Spitfire List Web site and blog of anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory.
The tag 'Yulia Tymoshenko' is associated with 15 posts.

FTR #1010 Summary Analysis of the Habsburg Redux, Russia-Gate Psy-Op Material

In FTR #‘s 1007, 1008 and 1009, we pre­sent­ed a high­ly com­plex con­stel­la­tion of polit­i­cal events and enti­ties that are embod­ied in the “Rus­sia-Gate” psy-op, and that track back to a pro­gres­sion of over­lap­ping intel­li­gence scan­dals track­ing back decades. In this pro­gram, we attempt to give greater coher­ence to analy­sis of this con­sum­mate­ly impor­tant phe­nom­e­non.

For pur­pos­es of clar­i­ty, we present syn­op­tic analy­sis of key points of dis­cus­sion and analy­sis in FTR #‘s 1007 and relat­ed pro­grams.

1.–The Alfa con­glom­er­ate main­tains the Alfa Fel­low­ship pro­gram, a sub­sidiary of the Carl Duis­berg Soci­ety’s new umbrel­la the Cul­tur­al Vis­tas orga­ni­za­tion.
2.–The Carl Duis­berg Soci­ety was the vehi­cle that shep­herd­ed 9/11 hijack­er Mohamed Atta around Ger­many and the U.S.
3.–Alfa sub­sidiary Crown Alfa had deal­ings with com­modi­ties Marc Rich, whose par­don was inves­ti­gat­ed by James Comey. The nego­ti­a­tions between Rich and Crown Alfa were ulti­mate­ly unsuc­cess­ful.
4.–In FTR #930, we not­ed that anoth­er Alfa asso­ciate Mikhail Frid­man did pur­chase Marc Rich assets.
5.–Also in FTR #930, we not­ed an Alfa Bank serv­er com­mu­ni­cat­ing with the Trump orga­ni­za­tion.
6.–In 2001, Crown Alfa asso­ciate Nor­bert Seeger’s Pro­gres­sive Cit­i­zens Par­ty of Liecht­en­stein gave Prince Hans-Adam II of Liecht­en­stein unprece­dent­ed pow­er, mak­ing him, in effect, Europe’s only absolute monarch. Hans-Adam’s new pow­ers gave him con­trol over the courts and judi­cial sys­tem just as the 9/11 attacks and result­ing Oper­a­tion Green Quest inves­ti­ga­tions were mov­ing in the direc­tion of the Licht­en­stein-based Al-Taqwa nexus.
7.–An Al-Taqwa sub­sidiary, the Asat Trust had links to the House of Liechtenstein–the rul­ing fam­i­ly of Liecht­en­stein.
8.–Robert Mueller helped derail the Oper­a­tion Green Quest inves­ti­ga­tion while serv­ing as head of the FBI.
9.–The House of Liecht­en­stein is a sub­sidiary of the House of Hab­s­burg.

Again, for pur­pos­es of clar­i­ty, we review links of the Hab­s­burg fam­i­ly to “Euro­pean inte­gra­tion,” anti-Sovi­et/­Cold War activism and Ukraine:

1.–Members of the Hab­s­burg dynasty have been involved in the con­text in which Lee Har­vey Man­afort and the Hab­s­burg Group were operating–European integration–in order to ease Ukraine into the West­ern, rather than the Russ­ian orbit. ” . . . .The most strik­ing exam­ple of the trend is the appoint­ment this week of Georg von Hab­s­burg, the 32-year-old-grand­son of Emper­or Karl I, to the posi­tion of Hungary’s ambas­sador for Euro­pean Inte­gra­tion. In neigh­bour­ing Aus­tria, the tra­di­tional heart of Hab­s­burg pow­er, Georg’s broth­er, Karl, 35, was recent­ly elect­ed to rep­re­sent the coun­try in the Euro­pean par­lia­ment. In addi­tion to this, he serves as the pres­i­dent of the Aus­trian branch of the Pan-Euro­pean move­ment. . . . .”
2.–Jumping for­ward some 14 years from our pre­vi­ous arti­cle, we see that a Hab­s­burg princess was anoint­ed as Geor­gia’s ambas­sador to Ger­many. Note that [now for­mer] Geor­gian pres­i­dent Mikheil Saakashvili endorsed her. Saakashvili became, for a time, the gov­er­nor of the Ukrain­ian province of Odessa! Note, also, the role of the Hab­s­burgs in the final phase of the Cold War: “. . . . The heirs to the Hab­s­burg emper­ors helped speed the down­fall of the Sovi­et empire, par­tic­u­larly by arrang­ing the cross-bor­der exo­dus from Hun­gary to Aus­tria in the sum­mer of 1989 that punched the first big hole in the iron cur­tain. . . .”
3.–Karl von Hab­s­burg has been active in Ukraine for some years before estab­lish­ing a radio sta­tion. Karl von Hab­s­burg is the head of the UNPO. Note the Ukrain­ian ori­en­ta­tion and influ­ence of Wil­helm von Hab­s­burg, in World War I through the World War II eras, as well as his anti-Sovi­et activism: ” . . . . A mil­i­tary offi­cer by train­ing, Wil­helm sup­ported Ukraine’s inde­pen­dence strug­gle dur­ing World War I. He fought with Ukrain­ian troops against the Rus­sians, and had schemed and cajoled a myr­iad of politi­cians to sup­port his monar­chial aspi­ra­tions. Almost until his death at the hands of the Sovi­ets in 1948 – he was snatched off the streets of Vien­na and trans­ported to a prison in Kyiv for work­ing as an agent against the Sovi­et Union – Wil­helm believed this slice of the family’s empire could be his. . . .”
4.–Fast-forwarding again some five years from our pre­vi­ous two arti­cles and one year after the Euro­Maid­an coup we see that actions speak loud­er than words, and Karl’s new Ukrain­ian radio sta­tion says a lot: “Since 20 Jan­u­ary, a tru­ly Euro­pean radio sta­tion [Note this–D.E.] is broad­cast­ing in Ukraine, its main spon­sor, Karl-Hab­s­burg Lothrin­gen, told EurAc­tiv in an exclu­sive inter­view . . . . Karl Hab­s­burg-Lothrin­gen is an Aus­trian politi­cian and head of the House of Hab­s­burg. Since 1986, he has served as Pres­i­dent of the Aus­trian branch of the Paneu­ro­pean Union. . . .”
5.–As we not­ed, “Plan B” for Ukraine might be termed “Plan OUN/B.” Otto von Hab­s­burg formed the Euro­pean Free­dom Coun­cil with Jaroslav Stet­zko, the wartime head of the Ukrain­ian Nazi col­lab­o­ra­tionist gov­ern­ment that imple­ment­ed Third Reich eth­nic cleans­ing pro­grams in Ukraine. The EFC was close­ly aligned with the Anti-Bol­she­vik Bloc of Nations, head­ed by Stet­zko. The ABN, as we have seen in the past, is a re-nam­ing of the Com­mit­tee of Sub­ju­gat­ed Nations, a con­sor­tium of East­ern Euro­pean fas­cist groups formed by Hitler in 1943.”. . . . The Haps­burg monar­chy helped guide the lead­er­ship in their for­mer pos­ses­sions. The Free­dom Coun­cil was formed by Otto von Haps­burg and Jaroslav Stet­zko at a con­fer­ence in Munich on June 30-July 2 1967, as a coor­di­nat­ing body for orga­ni­za­tions fight­ing com­mu­nism in Europe. EMP H.R.H. Otto von Haps­burg was hon­orary chair­man of the Euro­pean Free­dom Coun­cil, based in Munich, dur­ing the 1980s and allied to the Anti-Bol­she­vik Bloc of Nations (ABN). . . .”

Lee Har­vey Man­afort’s activ­i­ties over­lap the dynam­ics high­light­ed above:

1.–Manafort’s net­work­ing with the “Hab­s­burg Group” of Euro­pean politi­cians to effect Ukraine’s inte­gra­tion into the EU orbit: ” . . . . . . . . A sec­ond Wash­ing­ton lob­by­ing firm hired by Mr. Man­afort, the Podes­ta Group, also said last year that it had ‘arranged meet­ings and media oppor­tu­ni­ties’ for vis­it­ing Euro­pean lead­ers regard­ing Ukraine, start­ing in 2012, includ­ing for Mr. Gusen­bauer, Mr. Pro­di and two for­mer pres­i­dents, Alek­sander Kwas­niews­ki of Poland and Vik­tor A. Yushchenko of Ukraine. . . . The group of senior for­mer politi­cians, accord­ing to the indict­ment, was infor­mal­ly called the Haps­burg Group, after the Aus­tro-Hun­gar­i­an dynasty, the Hab­s­burgs. . . .”
2.–Lee Har­vey Man­afort and the Hab­s­burg Group enlist­ed Alex van Der Zwaan, son-in-law of Ger­man Khan the (Kiev) Ukraine-born founder of Alfa Bank: ” . . . . Alex van der Zwaan was charged with lying to the FBI about his con­tacts with Rick Gates, who served as a top offi­cial on Pres­i­dent Trump’s cam­paign and a long­time busi­ness part­ner of for­mer cam­paign chair­man Paul Man­afort. Based in Lon­don, van der Zwaan worked for the law firm Skad­den, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, which worked with Man­afort and Gates when they served as polit­i­cal con­sul­tants in Ukraine. Van der Zwaan is the son-in-law of Ger­man Khan, a bil­lion­aire and an own­er of Alfa Group, Russia’s largest finan­cial and indus­tri­al invest­ment group. . . . Like the Man­afort and Gates charges, van der Zwaan’s case is root­ed in Ukraine, where Man­afort worked as an inter­na­tion­al polit­i­cal con­sul­tant start­ing in 2005. . . .”

Of cen­tral inter­est in our analy­sis is the long espi­onage career of Felix Sater, the point man for Trump’s attempt­ed deal­ings with Rus­sia. Sater is a spy, work­ing for both CIA and FBI. Much of his work links to events and insti­tu­tions con­nect­ed to Osama bin Laden/9/11. In an ear­li­er polit­i­cal incar­na­tion, Robert Mueller head­ed the FBI dur­ing part of the peri­od when Sater worked for the Bureau, in addi­tion to his work for the Agency. With long-time spook Sater as the point man for Trump’s [hith­er­to unsuc­cess­ful] busi­ness deal­ings with Rus­sia and evi­dent spy Man­afort Trump’s for­mer cam­paign man­ag­er, it is alto­geth­er rea­son­able to see “Team Trump” in both the USA and Rus­sia as an intel­li­gence “op.” 

The fol­low­ing excerpt high­lights those efforts, espe­cial­ly some which place his work direct­ly in the milieu of the Oper­a­tion Green Quest raids, which were effec­tive­ly cov­ered up by Robert Mueller when he head­ed the FBI.  ” . . . . Sater report­ed back to intel­li­gence agen­cies on the results of coali­tion bomb­ings, kills on the bat­tle­field, the finan­cial net­works behind the 9/11 bombers and oth­er al-Qae­da mem­bers world­wide, and even the iden­ti­ty of a New Mex­i­co com­pa­ny believed to be laun­der­ing ter­ror funds in the US. . . .”

