush White House holdover who helped de-stabilize the Bill Clinton administration; Mitt Romney backer and FBI director James Comey’s initiation of the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s e‑mail server.
With the recent Iranian nuclear deal and the lifting of economic sanctions against Iran, the history of U.S./Iranian relations has attained greater relevance. In that context, we present the third of several shows revisiting Fara Mansoor’s landmark research on what we have termed the “Deep October Surprise.” Fara’s research suggests that the CIA learned of the Shah’s cancer in 1974 (from former CIA director Richard Helms), withheld the information from Jimmy Carter, installed Khomeini’s Islamic fundamentalists as an anti-communist bulwark on the Soviet Union’s Southern flank and then micro-managed the hostage crisis to insure the ascension of the Reagan/Bush/Casey forces. After a series of violent incidents that sowed chaos in Iran, the Shah himself realized that U.S. intelligence was engineering his removal. ” . . . . By late August [of 1977], the Shah was totally confused. U.S. Ambassador Sullivan recorded the Shah’s pleadings over the outbreak of violence: ‘He said the pattern was widespread and that it was like an outbreak of a sudden rash in the country…it gave evidence of sophisticated planning and was not the work of spontaneous oppositionists…the Shah presented that it was the work of foreign intrigue…this intrigue went beyond the capabilities of the Soviet KGB and must, therefore, also involve British and American CIA. The Shah went on to ask ‘Why was the CIA suddenly turning against him? What had he done to deserve this sort of action from the United States?’ . . . .” Program Highlights Include: the disappearance and probable assassination in Libya of a key Shiite clerical rival of Khomeini’s–Ayatollah Mosa Sadr; a provocation in which a theater was burned down, killing 750 occupants–an attack blamed on the SAVAK and the Shah; an article placed in an Iranian paper that inflamed the populace against the Shah and coalesced the Shiite clergy against him; key Shah aide General Hossein Fardoust’s authorship of the provocative article; the pivotal role played in “the Deep October Surprise” by Dr. Ibrahim Yazdi; the Nazi intelligence background of Fazollah Zahedi, who replaced Mohammed Mossadegh after the CIA coup in 1953.
This broadcast is the second of several programs reviewing and highlighting material first presented in early 1993, featuring the landmark research of Fara Mansoor, a heroic, longtime member of the Iranian resistance. Usually, the term “October Surprise” refers to an allege deal between the Reagan/Bush campaign and the Khomeini regime in Iran to withhold the U.S. hostages taken from the American Embassy until after Jimmy Carter’s humiliation and consequent election defeat were assured. Fara’s research goes farther and deeper, suggesting that the CIA learned of the Shah’s cancer in 1974 (from former CIA director Richard Helms), withheld the information from Jimmy Carter, installed Khomeini’s Islamic fundamentalists as an anti-communist bulwark on the Soviet Union’s Southern flank and then micro-managed the hostage crisis to insure the ascension of the Reagan/Bush/Casey forces. What has become known as the Iran-Contra Scandal was an outgrowth of this dynamic. In this program we present analysis of the first phase(s) of the operation, noting that former CIA director Richard Helms learned of the Shah’s cancer in 1975 from General Hossein Fardoust. Withholding this information from President Carter, the CIA fed the administration disinformation asserting that the Shah’s reign well into the 1980’s was assured. Meanwhile, the Agency was maneuvering to install Khomeini as a bulwark against the left, and, as we shall see, a vehicle to destabilize the Carter administration and guarantee the victory of the Reagan/Bush team in the 1980 elections. Program Highlights Include: the presence in Iran in April of 1978 of George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher; the long association of the Shah-to-be, Richard Helms and General Hossein Fardoust dating to their days together in a Swiss boarding school; Carter’s “Halloween massacre” in which he fired some 800 CIA covert operators, who coalesced as part of the Bush team that installed Khomeini and the fundamentalists in power.
This broadcast begins several programs reviewing and highlighting material first presented in early 1993, featuring the landmark research of Fara Mansoor, a longtime, heroic member of the Iranian resistance. Usually, the term “October Surprise” refers to an alleged deal between the Reagan/Bush campaign and the Khomeini regime in Iran to withhold the U.S. hostages taken from the American Embassy until after Jimmy Carter’s humiliation and consequent election defeat were assured. Fara’s research goes farther and deeper, suggesting that the CIA learned of the Shah’s cancer in 1974 (from former CIA director Richard Helms), withheld the information from Jimmy Carter, installed Khomeini’s Islamic fundamentalists as an anti-communist bulwark on the Soviet Union’s Southern flank and then micro-managed the hostage crisis to insure the ascension of the Reagan/Bush/Casey forces. What has become known as the Iran-Contra Scandal was an outgrowth of this dynamic. In this program, we begin our analysis with an overview of the covert operation, both in the U.S. and Iran, highlighting the key players and the networking in which they engaged to ensure Carter’s downfall and Khomeini’s rise to power. Of particular interest is the “deep-networking” between U.S. operatives such as Richard Cottam and Iranian agents such as General Hossein Fardoust and Viallollah Qarani. Cottam, Fardoust and Qarani’s association stretch from the 1953 coup that installed the Shah and the 1979 “op” that installed Khomeini in Iran and the Reagan/Bush team in the U.S. The program highlights the extent to which American domestic politics, national security policy and overseas diplomacy are controlled by what amounts to a “secret state.”
