Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'White Supremacist' is associated with 1 posts.

FTR#‘s 1347 & 1348 Conversations with Monte: Conversations #‘s 21 & 22

Intro­duc­tion: Tak­ing a respite from the pro­ject­ed long series of pro­grams on U.S. Asian pol­i­cy, these pro­grams begin with Mon­te’s dis­cus­sion of a link between Guy Ban­is­ter’s “detec­tive agency” and the coa­les­cence of the Process Church of the Final Judg­ment, a focal point of a four-part Mis­cel­la­neous Archive Series on “The Ulti­mate Evil.

A close for­mer asso­ciate of Ban­is­ter incor­po­rat­ed the Process Church, which appears to have served as an intel­li­gence front, to an extent.

The associate–Tommy Baumler–was a Nazi.

In this analy­sis, Monte uti­lized a book titled The Mad Bish­ops.

The bulk of the pro­grams con­sist of analy­sis of the lat­est “attempt” on Trump’s life, as well as the appar­ent Nazi gen­e­sis of the “Haitians eat­ing dogs and cats” meme.

It is our con­sen­sus that the “attempts” on Trump’s life are intend­ed to pro­voke vio­lence against Trump’s polit­i­cal oppo­nents.

Ryan Wes­ley Routh also net­worked with the Azov Bat­tal­ion.