The foun­da­tion of the U.S. intelligence/Hapsburg/Underground Reich con­cate­na­tion dates to the peri­od imme­di­ate­ly after World War I: ” . . . .  . . . . The Haps­burgs would desert Ger­many in return for an Amer­i­can com­mit­ment. Sub­si­dized by the Unit­ed States—which brought over to Europe the Pres­i­den­t’s close advis­er Pro­fes­sor George D. Her­ron to impart Wilson’s vital imprimatur—this updat­ed Haps­burg sov­er­eign­ty must com­mit in advance to erad­i­cat­ing the Bol­she­viks. A revi­tal­ized Aus­tro-Hun­gar­i­an buffer zone to fend off Sovi­et pen­e­tra­tion of the Balka­ns turned into a life­long chimera for Dulles, and spurred his devo­tion over the many years to some man­ner of ‘Danu­bian Fed­er­a­tion.’ . . . .”

This rela­tion­ship gained momen­tum dur­ing the Sec­ond World War, with approach­es by the Third Reich to Allied as a Nazi defeat began to take shape.

Of para­mount sig­nif­i­cance for our pur­pos­es is a “Chris­t­ian West­er” accom­mo­da­tion appar­ent­ly involv­ing Prince Egon Max von Hohen­loe, who mar­ried into the Hab­s­burg fam­i­ly. Oper­at­ing out of Licht­en­stein and trav­el­ing on a Licht­en­stein pass­port, von Hohen­loe served as an inter­me­di­ary between U.S. intel­li­gence and Wal­ter Schel­len­berg, in charge of over­seas intel­li­gence for the SS. (Schel­len­berg was also on the board of direc­tors of Inter­na­tion­al Tele­phone and Tele­graph and became a key oper­a­tive for the post­war Gehlen orga­ni­za­tion.)

Allen Dulles’s strate­gic out­look embraced and shaped much of what appears to under­lie the Habsburg/OUN/Western intel­li­gence activ­i­ty with regard to Ukraine: ” . . . Pro­nounce­ments alter­nat­ed with rich meals in a Liecht­en­stein chateau; Hohen­lo­he bit by bit exposed his qua­si-offi­cial sta­tus as a spokesman for SS ele­ments with in the Ger­man gov­ern­ment who now looked beyond the ‘wild men’ in con­trol. What casts a longer shad­ow is the out­line of Allen’s geopo­lit­i­cal ideas. The peace he has in mind, Dulles indi­cates, must avoid the excess­es of Ver­sailles and per­mit the expand­ed Ger­man poli­ty to sur­vive, Aus­tria includ­ed and pos­si­bly at least a sec­tion of Czecho­slo­va­kia, while exclud­ing all thought of ‘vic­tors and van­quished . . . . as a fac­tor of order and progress.’ . . . . The resul­tant ‘Greater Ger­many’ would back­stop the ‘for­ma­tion of a cor­don san­i­taire against Bol­she­vism and pan-Slav­ism through the east­ward enlarge­ment of Poland and the preser­va­tion of a strong Hun­gary.’ This ‘Fed­er­al Greater Ger­many (sim­i­lar to the Unit­ed States), with an asso­ci­at­ed Danube Con­fed­er­a­tion, would be the best guar­an­tee of order and progress in Cen­tral and East­ern Europe.’ . . . . ”

A for­mer Abwehr offi­cer alleges that he attend­ed a meet­ing in Spain between Abwehr head Wil­helm Canaris, Dono­van and Stew­art Men­zies, chief of MI6–British Intel­li­gence. ” . . . . . . . . An Abwehr offi­cer, F. Jus­tus von Einem, lat­er claimed to have sat in on a care­ful­ly pre­pared meet­ing at San­tander in Spain in the sum­mer of 1943 dur­ing which both Men­zies and Dono­van agreed to Chris­t­ian West­er terms as  reca­pit­u­lat­ed by Canaris per­son­al­ly. If this exchange occurred, Dono­van kept it qui­et. . . .”

In this pro­gram, we extend analy­sis the oper­a­tions of the “Greater Hab­s­burg” milieu and the asso­ci­at­ed Under­ground Reich around the world and into dynam­ics incor­po­rat­ing the use of Islamist proxy war­riors in that impor­tant geopo­lit­i­cal province, as well as the manip­u­la­tion of oth­er Third World eth­nic groups as desta­bi­liz­ing ele­ments in tar­get­ed areas.

At the epi­cen­ter of this dynam­ic is the Earth Island.

Stretch­ing from the Straits of Gibral­tar, all across Europe, most of the Mid­dle East, Eura­sia, Rus­sia, Chi­na and India, that stretch of land: com­pris­es most of the world’s land mass; con­tains most of the world’s pop­u­la­tion and most of the world’s nat­ur­al resources (includ­ing oil and nat­ur­al gas.) Geopoliti­cians have long seen con­trol­ling that land mass as the key to world dom­i­na­tion.  The pop­u­la­tion that occu­pies the mid­dle of that stretch of geog­ra­phy is large­ly Mus­lim.

Among the salient points to be con­sid­ered in the con­text of the Habsburg/Underground Reich/Western intel­li­gence dynam­ic:

1.–Liechtenstein monarch Prince Hans-Adam II’s 2000 gift to Prince­ton Uni­ver­si­ty: “. . . . A $12 mil­lion gift to Prince­ton from Prince Hans-Adam II of Liecht­en­stein will cre­ate the Liecht­en­stein Insti­tute on Self-Deter­mi­na­tion . . . .The gift will expand the Uni­ver­si­ty’s exist­ing Liecht­en­stein Research Pro­gram on Self-Deter­mi­na­tion, which also has been fund­ed by Prince Hans-Adam II. It will enable Prince­ton fac­ul­ty, stu­dents and out­side experts to expand their work and embark on wide-rang­ing new projects in such places as Koso­vo, Kash­mir, and Chech­nya. . . .”
2.–In this con­text, one should not lose sight of the sim­i­lar­i­ty of the focus of the Liecht­en­stein Insti­tute and the Hab­s­burg-affil­i­at­ed UNPO. Are both of these orga­ni­za­tions part of the new “kinder, gen­tler” covert oper­a­tions par­a­digm? Bear in mind that both the Haps­burgs and the close­ly-asso­ci­at­ed House of Liecht­en­stein are con­ser­v­a­tive Catholics. Their inter­est in “native peo­ples” and “self-deter­mi­na­tion” for Islamists, Turks, Tibetan Bud­dhists and Lako­ta Sioux is all the more sus­pi­cious, under the cir­cum­stances!!
3.–We review (from FTR #550) links between pro-Uighur activist Erkin Alptekin and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty—both close­ly con­nect­ed to U.S. intelligence—Erkin Alptekin is a founder and key mem­ber of the UNPO, about which we will have more to say below. Alptekin is also on the board of the Dalai Lama Foun­da­tion. Michael Van Walt, anoth­er close asso­ciate of the Dalai Lama, is also deeply involved with the UNPO.
With the Dalai Lama and his milieu, we appear to be look­ing at man­i­fes­ta­tions of the Under­ground Reich as a “vir­tu­al state”—a state with­out for­mal geo­graph­i­cal bor­ders. We should also note that Cen­tral Asia—the area that is the focal point of the Dalai Lama’s and UNPO’s sup­port for Uighur sep­a­ratist ele­ments was viewed by geopoliti­cians as crit­i­cal for main­tain­ing con­trol of the Earth Island.
5.–We review Karl von Hab­s­burg’s role as head of the UNPO and his mar­riage to Francesca Thyssen-Borne­misza. Note that the UNPO cham­pi­ons the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans. (We looked at the Dalai Lama’s pro­found links to the Nazi SS and the Under­ground Reich in–among oth­er programs–FTR #‘s 547, 842 and 843.)
6.–An arti­cle accessed in FTR #‘s 635 and 636 high­lights sup­port for the Uighurs by the UNPO.
7.–Emblematic of the true nature of the sup­pos­ed­ly “human­is­tic, pro­gres­sive” UNPO is the fact that they have incor­po­rat­ed the Afrikan­ers into their pan­theon of “dis­en­fran­chised” peo­ples.
8.–Note that the UNPO counts the seces­sion of Koso­vo as one of its suc­ces­sors. As dis­cussed in—among oth­er programs—FTRs 330, 622, the Koso­vo Lib­er­a­tion Army is the direct descen­dant of the 21st Waf­fen SS Divi­sion (Skan­der­beg) and oth­er fas­cist fight­ing for­ma­tions of World War II.

FTR #1008 Alfa Males, Part 5: Lee Harvey Manafort, The Russia-Gate Psy-Op, and the Underground Reich (Habsburg Redux, Part 2)

The title of the pro­gram ref­er­ences for­mer Trump cam­paign man­ag­er and for­mer Ukrain­ian pres­i­dent Vik­tor Yanukovich’s advi­sor Paul Man­afort as “Lee Har­vey Man­afort.”

Far from being a “Russian/Putin/Kremlin agent, Paul Man­afort is a U.S. intel­li­gence offi­cer, who was charged with the task of teas­ing Ukraine from the Russ­ian into the West­ern orbit. Heed­ing polls that found Ukraine’s cit­i­zens to oppose the coun­try’s inclu­sion into NATO and mid­wiv­ing a report that exon­er­at­ed then Ukrain­ian pres­i­dent Vik­tor Yanukovich of crim­i­nal excess in the jail­ing of his pre­de­ces­sor and rival Yulia Tim­o­shenko, Man­afort under­took polit­i­cal activism on behalf of both caus­es in order to effect his goal of West­ern­iz­ing Ukraine.

When the com­bi­na­tion of pop­u­lar dis­sat­is­fac­tion with the aus­ter­i­ty-laden EU asso­ci­a­tion pro­pos­al and Russ­ian pres­sure led to Yanukovy­ch’s can­cel­la­tion of the deep­en­ing of Ukrainian/EU rela­tions, the Euro­maid­an coup sealed the fate of the Yanukovych gov­ern­ment. “Plan B” for the inte­gra­tion of Ukraine into the West­ern camp was the Euro­maid­an coup, which cul­mi­nat­ed in the sniper killings of numer­ous civil­ians. As dis­cussed in FTR #‘s 982 and 993, those sniper attacks may well have been a provo­ca­tion, effect­ed by Ukrain­ian fas­cist and OUN/B suc­ces­sor Andriy Paru­biy chris­tened “The Cap­tain of the Maid­an” and–very possibly–Manafort him­self.

Plan B, for  the maneu­ver­ing of Ukraine into the West­ern camp might be termed “Plan OUN/B.”

Manafort–like Lee Har­vey Oswald and Edwin Wil­son before him–has been “left out in the cold” by his spy­mas­ters, left to take the fall for an oper­a­tion he under­took on their behalf. Hence, our chris­ten­ing of Trump’s for­mer, unfor­tu­nate cam­paign man­ag­er as “Lee Har­vey Man­afort.”

