Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Verges' is associated with 6 posts.

Rest In Peace, Kevin Coogan, and Thanks So Much!

It is with great sad­ness that we report the pass­ing of the bril­liant Kevin Coogan at the age of 67. Kevin left us on 2/27/2020 in New York City. One of the sem­i­nal polit­i­cal intel­lects of our time, Kevin left us much to con­tem­plate and with which to engage. Most impor­tant of his many con­tri­bu­tions was his land­mark opus “Dream­er of the Day: Fran­cis Park­er Yock­ey and the Post­war Fas­cist Inter­na­tion­al,” the sub­ject of numer­ous inter­views and pro­grams fea­tur­ing lengthy text excerpts from the book. In addi­tion, we archived numer­ous arti­cles by Kevin includ­ing: “The Mys­te­ri­ous Achmed Huber: Friend to Hitler, Allah and Bin Laden?”; “Report on Islamists, the Far Right and Al Taqwa”; and “Achmed Huber, the Aval­on Gemein­schaft and the Swiss ‘New Right’ ”. Oth­er pro­grams detail the many focal points of Kev­in’s remark­able work. Numer­ous inter­views con­tain Kev­in’s insights into impor­tant, although lit­tle-known polit­i­cal dynam­ics.

FTR #1000 “In Politics, Nothing Happens by Accident”: Weaponized Feminism and the #MeToo Movement, Part 3 (The Crucible, Part 2)

In this pro­gram, we con­tin­ue analy­sis from FTR #‘s 998 and 999, high­light­ing the appar­ent use of weaponized fem­i­nism to destroy tar­get­ed polit­i­cal fig­ures.

Of con­sid­er­able inter­est in this regard are the founder and lead­ers of the Wom­en’s March. Bob Bland–her actu­al name–is the founder of the Wom­en’s March. Her appar­el com­pa­ny also land­ed a mul­ti-mil­lion dol­lar Pen­ta­gon con­tract for the devel­op­ment of “wear­able tech!” Icon­ic lefty lead­ers would NOT be the recip­i­ents’ of such largesse UNLESS they were insid­ers!

Bob Bland also appoint­ed Lin­da Sar­sour (whose last name trans­lates “cock­roach”), who has been an ardent defend­er and close asso­ciate of Ras­mea Odeh, a con­vict­ed ter­ror­ist who was a mem­ber of the Pop­u­lar Front For the Lib­er­a­tion of Pales­tine, one of the Mus­lim ter­ror orga­ni­za­tions that enjoyed the sup­port of Fran­cois Genoud.

Fur­ther­more Bland, Sar­sour and co-Wom­en’s March lead­ers and Bland appointees ALL stood up for Louis Far­rakhan after a ven­omous anti-white and anti-Semit­ic speech. With Sar­sour man­i­fest­ing a pro-ter­ror link (Odeh/PFLP) and all of the lead­ers sup­port­ing Far­rakhan, the posi­tion­ing of sin­cere, albeit naive, par­tic­i­pants in the Wom­en’s March­es as sub­ver­sives and/or at the least of an odi­ous polit­i­cal stripe is achieved!

In addi­tion to behav­ing very sus­pi­cious­ly with regard to the mur­der of Mal­colm X, the man whose man­tle he assumed and whose mur­der Far­rakhan (then known as “Louis X”) pub­licly called for, Far­rakhan has been an apol­o­gist for the con­tin­ued enslave­ment of black Africans in Sudan and Mau­ri­ta­nia by Arabs. Far­rakhan is also one of the icon­ic fig­ures to the fas­cist Third Posi­tion.

Much of the pro­gram revis­its the blood­less, polit­i­cal assas­si­na­tion of Sen­a­tor Al Franken. Elect­ed by the peo­ple of Min­neso­ta to rep­re­sent them in the Sen­ate, he was removed by a Cru­cible-like cho­rus of social media-dri­ven hys­te­ria, giv­en momen­tum by a Japan­ese-based army of twit­ter bots financed by an as yet unknown, very wealthy indi­vid­ual or orga­ni­za­tion.