Returning to our airwaves for the first time in several years, award-winning journalist Robert Parry highlights some of his research on the Ukrainian crisis. After discussing Russian president Putin’s banning of foreign-based NGO’s from operating in Russia, Robert notes the role of the National Endowment of Democracy in orchestrating the Ukraine coup, as well as the organization’s evolution from William Casey’s CIA.
Highlighting American journalists’ unwillingness to call the Maidan events as what they obviously were–a coup–Robert sets forth Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland’s plotting with the American ambassador to Ukraine and her discussion of a $5 billion capital investment the U.S. had made in Ukraine.
After reviewing the World War II fascist heritage of organizations like Svoboda and Pravy Sektor, Robert sets forth the deep involvement of those organizations in the Maidan events, as well as the “point” position of Nazi elements like the Azov battalion in the conflict in Ukraine’s Eastern regions.
One of the most important topics of discussion is the Orwellian nature of the coverage of events in Ukraine. Noting that there was no “Russian invasion” of the country (as reported by the U.S. media), Robert also discusses Crimea’s long-standing, clearly expressed sentiment to re-unite with Russia, to which that region belonged since the 19th century.
A signature element of American propaganda against Russia has been the allegation that Putin was behind the shootdown of Malaysian Air Lines Flight 17. After discussing U.S. photo reconnaissance indicating that Ukrainian government troops were behind the shootdown of the Malaysian airliner, Robert deconstructs an Australian “60 Minutes” propaganda piece that purports to prove Russian authorship of the downing of the airliner.
Program Highlights Include: analysis of the burning alive of anti-government protesters by Nazi punisher battalions; the assassination of critics of the Ukrainian government; Ukrainian-American Natalie Jaresko’s assumption of the finance ministry of Ukraine; Jaresko’s financial chicanery while working for U.S. intelligence cutout AID; former Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili’s appointment as governor of Odessa; the import of ISIS-linked Chechens to fight alongside the Nazi formations in Ukraine; analysis of the Maidan sniper shootings as a provocation.
Addressing the Knesset (Israel’s parliament), Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko recently gave a pro-forma apology for the participation of Ukrainians in the Holocaust. Israel is among the countries that glossed over Poroshenko’s honoring of the OUN/B executioners at Babi Yar (right). The recent election of a Nazi mayor in a Ukrainian town should surprise no one. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
Pravy Sektor associate Valentyn Nalyvaichenko had been the head of the SBU (the Ukrainian intelligence service) since the Maidan Coup, up until his ouster in June of 2015. Not surprisingly, he had operated the organization along the lines of the OUN/B. Previously, he had served in that same capacity under Viktor Yuschenko, seeing the outfit as a vehicle for rewriting Ukraine’s history in accordance with the historical revisionism favored by the OUN/B. Very close to Pravy Sektor head Dymitro Yarosh, Nalyvaichenko employed Yarosh while serving in the Ukrainian parliament. Yarosh claims that the two collaborated on “anti-terrorist” operations conducted against ethnic Russians. The bulk of the program consists of the reading of a review of a recent book about OUN/B leader Stephan Bandera. The encapsulation of the book sets forth the tangled, bloody history leading up to the formation of the OUN/B and the evolution of the organization into a Third Reich ally.
Extending examination of the most inappropriately named National Endowment for Democracy, the program highlights that institution’s role as a direct extension of U.S. intelligence. In addition to having financed the Maidan coup in Ukraine, the NED has been positioning itself to effect “regime change” in Russia. One of the partners with NED in financing the Maidan coup is Pierre Omidyar, Glenn Greenwald’s financial angel and the head of EBay. Omidyar is now partnering with NED to create a “fact-checking service.” Vladimir Putin has cracked down on NED and other foreign NGO’s that are politically active in Russia, using the precedent of an American law that obliges political activists and organizations financed from abroad to register as agents of foreign governments. Reviewing information from FTR #848, the program highlights NED’s active projection of World War II-era fascists and Nazi collaborators into Lithuania, where the paved the way for the destabilization of the U.S.S.R., as well as the political rehabilitation of Baltic Waffen SS units. Program Highlights Include: the founding of the NED in conjunction with William Casey under Ronald Reagan; Omidyar’s sponsorship of Svitlana Zalischuk, a Ukrainian MP who is coordinating the integration of Ukraine into NATO; the Washington Post’s ideological swing to the far right.
Two different types of fascist cadres are operating in tandem in Ukraine–in addition to the OUN/B heirs such as the Pravy Sektor formations, Chechen fighters (almost certainly allied with some element of Muslim Brotherhood) are now fighting alongside them and under the Pravy Sektor administrative command. The Chechen formations are described as “brothers” of the Islamic State. All of the contents of this website as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of videotaped lectures are available on a 32GB flash drive. Dave offers his programs and articles for free–your support is very much appreciated.
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