A major fac­tor in the events high­light­ed in our last pro­gram, this broad­cast and the forth­com­ing pro­gram is the Hab­s­burg (also spelled “Haps­burg”) dynasty and relat­ed ele­ments. The Hab­s­burgs are the roy­al fam­i­ly that presided over the Aus­tro-Hun­gar­i­an Empire, which ruled Cen­tral and much of East­ern Europe for 600 years.

In addi­tion to the Hab­s­burg pow­er polit­i­cal forces, our analy­sis focus­es on the tiny, Hab­s­burg-affil­i­at­ed Euro­pean prin­ci­pal­i­ty of Liecht­en­stein. With a pop­u­la­tion of just 32.000, Liecht­en­stein is a ver­ti­cal­ly-inte­grat­ed lean, mean mon­ey-laun­der­ing machine.

Over­lap­ping the Liecht­en­stein con­nec­tion is the Alfa Group–a Russ­ian con­glom­er­ate, the most impor­tant com­po­nent of which is the Alfa Bank.

For pur­pos­es of clar­i­ty, we present syn­op­tic analy­sis of key points of dis­cus­sion and analy­sis in FTR #‘s 1007 and relat­ed pro­grams.

1.–The Alfa con­glom­er­ate main­tains the Alfa Fel­low­ship pro­gram, a sub­sidiary of the Carl Duis­berg Soci­ety’s new umbrel­la the Cul­tur­al Vis­tas orga­ni­za­tion.
2.–The Carl Duis­berg Soci­ety was the vehi­cle that shep­herd­ed 9/11 hijack­er Mohamed Atta around Ger­many and the U.S.
3.–Alfa sub­sidiary Crown Alfa had deal­ings with com­modi­ties Marc Rich, whose par­don was inves­ti­gat­ed by James Comey.
4.–In FTR #930, we not­ed that anoth­er Alfa asso­ciate Mikhail Frid­man did pur­chase Marc Rich assets.
5.–Also in FTR #930, we not­ed an Alfa Bank serv­er com­mu­ni­cat­ing with the Trump orga­ni­za­tion.
6.–In 2001, Crown Alfa asso­ciate Nor­bert Seeger’s Pro­gres­sive Cit­i­zens Par­ty of Liecht­en­stein gave Prince Hans-Adam II of Liecht­en­stein unprece­dent­ed pow­er, mak­ing him, in effect, Europe’s only absolute monarch. Hans-Adam’s new pow­ers gave him con­trol over the courts and judi­cial sys­tem just as the 9/11 attacks and result­ing Oper­a­tion Green Quest inves­ti­ga­tions were mov­ing in the direc­tion of the Licht­en­stein-based Al-Taqwa nexus.
7.–An Al-Taqwa sub­sidiary, the Asat Trust had links to the House of Liechtenstein–the rul­ing fam­i­ly of Liecht­en­stein.
8.–Robert Mueller helped derail the Oper­a­tion Green Quest inves­ti­ga­tion while serv­ing as head of the FBI.
9.–The House of Liecht­en­stein is a sub­sidiary of the House of Hab­s­burg.

In this pro­gram, we set forth ele­ments over­lap­ping the dynam­ics pre­sent­ed above, includ­ing:

1.–Manafort’s net­work­ing with the “Hab­s­burg Group” of Euro­pean politi­cians to effect Ukraine’s inte­gra­tion into the EU orbit: ” . . . . . . . . A sec­ond Wash­ing­ton lob­by­ing firm hired by Mr. Man­afort, the Podes­ta Group, also said last year that it had ‘arranged meet­ings and media oppor­tu­ni­ties’ for vis­it­ing Euro­pean lead­ers regard­ing Ukraine, start­ing in 2012, includ­ing for Mr. Gusen­bauer, Mr. Pro­di and two for­mer pres­i­dents, Alek­sander Kwas­niews­ki of Poland and Vik­tor A. Yushchenko of Ukraine. . . . The group of senior for­mer politi­cians, accord­ing to the indict­ment, was infor­mal­ly called the Haps­burg Group, after the Aus­tro-Hun­gar­i­an dynasty, the Hab­s­burgs. . . .”
2.–Lee Har­vey Man­afort and the Hab­s­burg Group enlist­ed Alex van Der Zwaan, son-in-law of Ger­man Khan the (Kiev) Ukraine-born founder of Alfa Bank: ” . . . . Alex van der Zwaan was charged with lying to the FBI about his con­tacts with Rick Gates, who served as a top offi­cial on Pres­i­dent Trump’s cam­paign and a long­time busi­ness part­ner of for­mer cam­paign chair­man Paul Man­afort. Based in Lon­don, van der Zwaan worked for the law firm Skad­den, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, which worked with Man­afort and Gates when they served as polit­i­cal con­sul­tants in Ukraine. Van der Zwaan is the son-in-law of Ger­man Khan, a bil­lion­aire and an own­er of Alfa Group, Russia’s largest finan­cial and indus­tri­al invest­ment group. . . . Like the Man­afort and Gates charges, van der Zwaan’s case is root­ed in Ukraine, where Man­afort worked as an inter­na­tion­al polit­i­cal con­sul­tant start­ing in 2005. . . .”
3.–Members of the Hab­s­burg dynasty have been involved in the con­text in which Lee Har­vey Man­afort and the Hab­s­burg Group were oper­at­ing, in order to ease Ukraine into the West­ern, rather than the Russ­ian orbit. ” . . . . Georg von Hab­s­burg, the 32-year-old-grand­son of Emper­or karl I, to the posi­tion of Hungary’s ambas­sador for Euro­pean Inte­gra­tion. In neigh­bour­ing Aus­tria, the tra­di­tional heart of Hab­s­burg pow­er, Georg’s broth­er, Karl, 35, was recent­ly elect­ed to rep­re­sent the coun­try in the Euro­pean par­lia­ment. In addi­tion to this, he serves as the pres­i­dent of the Aus­trian branch of the Pan-Euro­pean move­ment. . . . .”
Jump­ing for­ward some 14 years from our pre­vi­ous arti­cle, we see that a Hab­s­burg princess was anoint­ed as Geor­gia’s ambas­sador to Ger­many. Note that [now for­mer] Geor­gian pres­i­dent Mikheil Saakashvili endorsed her. Saakashvili became, for a time, the gov­er­nor of the Ukrain­ian province of Odessa! Note, also, the role of the Hab­s­burgs in the final phase of the Cold War: “. . . . The heirs to the Hab­s­burg emper­ors helped speed the down­fall of the Sovi­et empire, par­tic­u­larly by arrang­ing the cross-bor­der exo­dus from Hun­gary to Aus­tria in the sum­mer of 1989 that punched the first big hole in the iron cur­tain. . . .”
Karl von Hab­s­burg has been active in Ukraine for some years before estab­lish­ing a radio sta­tion. Karl von Hab­s­burg is the head of the UNPO. Note the Ukrain­ian ori­en­ta­tion and influ­ence of Wil­helm von Hab­s­burg, in World War I through the World War II eras, as well as his anti-Sovi­et activism: ” . . . . A mil­i­tary offi­cer by train­ing, Wil­helm sup­ported Ukraine’s inde­pen­dence strug­gle dur­ing World War I. He fought with Ukrain­ian troops against the Rus­sians, and had schemed and cajoled a myr­iad of politi­cians to sup­port his monar­chial aspi­ra­tions. Almost until his death at the hands of the Sovi­ets in 1948 – he was snatched off the streets of Vien­na and trans­ported to a prison in Kyiv for work­ing as an agent against the Sovi­et Union – Wil­helm believed this slice of the family’s empire could be his. . . .”
4.–Fast-forwarding again some five years from our pre­vi­ous two arti­cles and one year after the Euro­Maid­an coup we see that actions speak loud­er than words, and Karl’s new Ukrain­ian radio sta­tion says a lot: “Since 20 Jan­u­ary, a tru­ly Euro­pean radio sta­tion [Note this–D.E.] is broad­cast­ing in Ukraine, its main spon­sor, Karl-Hab­s­burg Lothrin­gen, told EurAc­tiv in an exclu­sive inter­view . . . . Karl Hab­s­burg-Lothrin­gen is an Aus­trian politi­cian and head of the House of Hab­s­burg. Since 1986, he has served as Pres­i­dent of the Aus­trian branch of the Paneu­ro­pean Union. . . .”

As we not­ed, “Plan B” for Ukraine might be termed “Plan OUN/B.” Otto von Hab­s­burg formed the Euro­pean Free­dom Coun­cil with Jaroslav Stet­zko, the wartime head of the Ukrain­ian Nazi col­lab­o­ra­tionist gov­ern­ment that imple­ment­ed Third Reich eth­nic cleans­ing pro­grams in Ukraine. The EFC was close­ly aligned with the Anti-Bol­she­vik Bloc of Nations, head­ed by Stet­zko. The ABN, as we have seen in the past, is a re-nam­ing of the Com­mit­tee of Sub­ju­gat­ed Nations, a con­sor­tium of East­ern Euro­pean fas­cist groups formed by Hitler in 1943.”. . . . The Haps­burg monar­chy helped guide the lead­er­ship in their for­mer pos­ses­sions. The Free­dom Coun­cil was formed by Otto von Haps­burg and Jaroslav Stet­zko at a con­fer­ence in Munich on June 30-July 2 1967, as a coor­di­nat­ing body for orga­ni­za­tions fight­ing com­mu­nism in Europe. EMP H.R.H. Otto von Haps­burg was hon­orary chair­man of the Euro­pean Free­dom Coun­cil, based in Munich, dur­ing the 1980s and allied to the Anti-Bol­she­vik Bloc of Nations (ABN). . . .”

An impor­tant con­sid­er­a­tion in the con­text of his pro­gram is the career and posi­tion of Roman Zvarych. In addi­tion to being the spokesman for the Nazi Azov Bat­tal­ion, Zvarych was:

1.–Minister of Jus­tice under Vik­tor Yuschenko.
2.–Minister of Jus­tice under both Tymoshenko gov­ern­ments.
3.–An advis­er to Petro Poroshenko.
4.–In the 1980’s, the per­son­al sec­re­tary to Jaroslav Stet­zko, the wartime head of the Nazi col­lab­o­ra­tionist gov­ern­ment in Ukraine. Stet­zko imple­ment­ed Nazi eth­nic cleans­ing in Ukraine dur­ing World War II.

Pro­gram High­lights Include:

1.–Ukraine’s sus­pen­sion of coop­er­a­tion with the Mueller probe, in order to avoid endan­ger­ing Trump’s arm­ing of Ukraine.
2.–Manafort and the Hab­s­burg Group’s net­work­ing with Andrei Arte­menko, a Pravy Sek­tor affil­i­ate whose oper­a­tions with Felix Sater and Michael Cohen were described as part of a Russ­ian con­spir­a­cy but were, in fact, part of an anti-Russ­ian con­spir­a­cy. This is dis­cussed at length in FTR #967.
3.–Review of Felix Sater’s intel­li­gence back­ground. Sater is the point man for Trump’s deal­ings with Rus­sia. ” . . . . Sater report­ed back to intel­li­gence agen­cies on the results of coali­tion bomb­ings, kills on the bat­tle­field, the finan­cial net­works behind the 9/11 bombers and oth­er al-Qae­da mem­bers world­wide, and even the iden­ti­ty of a New Mex­i­co com­pa­ny believed to be laun­der­ing ter­ror funds in the US. . . .”