Sig­naled by long-time GOP (and Trump) dirty trick­ster Roger Stone and imple­ment­ed by an obvi­ous­ly staged, gag pho­to of Franken mock­ing­ly grop­ing right-wing camp fol­low­er Leann Twee­den, the polit­i­cal will of the peo­ple of Min­neso­ta was com­plete­ly neu­tral­ized by an obvi­ous polit­i­cal gam­bit.

It’s worth not­ing that Tom Arnold, who appears to be long-time friends with Twee­den, issues a string of tweets back on Decem­ber 7, the day Franken resigned, where he assert­ed that Roger Stone and John Phillips (Tweeden’s part­ner at KABC) are long-time friends and were def­i­nite­ly manip­u­lat­ing Twee­den.

Specif­i­cal­ly, he asserts in the tweets that:

1. John Phillips and Roger Stone are pals and they coached her for weeks. “I’m dis­ap­point­ed with my friend Leeann Twee­den. Her part­ner at KABC John Phillips is a Roger Stone pal & they coached her for weeks to bring Al Franken down. I’d hoped she’d use her voice to speak out for all women again preda­tors like Roy Moore & Don­ald Trump but she’s a birther [like Don­ald Trump–D.E.]”— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) Decem­ber 7, 2017

2. The only truth behind the alle­ga­tions is the infa­mous pho­to. The rest was cre­at­ed by Stone and Phillips. “I’ve gone to bat for Leeann 100 times this last month hop­ing she’d at least reveal her whole truth too but she ghost­ed me. I know every sin­gle detail of this polit­i­cal manip­u­la­tion. KABC should lose their license. Pro­mot­ing a fraud is a fed­er­al offense & FCC vio­la­tion.” https://t.co/QY1Cxne5tw— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) Decem­ber 7, 2017

3. Arnold has proof of this. “To put a but­ton on this the only truth about my old pal Leeann Tweeden’s Al Franken sto­ry was the pic­ture. The rest was cre­at­ed by KABC col­league & fel­low Trump sup­port­er John Phillips & his bud Roger Stone who coached Leeann for weeks to take Al down. Mis­sion accom­plished.”— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) Decem­ber 7, 2017

4. He appar­ent­ly got a bunch of “Take down Al” cor­re­spon­dences of Roget Stone & Co sent to him by some­one. “Since I didn’t get all of Roger Stone & Co ‘Take down Al’ cor­re­spon­dences until late last night I thought it was very nice & brave of Leeann to respond to my tweets by call­ing me & shar­ing her beat by beat expe­ri­ence hon­est­ly & open­ly for the first time so I could share them too.” https://t.co/cD71cGIrU2— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) Decem­ber 7, 2017

Before recap­ping Louis Far­rakhan’s behav­ior vis a vis the Mal­com X assas­si­na­tion, we note that John Cony­ers employed icon­ic civ­il rights activist Rosa Parks as his admin­is­tra­tive assis­tant for more than 20 years. That alone would have made him a tar­get.

Alt-right blog­ger Mike “Misog­y­ny gets you laid” Cer­novich sig­naled Cony­ers’ removal.

FTR #376 A View From the Bridge

Bush fam­i­ly links to Nazis and Islamists behind 9/11; Big Oil, GOP and Third Reich joined by eco­nom­ic, oper­a­tional and his­tor­i­cal ties.

FTR #360 Ties That Bind Pt 4

Past imbroglios which have impelled var­i­ous 9/11 par­tic­i­pants down their respec­tive roads to des­tiny.

FTR #344 Pearl Harbor Meets the Reichstag Fire, Part1: “This Is No Drill! This Is a Real Attack!”

Bush admin­is­tra­tion, Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, bin Laden and Old Nazis col­lab­o­rate to sub­vert the U.S.

FTR #341 Ties That Bind, Part II

Bush busi­ness ties to Bin Laden fam­i­ly; WWII-era Nazis impli­cat­ed in 9/11; Bosn­ian SS Divi­sion revived in 1990s.