Comment: A member of Angela Merkel’s CDU has warned that a serious, far-right populist party might emerge in Germany. This is in the wake of Merkel ally Erika Steinbach’s statement blaming World War II on Poland. Is Octoberfest to be replaced by “Tea Parties”? “Merkel Ally Warns that Threat of New Far-Right Party is Genuine” […]
Comment: For many years, we’ve been discussing the vertriebene groups, subsumed under control of the German Ministry for Expellees. Controlled by the postwar SS underground, the vertriebene groups and the associated ministry constitute one of the most palpable links between the current government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Underground Reich. Recently, Erika […]
The Nazi and fascist roots of contemporary Islamism illustrated by important new book; continuity between Third Reich “Ostpolitik” and Western Cold War policy perpetuate Islamic fascist and pan-Turkist elements, many linked to Holocaust.
The old SS giving rise to new fascism in Austria and Germany; Mussolini’s heirs move into the Italian mainstream; Continuity of foreign policy between the “new” Germany and the Third Reich.
Third Reich political strategy perpetuated by Federal Republic of Germany, “volksgruppenrechte” (the rights of native peoples) aids revanchist national agenda.
Cindy Sheehan characterizes Muslim Brotherhood as force for democracy; MSM drops the “Von” from ricin suspect Roger (Von) Burgendorff; Dalai Lama link to SS; 2001 anthrax attacks; Las Vegas links to anthrax investigation.
Institutional connections among elements of the Saudi elite and the Al Qaeda milieu.
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