FTR #1004 Update on Ukrainian Fascism and a Possible Third World War

Sup­ple­ment­ing pre­vi­ous cov­er­age of the Ukrain­ian cri­sis, this broad­cast fur­ther explores the role of Nazi for­ma­tions and indi­vid­u­als in the secu­ri­ty ser­vices of that benight­ed coun­try. In addi­tion, the broad­cast high­lights devel­op­ments in Ukraine’s mil­i­tary indus­try and bur­geon­ing inter­na­tion­al secu­ri­ty alliances.

The Kiev city gov­ern­ment recent­ly gave C14 –Svo­bo­da’s para­mil­i­tary cadre lit­er­al­ly named after the white suprema­cist ’14 words’ slo­gan – the right to estab­lish a “munic­i­pal guard” to patrol the streets there. ” . . . . But con­nec­tions between law enforce­ment agen­cies and extrem­ists give Ukraine’s West­ern allies ample rea­son for con­cern. C14 and Kiev’s city gov­ern­ment recent­ly signed an agree­ment allow­ing C14 to estab­lish a ‘munic­i­pal guard’ to patrol the streets; three such mili­tia-run guard forces are already reg­is­tered in Kiev, and at least 21 oper­ate in oth­er cities. . . .”

The C14 police for­ma­tions have been crack­ing down on polit­i­cal activists, includ­ing LGBT and anti-war pro­po­nents.

It is not sur­pris­ing that C14 mili­tia mem­bers have used their office to attack and harass Roma, one of the “out” groups that have been the focus of social oppression/genocide from the Third Reich’s above-ground man­i­fes­ta­tion through the present resur­gence of fas­cism in Europe.

C14 and the munic­i­pal patrol duties they have been grant­ed in Kiev have pro­vid­ed a plat­form to attack the Roma, with the full sup­port of local author­i­ties ( includ­ing the police and the media.)   ” . . . . the police appear to see no need to take action and mere­ly state that they have received no com­plaints. It is also alarm­ing how many Ukrain­ian media (such as TSN, Chan­nel 5) have sim­ply report­ed this ‘raid’ effec­tive­ly in Mazur’s words, with­out con­sid­er­ing what threats must have been used to ‘per­suade’ around 15 fam­i­lies to leave their makeshift homes in such haste. If Mazur is telling the truth, then the mea­sures to remove the Roma fam­i­lies who had report­ed­ly come to Kyiv from Tran­scarpathia in search of work were the result of col­lab­o­ra­tion between C14 mem­bers of the so-called ‘Munic­i­pal Guard’ and the Holosiyiv Dis­trict Admin­is­tra­tion. . . .”

In addi­tion, the C14 cadre are:

1.-Apparently func­tion­ing as some­thing of a “freiko­rps,” serv­ing as puni­tive mus­cle for impor­tant donors from the pri­vate sec­tor. ” . . . . On 26 Feb­ru­ary 2018, C14 post­ed an adver­tise­ment on their Face­book page which quite open­ly offered their ser­vices as thugs to reg­u­lar donors. This said that ‘C14 works for you. Help us keep afloat, and we will help you. For reg­u­lar donors, we are open­ing a box for wish­es. Which of your ene­mies would you like to make life dif­fi­cult for? We’ll try to do that.’ . . .”

2.-Working in con­junc­tion with Nazis from the large Nazi milieux in Rus­sia and Belarus. ” . . . . On 19 Jan­u­ary 2018, C14 activists pre­vent­ed the tra­di­tion­al remem­brance gath­er­ing for Sev­astopol jour­nal­ist Anas­ta­sia Baburo­va and Russ­ian lawyer Stanislav Markelov, mur­dered in Moscow in 2009 by neo-Nazi Russ­ian nation­al­ists. The claim that those hon­our­ing the two slain anti-fas­cists were ‘sep­a­ratists’ was pre­pos­ter­ous, and Volodymyr Chemerys, one of the orga­niz­ers of the remem­brance event, asserts that they were con­front­ed not only by C14 thugs, but by Russ­ian and Belaru­sian neo-Nazis. . . .”

3.-Receiving tac­ti­cal, logis­ti­cal assis­tance from uni­formed police author­i­ties. ” . . . . They instead detained eight peo­ple who had come to hon­our Baburo­va and Markelov. The police involved lat­er tried to claim that there had been no deten­tion, and that the activists had been ‘invit­ed’ to the police sta­tion. There was no sug­ges­tion that the ‘invi­ta­tion’ could have been turned down. The detained activists report­ed lat­er that they had been ‘hunt­ed down’ by the far-right thugs after leav­ing the police sta­tion. A mem­ber of the Human Rights Infor­ma­tion Cen­tre who spoke with them believes that the thugs could have only dis­cov­ered which sta­tion the activists were being held in from the police them­selves. . . .”

The Nazi Azov Bat­tal­ion is also spawn­ing civ­il police for­ma­tions as well.

Ukrain­ian fas­cist orga­ni­za­tions have pow­er­ful polit­i­cal pro­tec­tion, because of the close rela­tion­ship between Inte­ri­or Min­is­ter Arsen Avakov (an impor­tant backer of the Azov Bat­tal­ion) and fig­ures like Azov leader Andriy Bilet­sky and Sergei Korotkykh, an Azov vet­er­an who is now a high-rank­ing police offi­cial.

Avakov’s Peo­ples’ Par­ty is the main part­ner in the par­lia­men­tary coali­tion led by Poroshenko’s Bloc. Should Petro Poroshenko decid­ed to chal­lenge Avakov and, as a result, the grow­ing role of these neo-Nazi mili­tias, his gov­ern­ing coali­tion might col­lapse.

” . . . . In an ide­al world, Pres­i­dent Petro Poroshenko would purge the police and the inte­ri­or min­istry of far-right sym­pa­thiz­ers, includ­ing Inte­ri­or Min­is­ter Arsen Avakov, who has close ties to Azov leader Andriy Bilet­sky, as well as Sergei Korotkykh, an Azov vet­er­an who is now a high-rank­ing police offi­cial. But Poroshenko would risk major reper­cus­sions if he did so; Avakov is his chief polit­i­cal rival, and the min­istry he runs con­trols the police, the Nation­al Guard and sev­er­al for­mer mili­tias. . . .”

” . . . . Avakov’s Peo­ples’ Par­ty sta­tus as the main part­ner in Ukraine’s par­lia­men­tary coali­tion increas­es Avakov’s lever­age over Poroshenko’s Bloc. An attempt to fire Avakov could imper­il Poroshenko’s slim leg­isla­tive major­i­ty, and lead to ear­ly par­lia­men­tary elec­tions. Giv­en Poroshenko’s cur­rent unpop­u­lar­i­ty, this is a sce­nario he will like­ly try to avoid. . . .”

For­mer Azov Bat­tal­ion com­man­der Vadim Troy­an was a point ele­ment in the assump­tion of police duties by Azov Bat­tal­ion and C14. He became act­ing head of the Nation­al Police after the res­ig­na­tion of Kha­tia Dekonoidze. ” . . . . Vadim Troy­an, who takes over as Act­ing Head, is not polit­i­cal­ly inde­pen­dent and there­fore unsuit­ed to the post.  Doubts about the for­mer Azov Bat­tal­ion commander’s suit­abil­i­ty for high police posts were first expressed after his appoint­ment as head of the Kyiv region­al police and they remain of con­cern. . . .”

Troy­an is now Arsen Avakov’s Deputy Inte­ri­or Min­is­ter. ” . . . . The Cab­i­net of Min­is­ters of Ukraine has appoint­ed the first Deputy Head of the Nation­al Police Vadym Troy­an as Deputy Min­is­ter of Inter­nal Affairs of Ukraine. . . . ”

The same smear machine that tar­get­ed for­mer Rep. John Conyer’s over his oppo­si­tion to arm­ing the neo-Nazi Azov bat­tal­ion is turn­ing its focus on Rep. Ro Khan­na (Demo­c­rat from Cal­i­for­nia) after Khan­na ensured that the ban on funds going to arm­ing or train­ing the Azov Bat­tal­ion remained in place in the con­gres­sion­al spend­ing bill that passed a cou­ple weeks ago. In a par­tic­u­lar­ly dis­gust­ing op-ed in The Hill, Kristofer Har­ri­son – a for­eign pol­i­cy advis­er to Sen. Ted Cruz’s pres­i­den­tial cam­paign and who also hap­pens to a co-founder of a com­pa­ny that spe­cial­izes in Russ­ian “infor­ma­tion war­fare,” with offices in Wash­ing­ton and Kyiv – declared that Khanna’s char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of the Azov Bat­tal­ion as neo-Nazi in nature is ridicu­lous and part of a big lie pushed by Putin.

OUN/B World War II Ukrain­ian prime min­is­ter Jaroslav Stet­zko and then Vice-Pres­i­dent George H.W. Bush

Roman Zvarych, Jaroslav Stet­zko’s sec­re­tary and Min­is­ter of Jus­tice under Vik­tor Yuschenko
We note again that Harrison–whom we have not­ed attacked John Cony­ers as “Putin’s Man in Congress”–relies on Roman Zvarych for his exon­er­a­tion of the Azov Bat­tal­ion. In addi­tion to being the spokesman for Azov, Zvarych was:

1.-Minister of Jus­tice under Vik­tor Yuschenko.
2.-Minister of Jus­tice under both Tymoshenko gov­ern­ments.
3.-An advis­er to Petro Poroshenko.
4.-In the 1980’s, the per­son­al sec­re­tary to Jaroslav Stet­zko, the wartime head of the Nazi col­lab­o­ra­tionist gov­ern­ment in Ukraine. Stet­zko imple­ment­ed Nazi eth­nic cleans­ing in Ukraine dur­ing World War II.

Next, we revis­it the issue of the sniper attacks dur­ing the Maid­an demon­stra­tions, cov­ered at length in FTR #‘s 982 and 993. In what appears to be a fac­tion fight in the Ukrain­ian fas­cist milieu, for­mer Ukrain­ian far-right folk hero Nadia Savchenko has echoed the charge that Svo­bo­da Par­ty’s par­lia­ment speak­er Andriy Paru­biy was involved with the sniper attacks dur­ing the Maid­an coup. Pushed on her charge, she equiv­o­cat­ed that it was a dif­fer­ent mem­ber of the Rada (Ukrain­ian par­lia­ment.)

In a devel­op­ment that could light a match to the Ukrainian/Russian tin­der­box, Ukraine is angling toward NATO membership.This is to be eval­u­at­ed against the back­ground that Ukraine has now test­ed a new cruise mis­sile and is employ­ing Tony Teth­er, the for­mer head of DARPA to aug­ment its weapons devel­op­ment pro­grams. DARPA is also direct­ly aid­ing Ukraine.

