Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'WFMU' is associated with 11 posts.

Profound Thanks and Farewell to Al Calame: Rest in Peace

Lis­ten­ers to the pro­grams and users of this web­site owe a great deal to my late, dear friend Al Calame, who passed away from nat­ur­al caus­es recent­ly. Hav­ing run the Spit­fire CD dupli­ca­tion ser­vice and the old Spitfirelist.com web­site, Al’s efforts were essen­tial to real­iz­ing the goal of get­ting all of the 30+ years of Dave Emory pro­grams and lec­tures avail­able online.

WFMU RealAudio 2009

On July 12, 2009, WFMU dis­con­tin­ued cre­at­ing new RealAu­dio media, but past archives in RealAu­dio for­mat remain avail­able.

WFMU RealAudio 2008

WFMU’s 2008 archives of Dave Emory’s “For The Record” in RealAu­dio for­mat.

WFMU RealAudio 2007

WFMU’s 2007 archives of Dave Emory’s “for The Record” in RealAu­dio for­mat.

WFMU RealAudio 2006

WFMU’s 2006 archives of Dave Emory’s “For The Record” in RealAu­dio for­mat.

WFMU RealAudio 2005

WFMU’s 2005 archives of Dave Emory’s “For The Record” in RealAu­dio for­mat.

WFMU RealAudio 2004

WFMU’s 2004 archives of Dave Emory’s “For The Record” in RealAu­dio for­mat.

WFMU RealAudio 2003

WFMU’s 2003 archives of Dave Emory’s “For The Record” in RealAu­dio for­mat.

WFMU RealAudio 2002

WFMU’s 2002 archives of Dave Emory’s “For The Record” in RealAu­dio for­mat.

WFMU RealAudio 2001

WFMU’s 2001 archives of Dave Emory’s “For The Record” in RealAu­dio for­mat.