Among the nations most hos­pitable to the post-World War II OUN/B dias­po­ra is Cana­da, a NATO mem­ber.

In FTR #948, we not­ed that Canada’s For­eign Min­is­ter Chris­tia Free­land’s grand­fa­ther, Michael Cho­mi­ak was a Ukrain­ian Nazi col­lab­o­ra­tor. (“For­eign Min­is­ter” is the Cana­di­an equiv­a­lent of Sec­re­tary of State. Free­land describes her grand­fa­ther as a major influ­ence on her.) Now, four Russ­ian diplo­mats have been expelled from Cana­da for telling the truth about Cho­mi­ak and Free­land.)

In con­clu­sion, we note that the “Pro­pOrNot” group attacked Robert Par­ry after his death. (Mr. Emory inter­viewed Robert Par­ry a num­ber of times. Par­ry was one of the few jour­nal­ists in the U.S. will­ing to tell the truth about the OUN/B suc­ces­sor orga­ni­za­tions and their pro­found pres­ence in Ukraine.) In FTR #943, we not­ed the pres­ence of Pro­pOrNot in the OUN/B milieu.

FTR #993 Update on Ukraine (Preparations for WWIII?)

High­light­ing recent, alarm­ing aspects of the Ukraine cri­sis, the broad­cast under­scores how past and present may sig­nal the begin­ning of World War III in a man­ner not unlike how frac­tious events in the Balka­ns trig­gered the First World War.

With Ukraine now receiv­ing U.S. arms, includ­ing mod­i­fied stinger anti-air­craft mis­siles, the Nazi “pun­ish­er” bat­tal­ions in that coun­try’s East may be in a posi­tion to trig­ger one or more provo­ca­tions that could lead to con­flict between nuclear-armed Rus­sia, NATO and the U.S.

Since the Don­bass mili­tias have no air force, the stingers would appear to be deployed in the event of a wider, Ukraine/Russia war.

Nazi ele­ments active in the Maid­an coup spawned the Azov and oth­er “pun­ish­er” units. With more infor­ma­tion sur­fac­ing that indi­cates that the Maid­an sniper shoot­ings were a provo­ca­tion-derived event, the pos­si­bil­i­ty that Svo­bo­da and Pravy Sek­tor-linked ele­ments could dri­ve devel­op­ments in the Don­bass toward World War III is one that deserves more atten­tion than it will receive.

A fright­en­ing devel­op­ment, vir­tu­al­ly unre­port­ed in the U.S., con­cerns uni­lat­er­al moves by the Poroshenko gov­ern­ment to move away from the Min­sk peace plan and to rebrand the con­flict in East­ern Ukraine as “occu­pa­tion” by an “aggres­sor” Rus­sia.

This appears to pave the way for a wider, deep­er con­flict which could, ulti­mate­ly, draw in the U.S. and NATO: ” . . . . Accord­ing to [Dmitri] Kise­ly­ov, the new law, which awaits Poroshenko’s sig­na­ture, makes prepa­ra­tions for war and includes lan­guage indi­cat­ing a bel­li­cose new approach to the con­flict. The mis­sion in Don­bass is no longer described as an ‘anti-ter­ror­ist oper­a­tion.’ Rather, the mis­sion now is to send armed forces against ‘mil­i­tary for­ma­tions of the Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion’ in Don­bass.

Mil­i­tary head­quar­ters are estab­lished to coor­di­nate the oper­a­tion to be waged in Don­bass. While up until now the self-declared republics of Donet­sk and Lugan­sk were con­sid­ered under the Min­sk Accords as nego­ti­at­ing par­ties, now there are only ‘occu­pa­tion admin­is­tra­tions’ of the Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion on these ter­ri­to­ries, with Rus­sia iden­ti­fied as an ‘aggres­sor.’ . . . .”

The dan­ger of Poroshenko seek­ing to play the “war card” to dis­tract from Urkaine’s dire eco­nom­ic cir­cum­stances and his own failed gov­ern­ment are real. Con­flict with Rus­sia could also deflect from Trump’s and the GOP’s fail­ures at home: ” . . . . On the eco­nom­ic front, the Euro­pean Union has refused to extend 600 mil­lion euros of cred­it to Ukraine due to cor­rup­tion. The Inter­na­tion­al Mon­e­tary Fund recent­ly refused a tranche of $800 mil­lion over fail­ure to intro­duce reforms. Mean­while, in 2019 Ukraine is due to start repay­ing ear­li­er loans. This will come to $14 bil­lion a year, which amounts to half the state bud­get of Ukraine.

Due to dire eco­nom­ic con­di­tions, Poroshenko and oth­er gov­ern­ment offi­cials in Kiev have become deeply unpop­u­lar, and with dimin­ished chances for elec­toral suc­cess may see war as polit­i­cal­ly advan­ta­geous. . . .”

The Trump admin­is­tra­tion just approved the sale of sniper rifles and, more sig­nif­i­cant­ly, anti-tank Javelin mis­siles to Ukraine. This should be eval­u­at­ed against the back­ground of the recent moves by Kiev (increas­ing the dan­ger for an esca­lat­ed con­flict) as well as  the activ­i­ties of Kurt Volk­er, the “ex”-CIA offi­cer, NATO func­tionary, George W. Bush State Depart­ment offi­cial and Atlantic Coun­ci­cl Senior advi­sor serv­ing as the Trump admin­is­tra­tion’s point-man in Ukraine.

Might anti-air­craft mis­siles be next? As the arti­cle below notes, the Don­bass sep­a­ratists don’t actu­al­ly have an air force, so it would be a curi­ous deci­sion to start send­ing them anti-air­craft weapons. ” . . . . The pro­posed trans­fer — which also would include anti­air­craft arms that would be defined as defen­sive weapon­ry — comes as fight­ing between Ukrain­ian troops and Russ­ian-backed sep­a­ratists. . . . The util­i­ty of anti­air­craft weapon­ry, for exam­ple, is unclear, as the Russ­ian-backed rebel army has no air force. The war is fought along a line of trench­es that has not moved much since Feb­ru­ary 2015. . . .”

Accord­ing to a report back in June, the Pen­ta­gon recent­ly mod­i­fied shoul­der-fired stinger mis­siles to shoot small down drones that are dif­fi­cult for reg­u­lar Stinger mis­siles to hit. It’s not at all incon­ceiv­able that the anti-air­craft weapons the Pen­ta­gon and State Depart­ment have in mind are those Stinger mis­siles, mod­i­fied for the pur­pose of shoot­ing down sep­a­ratist drones.

Also keep in mind that the shoul­der-launched stringer mis­siles are among the weapons that ter­ror­ists would love to obtain and the Ukrain­ian troops get­ting trained on these sys­tems may include the neo-Nazis fight­ing in Ukraine’s army get­ting trained by US mil­i­tary advi­sors like the Azov batal­lion. ” . . . . The Amer­i­can train­ing at the Yavoriv base in west­ern Ukraine is focused on forg­ing a dis­ci­plined, pro­fes­sion­al mil­i­tary from the mix of vol­un­teer groups that first fought the Russ­ian incur­sion, rather than plac­ing bets on any high-tech weapons sys­tems. . . .”

When you read that, remem­ber that the “mix of vol­un­teers groups” includes neo-Nazis, includ­ing the Azov Bat­tal­ion.

In oth­er words, if Stinger mis­siles real­ly are part of the mil­i­tary pack­age, and just not yet announced, those lit­tle night­mares could eas­i­ly end up in neo-Nazi hands and the US mil­i­tary could even be the ones train­ing them on how to use them. We’ll see if that’s how it plays out, but we can’t rule it out.

The arms sales described above are being real­ized under the super­vi­sion of Trump’s new point man for Ukraine, “ex”-CIA, State Depart­ment and NATO func­tionary Kurt Volk­er. From Volk­er’s Wikipedia entry: ” . . . . Volk­er began his career in for­eign affairs as an ana­lyst at the Cen­tral Intel­li­gence Agency in 1986. . . . In July 2005, Volk­er became the Deputy Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of State for Euro­pean and Eurasian Affairs, serv­ing in that posi­tion until he was appoint­ed Unit­ed States Per­ma­nent Rep­re­sen­ta­tive to NATO in July 2008 by Pres­i­dent George W. Bush. . . . and a Senior Advi­sor at the Atlantic Coun­cil since Octo­ber 2009. . . . .”

We note that the arms sales to Ukraine effect­ed on Volk­er’s watch come after the removal of John Cony­ers (D‑MI), one of the most vocif­er­ous Con­gres­sion­al oppo­nents of arm­ing and train­ing the Azov Bat­tal­ion and sim­i­lar Nazi units.

Next, we take stock of how Cony­ers, “The Krem­lin’s Man in Con­gress,” was removed fol­low­ing a gam­bit by “Alt-Right” blog­ger, Trump ally and misog­y­nist Mike Cer­novich to finance the solic­i­ta­tion of pro­fes­sion­al­ly dam­ag­ing infor­ma­tion about polit­i­cal oppo­nents. “. . . . In Novem­ber, the Trump-back­ing social media agi­ta­tor Mike Cer­novich offered to pay $10,000.00 for details of any con­gres­sion­al sex­u­al harass­ment set­tle­ments, and said on Twit­ter that he would cov­er the expens­es of ‘any VICTIM of a Con­gress­man who wants to come for­ward to tell her sto­ry.’ Short­ly before post­ing that offer, a source pro­vid­ed Mr. Cer­novich with a copy of a sex­u­al harass­ment set­tle­ment that led in Decem­ber to the res­ig­na­tion of Rep­re­sen­ta­tive John Cony­ers Jr., Demo­c­rat of Michi­gan, until then the longest-serv­ing mem­ber of the House. . . .”

In FTR #981, we exam­ined the Ukrain­ian fas­cist foun­da­tion of much of the “Rus­sia-Gate” psy-op,” fol­low­ing that with detailed exam­i­na­tion of the pos­si­bil­i­ty that Paul Man­afort may have actu­al­ly been work­ing as a U.S./Western intel­li­gence asset or agent, delib­er­ate­ly pre­cip­i­tat­ing the Maid­an sniper fire that sound­ed the death knell for the Yanukovich regime.

This pro­gram updates the boil­ing sew­er that is Ukraine, uti­liz­ing infor­ma­tion from Ger­man For­eign Pol­i­cy (which feeds along the low­er right-hand page of this web­site.) We take note of sev­er­al key points:

1.–Corruption in Ukraine remains ram­pant and “rule by oli­garch” con­tin­ues unabat­ed under Poroshenko, an oli­garch him­self and the for­mer finance min­is­ter for Yanukovich.
2.–Supporters of Maid­an have been high­ly crit­i­cal of the con­tin­u­a­tion of this grotesque sta­tus quo.
3.–Among the per­pe­tra­tors of ongo­ing, insti­tu­tion­al­ized cor­rup­tion in Ukraine has been the son of Arsen Avakov, the inte­ri­or min­is­ter and a patron of the Nazi Azov Bat­tal­ion. ” . . . . Cor­rup­tion con­tin­ues at high lev­els. For exam­ple, the case of Inte­ri­or Min­is­ter Arsen Avakov’s son, who sold back­packs to the army at six times their nor­mal price, alleged­ly caus­ing dam­age in the six-dig­it euros. . . .”
4.–Investigation of Avakov, jr’s activ­i­ties has been [pre­dictably] inter­dict­ed. ” . . . .When the Nation­al Anti-Cor­rup­tion Bureau searched the man’s house, the Nation­al Guard, under the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the inte­ri­or min­is­ter inter­vened and halt­ed the search — under the pre­text of hav­ing to vacate the build­ing because of a bomb threat. . . .”
5.–The two arti­cle series sets forth greater detail on the sniper shoot­ings at the Maid­an, which look more and more to be a provo­ca­tion. ” . . . . In Feb­ru­ary 2016, Maid­an activist Ivan Bubenchik con­fessed that in the course of the mas­sacre, he had shot Ukrain­ian police offi­cers. Bubenchik con­firmed this in a film that had attract­ed inter­na­tion­al attention.[10] . . . .”
6.–An Ital­ian TV doc­u­men­tary alleges that eth­nic Geor­gian snipers were involved in the Maid­an shoot­ings, fur­ther indi­cat­ing that the Maid­an sniper shoot­ings were a pos­si­ble provo­ca­tion. (The doc­u­men­tary does come from a Berlus­coni-con­trolled out­let, how­ev­er it dove­tails cred­i­bly with oth­er avail­able infor­ma­tion. UNA-UNSO, the lat­est iter­a­tion of the UPA was very active in the cau­ca­sus and Chechens have been work­ing with Pravy Sek­tor and ele­ments asso­ci­at­ed with the Azov Bat­tal­ion. As dis­cussed in FTR #850, for­mer Geor­gian pres­i­dent Mikhail Saakashvili became the gov­er­nor of Odessa province and is very close to Ihor Kolo­moisky, anoth­er patron of the Azov Bat­tal­ion.) “In an Ital­ian TV doc­u­men­tary on the Feb­ru­ary 20, 2014 Maid­an mas­sacre, seri­ous accu­sa­tions were made against sev­er­al politi­cians in Ukraine. . . .  In the doc­u­men­tary, three Geor­gians, incrim­i­nat­ing them­selves for their own par­tic­i­pa­tion, report that some of the lead­ers of the protests, who are today mem­bers of Kiev’s par­lia­ment, had sup­plied weapons to the snipers, who, at the time, indis­crim­i­nate­ly killed police­men and demon­stra­tors. Offi­cial­ly, this mas­sacre is still being attrib­uted to Ukrain­ian repres­sive organs or to unspec­i­fied Rus­sians. The Geor­gians also report that the cur­rent speak­er of the par­lia­ment, Andriy Paru­biy, was often seen in the hotel, from where the snipers were fir­ing that day. As ‘Maid­an Commander,‘Parubiy had been in charge of con­trol­ling armed gangs on that square. The man, whose real role at the time remains unclear, was a guest at a con­fer­ence held by the Kon­rad Ade­nauer Foun­da­tion and a speak­er at NATO events. . . .”
7.–Parubiy was one of the main orga­niz­ers of the Orange Rev­o­lu­tion, which brought Vik­tor Yuschenko to pow­er and installed OUN/B deriv­a­tive orga­ni­za­tions in pow­er in Ukraine, sort of a “pre-Maid­an” Maid­an.” . . . .  Fol­low­ing his retire­ment from the par­ty, this expe­ri­enced protest activist became one of the main orga­niz­ers of the 2004 ‘Orange Rev­o­lu­tion.’  . . .”
8.–Andriy Paru­biy was the first defense min­is­ter of the Ukraine inter­im gov­ern­ment and a mem­ber of the OUN/B‑redux Svo­bo­da Par­ty. His role in the events dove­tails with the pos­si­ble par­tic­i­pa­tion of fas­cist and Nazi snipers who were to par­tic­i­pate in the Azov Bat­tal­ion. “. . . . The Geor­gians’ accu­sa­tions also impli­cate, at least indi­rect­ly, the ‘Com­man­der of the Maid­an,’ Andriy Paru­biy. Paru­biy comes from the Ukrain­ian fas­cist scene. In the ear­ly 1990s he was one of the founders of the extreme right-wing Social Nation­al Par­ty of Ukraine. Since 1996, he was the leader of its mil­i­tarist street fight­ing sub­sidiary ‘Patri­ot of Ukraine.’ Fol­low­ing his retire­ment from the par­ty, this expe­ri­enced protest activist became one of the main orga­niz­ers of the 2004 ‘Orange Rev­o­lu­tion.’ In 2013, he assumed the same func­tion at the Maid­an, where he was respon­si­ble for none oth­er than secu­ri­ty and the ‘self-defense units,’ which were often made up of heav­i­ly armed thugs. In the Ital­ian TV doc­u­men­tary, it was report­ed that Paru­biy was going in and out of Hotel Ukraina, from where numer­ous dead­ly shots were being fired. Paru­biy, claims that the hotel from which these shots were being fired — which was firm­ly under the Maid­an demon­stra­tors’ con­trol — had been tak­en over ‘by snipers who arrived from Rus­sia and who were con­trolled by Rus­sia.’ . . .”

We con­clude with anoth­er exam­ple of just what the con­tem­po­rary Ukrain­ian polit­i­cal estab­lish­ment is man­i­fest­ing. Ukraine’s offi­cial under­stand­ing of its own WWII his­to­ry and the Holo­caust had anoth­er man­i­fes­ta­tion of Orwellian his­tor­i­cal revi­sion­ism. This time it was by Poroshenko rein­forc­ing the Orwellian revi­sion. ” . . . . As we report­ed back in Octo­ber, Ukrain­ian media out­let Radio Svo­bo­da — the Ukrain­ian arm of the US Gov­ern­ment-fund­ed arm of RFERL — post­ed a pic­ture from the US Holo­caust Muse­um. It is an image of Pol­ish Jews being deport­ed to a death camp. There was just one prob­lem. Radio Svo­bo­da claimed the pic­ture was from 1949 of Ukraini­ans being deport­ed to Siberia. In fact, so effec­tive was Radio Svoboda’s forgery that Pres­i­dent Poroshenko him­self tweet­ed it claim­ing it showed Ukraini­ans being deport­ed. . . . Today it emerged that a major Ukrain­ian media out­let has struck again. In a Decem­ber 20th arti­cle about the hor­rors of the NKVD (Sovi­et fore­run­ner of the KGB), media out­let “Ukrin­form” also bor­rowed a pic­ture from the US Holo­caust Muse­um, this time of Ukrain­ian Aux­il­iary Police­men shoot­ing a Jew­ish child and moth­er — and fraud­u­lent­ly claimed it was actu­al­ly of the NKVD shoot­ing peo­ple. The cap­tion reads in trans­la­tion: ‘Atroc­i­ties of the Chekhists: the exe­cu­tion of a moth­er and child by the NKVD’. . . .”

Pro­gram High­lights Include:

1.–Review of the pos­si­ble role of Nazi hack­er, Glenn Green­wald asso­ciate and Ukraine res­i­dent Andrew “Weev” Aueren­heimer in the high-pro­file hacks: ” . . . . [Peter W.] Smith also reached out to ‘Guc­cifer 2.0’—an alias the U.S. intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty has linked to Russ­ian state hackers—and was advised to seek the help of a white nation­al­ist hack­er who lives in Ukraine. . . . [Pax] John­son said he also sug­gest­ed that Smith get in touch with Andrew Auern­heimer, a hack­er who goes by the alias “Weev” and has col­lab­o­rat­ed with John­son in the past. . . .” We note that Charles C. John­son, an asso­ciate of Mike Cer­novich, was involved with this maneu­ver.
2.–Review of Atlantic Coun­cil fel­low Dmitri Alper­ovitch (co-founder and chief tech­nol­o­gy offi­cer of Crowd­strike, the cyber-secu­ri­ty firm that led the charge to attribute the high-pro­file hacks to Rus­sia. Kurt Volk­er is also close­ly affil­i­at­ed with the Atlantic Coun­cil. ” . . . . Dmitri Alper­ovitch is also a senior fel­low at the Atlantic Coun­cil. . . . The con­nec­tion between [Crowd­strike co-founder and chief tech­nol­o­gy offi­cer Dmitri] Alper­ovitch and the Atlantic Coun­cil has gone large­ly unre­marked upon, but it is rel­e­vant giv­en that the Atlantic Council—which is is fund­ed in part by the US State Depart­ment, NATO, the gov­ern­ments of Latvia and Lithua­nia, the Ukrain­ian World Con­gress, and the Ukrain­ian oli­garch Vic­tor Pinchuk—has been among the loud­est voic­es call­ing for a new Cold War with Rus­sia. As I point­ed out in the pages of The Nation in Novem­ber, the Atlantic Coun­cil has spent the past sev­er­al years pro­duc­ing some of the most vir­u­lent spec­i­mens of the new Cold War pro­pa­gan­da. . . . ”

Update on Ukraine, Maidan Snipers

In FTR #982, we high­light­ed indi­ca­tions that the Maid­an sniper shoot­ings may have been a provo­ca­tion and that Paul Man­afort may have encour­aged the blood­shed. Among the per­pe­tra­tors of ongo­ing, insti­tu­tion­al­ized cor­rup­tion in Ukraine has been the son of Arsen Avakov, the inte­ri­or min­is­ter and a patron of the Nazi Azov Bat­tal­ion. ” . . . . Cor­rup­tion con­tin­ues at high lev­els. For exam­ple, the case of Inte­ri­or Min­is­ter Arsen Avakov’s son, who sold back­packs to the army at six times their nor­mal price, alleged­ly caus­ing dam­age in the six-dig­it euros. . . .” “In an Ital­ian TV doc­u­men­tary . . . . three Geor­gians, incrim­i­nat­ing them­selves for their own par­tic­i­pa­tion, report that some of the lead­ers of the protests . . . . had sup­plied weapons to the snipers, who, at the time, indis­crim­i­nate­ly killed police­men and demon­stra­tors. . . . The Geor­gians’ accu­sa­tions also impli­cate, at least indi­rect­ly, the ‘Com­man­der of the Maid­an,’ Andriy Paru­biy. Paru­biy comes from the Ukrain­ian fas­cist scene. In the ear­ly 1990s he was one of the founders of the extreme right-wing Social Nation­al Par­ty of Ukraine. Since 1996, he was the leader of its mil­i­tarist street fight­ing sub­sidiary ‘Patri­ot of Ukraine.’ Fol­low­ing his retire­ment from the par­ty, this expe­ri­enced protest activist became one of the main orga­niz­ers of the 2004 ‘Orange Rev­o­lu­tion.’ In 2013, he assumed the same func­tion at the Maid­an, where he was respon­si­ble for none oth­er than secu­ri­ty and the ‘self-defense units,’ which were often made up of heav­i­ly armed thugs. In the Ital­ian TV doc­u­men­tary, it was report­ed that Paru­biy was going in and out of Hotel Ukraina, from where numer­ous dead­ly shots were being fired. . . .”

FTR #967 Update on Ukrainian Fascism, the “Russia-Gate” Psy-Op and the Possibility of a Third World War

This pro­gram affords a vista on sev­er­al crit­i­cal polit­i­cal and nation­al secu­ri­ty land­scapes, includ­ing the use of nuclear pow­er plants as an eco­nom­ic weapon and sab­o­taged via phys­i­cal inter­dic­tion or cyber-inter­fer­ence.

After exam­in­ing a sup­posed “Russ­ian-med­dling” inci­dent which was actu­al­ly an ANTI-Russ­ian inci­dent to use Ukrain­ian nuclear pow­er plants to super­sede the old Sovi­et pow­er grid in for­mer republics of the U.S.S.R., we note the con­tin­ued dom­i­nance of the Ukrain­ian polit­i­cal land­scape by vir­u­lent fas­cists evolved from the World War II era OUN/B.

We con­clude with a ter­ri­fy­ing look at the pos­si­bil­i­ty that the sabotaging/hacking of nuclear pow­er plants could lead to a Third World War.

With the media and polit­i­cal estab­lish­ments turn­ing hand­springs over “Rus­sia-gate,” we exam­ine in detail one of the inci­dents promi­nent in the pre­sen­ta­tion of the sup­po­si­tion that “our democ­ra­cy” was manip­u­lat­ed by the Rus­sians.

In late Jan­u­ary, Trump point man for “mat­ters Russian”–CIA/FBI oper­a­tive Felix Sater, a long-time asso­ciate of his and Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen and a Ukrain­ian par­lia­men­tar­i­an named Andrii Arte­menko were propos­ing a cease-fire/­peace plan for Ukraine. This has been spun by our media as con­sti­tut­ing yet anoth­er of the “Rus­sia con­trols Trump” man­i­fes­ta­tions.

The facts, how­ev­er, reveal that this was not a “pro-Russ­ian” gam­bit but an ANTI-Russ­ian gam­bit! In addi­tion to the CIA/FBI affil­i­a­tion of Sater, it should be not­ed that Arte­menko was part of the Pravy Sek­tor milieu in Ukraine, one of the most vir­u­lent of the OUN/B suc­ces­sor orga­ni­za­tions in pow­er in that benight­ed nation.

Sater, Arte­menko and oth­ers were work­ing on a plan to reha­bil­i­tate Ukrain­ian nuclear pow­er plants in order to gen­er­ate elec­tric­i­ty for Ukraine and the Baltic states, free­ing those for­mer Sovi­et republics from their old Sovi­et elec­tri­cal pow­er grids. The aging Sovi­et grids are a remain­ing ele­ment for poten­tial Russ­ian influ­ence in these areas.

Andrii Arte­menko:

1.-” . . . is a pop­ulist politi­cian with ties to the far-right Ukrain­ian mil­i­tary-polit­i­cal group “Right Sec­tor” and a mem­ber of the pro-West­ern oppo­si­tion par­lia­men­tary coali­tion led by for­mer Prime Min­is­ter Yulia Tymoshenko’s par­ty. . . .. . . . Arte­menko, who is a staunch ally of Valen­tyn Naly­vaichenko, a for­mer head of Ukraine’s secu­ri­ty ser­vice with lofty polit­i­cal ambi­tions, has aligned him­self with oth­er West-lean­ing pop­ulists like Tymoshenko. . . .”
2.-” . . . . has a wife who is a mod­el, he served 2.5 years in prison with­out a tri­al, he has busi­ness in U.S and he is involved in the mil­i­tary trade to the war zones in the Mid­dle East. At home, he has close ties with the ultra-nation­al­is­tic Right Sec­tor. . . .”
3.-” . . . accord­ing to his pre­vi­ous e‑declaration in 2015, Arte­menko has a wife, mod­el Oksana Kuch­ma and four chil­dren, includ­ing two with U.S. cit­i­zen­ship — Edward Daniel, Amber Kather­ine. . . .”
4.-” . . . . found­ed sev­er­al com­pa­nies that pro­vid­ed mil­i­tary logis­tics ser­vices into the con­flict zones and trav­eled to Sau­di Ara­bia, Syr­ia, and Qatar for busi­ness trips. . . .”
5.-” . . . . is the deputy head of the Euro­pean Inte­gra­tion Com­mit­tee and respon­si­ble for diplo­mat­ic con­nec­tions with Sau­di Ara­bia, Qatar, Unit­ed States, Kuwait, Lithua­nia and Belarus. . . .”
6.-” . . . . joined the Right Sec­tor polit­i­cal par­ty and was rumored to be one of the spon­sors of its leader, Dmytro Yarosh, dur­ing his pres­i­den­tial elec­tion cam­paign in 2014. There is even a pho­to of Arte­menko, seat­ing among the Right Sec­tor Par­ty founders at the first par­ty meet­ing in March 2014. Right Sec­tor spokesper­son Artem Sko­ropad­sky told the Kyiv Post on Feb. 20 that he couldn’t con­firm or deny whether Arte­menko financed the Right Sec­tor Par­ty. . . .”

Any­thing but a “pro-Russ­ian” agent. Again, he was work­ing with Trump point man for mat­ters Russ­ian Felix Sater on this deal to pro­vide nuclear-gen­er­at­ed elec­tric­i­ty to some for­mer Sovi­et republics. Again, an anti-Russ­ian plot, NOT a pro-Russ­ian plot!

Next, we note that June 30th has been estab­lished as a com­mem­o­ra­tive cel­e­bra­tion in Lvov [Lviv]. It was on June 30, 1941, when the OUN‑B announced an inde­pen­dent Ukrain­ian state in the city of Lviv. That same day marked the start of the Lviv Pograms that led to the death of thou­sands of Jews.

The hol­i­day cel­e­brates Roman Shukhevych, com­man­der of the Nachti­gall Bat­tal­ion that car­ried out the mass killings. The city of Lviv is start­ing “Shukhevy­ch­fest” to be held in Lviv on June 30th, com­mem­o­rat­ing the pogrom. Shukhevy­ch’s birth­day. Shukhevych was named a “Hero of the Ukraine” by Vik­tor Yuschenko.

In past posts and pro­grams, we have dis­cussed Volodomir Vya­tro­vich, head of the Orwellian Insti­tute of Nation­al Remem­brance. He defend­ed Shukhevych and the pub­lic dis­play­ing of the sym­bol of the Gali­cian Divi­sion (14th Waf­fen SS Divi­sion.)

Return­ing to Sater col­lab­o­ra­tor Andrii Arte­menko, we note that he is part of push by Pravy Sek­tor and oth­er OUN/B suc­ces­sor orga­ni­za­tions in Ukraine to oust Poroshenko.

A major, ter­ri­fy­ing part of the pro­gram focus­es on nuclear pow­er plants, the phys­i­cal and/or cyber sab­o­tag­ing of those plants and the pos­si­bil­i­ty that this could lead to a Third World War. Against the back­ground of the drum­beat of anti-Russ­ian pro­pa­gan­da to which we are being sub­ject­ed, the charge that “Russ­ian hack­ers” attempt­ed to gain access to U.S. nuclear pow­er plants using a spearfish­ing attack is to be viewed with alarm.

“. . . . The Wash­ing­ton Post report­ed Sat­ur­day that U.S. gov­ern­ment offi­cials have already pinned the recent nuclear cyber intru­sions on Rus­sia. . . . Ana­lysts remain quick to tamp down asser­tions that Russia’s fin­ger­print on the lat­est attack is a sure thing. . . . Still, it’s a pret­ty alarm­ing sit­u­a­tion regard­less of who was behind it, in part because it’s an exam­ple of how poten­tial­ly vul­ner­a­ble things like nuclear plants are to any hack­er, state-backed or not: . . . . Still, the source said a well-resourced attack­er could try sneak­ing in thumb dri­ves, plant­i­ng an insid­er or even land­ing a drone equipped with wire­less attack tech­nol­o­gy into a nuclear gen­er­a­tion site. Reports indi­cate that the infa­mous Stuxnet worm, which dam­aged Iran­ian nuclear cen­trifuges in the late 2000s, prob­a­bly snuck in on remov­able media. Once inside the “air gapped” tar­get net­work, Stuxnet relied on its own hard-cod­ed instruc­tions, rather than any remote com­mands sent in through the inter­net, to cause cost­ly and sen­si­tive nuclear equip­ment to spin out of con­trol. . . .”

The above-excerpt­ed sto­ry should be viewed against the back­ground of a fright­en­ing devel­op­ment in Flori­da. Devon Arthurs – a neo-Nazi-turned-Muslim–murdered two of his neo-Nazi room­mates back in May. Nation­al Guard sol­dier Bran­don Rus­sell – Arthurs’s sur­viv­ing third room­mate, was found with bomb-mak­ing mate­ri­als, radioac­tive sub­stances and a framed pic­ture of Tim­o­thy McVeigh after police searched their res­i­dence.


1.-Planned to sab­o­tage a nuclear pow­er plant. ” . . . . He said Rus­sell stud­ied how to build nuclear weapons in school and is ‘some­body that lit­er­al­ly has knowl­edge of how to build a nuclear bomb.’ . . . He also said they had a plan to fire mor­tars loaded with nuclear mate­r­i­al into the cool­ing units of a nuclear pow­er plant near Mia­mi. He said the dam­age would cause ‘a mas­sive reac­tor fail­ure’ and spread ‘irra­di­at­ed water’ through­out the ocean. . . .”
2.-Belonged to a Nazi group called “Atom­waf­fen.” ” . . . The FBI said Rus­sell “admit­ted to his neo-Nazi beliefs” and said he was a mem­ber of a group called Atom­waf­fen, which is Ger­man for ‘atom­ic weapon.’ . . .”
3.-Was in the Nation­al Guard. Recall that, in the Nazi tract Ser­pen­t’s Walk, the Under­ground Reich gains con­trol of the opin­ion-form­ing media, infil­trates the U.S. mil­i­tary and takes over the coun­try after it is dev­as­tat­ed by a series of ter­ror­ist inci­dents involv­ing Russ­ian WMDs. The stage is set for a Nazi flase flag oper­a­tion that could be blamed on Rus­sia.

Rus­sell, and the rest of Atom­waf­fen, received a wring­ing endorse­ment from bril­liant Nazi hack­er Andrew Aueren­heimer. Auern­heimer is a skilled hack­er who may very well have the abil­i­ty to trig­ger a nuclear melt down some­day. Writ­ing of the mur­der of Rus­sel­l’s room­mates Auern­heimer, the two killed room­mates were “friends of friends” and the “Atom­waf­fen are a bunch of good dudes. They’ve post­ed tons of fliers with absolute­ly killer graph­ics at tons of uni­ver­si­ties over the years. They gen­er­al­ly have a lot of fun and par­ty.”

The point, here, is that Aueren­heimer is part of the Nazi milieu that was look­ing to sab­o­tage a nuclear pow­er plant. With our media hyp­ing “Russ­ian hack­ing,” includ­ing the sup­posed attempt to hack U.S. nuclear pow­er plants, the pro­pa­gan­da stage is set for some­one with Aueren­heimer’s for­mi­da­ble com­put­er skills to sab­o­tage a nuke plant, there­by [very pos­si­bly] start­ing World War III.

This post con­cludes with a detailed arti­cle referred to briefly at the end of the broad­cast. It delves into the tech­ni­cal­ly com­pli­cat­ed dis­cus­sion about the high-pro­file hacks.

Against the back­ground of the reports of Russ­ian hack­ing of U.S. nuclear pow­er plants, the “Atom­waf­fen” link to Ukraine-based Andrew Aueren­heimer, writer Jef­frey Car­r’s reflec­tions are to be weighed very seri­ous­ly:

” . . . . Here’s my night­mare. Every time a claim of attri­bu­tion is made—right or wrong—it becomes part of a per­ma­nent record; an un-ver­i­fi­able prove­nance that is built upon by the next secu­ri­ty researcher or start­up who wants to grab a head­line, and by the one after him, and the one after her. The most sen­sa­tion­al of those claims are almost assured of inter­na­tion­al media atten­tion, and if they align with U.S. pol­i­cy inter­ests, they rapid­ly move from unver­i­fied the­o­ry to fact.

Because each head­line is informed by a report, and because indi­ca­tors of com­pro­mise and oth­er tech­ni­cal details are shared between ven­dors world­wide, any State or non-State actor in the world will soon have the abil­i­ty to imi­tate an APT group with State attri­bu­tion, launch an attack against anoth­er State, and gen­er­ate suf­fi­cient harm­ful effects to trig­ger an inter­na­tion­al inci­dent. All because some com­mer­cial cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­nies are com­pelled to chase head­lines with sen­sa­tion­al claims of attri­bu­tion that can­not be ver­i­fied. . . .”

Pro­gram High­lights Include: The CIA/State Depart­ment back­ground of Kurt Volk­er (nice Anglo-Sax­on name, that), Trump’s envoy to Ukraine and an advo­cate of sell­ing weapon­ry to that benight­ed state; Andrii Arte­menko and Felix Sater’s would-be asso­ciate in the Ukrain­ian nuclear pow­er plant scheme, Robert Armao; Armao’s links to Nel­son Rock­e­feller, Marc Rich and Francesco Pazien­za (a fig­ure in the inves­ti­ga­tions into P‑2, the shoot­ing of Pope John Paul I and the col­lapse of the Ban­co Ambrosiano); Review of James Comey’s role in inves­ti­gat­ing Bill Clin­ton’s par­don of Marc Rich; review of the revival of the FBI’s Twit­ter account and its dis­sem­i­na­tion of Marc Rich mate­r­i­al on the eve of the elec­tion; review of Felix Sater’s CIA/FBI back­ground; Aueren­heimer’s obses­sion with Tim­o­thy McVeigh; Bran­don Rus­sel­l’s fas­ci­na­tion with Tim­o­thy McVeigh..

FTR #916 Update on Fascism in Ukraine

Con­tin­u­ing cov­er­age of the re-emer­gence of fas­cism in Ukraine, this pro­gram high­lights the Orwellian aspects of gov­er­nance in Ukraine and the cov­er­age of events there by the world’s media.

Ukraine recent­ly held a nation-wide minute of silence for Symon Petliu­ra (as with oth­er Ukrain­ian names, the spelling of his name is sub­ject to vary­ing translit­er­a­tion.) In the imme­di­ate post-World War I peri­od, Petli­u­ra’s armies butchered some 50,000 Jews. Also stun­ning, though pre­dictable under the cir­cum­stances, is the Poroshenko gov­ern­men­t’s renam­ing of streets for Nazi col­lab­o­ra­tors Stephan Ban­dera and Roman Shukhevych. This has received scant, and alto­geth­er slant­ed cov­er­age in the West, with Ban­der­a’s well-doc­u­ment­ed alliance with Hitler being nuanced as “Krem­lin pro­pa­gan­da.” It is now ille­gal in Ukraine to crit­i­cize Ban­dera, Shukhevych, the OUN/B or its mil­i­tary arm the UPA as hav­ing col­lab­o­rat­ed with the Nazis.

The insti­tu­tion­al­ized mask­ing of the true nature of the Ukrain­ian gov­ern­ment con­tin­ues apace, with U.N. observers barred from inves­ti­gat­ing tor­ture by gov­ern­ment forces in the civ­il war that sim­mers in the East, the brand­ing of reporters cov­er­ing the war as “ter­ror­ists” and the pub­li­ca­tion of their address­es by a pro-gov­ern­ment web­site, and the pub­li­ca­tion by “The New York Times” of an appar­ent­ly fraud­u­lent claim of Russ­ian mask­ing of the pres­ence of Buk mis­siles in East­ern Ukraine.

Exem­pli­fy­ing the cov­er-up of the fas­cist nature of Ukraine is a piece from “The Huff­in­g­ton Post” that dis­miss­es the ver­i­fi­able Nazi nature of the Azov bat­tal­ion as–once again–Kremlin pro­pa­gan­da. The source for the dis­in­for­ma­tion about Azov is Roman Zvarych, the for­mer per­son­al sec­re­tary to Jaroslav Stet­sko, the head of Ukraine’s World War II col­lab­o­ra­tionist gov­ern­ment.

Pro­gram High­lights Include: the Dutch intel­li­gence ser­vice’s dis­clo­sure that only the Ukrain­ian army had mis­siles capa­ble of down­ing Malaysian Air­lines Flight MH-17; the use of the “pun­ish­er bat­tal­ions” (such as Azov) by the Ukrain­ian gov­ern­ment to cir­cum­vent Min­sk II; the taint­ing of evi­dence in the inves­ti­ga­tion of the down­ing of MH-17 by the cor­rupt nature of the SBU (Ukrain­ian intel­li­gence); the traf­fick­ing in stolen art by Valen­tyn Naly­vaichenko, the for­mer head of the SBU.

New Book about Stephan Bandera Tells It Like It Is

A new book was just pub­lished exam­in­ing the life of Stepan Ban­dera, the Ukrain­ian fas­cist and Third Reich ally whose polit­i­cal heirs ascend­ed to pow­er in Ukraine through the Maid­an coup. We have repeat­ed­ly made the point that the dimen­sions of offi­cial lying in the West were of tru­ly Orwellian proportions–documented World War II his­to­ry was being dis­missed as “Russ­ian pro­pa­gan­da” or “Krem­lin pro­pa­gan­da.” ” . . . But thanks to Grze­gorz Rossolinski-Liebe’s Stepan Ban­dera: The Life and After­life of a Ukrain­ian Nation­al­ist, it now seems clear: those ter­ri­ble Rus­sians were right.” All of the con­tents of this web­site as of 12/19/2014–Dave Emory’s 35+ years of research and broadcasting–as well as hours of video­taped lec­tures are avail­able on a 32GB flash dri­ve. Dave offers his pro­grams and arti­cles for free–your sup­port is very much appre­ci­at­ed.

FTR #860 Walkin’ the Snake in Ukraine, Part 7 (All’s Well That’s Orwell, Part 3)

In a recent appear­ance before a Jew­ish audi­ence (while drum­ming up sup­port for the Iran nuclear deal), Pres­i­dent Oba­ma not­ed that Iran was a coun­try that denied the Holo­caust. Oba­ma’s remarks were deeply iron­ic in light of the fact that the OUN/B redux gov­ern­ment in pow­er in Ukraine (with Amer­i­can mil­i­tary, polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic sup­port) con­tin­ues to man­i­fest a pro­found Holo­caust revi­sion­ism. Polit­i­cal and mil­i­tary allies of the Third Reich, the OUN/B under Stephan Ban­dera and Jaroslav Stet­sko imple­ment­ed eth­nic cleans­ing mas­sacres against Jews, Poles, Rus­sians Roma and oth­er “polit­i­cal unde­sir­ables” dur­ing the Sec­ond World War. Nur­tured with­in ele­ments of West­ern intel­li­gence and incor­po­rat­ed into the Repub­li­can Par­ty after World War II, the OUN/B were pro­ject­ed back into Ukraine fol­low­ing the breakup of the U.S.S.R. Imple­ment­ing a law crim­i­nal­iz­ing crit­i­cism of the OUN/B and its mil­i­tary wing the UPA, the Ukrain­ian regime is insti­tu­tion­al­iz­ing a fun­da­men­tal per­ver­sion of that region’s his­to­ry dur­ing World War II. The Ukrain­ian per­spec­tive is being echoed in West­ern media and polit­i­cal pro­nounce­ments. Pro­gram High­lights Include: the Nazi Azov Bat­tal­ion’s devel­op­ment of a youth wing; the white­wash­ing of the mur­der­ous career of Symon Petliu­ra, a Ukrain­ian pogromist and antecedent of the OUN/B; the role of OUN/B oper­a­tive Volodomyr Via­tro­vych in imple­ment­ing Ukraine’s his­tor­i­cal revi­sion­ism; con­tin­ued cov­er-up of the facts con­cern­ing the shoot­down of Malaysian Air­lines flight MH-17; review of “Yuschenkoism”–Viktor Yuschenko’s revi­sion­ist poli­cies that set the stage for Poroshenko’s per­pet­u­a­tion of those poli­cies; review of Ukrain­ian pres­i­dents Yuschenko and Poroshenko hon­or­ing the OUN/B exe­cu­tion­ers at Babi Yar; Symon Pet­lyu­ra’s abortive alliance with Vladimir Jabotin­sky, which has been used to deny Petli­u­ra’s anti-Semi­tism.

FTR #826 Bringing It All Back Home, Ukrainian Style, Part 2

In FTR #824, we not­ed the deci­sive role played by the Ukrain­ian dias­po­ra in the events unfold­ing in East­ern Europe. Petro Poroshenko is imple­ment­ing a legal gam­bit to per­mit for­eign nation­als to assume cab­i­net posi­tions in his new gov­ern­ment. In par­tic­u­lar, Poroshenko expressed the desire to incor­po­rate cit­i­zens of the U.S., Geor­gia and Lithua­nia in Ukraine’s gov­ern­ment. In short order, Ukrainian/American State Depart­ment Offi­cer Natal­ie Jaresko, Lithuan­ian-born U.S. cit­i­zen Air­vas Abramovi­cius and Geor­gian Alek­san­dre Kvi­tashvili assumed the posts of finance min­is­ter, eco­nom­ic and devel­op­ment and trade min­is­ter and health min­is­ter respec­tive­ly. All three were edu­cat­ed in the Unit­ed States. Jaresko is a for­mer State Depart­ment offi­cer with close links to the US Agency for Inter­na­tion­al Devel­op­ment. The appoint­ments come as Ukraine is close to default­ing on a $17bn IMF loan and mem­bers of Ukraine’s fas­cist vol­un­teer bat­tal­ions are lob­by­ing Con­gress for mil­i­tary aid. Poroshenko is also grant­i­ng cit­i­zen­ship to for­eign-born neo-Nazis, as well as insti­tut­ing an infor­ma­tion min­istry that crit­ics have com­pared to The Min­istry of Truth from George Orwell’s 1984.